Harry Reid not a worthy Mormon? LDS Church, Dems cry foul

3 new members but how many never made out of primaries?

You won't tell us the numbers, Listening, because so many of them are not there.

John and Mitch don't have to listen to them this term, thank goodness.

you've been asked for numbers and the list, yet, you won't tell us the numbers or list.


what a stupid hypocrite you are.


too tough on you jake, still running

You have that new list, Yurt? I know it is hard for you to think and research, but go to.

You will find the TPM has been severely injured.

yep, here it is again folks. jakey made a claim, then when called to prove his claim, he has run like a scared little boy ever since. and now for the final act of incredulity, he actually has the temerity to demand i produce the list that will prove his claim.

seriously, the guy is senile.
The claim has been made that the TPM is a power house but all that can be said by the far right folks, a prime like Yurt too, is that 3 fools were elected. Yup, that is a lot of influence. :lol:

Rand owns your asses and will make you work to elect him, but he will not give the far right what they want.
too funny, jakey now actually expects people to believe he did not make a claim about the TPM numbers and was asked to provide proof and he never did, but he really thinks he can now lie and pretend he never made a claim.

senile uber lefty troll is all he is.
too funny, jakey now actually expects people to believe he did not make a claim about the TPM numbers and was asked to provide proof and he never did, but he really thinks he can now lie and pretend he never made a claim.

senile uber lefty troll is all he is.

He makes claims, even when confronted he denies them and then thinks he is honest. LOL!

I come on here for fun and Jakey provides some of the best comedy.

BTW, he does care what you say, that is why he responds. :lmao:
3 new members but how many never made out of primaries?

You won't tell us the numbers, Listening, because so many of them are not there.

John and Mitch don't have to listen to them this term, thank goodness.

you've been asked for numbers and the list, yet, you won't tell us the numbers or list.


what a stupid hypocrite you are.


too tough on you jake, still running

You have that new list, Yurt? I know it is hard for you to think and research, but go to.

You will find the TPM has been severely injured.

Yeah, Yurt....

Why aren't you doing JakeTheFake's work for him.

I am sure the dog ate his computer and that is why he can't do it himself.

We did the work already...getting senators from Nebraska and Iowa sent to D.C....both of whom will be good conservatives.

They will be there with all the Tea Party folks who were there before and when you look at that group....

It is not 30 less than what it was.

TP gets an additional 2% in the senate. Not bad. The guy from North Carolina is almost there too.

You, on the other hand....are a dick.
Reid, as majority leader, got his ass kicked.

Listening, as a loon of the far right, got her ass kicked.

Vigilante, another loon of the far right, got his ass kicked.

Yup, the far left and the far right got their asses kicked.

A grand day for those of us who want only the best for the US.
I was just wondering why the left wing never brings up Harry's "magic" underwear. It is about time those of faith speak out against those like Harry.

In the aftermath of this week’s elections, an LDS bishop in Los Angeles set off political fireworks by asserting in a blog that Mormon Sen. Harry Reid was not worthy to enter one of the faith’s temples for his support of Democratic Party stances.

The response to the piece, "Good Riddance to Harry Reid, the Mormon Senate leader," from many Latter-day Saints on social media — and even the Utah-based faith’s public-affairs arm — was immediate and critical.

"Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are, of course, entitled to express their own political opinions," spokesman Dale Jones said in a statement. "However, publishing such views while using a title of a church officer, even if only as a leader of a local congregation as in this case, is entirely inappropriate."

Harry Reid not a worthy Mormon LDS Church Dems cry foul The Salt Lake Tribune

I'm not Mormon but I'm glad the L.A. Bishop spoke up. I lived in Utah for several years and was married to a Mormon for 7 years. From what I could tell, the Mormons I knew were very conservative and family-oriented. The respected and protected the Constitution and stood for American values (including a closed border and basicly capitalist philosophy). They were charitable but also believed that a man should work for his food.
I have lived around and among Latter-day Saints off and on most of my life.

DS has the right drift of it in my experience as well.

Though I have known a number of leftist go to church LDS who were great people.
Reid, as majority leader, got his ass kicked.

Listening, as a loon of the far right, got her ass kicked.

Vigilante, another loon of the far right, got his ass kicked.

Yup, the far left and the far right got their asses kicked.

A grand day for those of us who want only the best for the US.

Read it and weep....dickhead.

The highest number of state legislators since 1920 for the GOP. Many of them hard right conservatives.

Go fuck yourself Jake.

What Senate Republicans can learn from the GOP-led states - The Washington Post
Reid, as majority leader, got his ass kicked.

Listening, as a loon of the far right, got her ass kicked.

Vigilante, another loon of the far right, got his ass kicked.

Yup, the far left and the far right got their asses kicked.

A grand day for those of us who want only the best for the US.

Flakey, as a queer subversive KISSES ALL the above ass!.... Oh, your turd, what do you consider THE BEST...working with you Pond Scum, the way YOU POND SCUM worked with Republicans for the last 5+ years?... Again, you are a demented 2 digit IQ'd idiot!
Oh, look at all the ad homs, not one of them true.

He is true for you guys: the far left and the far right got their asses kicked by mainstream America.

Sux to be you guys.
JakeTheFake is still missing his list and his mind.

It is unfortunate that people like JTF are allowed to breed.....if they can figure out how.
There is no list now because almost all of the TPM and its power is no longer in Congress.

Sux to be the fangless far right.
Yep, flap your gums and keep singing that lullaby to yourself.

In the meantime, the adults will clean up your messes.
Thanks for you admission you have nothing.

Who are the fearsome numbers of TeaPers in Congress.

Oh, that's right, almost none now since the GOP mainstream said, "fuck those fuckers and their fucking craziness." :lol: And did em in the primaries.
I have three more than I had before.

All you need do is read the list I provided.

Your list is still in your tiny little balls waiting to escape as your latest wet dream.

Nobody did Ben Sasse in.

And the TP cleaned up at the local level.

Sucks to be you. Hope your boyfriend can console your sorry ass.

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