Harvard law professor wants to ban home schooling "it's dangerous to society and children".

They should have more home schooling. They usually do better than those schooled by government union teachers. We should stop sending federal aid to education. It does nothing but inflate the price. The time is soon coming when we won't be able to afford education, at least at the ridiculously high price we have today. Government unions and federal aid are to blame for the astronomical costs of education.
Harvard law professor wants to ban home schooling "it's dangerous to society and children".
Let's be clear the real story here:
  1. Home-schooled kids actually learn and test better than the hideous government-run public schools where they are subjected to bullying, metal detectors, school lunches, germs, and social indoctrination. Parents actually have a hand at guiding the learning of their children to learn the values and things THEY set for them. And it takes both the government and the teacher's union out of the loop.
  2. By extension, if you can learn grade school at home, then why not college material? With the exception of certain materials like labs and other equipment only an institution can provide, most of college can be done at home with books and on-line reading, making places like Harvard increasingly obsolete, fat and bloated.
That is what these universities and professors really fear-- -- no longer getting a fellowship to stay on and teach a cushy campus job but to have to actually go out into the real world and get a job.
I don't disagree with you at all but I think that parents who choose to home school take it very seriously.

If people who never wanted to home school are now forced to I think that there is concern about the quality of that education as bad as public schools are I think they can do a better job than a parent who has no interest in home schooling.

There is a very bad "trend" in homeschooling in that it is being used now by abusers to hide their abuse from "the system". Right? So if you are a monster, you are NOT going to send your kids to school, under the (usually) watchful eye of teachers. Nope. You're gonna "homeschool" them.

Per usual, rather than being proactive about this, the homeschooling "community" has been defensive and insular. Color me shocked.

What percentage of parents who home school are doing this? Is it greater than the percentage of parents who abuse their kids and send them to public school?

And really what can any other parent who home schools do about it?
During the Coronavirus crisis, many people who have never even considered homeschooling have been thrust into the practice.

Your a mental nut first off beeeeech.
Now you know why we have " liberal universities" or why we have leftist filtered so heavily thorough out our most needed systems from medicals..
Most are democratic pricks now imagine your lifeo n the line with one of these mental nnuts who found out you support Trump lol.

The only reason this control freak says htis is because they can't brainwash your kids you morons!!! They can't get them to hate You and not them.
Incase you can't figure it out they have you send your kids off as early as they can so they can INDOCTRINATE THE FK OUT OF THEM giving worse products each generation. The democrats today are tomorrows Hitlers. and Stalins Democratic whores never see this nor their control of ppl illness.

If more leftist tards had a brain they wouldn't hate Trump and you all do because you PARROT those feelings weak minds are easy to bait.

If only demonic twats knew why they are so dam dumb.

“The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America — A Chronological Paper Trail”, will change forever the way you look at your child’s education. Written by whistleblower Charlotte T. Iserbyt, it is the result of what she discovered while working in the US Department of Education and her subsequent research on the subject. First published in 1999, the original edition of the book contains 743 pages replete with documentation of the policies, conversations and events that led up to the way our educational system is run today.

“Exposing the Global Road to Ruin Through Education” is an 8-DVD/CD Set containing speeches and round tables featuring Charlotte Iserbyt with some of the country’s foremost education researchers. It covers everything from one teacher’s experiences in the globally-controlled classroom, to a speech by Rosa Koire, author of “Behind the Green Mask”. Koire spoke on the dangers of regionalism. Regionalism is the path to globalism, and an attempt to replace local control and influence every aspect of our lives.
Predictions made in this book — “Back to Basics Reform or OBE Skinnerian International Curriculum” — published in 1985, 1993, and 2004, have come true. The book — which spells out clearly how OBE, Goals 2000, No Child Left Behind, and School-to-Work would be implemented — was boycotted by major conservative organizations. Read it and ask yourself “Why?” The book has sold 50,000 copies to grassroots organizations.
“Soviets in the Classroom” — first published in 1989 — is an important piece of work which outlines the agreements made between our government and the Soviets with regard to education. Included is a timeline starting from the 1930s on, which lists important events related to this transformation.

