Harry Reid Not Releasing His Own Tax Returns...

Harry Reid, known for his shady real estate deals, has refused to release his Tax Returns

Harry Reid.....is not running for president.


He's liar and a coward. And when it's proven he's a liar, he should be publicly flogged.

Yes, this seems to be a theme with you -- violating the rights of those you disagree with. What a patriot you are. I'm sure Grandpa Paul would be proud.

Because he has things to hide and now everyone knows it

What's Obama hiding in his college and heath records? Other presidents release those records, why not Obama?

Of course, you'll duck this post, but wth......
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Reid is lying on this. Period, end of story. And when he's caught for lying, he should be publicly flogged.

If Romney thinks Reid is a liar, there's one really easy way to expose him -- release the tax returns. He won't do it, so obviously, he has something to hide. And it is oh so obvious. Romney is one slimy guy.

And Obama is any better for not releasing his college transcripts, while studying at Columbia?

What do you suppose he doesn't want the puiblic to find out? hmm
Reid is lying on this. Period, end of story. And when he's caught for lying, he should be publicly flogged.

If Romney thinks Reid is a liar, there's one really easy way to expose him -- release the tax returns. He won't do it, so obviously, he has something to hide. And it is oh so obvious. Romney is one slimy guy.

And when he is caught for lying, you and the rest of your Dem-Bot douchebags should be flogged right along side him.
and we can legally give him shit all day long for thinking he can get elected by being secretive

You voted for Obama in spite of his secrecy. Secrecy has nothing to do with who you will vote for. You know Romney ain't gwine pay your mogage. So he ain't gwine git yo vote.
Reid is lying on this. Period, end of story. And when he's caught for lying, he should be publicly flogged.

If Romney thinks Reid is a liar, there's one really easy way to expose him -- release the tax returns. He won't do it, so obviously, he has something to hide. And it is oh so obvious. Romney is one slimy guy.

Talk about slimy....
Why are you so obsessed with how much money the man makes? He's rich, so what? So is your Dear Leader and Harry Reid.

I'm just interested, as I think most Americans, on what other phony business scams Mittens used to avoid taxes. Was his $77,000 write off of his wife's hobby, which only produced $211, just the tip of the iceberg? Does that limited partnership look like a serious business to you?

As for Reid, I don't think anyone should elect him president if he won't release his returns.

The IRS haven't come for him have they? Notify us when they do. We'll get excited with you.;

Do you think that looks like a serious business? I'd think that the IRS would disallow a sham deduction like that. Just because he hasn't been audited yet, doesn't mean it's legit.
Reid is lying on this. Period, end of story. And when he's caught for lying, he should be publicly flogged.

If Romney thinks Reid is a liar, there's one really easy way to expose him -- release the tax returns. He won't do it, so obviously, he has something to hide. And it is oh so obvious. Romney is one slimy guy.

Reid has the tax returns or so he says, why doesn't he release them?
Why are you so obsessed with how much money the man makes? He's rich, so what? So is your Dear Leader and Harry Reid.

I'm just interested, as I think most Americans, on what other phony business scams Mittens used to avoid taxes. Was his $77,000 write off of his wife's hobby, which only produced $211, just the tip of the iceberg? Does that limited partnership look like a serious business to you?

As for Reid, I don't think anyone should elect him president if he won't release his returns.

Well, there are many more important issues than this one. But if you Wingnuts want to obsess over this one, then go for it i guess. But the rest of America is worried about the real problems.

Sure. Like how Mitt will rewrite tax laws. He's already indicated he's against renewing the Child Tax Credit. But will he close loopholes for the wealthy, like this kind of sham?
I'm just interested, as I think most Americans, on what other phony business scams Mittens used to avoid taxes. Was his $77,000 write off of his wife's hobby, which only produced $211, just the tip of the iceberg? Does that limited partnership look like a serious business to you?

As for Reid, I don't think anyone should elect him president if he won't release his returns.

The IRS haven't come for him have they? Notify us when they do. We'll get excited with you.;

Do you think that looks like a serious business? I'd think that the IRS would disallow a sham deduction like that. Just because he hasn't been audited yet, doesn't mean it's legit.

He has been audited.
Reid is lying on this. Period, end of story. And when he's caught for lying, he should be publicly flogged.

If Romney thinks Reid is a liar, there's one really easy way to expose him -- release the tax returns. He won't do it, so obviously, he has something to hide. And it is oh so obvious. Romney is one slimy guy.

And when he is caught for lying, you and the rest of your Dem-Bot douchebags should be flogged right along side him.

Oh, the patriot now wants to violate MY rights? I'm shocked I tell you, just shocked.

Fuck off, loudmouth. Come near me with a flog and you'll be shitting leather for a month.
Harry Reid, known for his shady real estate deals, has refused to release his Tax Returns

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid again deflected questions Monday about releasing his tax returns, even as he continued to pound the demand for Mitt Romney to make more of his own public.

