Democrats are insane. "Transgender" women, men who say they are women, are in women's prisons, and pose major threat to those women.


Don’t you have anything better to worry about then what goes on in a prison?

I know I do.

Seriously? Don't you have any defense for your bullshit other than, "It's just so silly for you to care about that"? That's literally the only post you ever put up, regardless of the topic. Has that EVER worked for you?
The ignore feature is your friend. Use it.

Sorry, Sparky. I know you would vastly prefer to talk endlessly without ever being challenged, but it ain't gonna happen.

Intelligence is your friend. Try it.
When you go to jail you give up certain rights. You're not free to go where you want, work, do whatever you want when you want, travel, etc. Prisoners lose a lot of rights.

Prisons have to maintain certain rights like food, shelter, legal council, etc.

You should not deserve the right to live out a fantasy though. In jail your a prisoner, you should be imprisoned in the jail based on your birth gender and nothing else. You don't have a right to feel a certain gender.

Seriously, are you a tranny that doesn't want to be a man's jail because you were born a man? Don't breaking the fucking law then. Jail is for punishment. If you don't like it then obey the law.
Because a man says he feels like a woman is now a thing.....something not to be treated but something to be celebrated by democrats.....we get insane problems like this....

Men, who say they are women, but who still have a functioning penis, are being put in women's prisons...with their still fully functional penis......

Anyone see a problem with this....oh, and as this article points out....they don't see themselves as homosexuals....they call themselves "lesbians," which means.....they still want to have sex with women....

And now democrats are putting them in all women prisons......

See the problem yet? If you voted for joe biden, you don't see the problem....let rational people explain...

Shrier explains that, in California, men who claim to be women must be treated as women – which means they get housed in the women’s rooms, regardless of their surgical or hormonal status. While the women Shrier spoke with were sympathetic to the plight of so-called “transgender” in men’s prisons and were amenable to sharing prison space with men who had been surgically emasculated, the problem arises with those men who come equipped with male parts and hormones – and male height and strength. Additionally, Shrier explains that, even if these men genuinely believe that they are women, the majority of them are not innately homosexual. Instead, they’re still heterosexual, although they class themselves as “lesbians.”

In California’s Chowchilla, women prisoners are all mixed together, regardless of the severity of their crime. Additionally, rather than two prisoners to a cell, eight women will share a room. There’ll be a sink and toilet inside the cell, separated from the room by a cowboy (or saloon) door.


Tyrina Griffin, a woman who spent 20 years in the women’s prison at Chowchilla, described the problem:

“They’re getting a full erection,” she said. “So you’re locked in this room, 24/7, with a man and there’s nothing you can do about it. If you tell the police you don’t want to live with a man, or you’re afraid or whatever, you’ll get a disciplinary infraction. So you’re basically punished for being scared.”
She added that women inside the prison are looking for ways to arm themselves. “They made it into a more of a war zone, to me, because I know women who are like, ‘I refuse to live with a man, and if I have to make me a prison knife to defend myself, then I’m going to do that.’ . . . I mean, you know how strong men are. Imagine one woman trying to defend herself against this big ol’ man, and the men coming in, they are like 6-foot-5, 6-foot-6, 300 pounds. These men look like Hercules compared to these little women. Can you fault the woman for actually trying to defend herself?”

The women aren’t the only ones who are scared. The female guards in Chowchilla are afraid, too, because men are more violent – and, unlike the guards in men’s prisons, the guards at Chowchilla have only batons and pepper spray. They also may be called upon to cavity search a “transgender” woman because prisoners are entitled to ask for a woman to conduct such a search.

It sounds truly awful but then I will see that your source is the American Stinker so the piece has ZERO credibility whatsoever.
Because a man says he feels like a woman is now a thing.....something not to be treated but something to be celebrated by democrats.....we get insane problems like this....

Men, who say they are women, but who still have a functioning penis, are being put in women's prisons...with their still fully functional penis......

Anyone see a problem with this....oh, and as this article points out....they don't see themselves as homosexuals....they call themselves "lesbians," which means.....they still want to have sex with women....

And now democrats are putting them in all women prisons......

See the problem yet? If you voted for joe biden, you don't see the problem....let rational people explain...