and you wonder why your so easy

Wolf Administration is Caught Adding Up to 269 Fake Coronavirus Deaths to State Totals the Day After Anti-Lockdown Protests in Pennsylvania
Home schooling is a threat to the lib public education monopoly

it prevents liberals from brainwashing children in the public schools
Harvard law professor wants to ban home schooling "it's dangerous to society and children".
Let's be clear the real story here:
  1. Home-schooled kids actually learn and test better than the hideous government-run public schools where they are subjected to bullying, metal detectors, school lunches, germs, and social indoctrination. Parents actually have a hand at guiding the learning of their children to learn the values and things THEY set for them. And it takes both the government and the teacher's union out of the loop.
  2. By extension, if you can learn grade school at home, then why not college material? With the exception of certain materials like labs and other equipment only an institution can provide, most of college can be done at home with books and on-line reading, making places like Harvard increasingly obsolete, fat and bloated.
That is what these universities and professors really fear-- -- no longer getting a fellowship to stay on and teach a cushy campus job but to have to actually go out into the real world and get a job.
I don't disagree with you at all but I think that parents who choose to home school take it very seriously.

If people who never wanted to home school are now forced to I think that there is concern about the quality of that education as bad as public schools are I think they can do a better job than a parent who has no interest in home schooling.
Agreed. It should be a CHOICE, plus the fact that some parents can't be home during the day or aren't themselves up to the task of teaching a kid so need an outside institution. Hell, some adults themselves can't even run their own lives much less educate another.
During the Coronavirus crisis, many people who have never even considered homeschooling have been thrust into the practice.

Your a mental nut first off beeeeech.
Now you know why we have " liberal universities" or why we have leftist filtered so heavily thorough out our most needed systems from medicals..
Most are democratic pricks now imagine your lifeo n the line with one of these mental nnuts who found out you support Trump lol.

The only reason this control freak says htis is because they can't brainwash your kids you morons!!! They can't get them to hate You and not them.
Incase you can't figure it out they have you send your kids off as early as they can so they can INDOCTRINATE THE FK OUT OF THEM giving worse products each generation. The democrats today are tomorrows Hitlers. and Stalins Democratic whores never see this nor their control of ppl illness.

If more leftist tards had a brain they wouldn't hate Trump and you all do because you PARROT those feelings weak minds are easy to bait.

If only demonic twats knew why they are so dam dumb.

“The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America — A Chronological Paper Trail”, will change forever the way you look at your child’s education. Written by whistleblower Charlotte T. Iserbyt, it is the result of what she discovered while working in the US Department of Education and her subsequent research on the subject. First published in 1999, the original edition of the book contains 743 pages replete with documentation of the policies, conversations and events that led up to the way our educational system is run today.

“Exposing the Global Road to Ruin Through Education” is an 8-DVD/CD Set containing speeches and round tables featuring Charlotte Iserbyt with some of the country’s foremost education researchers. It covers everything from one teacher’s experiences in the globally-controlled classroom, to a speech by Rosa Koire, author of “Behind the Green Mask”. Koire spoke on the dangers of regionalism. Regionalism is the path to globalism, and an attempt to replace local control and influence every aspect of our lives.
Predictions made in this book — “Back to Basics Reform or OBE Skinnerian International Curriculum” — published in 1985, 1993, and 2004, have come true. The book — which spells out clearly how OBE, Goals 2000, No Child Left Behind, and School-to-Work would be implemented — was boycotted by major conservative organizations. Read it and ask yourself “Why?” The book has sold 50,000 copies to grassroots organizations.
“Soviets in the Classroom” — first published in 1989 — is an important piece of work which outlines the agreements made between our government and the Soviets with regard to education. Included is a timeline starting from the 1930s on, which lists important events related to this transformation.

and you wonder why your so easy

Wolf Administration is Caught Adding Up to 269 Fake Coronavirus Deaths to State Totals the Day After Anti-Lockdown Protests in Pennsylvania
Home schooling is a threat to the lib public education monopoly

it prevents liberals from brainwashing children in the public schools

Homeschooling should not be outlawed, to be clear. This professor is an idiot but to be honest, many are.

