Harry Reid in the hospital

Harry Reid has done more harm to the Senate and the U.S. than anyone else in history. I dont wish death on anyone. But he needs to go from the Senate.

Indeed- I heard he is in need of the 'Richard Gere' procedure

Just sayin

Let's all pray that his condition is terminal.

-- christians --

They're scum and proud of it.

YEA anyone that wishes Reid to be terminal is just as bad as those that wished Bush would be assassinated (Made a movie about it!!)
or wished Cheney's heart failed.

Anyone that would wish that on anyone even as onerous and destructive (I remember..In a July 2012 interview with The Huffington Post, Reid said a Bain Capital investor had told him that the former Massachusetts governor "didn't pay any taxes for 10 years." thought it wasn't true!) is just stupid as those that wished GWB be assassinated!

I don't agree. Death for some people is the best thing that could happen for the sake of the human race. Certainly, no one mourned when Gaddafi was killed. Reid is no better than Gaddafi in my book. In some ways he is worse.
However, I will jump for joy when he dies a natural death, and then I will fly to Las Vegas to piss on his grave.

My point exactly. All you're doing is helping the Democrats' flowers grow.

I get a kick out of you pretending to be a Republican. All I've seen you do since you joined this forum is attack other Republicans.

I am non discriminatory. Anyone says something stupid, I will call them out on it. Especially if they claim to be a Republican. We don't need stupid and foolish ideas representing my party. That just makes the Democrats stronger. In the mean time, you should open your eyes and take note of all times I've already dressed down liberals on this board for their positions too.
However, I will jump for joy when he dies a natural death, and then I will fly to Las Vegas to piss on his grave.

My point exactly. All you're doing is helping the Democrats' flowers grow.

I get a kick out of you pretending to be a Republican. All I've seen you do since you joined this forum is attack other Republicans.

I am non discriminatory. Anyone says something stupid, I will call them out on it. Especially if they claim to be a Republican. We don't need stupid and foolish ideas representing my party. That just makes the Democrats stronger. In the mean time, you should open your eyes and take note of all times I've already dressed down liberals on this board for their positions too.

When you get to hell, don't be surprised.
As a Christian and a Republican, I do not wish Reid dead! I wish he would resign. Otherwise, when he becomes Minority Leader after the next election, it might be preferable and fun to listen to him whine to no avail.
Let's all pray that his condition is terminal.

And this is why we need to get the Tea Party loons out of the GOP. You guys are extremist idiots. I may not like Reid's politics, but I am not going to sit here and wish death on him.

Oh, please.

I can't tell you how many libs I know who stored a bottle of bubbly waiting for day Ronald Reagan passed....long after he was no longer in politics.

Not saying that is most libs.....there are boneheads on both sides.

Me, I can't wish Harry away for the sake of his family. However, it would be great if there were something that would force him to retire.
When the bulletin came across Fox my wife actually began screaming "Dear God! Make him die!" I would have preferred a Samurai Warrior with sword.

"Happy plaque embolus day, Harry" May the ER crew mistakenly slather your chest with nitropaste and be out of stock on acetylcholine injection when they notice your heart rate going to 22bpm.

There definitely is a God.

More RW happy talk.
I was hospitalized near death with meningitis about 25 years ago. I don't wish that kind of misery on anyone.

If you were a Leftie, some of those very posters might be wishing death on you, Gramps.

And my wife has had meningitis....it is a sucky thing to have....especially if they move you right after a spinal tap...she said that was the worst.
I can't tell you how many libs I know who stored a bottle of bubbly waiting for day Ronald Reagan passed....long after he was no longer in politics.

So that makes it acceptable?

there are boneheads on both sides.

As a Republican, I am most interested in setting straight boneheads on the right, to minimize their effect on the party. I like to let the boneheads on the left self destruct.

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