Harry Reid: 'Why Would We Want To' Help One Kid With Cancer?

If you could help one kid with cancer, why wouldn't you do it?

Reid: Why would we do that? We have 1,100 workers who are sitting at home. They have problems of their own.

Seems pretty clear to me that's what he is saying.

Did you listen to the whole Youtube? He was referring to picking and choosing government programs to open/close ..you can not do that as they are all important.

No they only hear what is playing on the right channel.

Again, you are saying that people who pick up trash is just as important as kids with cancer. Would you be saying that if YOUR KID was suffering from cancer?
Yeah, a park employee's job of picking up trash is just as important as a child dying of cancer, right?

Being a breast cancer survivor I will say that even the trash guys pay is important, he has children to feed perhaps..

So if your children somehow had cancer (if you have children), you would want the gov't not to fund the NIH during the shutdown? All because it's not "fair" and all programs are important? I think kids dying of cancer is more important than people who pick up trash, but that's just me.

It pretty fucking sick of the Tea Party to hold cancer kids hostage and to use them as emotional blackmail. They have just proven there is no low too low for them to go.
Reid didn't shut down the NIH.

Yes he did . Every damn one of them in washington shut it down. So tired of you dems just blaming one side . IT is every freaking OVER PAID asshole up there ... They are all acting like kids instead of adults not getting their way!!!
It's interesting there are people who cannot see right through this transparent tactic of using cancer kids as emotional blackmail.

No wonder they did it. They knew the rubes would fall for it and drink the piss.
Being a breast cancer survivor I will say that even the trash guys pay is important, he has children to feed perhaps..

So if your children somehow had cancer (if you have children), you would want the gov't not to fund the NIH during the shutdown? All because it's not "fair" and all programs are important? I think kids dying of cancer is more important than people who pick up trash, but that's just me.

It pretty fucking sick of the Tea Party to hold cancer kids hostage and to use them as emotional blackmail. They have just proven there is no low too low for them to go.

It wasn't the Tea Party who nailed Harry on the cancer ridden child. It was a CNN reporter who skewered him on it.

He bit. Sound bite shows the "inner evil Harry" that we all know and despise.
the gop shut down the govt. You broke it, you buy it.

The gop finally pushed Obama so far that he won't back down. He can't. It would cripple future presidents, and then he ain't ending obamacare. Not gonna happen.

Just think though...the side that gives in first will be the ones that think more of the US citizens than their own party.

If Obama cared at all, he could have stopped this from happening and agreed to postpone the healthcare....he would have had everything he needed to keep the government running, he just wouldn't be able to implement his law right now. But...it would also mean admitting he was wrong, which would NEVER happen.

The issue has been decided. It was decided in the House and ObamaCare was passed in the House. It was decided in the Senate and ObamaCare was passed in the Senate. It was decided in the Courts and ObamaCare was validated by the courts. It was decided in the election when Romney made the election all about ObamaCare, and the American people re-elected Obama.

The Tea Party is now acting like a chicken with its head cut off. It does not yet know it is dead and is running around spewing blood from its neck hole. Everyone can see this for what it is.

Do you know why we have ObamaCare? Because the GOP could not make a cogent argument against it, and because it had steadfastly refused to do anything about rising healthcare costs when it controlled all three branches of government.

Even now, after all this time, the GOP still does not have a better idea than ObamaCare on the table. Even now.

Think about that. Think about how retarded on an epic scale that is.

The GOP's best and only idea is to act like a small child and hold its breath until it turns blue.

Obviously, the gop is flailing about like a drowning person, but aside from the irony (hypocrisy even) of crying about shutting down research for kid's with cancer, when the entire issue is using govt to provide HC for working families, there's another irony.

The Cruzathon reasoning was the public so dislikes Obamacare, the public wouldn't get POed over shutting down the govt. Welllllllll, that was a miscalculation. So, now, the gop is back to arguing GOVT IS GOOD. But didn't the sequester take away money from cancer research?
So you would rather have the govt shutdown and have nothing at all than keeping important programs opened while this stalemate continues? Makes sense.

all of the programs deserve to be funded

We have 800,000 "non-essential" employees. Think about that for a second. Not all programs deserve to be funded. They pay people to open elevator doors for senators/congress. They pay people (funded by the gov't) to tweet.

They can cut back so many programs that not all deserved to be funded
Just think though...the side that gives in first will be the ones that think more of the US citizens than their own party.

If Obama cared at all, he could have stopped this from happening and agreed to postpone the healthcare....he would have had everything he needed to keep the government running, he just wouldn't be able to implement his law right now. But...it would also mean admitting he was wrong, which would NEVER happen.

The issue has been decided. It was decided in the House and ObamaCare was passed in the House. It was decided in the Senate and ObamaCare was passed in the Senate. It was decided in the Courts and ObamaCare was validated by the courts. It was decided in the election when Romney made the election all about ObamaCare, and the American people re-elected Obama.