If you know any teachers, most of you, tell them all about "brainwashing" kids. And watch them laugh. Like we have any time for brainwashing between teaching actual content and dodging blows brought on by the very real behavioral problems in schools now
During the Coronavirus crisis, many people who have never even considered homeschooling have been thrust into the practice.

Your a mental nut first off beeeeech.
Now you know why we have " liberal universities" or why we have leftist filtered so heavily thorough out our most needed systems from medicals..
Most are democratic pricks now imagine your lifeo n the line with one of these mental nnuts who found out you support Trump lol.

The only reason this control freak says htis is because they can't brainwash your kids you morons!!! They can't get them to hate You and not them.
Incase you can't figure it out they have you send your kids off as early as they can so they can INDOCTRINATE THE FK OUT OF THEM giving worse products each generation. The democrats today are tomorrows Hitlers. and Stalins Democratic whores never see this nor their control of ppl illness.

If more leftist tards had a brain they wouldn't hate Trump and you all do because you PARROT those feelings weak minds are easy to bait.

If only demonic twats knew why they are so dam dumb.

“The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America — A Chronological Paper Trail”, will change forever the way you look at your child’s education. Written by whistleblower Charlotte T. Iserbyt, it is the result of what she discovered while working in the US Department of Education and her subsequent research on the subject. First published in 1999, the original edition of the book contains 743 pages replete with documentation of the policies, conversations and events that led up to the way our educational system is run today.

“Exposing the Global Road to Ruin Through Education” is an 8-DVD/CD Set containing speeches and round tables featuring Charlotte Iserbyt with some of the country’s foremost education researchers. It covers everything from one teacher’s experiences in the globally-controlled classroom, to a speech by Rosa Koire, author of “Behind the Green Mask”. Koire spoke on the dangers of regionalism. Regionalism is the path to globalism, and an attempt to replace local control and influence every aspect of our lives.
Predictions made in this book — “Back to Basics Reform or OBE Skinnerian International Curriculum” — published in 1985, 1993, and 2004, have come true. The book — which spells out clearly how OBE, Goals 2000, No Child Left Behind, and School-to-Work would be implemented — was boycotted by major conservative organizations. Read it and ask yourself “Why?” The book has sold 50,000 copies to grassroots organizations.
“Soviets in the Classroom” — first published in 1989 — is an important piece of work which outlines the agreements made between our government and the Soviets with regard to education. Included is a timeline starting from the 1930s on, which lists important events related to this transformation.

and you wonder why your so easy

Wolf Administration is Caught Adding Up to 269 Fake Coronavirus Deaths to State Totals the Day After Anti-Lockdown Protests in Pennsylvania
Home schooling is a threat to the lib public education monopoly

it prevents liberals from brainwashing children in the public schools

Homeschooling should not be outlawed, to be clear. This professor is an idiot but to be honest, many are.

If you know any teachers, most of you, tell them all about "brainwashing" kids. And watch them laugh. Like we have any time for brainwashing between teaching actual content and dodging blows brought on by the very real behavioral problems in schools now
The brainwashing comes in the books given to kids to study by combined with the very lib attitude of many public school teachers.
Harvard law professor wants to ban home schooling "it's dangerous to society and children".
Let's be clear the real story here:
  1. Home-schooled kids actually learn and test better than the hideous government-run public schools where they are subjected to bullying, metal detectors, school lunches, germs, and social indoctrination. Parents actually have a hand at guiding the learning of their children to learn the values and things THEY set for them. And it takes both the government and the teacher's union out of the loop.
  2. By extension, if you can learn grade school at home, then why not college material? With the exception of certain materials like labs and other equipment only an institution can provide, most of college can be done at home with books and on-line reading, making places like Harvard increasingly obsolete, fat and bloated.
That is what these universities and professors really fear-- -- no longer getting a fellowship to stay on and teach a cushy campus job but to have to actually go out into the real world and get a job.
I don't disagree with you at all but I think that parents who choose to home school take it very seriously.

