Harry Reid complains about evil GOP blocking funding for a DIRE cause!!


Mar 4, 2011
Can you believe the GALL of these nasty, evil Republicans attempting to block funding for something THIS dire to the nation??

A Cowboy Poetry Festival!!! For the love of all that's sacred!!!

You just can't make this stuff up....

Just a reminder, the Obama-Reid deficit will reach a record $1.65 trillion this year.
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Reid should just shut up and nod his head when republicans want to do something. He and his party had an entire year to come up with a budget and didn't do it. They should have finished it 6 months ago.
Did you hear what the crazy loon said. "If it had not been for the cowboy poetry festival tens of thousands of people would not exist."

What? Did they fuck like rabbits?
Can you believe the GALL of these nasty, evil Republicans attempting to block funding for something THIS dire to the nation??

A Cowboy Poetry Festival!!! For the love of all that's sacred!!!

You just can't make this stuff up....


Just a reminder, the Obama-Reid deficit will reach a record $1.65 trillion this year.


If we kill off the NEH 10s of thousands of people will cease to exist?!?! How stupid is this man?
Reid hasn't stopped whining for over four years. Even when democrats were in the majority he complained about republicans. The guy is pathetic.
But cut that military... :rolleyes: ... LOL

There is room for military cuts, if done smartly. But instead they are talking about taking away from retirees. And I don't mean future retirees but those who are already on a fixed income. I suppose we should be used to it by now......
Thank you Nevada Republicans for giving the nation six more years of this dipshit.
We NEED Harry Reid to offer some comedic relief to government.

He's always worth a few laughs.
He truly does get a wtf? reaction from me every time he says something. I think he's losing his mind because it is getting worse.
Wait for TM to come in here with a poll showing most Americas agree "Republicans support repealing people’s existence if they like poetry."

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