Harvard Caps Harris poll shows Biden and Hillary most reviled politicians of all

OK I'll bite.

What the fuck changed in 1998?

And - I say this with all due respect - please don't let it have anything to do with zionist jews ;)

In 1998 and before that the GOP was for fiscal conservatism and patriotism to America, and indeed HW was the last US President to support re-packing Israel in its 1948 defined border, part of the reason Murdoch was for Bill Clinton.

Then came Faux and the GOP really went after the "Karl Rove voter," the IQ under 5 pro Israel Christian supporter of handouts, socializing senior drugs, big government, and... Israel. The GOP ditched fiscal conservatism (Fed debt has gone from under $6 trillion to over $30 trillion since).

What is completely shocking is how many "Republicans" didn't notice that. It is like... WTF... HOW CAN YOU NOT NOTICE THAT!!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND BASIC FUCKING MATH - many of the "new Republicans" DO NOT!!!

Ronald Reagan's DOJ prosecuted a Texas sheriff for waterboarding. W and Cheney made waterboarding the official policy of forcing innocent muslims to lie about AQ and 911. Indeed, Cheney's televised claim that "Saddam is arming AQ with chem and bio" (a complete 100% pure across the board lie on about 11 different issues) was from one waterboarded prisoner who was arrested in Afghan for "being there," had nothing to do with 911 or AQ, and told the FBI he was waterboarded TO SAY THAT, TO LIE FOR CHENEY, and then he was murdered ... in the CIA's LIBYA base... repeat that... the CIA had a BASE in Gadaffi's Libya...

Reagan and HW DOJ prosecuted Republicans and Democrats. Indeed, Clinton's DOJ did too, put Webb Hubbell in prison for doing Hillary's work that Hillary billed for. W fired 7 US Attorneys and promoted left wing Schumer recommendation Mike Mukasey who flushed every case with a ZF or 911 defendant. HOW CAN YOU NOT NOTICE THAT!!!

Indeed, the "Republicans" who did not notice a change in the GOP pre and post 1998 are likely.... NOT CONSERVATIVE and HAVE IQ UNDER 5!!!
Dems policies hurt the poor and working class, hence they are unpopular with the people in spite of the propaganda you see in the media.
Doesn't matter , democrats learned how to cheat on a national level . And they are gonna do it again in 2024.

I'm not sure if they have the level of support and logistics they had in 2020. Financing all those protests, riots, and election fraud had to be expensive, and I wouldn't doubt that billions of dollars were spent by globalist interests in order to carry out the "Big Steal."

Biden certainly has been a disappointment to those who financed his presidency and now that the Democrats have taken control, they've become fat, bloated, lazy, and complacent. 2020 was a perfect storm for the Democrats. They had the death of George Floyd, who represented everything they hated. They also had a global pandemic, which they made use of to blame the Trump administration for everything they hated. They also didn't have the distraction of a war in Eastern Europe and the possibility of global thermonuclear war.

Call me optimistic, but I don't think that could pull off what they did in 2020. That was just a one time deal. A fluke. An anomaly. Just a glitch in the historical timeline.

But we'll see. It's no secret that the left and the globalists are scared shitless of Donald J. Trump. Whether they can pull off another steal or not remains to be seen.

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