Harvard Constitutional Scholar Calls For Trump Impeachment Probe

Who is Professor Laurence Tribe?

Laurence Henry "Larry" Tribe (born October 10, 1941) is a professor of constitutional law at Harvard Law School and the Carl M. Loeb University Professor at Harvard University. He also works with the firm Massey & Gail LLP on a variety of matters.[4]

Tribe is a liberal scholar of constitutional law[5][6] and cofounder of American Constitution Society. He is the author of American Constitutional Law (1978), a major treatise in that field, and has argued before the United States Supreme Court 36 times.[7]

Laurence Tribe - Wikipedia

Is this the same Larry Tribe that was quoted as saying after Trump's quip in the debate that he would assign a special prosecutor to investigate Hitlery's crimes via her slush fund disguised as a charitable foundation and her use of a private server to bypass scrutiny (and I quote) " Even threatening such a thing was "incompatible with the survival of a stable constitutional republic," while carrying out such a threat would constitute an "impeachable offense."

Sure seems to me that Tribe has one set of standards for his commie pals but another standard for those that are not commies.
Comey was fired because he had lost the trust of the rank and file members of the FBI that were incensed that he made himself the judge and jury concerning the outright criminal and treasonous behavior of Hillary Clinton and it was only compounded by the fact that the information confiscated from Anthony Weiner's laptop (husband of Hillary's confidante' Huma Abedin) showed that numerous security sensitive e-mails had been forwarded to him....... but what was the most disturbing was the child trafficking evidence tucked away in a special folder, along with child porn including snuff films that were so revolting that even the most hardened NYPD detectives broke down. They have been chomping at the bit to release this information but have been under a gag order. The 1,500 arrests of pedophiles and the busting up of huge pedo-rings are just the "small fish" that have occurred since the "Pizzagate" revelations came out. It's nothing but a smokescreen to placate the masses that something is being done. Comey was a joke, a partisan shill that is probably just as compromised as the ones he was protecting. The ironic thing is that when I thought I couldn't be more disgusted about this sham of a corporate entity disguised as a legitimate governmental body that is owned "lock, stock and barrel" by the creditors that own this bankrupted entity? They go and lower the bar.

One other incredibly disgusting revelation of this whole "hacking scam" is that the demcrats are not repulsed about the revelations of how the Hillary faction was plotting to steal the election and how they saw their "minions" as unaware but they seemed to becoming less controllable and that was something that needed to be addressed. One would think that the very fact that they see their voter base in that manner would and should piss off anyone with any critical thinking skills...but not the leftard clown posse....it's not the revelations of the e-mails that disturb them....it's the fact that they were revealed at all and someone is to blame........you just can't make this shit up and it's an indictment on how UTTERLY stupid the leftard clown posse actually is......it is to weep.
Gen Z is right leaning, they'll save the nation if we can keep President Trump on for 8 years. The Dem's know it, that's why they're totally freaking out and losing their minds. Their entire socialist/communist dream is going down the drain right now...
Actually I kind of like the OP. If Ds continue down this path they will compound their losses of the last eight years.
The swamp in academia needs to be drained! At a minimum there needs to be more diversity. There seems to be a disproportional Tribe members. :p In all seriousness, based on Wikipedia info, the anti-American douchebag Larry Tribe definitely wanted to see Barry Hussaine Obama on the Supreme Court and now obviously that ain't gonna happen. :)
The “authoritarian” president “interfered with an investigation involving national security,” writes Laurence Tribe.

A top Harvard constitutional law professor is calling for an impeachment investigation into Donald Trump for obstruction of justice, branding the president’s firing of FBI Director James Comey as an “obvious effort to interfere with a probe involving national security.”

To “wait for the results of the multiple investigations underway is to risk tying our nation’s fate to the whims of an authoritarian leader,” Professor Laurence Tribe wrote in an opinion piece in The Washington Post on Saturday. Tribe added that Trump’s conduct “strongly suggests that he poses a danger to our system of government.”

After Comey’s firing last week, Tribe joined the legal advisory board of Impeach Trump Now, a campaign pushing for an impeachment probe into the president.

“It is now up to Congress to save the Constitution by initiating impeachment proceedings,” Tribe said in a statement Friday when he joined the board. “Trump can’t say ‘You’re fired’ to the House of Representatives.”

Tribe wrote in the Post that “ample reasons existed to worry about this president, and to ponder the extraordinary remedy of impeachment even before the Comey firing.” He cited Trump’s apparent “brazen defiance” of the foreign emoluments clause of the Constitution, which bars a president from receiving foreign funds.

Video & More: Harvard Constitutional Scholar Calls For Trump Impeachment Probe

Amen, Professor Laurence Tribe! Trump is a clear and present danger! He must be removed.

The real danger is the Republicans looking at this as their one and only opportunity to make themselves the permanent ruling party. Don't kid yourself there are a number of them who would jump at the chance to do away with Constitutional government as long as their party is the new defacto single party rule. This is the danger in electing someone like orange-bitchface, he wouldn't hesitate to do it and if enough of them see the future is bleak because of bad demographics for Republicans it isn't out of the realm.

There are a few Republicans like McCain and the other guy that speak out very weakly on these things but who else? Even Rand Paul is going along with this bullshit charade.
Keep backing candidates like Hillary and Bernie, and they will be the "one and only permanent ruling party"

Hillary won't run again and Bernie has a lot of support. Your opinion of him isn't of consequence, had he run he would have won. Demographics are soon to overtake Republicans nationally and their ability to win national elections is eroding quick. Trump squeaked by and lost by 3 million votes among all voters.

The 'it doesn't matter he won' crowd are the put all the eggs in one basket crowd. To which I say good, gather up your eggs.
Your opinion of him isn't of consequence, had he run he would have won.

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