Harry Reid not a worthy Mormon? LDS Church, Dems cry foul

There is no list now because almost all of the TPM and its power is no longer in Congress.

Sux to be the fangless far right.

As usual Fakey is full of shit!

Tea party gains in Tuesday's election

John Ratcliffe (TX-4) - Shot down incumbent Ralph Hall in the Republican primary. Ran unopposed.
Dave Brat (VA-7) - Astonishingly demolished incumbent house majority leader Eric Cantor in arguably the cycle's biggest upset. Won the general.
Tom Emmer (MN-6) - Succeeding Bachmann, Emmer has a solid fiery conservative record. He won easily.
Jody Hice (GA-10) - Succeeding Broun, this guy is infuriating Democrats who are calling him 'the most evil republican of 2014!'... so you know he's solid gold! Easily won in the deep red district and has said he won’t vote for Boehner.
Barry Loudermilk (GA-11) - Succeeding Gingrey, Loudermilk is actually more conservative than his predecessor, endorsed by SCF, ran unopposed and won't vote for Boehner.
Mia Love (UT-4) - Early Tea Party favorite, after much struggle, she is IN!
Alex Mooney (WV-2) - Solid conservative wins the seat previously held by moderate now-Republican-senator Shelly Moore Capito in a walk.
David Rouzer (NC-7) - Been waiting to come to congress for a while, this was his year. Replaced retiring blue dog Democrat Mike McIntyre.
Ken Buck (CO-4) - Likely to be a little more conservative than now-Republican-senator Cory Gardner, former 2010 senate candidate is now a congressman.
Barbara Comstock (VA-10) - A Mark Levin pick for congress, she won easily the seat of retired RINO Frank Wolf.
Bruce Poliquinn (ME-2) - A very conservative candidate who won the primary in an upset. Establishment thought he'd lose. He didn't.
Cresent Hardy (NV-4) - Conservative state assemblyman. He beat Democrat Steven Horseford in an upset. Democrats already griping that he's a radical.
Mike Bost (IL-12) - Dubbed Meltdown Mike for his explosive defenses of the 2nd Amendment on the floor of the state house, he is going to be giving as much hell to the democrats and RINOs as Steve Stockman did.
Rick Allen (GA-12) – Finally laid to rest hard-to-hit Democrat John Barrow, the last white Democrat in the deep south. Tea endorsed.
Gary Palmer (AL-6) - Seizing the seat held by retiring RINO Spencer Bachus is a solid Alabama conservative.
French Hill (AR-2) – Retiring representative Tim Griffin had a pathetic conservative rating of 52%. Hill was Tea Party endorsed and won a narrow race against the rat.
Lt. Col. Steve Russell (OK-5) – Replacing Boehner acolyte James Lankford who won the senate race for the seat of retiring Tom Coburn, Russell will be much more likely to buck the establishment.
John Moolenaar (MI-4) – Replacing retiring Dave Camp, who scored a pathetic 50% with Heritage, Moolenaar has a solid record behind him and was Tea endorsed.
Glenn Grothman (WI-6) – Retiring Tom Petri was a little too cozy with the establishment. Grothman is a hair on fire conservative who the dems absolutely despise and he just won by over ten points.
Johnny Tacherra (CA-16)??? - Seems on course to unseat Democrat incumbent Jim Costa in an upset nobody saw coming. He comes out of the Tim Donnelly school of California right wing thought. This one is NOT yet secure, and Costa will likely try to steal it with provisionals.
Well, that means the Tea Party 'radical' wing of the Republican Party lost 6 and gained 20 (from both Democrat and Republican seats), for a net total of 14 pickups for the Tea Party in the house. This more than makes up for disappointing defeats we suffered in 2012 as well with the loss of Chip Cravaack, Nan Hayworth, Joe Walsh, and Allen West from the House.
Now, it is true that overall, the Republicans picked up a likely 17 seats formerly held by Democrats (some in very blue states), and so this dilutes it a little, but it seems like a wash to me.
Rumors that Boehner now has enough 'spare' votes to ignore his Tea caucus are false. He's in exactly the same position he was in before, perhaps even moreso a hostage as he did lose a couple of moderates himself (Bachus, Hall, Wolf). Boehner cannot just ignore his right flank regardless of what Bob Beckel thinks, and amnesty is going to be murder with the tide against illegals considerably bolstered. It’s also a fact that certain moderate Republicans won’t be as Boehner-friendly this time around, like Michael Grimm of New York who had the plug viciously pulled on him by the establishment and won his seat anyway.

I hope this provides some encouragement. The Tea Party is ALIVE AND WELL. The media will focus on our defeats, but really, under the surface, there was no big establishment victory here. They won big battles, but they are still losing the war.
So there was no list and no gain,

Thank you. The far right TPM continues as a failure with 14 total now from so many losses in 2012 and the primaries this year.
The article's sources are 2009 to 2012. I am asking ab out last Tuesday's election and who of the TPM is in Congress.
The article's sources are 2009 to 2012. I am asking ab out last Tuesday's election and who of the TPM is in Congress.

So go check each member and see if they are still there! Not hard for a fucking genius like you to do... let us know ...TOMORROW!
The article's sources are 2009 to 2012. I am asking ab out last Tuesday's election and who of the TPM is in Congress.

So go check each member and see if they are still there! Not hard for a fucking genius like you to do... let us know ...TOMORROW!

Your own straw man is fluffing you, vigilante.

Your argument, your list. The TPM in fact is almost powerless in Congress, which in the new term will manifest itself mightily.
The article's sources are 2009 to 2012. I am asking ab out last Tuesday's election and who of the TPM is in Congress.

So go check each member and see if they are still there! Not hard for a fucking genius like you to do... let us know ...TOMORROW!

Your own straw man is fluffing you, vigilante.

Your argument, your list. The TPM in fact is almost powerless in Congress, which in the new term will manifest itself mightily.

And your link to that supposed fact?
The article's sources are 2009 to 2012. I am asking ab out last Tuesday's election and who of the TPM is in Congress.

So go check each member and see if they are still there! Not hard for a fucking genius like you to do... let us know ...TOMORROW!

Your own straw man is fluffing you, vigilante.

Your argument, your list. The TPM in fact is almost powerless in Congress, which in the new term will manifest itself mightily.

And your link to that supposed fact?

Don't hold your breath.
That's what I thought.

They have no list for now at all.

A wiki list from 2012 does not prove anything at all about now.

I can do this all night.
Neither Listening nor TPM will provide a list of those TPM in Congress.


Already provided the link Jakey.

Another lie on your part.

Butthurt to the max for the gay blade that says he's a member of the GOP who can't stand that Mitch McConnel won't be in power much longer.

And also wants amnesty so his boyfriend does not go back to Mexico.

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