Shrier explains that, in California, men who claim to be women must be treated as women – which means they get housed in the women’s rooms, regardless of their surgical or hormonal status. While the women Shrier spoke with were sympathetic to the plight of so-called “transgender” in men’s prisons and were amenable to sharing prison space with men who had been surgically emasculated, the problem arises with those men who come equipped with male parts and hormones – and male height and strength. Additionally, Shrier explains that, even if these men genuinely believe that they are women, the majority of them are not innately homosexual. Instead, they’re still heterosexual, although they class themselves as “lesbians.”

In California’s Chowchilla, women prisoners are all mixed together, regardless of the severity of their crime. Additionally, rather than two prisoners to a cell, eight women will share a room. There’ll be a sink and toilet inside the cell, separated from the room by a cowboy (or saloon) door.


Tyrina Griffin, a woman who spent 20 years in the women’s prison at Chowchilla, described the problem:

“They’re getting a full erection,” she said. “So you’re locked in this room, 24/7, with a man and there’s nothing you can do about it. If you tell the police you don’t want to live with a man, or you’re afraid or whatever, you’ll get a disciplinary infraction. So you’re basically punished for being scared.”
She added that women inside the prison are looking for ways to arm themselves. “They made it into a more of a war zone, to me, because I know women who are like, ‘I refuse to live with a man, and if I have to make me a prison knife to defend myself, then I’m going to do that.’ . . . I mean, you know how strong men are. Imagine one woman trying to defend herself against this big ol’ man, and the men coming in, they are like 6-foot-5, 6-foot-6, 300 pounds. These men look like Hercules compared to these little women. Can you fault the woman for actually trying to defend herself?”

The women aren’t the only ones who are scared. The female guards in Chowchilla are afraid, too, because men are more violent – and, unlike the guards in men’s prisons, the guards at Chowchilla have only batons and pepper spray. They also may be called upon to cavity search a “transgender” woman because prisoners are entitled to ask for a woman to conduct such a search.

It sounds truly awful but then I will see that your source is the American Stinker so the piece has ZERO credibility whatsoever.
Can you do better than to attack the source? That's pretty weak.
Because a man says he feels like a woman is now a thing.....something not to be treated but something to be celebrated by democrats.....we get insane problems like this....

Men, who say they are women, but who still have a functioning penis, are being put in women's prisons...with their still fully functional penis......

Anyone see a problem with this....oh, and as this article points out....they don't see themselves as homosexuals....they call themselves "lesbians," which means.....they still want to have sex with women....

And now democrats are putting them in all women prisons......

See the problem yet? If you voted for joe biden, you don't see the problem....let rational people explain...

Shrier explains that, in California, men who claim to be women must be treated as women – which means they get housed in the women’s rooms, regardless of their surgical or hormonal status. While the women Shrier spoke with were sympathetic to the plight of so-called “transgender” in men’s prisons and were amenable to sharing prison space with men who had been surgically emasculated, the problem arises with those men who come equipped with male parts and hormones – and male height and strength. Additionally, Shrier explains that, even if these men genuinely believe that they are women, the majority of them are not innately homosexual. Instead, they’re still heterosexual, although they class themselves as “lesbians.”

In California’s Chowchilla, women prisoners are all mixed together, regardless of the severity of their crime. Additionally, rather than two prisoners to a cell, eight women will share a room. There’ll be a sink and toilet inside the cell, separated from the room by a cowboy (or saloon) door.


Tyrina Griffin, a woman who spent 20 years in the women’s prison at Chowchilla, described the problem:

The women aren’t the only ones who are scared. The female guards in Chowchilla are afraid, too, because men are more violent – and, unlike the guards in men’s prisons, the guards at Chowchilla have only batons and pepper spray. They also may be called upon to cavity search a “transgender” woman because prisoners are entitled to ask for a woman to conduct such a search.

The insane church caused what is. How can people not see it? What do you expect people to do, when people think that clothing can change what you are? The church made nude people be as if they had leprosy, having them be in colonies away from clothed people.
The insane church caused what is. How can people not see it? What do you expect people to do, when people think that clothing can change what you are? The church made nude people be as if they had leprosy, having them be in colonies away from clothed people.
Dear Iamartiewhitefox The dysphoria regarding gender ID is not simply superficial or political as external issues or causes.

For people to be born as male spiritual personality born in female bodies and vice versa, there is major spiritual karma involved which the Christians call Generational sins or curses.