If people who never wanted to home school are now forced to I think that there is concern about the quality of that education as bad as public schools are I think they can do a better job than a parent who has no interest in home schooling.

There is a very bad "trend" in homeschooling in that it is being used now by abusers to hide their abuse from "the system". Right? So if you are a monster, you are NOT going to send your kids to school, under the (usually) watchful eye of teachers. Nope. You're gonna "homeschool" them.

Per usual, rather than being proactive about this, the homeschooling "community" has been defensive and insular. Color me shocked.
And there is equally the cases where a kid goes to school with a bruise from playing, the school builds it up into a case for suspected parental abuse, then goes into the home and takes the kids off the parents traumatizing the kids and family putting them through a living hell.
People who homeschool are considered odd over here. I know in places like Australia and the US the distances are huge and it may be a necessity.
But school is about so much more than your lessons and kids miss out on a lot.
It's great for abusers though.
The world isn't all about testing.

Homeschooled kids have trouble making friends and have trouble having conversations with other kids their age. They have difficulty taking other kids ideas into consideration and don't know how to explain their opinions to others. Homeschooled kids don't learn how to socialize as human beings.

A good friend of mine's wife insisted on homeschooling her kids. Her children grew up without any real friends and when you tried to hold a conversation with them it was like talking to a wall. They are all still living at home because they were never made to work or do anything on their own.
You know what else home schooled kids miss out on? Bullying. School shootings. Hostile incompetent teachers that hold grudges when a child doesn't knuckle under to a teacher's personal political/social views.
Gang intimidation. Racial animosity.

I went through all that (okay, not the school shootings part). Your anecdotal evidence doesn't really
counter everything I listed, in my opinion.

Yes, you miss out on some friendships you might gain at school.
To me that's far outweighed by all the negatives. Kids can meet and socialize in a variety of ways.
In a paper published recently in the Arizona Law Review, she notes that parents choose homeschooling for an array of reasons. Some find local schools lacking or want to protect their child from bullying. Others do it to give their children the flexibility to pursue sports or other activities at a high level. But surveys of homeschoolers show that a majority of such families (by some estimates, up to 90 percent) are driven by conservative Christian beliefs, and seek to remove their children from mainstream culture. Bartholet notes that some of these parents are “extreme religious ideologues” who question science and promote female subservience and white supremacy.

She views the absence of regulations ensuring that homeschooled children receive a meaningful education equivalent to that required in public schools as a threat to U.S. democracy. “From the beginning of compulsory education in this country, we have thought of the government as having some right to educate children so that they become active, productive participants in the larger society,” she says. This involves in part giving children the knowledge to eventually get jobs and support themselves. “But it’s also important that children grow up exposed to community values, social values, democratic values, ideas about nondiscrimination and tolerance of other people’s viewpoints,” she says, noting that European countries such as Germany ban homeschooling entirely and that countries such as France require home visits and anhttps://harvardmagazine.com/2020/05/right-now-risks-homeschoolingnual tests.
She is right of course, beats growing up to be a religious freak. Also no more private schools, if we took care of the Public Schools more, they would be great.
Many public schools churn out kids who can barely read or think just to move them out and keep their
fake graduation numbers up. I have a brother who was a teacher and a daughter who is one now.
I know how things work.

