Men took over women's job fair by registering as non binary.

although I agree if you dont know if youre a man or woman you have a serious mental problem that needs addressed,,

to say if you are mentally ill you shouldnt own a gun is using a very broad brush beings the dems think repubes are mentally ill and vice versa,,

the casual claim of mental illness shouldnt be used to take away a persons rights,,

what it takes is for a court through due process to declare you mentally ill and not able to take care of yourself or others and/or are a threat to yourself and others,,

As long as the courts are still owned by leftists, they will never declare one of their own to be mentally ill, for the purposes of your post.

But thank you for doing your best to be the voice of reason here.


As long as the courts are still owned by leftists, they will never declare one of their own to be mentally ill, for the purposes of your post.

But thank you for doing your best to be the voice of reason here.


You're correct.

I don't understand it all though

Not that long ago everyone was saying "don't label me" now all these young people and democrat people are now screaming "please label me, I need to be labeled made up buzz words. I want to be distilled down to pronouns to the point where I'm not a real person!"

There are on 2 sexes, male and female. Everything is fictional, it's made up, it's a lie.

Just like there are only 4 possible sexualities. 1 you like dick, 2 you like vagina, 3 you like dick and vagina, 4 you don't like either. That's it, there are no like 97 different sexualities.

Anyone who believes in anything outside of 2 sexes and 4 sexualities is either a incompetent moron and a liar, or they are mentally ill and need to be in a institution so they can get psychological help from trained professionals until they are able to rejoin society.

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