Abuses of relations from past generations that are not forgiven corrected or healed can be revisited or repeated and manifest in future generations.

The Bible warns that some Eunuchs are made by God in the womb and others made by man.

There are long histories of sexual abuse and infidelity and relationship abuses in family lineages including systemic rape and genocide of entire tribes suffering mass disruptions.

We may see these external consequences in terms of politicized racial and tribal turf wars.
But the true spiritual causes are internal and carried and passed down through the generations as biased behaviors in the conscience.

You call this sinful material conditions in the world. But the physical is merely a manifestation of the spiritual process and causes.

You call it God healing and getting rid of crime. This still refers to the spiritual causes and cures that must go through a process before the physical outcomes will also change as a result.

Spiritually there are factors causing the homosexuality and transgender identities to manifest.

These can be healed spiritually but not by focusing on the physical conditions that are merely the result of the internal process.
Dear Iamartiewhitefox The dysphoria regarding gender ID is not simply superficial or political as external issues or causes.

For people to be born as male spiritual personality born in female bodies and vice versa, there is major spiritual karma involved which the Christians call Generational sins or curses.

Abuses of relations from past generations that are not forgiven corrected or healed can be revisited or repeated and manifest in future generations.

The Bible warns that some Eunuchs are made by God in the womb and others made by man.

There are long histories of sexual abuse and infidelity and relationship abuses in family lineages including systemic rape and genocide of entire tribes suffering mass disruptions.

We may see these external consequences in terms of politicized racial and tribal turf wars.
But the true spiritual causes are internal and carried and passed down through the generations as biased behaviors in the conscience.

You call this sinful material conditions in the world. But the physical is merely a manifestation of the spiritual process and causes.

You call it God healing and getting rid of crime. This still refers to the spiritual causes and cures that must go through a process before the physical outcomes will also change as a result.

Spiritually there are factors causing the homosexuality and transgender identities to manifest.

These can be healed spiritually but not by focusing on the physical conditions that are merely the result of the internal process.
I will not condemn you for wanting to portray what you want to portray. I am saying this: The church, not making the nude form to be evil to see, would have made people to be more willing to acsept themselves as they are. Imagine coast to coast nudity. That frightens church leaders.
The church does not know what sin is being as dumb as a beast. The sinful Satan dwells in their mind.
The church does not know what infidelity is. The concept of concubines scares the shit out of them.
An evil spiritual prosses started in 1482.Those people brought conflict perpetuating lies like racism. The Bible is stating a fact about Eunuchs. It is not a warning.
Would the transgender thing be as prevalent as it is, had people be allowed to be naked, when they wanted to be naked?
Church leaders have an over whelming desier to complain. That is why they did what they did. Christ's enemies had that same overwhelming desier to complain about what Jesus did.
Homosexuals are. zoosexuals are. Pedophilia people are. Who pesters them? The church, having an overwhelming desier to complain. They don't feel whole unless they complain.
Dear Iamartiewhitefox The dysphoria regarding gender ID is not simply superficial or political as external issues or causes.

For people to be born as male spiritual personality born in female bodies and vice versa, there is major spiritual karma involved which the Christians call Generational sins or curses.

Abuses of relations from past generations that are not forgiven corrected or healed can be revisited or repeated and manifest in future generations.

The Bible warns that some Eunuchs are made by God in the womb and others made by man.

There are long histories of sexual abuse and infidelity and relationship abuses in family lineages including systemic rape and genocide of entire tribes suffering mass disruptions.

We may see these external consequences in terms of politicized racial and tribal turf wars.
But the true spiritual causes are internal and carried and passed down through the generations as biased behaviors in the conscience.

You call this sinful material conditions in the world. But the physical is merely a manifestation of the spiritual process and causes.

You call it God healing and getting rid of crime. This still refers to the spiritual causes and cures that must go through a process before the physical outcomes will also change as a result.

Spiritually there are factors causing the homosexuality and transgender identities to manifest.

These can be healed spiritually but not by focusing on the physical conditions that are merely the result of the internal process.
I just listened to Satan is a street preacher, going after people who have no guile. Jesus would have edified them. The catholic church made that abominable street preacher.
Democrats are insane.
No, Democrats respect the right to self-determination and expressions of individual liberty.

Authoritarian Republicans fear expressions of individual liberty; as a consequence of their bigotry and hate they seek to compel conformity and punish dissent.

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