Harry Reid: 'Why Would We Want To' Help One Kid With Cancer?

Yeah, what does he care? It's not HIS kid. Politics over everything else, that's the liberal philosophy.
Reid didn't shut down the NIH.

NIH was not shut down. and if it was - Reid did it.
NIH was in the list of exempts Congress proposed.
If Reid did not take it for a vote - he shut it down.
Kudos to the CNN reporter for asking that question though. Reid just bashed her though.
If I were to invoke logic, the needs of the many, outweigh the needs of a few. Or the one.
~Spock, Wrath of Khan.

"It is the greatest good to the greatest number of people which is the measure of right and wrong."
~Jeremy Bentham
the gop shut down the govt. You broke it, you buy it.

The gop finally pushed Obama so far that he won't back down. He can't. It would cripple future presidents, and then he ain't ending obamacare. Not gonna happen.
if you listen to Harry Reid the republicans don't get to pick and choose they have to negotiate the entire budget, if the republicans got their way they would just stop funding things once they got what they wanted and the democrats in the house get no say on what comes up for a vote for funding in the house.
Maybe Pelosi should have shut down the govt over Iraq. Maybe not, though.
At least the echo chamber boys and girls can't be accused of being too intelligent. Let me be concise and clear: The H. of Rep. only needs to pass the CR, the only person responsible for those who suffer today and tomorrow and into the future is Speaker Boehner.

If the members of the H. of Rep. really gave a damn about anyone or anything but their own election the CR would have been put to an up or down vote, something Boehner won't ask for because he is protecting his job and something the members could demand or remove him from his high office.
if you listen to Harry Reid the republicans don't get to pick and choose they have to negotiate the entire budget, if the republicans got their way they would just stop funding things once they got what they wanted and the democrats in the house get no say on what comes up for a vote for funding in the house.

Dems defunded the fence even though it was law. They picked and chose.
Reid equates a child with cancer to and this is unreal....

furloughed workers. What a mother fucking scumbucket. He is sheer evil.

BASH: But if you can help one child with cancer, why wouldn't you do it?

REID: Why would we want to do that? I have 1100 people at Nellis Air Force Base sitting home. They have problems of their own.

Reid then attacked Bash's intelligence, "For someone of your intelligence to suggest such a thing is irresponsible."

Apparently, Reid sees healthy furloughed workers sitting comfortably at home as equal to children dying of cancer.

eta: link: 'Why would we want to do that?': Harry Reid dismisses funding children's cancer research separately from the rest of government | Mail Online
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if you listen to Harry Reid the republicans don't get to pick and choose they have to negotiate the entire budget, if the republicans got their way they would just stop funding things once they got what they wanted and the democrats in the house get no say on what comes up for a vote for funding in the house.

Dems defunded the fence even though it was law. They picked and chose.
They also picked and chose who had to abide by the law (Obamacare) and who doesn't.
At least the echo chamber boys and girls can't be accused of being too intelligent. Let me be concise and clear: The H. of Rep. only needs to pass the CR, the only person responsible for those who suffer today and tomorrow and into the future is Speaker Boehner.

If the members of the H. of Rep. really gave a damn about anyone or anything but their own election the CR would have been put to an up or down vote, something Boehner won't ask for because he is protecting his job and something the members could demand or remove him from his high office.

Let me be concise and clear. I emailed and called all of my elected officials and boehner and told them to defund ocare.
He was talking about picking and choosing the government programs. Gee I am so amused watching how things get twisted ~
He was talking about picking and choosing the government programs. Gee I am so amused watching how things get twisted ~

The Republicans are offering 5 bills that would help bring a lot of these workers back to work and help kids with cancers. The DEMOCRATS are the ones who are rejecting that. Why? I'm not sure. Reid and the Dems have a chance to help kids with cancer, and he's refusing to do that. That's on him, not the republicans.

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