The Tea Party is now acting like a chicken with its head cut off. It does not yet know it is dead and is running around spewing blood from its neck hole. Everyone can see this for what it is.

Do you know why we have ObamaCare? Because the GOP could not make a cogent argument against it, and because it had steadfastly refused to do anything about rising healthcare costs when it controlled all three branches of government.

Even now, after all this time, the GOP still does not have a better idea than ObamaCare on the table. Even now.

Think about that. Think about how retarded on an epic scale that is.

The GOP's best and only idea is to act like a small child and hold its breath until it turns blue.

Obviously, the gop is flailing about like a drowning person, but aside from the irony (hypocrisy even) of crying about shutting down research for kid's with cancer, when the entire issue is using govt to provide HC for working families, there's another irony.

The Cruzathon reasoning was the public so dislikes Obamacare, the public wouldn't get POed over shutting down the govt. Welllllllll, that was a miscalculation. So, now, the gop is back to arguing GOVT IS GOOD. But didn't the sequester take away money from cancer research?

Yes. It is very interesting the faux right wing is suddenly defending a government spending program and demanding it be funded. As you say, government is suddenly good!

This is the kind of Orwellian doublethink that happens to rubes who cannot see through such sick transparent tactics.
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the gop shut down the govt. You broke it, you buy it.

The gop finally pushed Obama so far that he won't back down. He can't. It would cripple future presidents, and then he ain't ending obamacare. Not gonna happen.

Just think though...the side that gives in first will be the ones that think more of the US citizens than their own party.

If Obama cared at all, he could have stopped this from happening and agreed to postpone the healthcare....he would have had everything he needed to keep the government running, he just wouldn't be able to implement his law right now. But...it would also mean admitting he was wrong, which would NEVER happen.

The issue has been decided. It was decided in the House and ObamaCare was passed in the House. It was decided in the Senate and ObamaCare was passed in the Senate. It was decided in the Courts and ObamaCare was validated by the courts. It was decided in the election when Romney made the election all about ObamaCare, and the American people re-elected Obama.

The Tea Party is now acting like a chicken with its head cut off. It does not yet know it is dead and is running around spewing blood from its neck hole. Everyone can see this for what it is.

Do you know why we have ObamaCare? Because the GOP could not make a cogent argument against it, and because it had steadfastly refused to do anything about rising healthcare costs when it controlled all three branches of government.

Even now, after all this time, the GOP still does not have a better idea than ObamaCare on the table. Even now.

Think about that. Think about how retarded on an epic scale that is.

The GOP's best and only idea is to act like a small child and hold its breath until it turns blue.

Oh whatthefuckever. ACA was shoved down the throats of the American people in an eleventh hour parliamentary trick.... Roberts pulled some weird shit in his opinion that most legal scholars said wtf? to and clearly, the vast majority of Americans don't want this... hell.. who wants:

A plan that is so good they're gonna make us buy it and penalize us if we don't, hire an army of IRS agents to enforce, headed by a commissioner that didn't pay his taxes, all the admins cronies are getting exempted from because it is so good, etc., etc.

It's a clusterfuck and the American people know it. PREDICTION: The GOP doesn't take a hit over this any more than you and your fellow leftist moonbats predicted back in the nineties.

What's disgusting is the Tea Party holding cancer kids hostage and using them as political poker chips.

That's what Obama and the Dems did in spirit with Obamacare when they attached all sorts of controversial and even damaging things to a few feel good things like putting kids on their parents' plans until they're 27.

And Dems do it in spirit when they equate Americans being in favor of the feel good things to Americans being in favor of the massive legislation which is Obamacare.
Did you listen to the whole Youtube? He was referring to picking and choosing government programs to open/close ..you can not do that as they are all important.

No they only hear what is playing on the right channel.

Again, you are saying that people who pick up trash is just as important as kids with cancer. Would you be saying that if YOUR KID was suffering from cancer?

Again? You didn't ask me anything a first time.
It's interesting there are people who cannot see right through this transparent tactic of using cancer kids as emotional blackmail.

No wonder they did it. They knew the rubes would fall for it and drink the piss.


Geeze you're a goofball.
Disgusting remarks.
Almost seems implausible, this condescending, immature
and disrespectful attitude graces the WH.
There is no dignity or decency in calling
part of your congress terrorists and all the other
appalling names Reid and the President have called their republican colleagues.
Being a breast cancer survivor I will say that even the trash guys pay is important, he has children to feed perhaps..

So if your children somehow had cancer (if you have children), you would want the gov't not to fund the NIH during the shutdown? All because it's not "fair" and all programs are important? I think kids dying of cancer is more important than people who pick up trash, but that's just me.

It pretty fucking sick of the Tea Party to hold cancer kids hostage and to use them as emotional blackmail. They have just proven there is no low too low for them to go.

They are basically digging themselves into a grave, not soon enough. :dig:

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