They process kids through a failing don't
give a damn
system the way pork is processed through a sausage machine.
Harvard law professor wants to ban home schooling "it's dangerous to society and children".
Let's be clear the real story here:
  1. Home-schooled kids actually learn and test better than the hideous government-run public schools where they are subjected to bullying, metal detectors, school lunches, germs, and social indoctrination. Parents actually have a hand at guiding the learning of their children to learn the values and things THEY set for them. And it takes both the government and the teacher's union out of the loop.
  2. By extension, if you can learn grade school at home, then why not college material? With the exception of certain materials like labs and other equipment only an institution can provide, most of college can be done at home with books and on-line reading, making places like Harvard increasingly obsolete, fat and bloated.
That is what these universities and professors really fear-- -- no longer getting a fellowship to stay on and teach a cushy campus job but to have to actually go out into the real world and get a job.
I don't disagree with you at all but I think that parents who choose to home school take it very seriously.

If people who never wanted to home school are now forced to I think that there is concern about the quality of that education as bad as public schools are I think they can do a better job than a parent who has no interest in home schooling.

There is a very bad "trend" in homeschooling in that it is being used now by abusers to hide their abuse from "the system". Right? So if you are a monster, you are NOT going to send your kids to school, under the (usually) watchful eye of teachers. Nope. You're gonna "homeschool" them.

Per usual, rather than being proactive about this, the homeschooling "community" has been defensive and insular. Color me shocked.
And there is equally the cases where a kid goes to school with a bruise from playing, the school builds it up into a case for suspected parental abuse, then goes into the home and takes the kids off the parents traumatizing the kids and family putting them through a living hell.
Sounds like you had this to happened to you? You want to discuss it.
Its usually after numerous times.
She is right of course, beats growing up to be a religious freak. Also no more private schools, if we took care of the Public Schools more, they would be great.
Many public schools churn out kids who can barely read or think just to move them out and keep their
fake graduation numbers up. I have a brother who was a teacher and a daughter who is one now.
I know how things work.

They process kids through a failing don't
give a damn
system the way pork is processed through a sausage machine.

That is also the parents fault. Homework comes to mind, most parents could give 10 shits if the child reads , how well he reads and if he / she has done the homework. And we are suppose to trust parents for the educating the child.
Homeschooling should not be outlawed, to be clear. This professor is an idiot but to be honest, many are.

If you know any teachers, most of you, tell them all about "brainwashing" kids. And watch them laugh. Like we have any time for brainwashing between teaching actual content and dodging blows brought on by the very real behavioral problems in schools now

Sue, your contribution to this thread has been informative. Thanks. As an instructor who teaches adults only, I don't have the insight you do. My clients come into my classroom fully formed in outlook and opinion. I admit I've fallen into the "liberal indoctrination centers" opinion of public schools--not from talking to teachers but from what comes out of the mouths of kids who have been through the system. There definitely appears to be a left-leaning trend.

Here's another side of the coin opposing the Harvard "professor's" view. I'd be interested in your take on it as I'm sure others here would. Once again, thanks for your view from inside the system.

That is also the parents fault. Homework comes to mind, most parents could give 10 shits if the child reads , how well he reads and if he / she has done the homework. And we are suppose to trust parents for the educating the child.
:icon_rolleyes: Parents that care enough to jump through all the hoops it takes to rescue your child from a failing
system that indoctrinates a child with it's corrupt values and not your own aren't the sort that don't give a damn.
It's precisely the opposite case.
She is right of course, beats growing up to be a religious freak. Also no more private schools, if we took care of the Public Schools more, they would be great.
Many public schools churn out kids who can barely read or think just to move them out and keep their
fake graduation numbers up. I have a brother who was a teacher and a daughter who is one now.
I know how things work.

They process kids through a failing don't
give a damn
system the way pork is processed through a sausage machine.

That is also the parents fault. Homework comes to mind, most parents could give 10 shits if the child reads , how well he reads and if he / she has done the homework. And we are suppose to trust parents for the educating the child.
Yes, you have seen all the parents doing this.

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