Harry Reid Say "5 White Men" Decided Women's Lives In SCOTUS Decision


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

You can always count on Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi to say the stupidest things. I think they're in their positions just to make Obama look competent.

The other day Reid claimed that "5 White Men" determined women's lives.

When did Clarence Thomas become White?

When is something going to be done about the race-baiting these jerks conduct on our dime?

I am fed up with these lying so and soes using their taxpayer funded positions to spread hatred and to cause division.

It is obvious that when the left really speaks their mind they don't think of blacks as anything other then one of their voters that have to be "looked after." Harry Reid I am sure would be surprised that a black man would be qualified to be on the SCOTUS if he ever woke up an realized it.

So I guess we now need three supreme courts. One for whites, one for those of color, and one for women. Amazing how left wing rhetoric always leads to division and strife. Actually don't really need the first one let the other two decide the punishment that the white male deserves.
Also why is birth control strictly a woman's issue? Smh, Reid manages to insult men, women, blacks and whites in one sentence. He's a real gem.
Also why is birth control strictly a woman's issue? Smh, Reid manages to insult men, women, blacks and whites in one sentence. He's a real gem.

I think he just woke up from a week partying at the Mustang Ranch and can't think straight.
Also why is birth control strictly a woman's issue? Smh, Reid manages to insult men, women, blacks and whites in one sentence. He's a real gem.


As the saying goes, it two to tango.

As a young man I sow my wild oats here and there and everywhere.

But I always told the lucky young lady that if something unexpected happens, I would be there as any responsible person should be.

To assume that the termination of a potential life is only a woman's issue is the height of ignorance.
Also why is birth control strictly a woman's issue? Smh, Reid manages to insult men, women, blacks and whites in one sentence. He's a real gem.


As the saying goes, it two to tango.

As a young man I sow my wild oats here and there and everywhere.

But I always told the lucky young lady that if something unexpected happens, I would be there as any responsible person should be.

To assume that the termination of a potential life is only a woman's issue is the height of ignorance.

I've never understood why the left assumes that all women want to kill their child or seriously consider killing them
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As long as Harry Reid is Nevada's Senator, I will never set foot in that unfortunate, miserable state, that needs to sink low enough to elect somebody like him.
I've always hated Harry Reid and I can't wait until he is gone from congress, that being stated, whitey is getting a bad rap.
Here I always thought that rulings from the SCOTUS were based on the Constitution, not some special interest groups. It appears that is what 5 of the justices did, the other 4, not so much.
I've always hated Harry Reid and I can't wait until he is gone from congress, that being stated, whitey is getting a bad rap.

In all honesty Harry Reid is a poster-boy for Whitey. He's a senior citizen who speaks in falsetto, and wears magic underwear.

If he was a Repug thew left would hate his lying ass worse than Bush and Palin combined. If he was his racist remarks on Obama's lack of negroes dialect would have drummed him out of congress years ago. As it is he's the reason Obama can say the GOP refused to work with him. Harry Reid stopped everything the GOP does.
Also why is birth control strictly a woman's issue? Smh, Reid manages to insult men, women, blacks and whites in one sentence. He's a real gem.


As the saying goes, it two to tango.

As a young man I sow my wild oats here and there and everywhere.

But I always told the lucky young lady that if something unexpected happens, I would be there as any responsible person should be.

To assume that the termination of a potential life is only a woman's issue is the height of ignorance.

I've never understood why the left assumes that all women want to kill their child or seriouy consider killing them

The weeds need culled.
I've always hated Harry Reid and I can't wait until he is gone from congress, that being stated, whitey is getting a bad rap.

In all honesty Harry Reid is a poster-boy for Whitey. He's a senior citizen who speaks in falsetto, and wears magic underwear.

If he was a Repug thew left would hate his lying ass worse than Bush and Palin combined. If he was his racist remarks on Obama's lack of negroes dialect would have drummed him out of congress years ago. As it is he's the reason Obama can say the GOP refused to work with him. Harry Reid stopped everything the GOP does.

Interesting point you make. Seems to me I have not heard too many on the left making fun of Harry and his underwear choices. You don't think they are being two faced do you?
Another red herring the democrats use to divide classes, races and sexes in order to make the republicans look like the bad guy. Wait, let me clarify. The right wing white man.

He knows what he was saying, and he also knows his voting constituency are complete morons.

The democrats hate the country. More specifically, they hate the constitution. Let us face it, every politician does. Since the days of Thomas Jefferson (who hated the presidency so much he had it left off of his tombstone.)

Naturally, the constitution rightfully limits the power of the president. It separates the powers deliberately. Naturally, the democrats who are power hungry, constitution hating, American hating communists, say and do anything and everything to make the ignorant think they are on their side.

As they do that, and as the morons on the left clap like the starry eyed morons they are, they relinquish the powers the constitution gives to we the people. Why? Cause they are brainwashed, giggling, hacks who always think they are the smartest ones in the room.

As a result, they ridicule the Tea Party. They are convinced through lies from the praetorian media who are committed to pushing the socialist, godless agenda, that the Tea Party is the same thing as the KKK. Huh, funny, cause I do not recall the KKK allowing black members into their club.

As a result we need to endure things like Harry Reid who are now just brazen with their lies. Knowing, their sycophants in the media and their dumb morons like sallow will not care and therefore not question anything they say.

As far as Clarence Thomas is concerned, he is considered and has been called an Uncle Tom. That is what they think of any black man that does not consider themselves victims and will not buy into the democratic victimology narrative.

Look at how they think this supreme court decision is this so called war on women. Most liberal women (sluts who would gladly bend over a book rack and spread em for any man who hates republicans enough and a good enough socialist) are really concerned about two things in their little lives. How pointy their shoes are and how many orgasms will they have today. Hence, they have no care of the fact the Hobby Lobby provides 16 of 20 contraceptions that exist, and the ones that they do not provide for their sexual habits, cost $9 per month.

Liberals folks. Liberals.

You can always count on Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi to say the stupidest things. I think they're in their positions just to make Obama look competent.

The other day Reid claimed that "5 White Men" determined women's lives.

When did Clarence Thomas become White?

When is something going to be done about the race-baiting these jerks conduct on our dime?

I am fed up with these lying so and soes using their taxpayer funded positions to spread hatred and to cause division.


Something else Reid,Pelosi and the Democrats seem to have forgotten is the law Hobby Lobby used to base its case on was passed by a Congress with Democrat majorities in both houses and signed into law by President Clinton.
More racism and sexism from the dems. Imagine if a repub blasted BLACK WOMEN for going on welfare so much.

You can always count on Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi to say the stupidest things. I think they're in their positions just to make Obama look competent.

The other day Reid claimed that "5 White Men" determined women's lives.

When did Clarence Thomas become White?

When is something going to be done about the race-baiting these jerks conduct on our dime?

I am fed up with these lying so and soes using their taxpayer funded positions to spread hatred and to cause division.

That is because reid is a stupid libtard.
actually it was the founding fathers who made that decision when they ratified the first amendment saying congres shall make no law regading religion.

and remember, you libs keep telling us the founding fathers were liberals so it was really liberals who made the decsion on womens lives.

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