Instead, Reid pointed to the financial disclosure forms he files as a member of Congress, which provide different information.

"I’m a member of Congress now, I don’t make too much money,” said Reid, whose net worth was estimated at $10 million in 2010. “But it’s all listed every year.”

Reid spokesman Adam Jentleson told POLITICO last week that the majority leader will not release his tax returns, writing: “He’s not running for president. … He has of course released more than 30 years of detailed [personal finance disclosures]. There is exponentially more information available to the public about Sen. Reid’s financial life than there is about Mitt Romney’s.”

Conservatives have begun accusing Reid of hypocrisy for his attacks on Romney. And the Las Vegas Review-Journal — in a somewhat different context — on Monday resurrected a 1974 statement in which Reid said: “Any man or woman who will not be completely candid about his or her finances does not deserve to be in public office.”

Asked about that statement at a news conference Monday in Nevada, Reid responded: “In 1974, I wasn’t in Congress.

“All you have to do is go look,” he added. “I file every year, every stock trade, every piece of land I buy, all the money I have, it has the value of my homes, it’s got it all there.”

Read more: Harry Reid not releasing his own tax returns - Darren Goode and Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

And, in 2011 Reid was worth ten million dollars, it is estimated.

I have no problem with that, but I would think Liberals would, but guess what? Wrong party to have a problem with...:badgrin:
If Romney thinks Reid is a liar, there's one really easy way to expose him -- release the tax returns. He won't do it, so obviously, he has something to hide. And it is oh so obvious. Romney is one slimy guy.

And when he is caught for lying, you and the rest of your Dem-Bot douchebags should be flogged right along side him.

Oh, the patriot now wants to violate MY rights? I'm shocked I tell you, just shocked.

Fuck off, loudmouth. Come near me with a flog and you'll be shitting leather for a month.

Still lying i see. Like you care about the Constitution. Now that's hilarious. :lol:
And when he is caught for lying, you and the rest of your Dem-Bot douchebags should be flogged right along side him.

Oh, the patriot now wants to violate MY rights? I'm shocked I tell you, just shocked.

Fuck off, loudmouth. Come near me with a flog and you'll be shitting leather for a month.

Still lying i see. Like you care about the Constitution. Now that's hilarious. :lol:

He's a scumbag on big brothers tit and he wants us to keep paying for it.. Fuck him.
Harry Reid, known for his shady real estate deals, has refused to release his Tax Returns

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid again deflected questions Monday about releasing his tax returns, even as he continued to pound the demand for Mitt Romney to make more of his own public.

Instead, Reid pointed to the financial disclosure forms he files as a member of Congress, which provide different information.

"I’m a member of Congress now, I don’t make too much money,” said Reid, whose net worth was estimated at $10 million in 2010. “But it’s all listed every year.”

Reid spokesman Adam Jentleson told POLITICO last week that the majority leader will not release his tax returns, writing: “He’s not running for president. … He has of course released more than 30 years of detailed [personal finance disclosures]. There is exponentially more information available to the public about Sen. Reid’s financial life than there is about Mitt Romney’s.”

Conservatives have begun accusing Reid of hypocrisy for his attacks on Romney. And the Las Vegas Review-Journal — in a somewhat different context — on Monday resurrected a 1974 statement in which Reid said: “Any man or woman who will not be completely candid about his or her finances does not deserve to be in public office.”

Asked about that statement at a news conference Monday in Nevada, Reid responded: “In 1974, I wasn’t in Congress.

“All you have to do is go look,” he added. “I file every year, every stock trade, every piece of land I buy, all the money I have, it has the value of my homes, it’s got it all there.”

Read more: Harry Reid not releasing his own tax returns - Darren Goode and Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

And, in 2011 Reid was worth ten million dollars, it is estimated.

I have no problem with that, but I would think Liberals would, but guess what? Wrong party to have a problem with...:badgrin:

Yeah i love it when he said, "I don't make too much Money." Where the Hell did a career Government hack get ten million dollars? Yeah, i think i really would like to see his returns now.
The IRS haven't come for him have they? Notify us when they do. We'll get excited with you.;

Do you think that looks like a serious business? I'd think that the IRS would disallow a sham deduction like that. Just because he hasn't been audited yet, doesn't mean it's legit.

He has been audited.

When was he audited? What tax years were involved? Was it an individual audit or a business audit? What was the result of the audit? How many of his sham deductions were disallowed? Was he audited for TY 2010, where the tax sham was exposed?
Oh, the patriot now wants to violate MY rights? I'm shocked I tell you, just shocked.

Fuck off, loudmouth. Come near me with a flog and you'll be shitting leather for a month.

Still lying i see. Like you care about the Constitution. Now that's hilarious. :lol:

He's a scumbag on big brothers tit and he wants us to keep paying for it.. Fuck him.

I know he's an Entitlement Hound Obamabot. Just havin some fun. :)

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