Harvard law professor wants to ban home schooling "it's dangerous to society and children".

I had a teacher who was, in fact, a out and out Marxist.
My political awareness was below zero when I got an English teacher in jr. high who spent a good deal of every class ridiculing and denigrating then California governor Ronald Reagan (who he "cleverly" called
Ronnie Raygun Zap). That was considered clever then.
I didn't learn much English but I did learn how much he hated Republicans and Reagan.
You just destroyed your own argument. Thank you!

Your detailed rebuttal leaves me in awe!:eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52:

Wait, no, it was a hit-n-run shitpost!

You said that Chicago was not an expensive place to live...

I will give you one hundred trillion dollars if you can show where I claimed that.

...and then claimed they are required to live in the city. How does that jive with your claim that they are well piad(sic)?

They're well-paid enough that many send their children to private schools. (Because, of course, they would NEVER subject their precious snowflakes to the sewers they teach in!)
Homeschooled kids have trouble making friends and have trouble having conversations with other kids their age. They have difficulty taking other kids ideas into consideration and don't know how to explain their opinions to others. Homeschooled kids don't learn how to socialize as human beings.

That's so much bullshit, IMHO. I went to the parochial school system, but I knew and was friends with kids who went to different Catholic schools as well as the government school system. Saw them on the streets , at the local play grounds and fields.

It isn't like school is the only place a kid can meet other kids.
You just destroyed your own argument. Thank you!

Your detailed rebuttal leaves me in awe!:eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52:

Wait, no, it was a hit-n-run shitpost!

You said that Chicago was not an expensive place to live...

I will give you one hundred trillion dollars if you can show where I claimed that.

...and then claimed they are required to live in the city. How does that jive with your claim that they are well paid(sic)?

They're well-paid enough that many send their children to private schools. (Because, of course, they would NEVER subject their precious snowflakes to the sewers they teach in!)

If you can't man up and admit your error, so be it. The students make them sewers, not the teachers, administrators, or buildings. How do we change society to fix that problem?
Homeschooled kids have trouble making friends and have trouble having conversations with other kids their age. They have difficulty taking other kids ideas into consideration and don't know how to explain their opinions to others. Homeschooled kids don't learn how to socialize as human beings.

That's so much bullshit, IMHO. I went to the parochial school system, but I knew and was friends with kids who went to different Catholic schools as well as the government school system. Saw them on the streets , at the local play grounds and fields.

It isn't like school is the only place a kid can meet other kids.

So, you were not homeschooled. That is what he was talking about, which I have seen with my own two eyes.
You just destroyed your own argument. Thank you!

Your detailed rebuttal leaves me in awe!:eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52:

Wait, no, it was a hit-n-run shitpost!

You said that Chicago was not an expensive place to live...

I will give you one hundred trillion dollars if you can show where I claimed that.

...and then claimed they are required to live in the city. How does that jive with your claim that they are well paid(sic)?

They're well-paid enough that many send their children to private schools. (Because, of course, they would NEVER subject their precious snowflakes to the sewers they teach in!)

If you can't man up and admit your error, so be it.

Dodging and deflecting...because you know you screwed up.

I accept your concession...better luck next time!

The students make them sewers, not the teachers, administrators, or buildings. How do we change society to fix that problem?

Cannot be done because nobody is willing to do it. We're screwed.
During the Coronavirus crisis, many people who have never even considered homeschooling have been thrust into the practice.

Your a mental nut first off beeeeech.
Now you know why we have " liberal universities" or why we have leftist filtered so heavily thorough out our most needed systems from medicals..
Most are democratic pricks now imagine your lifeo n the line with one of these mental nnuts who found out you support Trump lol.

The only reason this control freak says htis is because they can't brainwash your kids you morons!!! They can't get them to hate You and not them.
Incase you can't figure it out they have you send your kids off as early as they can so they can INDOCTRINATE THE FK OUT OF THEM giving worse products each generation. The democrats today are tomorrows Hitlers. and Stalins Democratic whores never see this nor their control of ppl illness.

If more leftist tards had a brain they wouldn't hate Trump and you all do because you PARROT those feelings weak minds are easy to bait.

If only demonic twats knew why they are so dam dumb.

“The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America — A Chronological Paper Trail”, will change forever the way you look at your child’s education. Written by whistleblower Charlotte T. Iserbyt, it is the result of what she discovered while working in the US Department of Education and her subsequent research on the subject. First published in 1999, the original edition of the book contains 743 pages replete with documentation of the policies, conversations and events that led up to the way our educational system is run today.

“Exposing the Global Road to Ruin Through Education” is an 8-DVD/CD Set containing speeches and round tables featuring Charlotte Iserbyt with some of the country’s foremost education researchers. It covers everything from one teacher’s experiences in the globally-controlled classroom, to a speech by Rosa Koire, author of “Behind the Green Mask”. Koire spoke on the dangers of regionalism. Regionalism is the path to globalism, and an attempt to replace local control and influence every aspect of our lives.
Predictions made in this book — “Back to Basics Reform or OBE Skinnerian International Curriculum” — published in 1985, 1993, and 2004, have come true. The book — which spells out clearly how OBE, Goals 2000, No Child Left Behind, and School-to-Work would be implemented — was boycotted by major conservative organizations. Read it and ask yourself “Why?” The book has sold 50,000 copies to grassroots organizations.
“Soviets in the Classroom” — first published in 1989 — is an important piece of work which outlines the agreements made between our government and the Soviets with regard to education. Included is a timeline starting from the 1930s on, which lists important events related to this transformation.

and you wonder why your so easy

Wolf Administration is Caught Adding Up to 269 Fake Coronavirus Deaths to State Totals the Day After Anti-Lockdown Protests in Pennsylvania
Home schooling is a threat to the lib public education monopoly

it prevents liberals from brainwashing children in the public schools

How can there be a monopoly if private and home schooling are options?
90% or more qualifies as a monopoly

Well, since it is less than 90%, I guess it does not meet your definition. Also, is that not by choice?
Well gosh.

I used 90% off the top of my head

so just for my own information I decided to see how far I was off

according to the far leftwing government school loving Huffington Post I was exactly right

Last edited:
You just destroyed your own argument. Thank you!

Your detailed rebuttal leaves me in awe!:eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52:

Wait, no, it was a hit-n-run shitpost!

You said that Chicago was not an expensive place to live...

I will give you one hundred trillion dollars if you can show where I claimed that.

...and then claimed they are required to live in the city. How does that jive with your claim that they are well paid(sic)?

They're well-paid enough that many send their children to private schools. (Because, of course, they would NEVER subject their precious snowflakes to the sewers they teach in!)

If you can't man up and admit your error, so be it.

Dodging and deflecting...because you know you screwed up.

I accept your concession...better luck next time!

The students make them sewers, not the teachers, administrators, or buildings. How do we change society to fix that problem?

Cannot be done because nobody is willing to do it. We're screwed.

I despise people like you. You are worse than the dumbest liberal because you refuse to admit, you said the teachers in Chicago were well paid and then when you claimed they have to live in the expensive city, you don't realize that the net income is less. What a fucked up piece of shit dumbass you are! You can't see the truth and revel in your ignorance. Maybe you are a closet libtard!
"Who knows the child best?"

Who cares for the child most? The "professor" or the parents?

During the Coronavirus crisis, many people who have never even considered homeschooling have been thrust into the practice.

Your a mental nut first off beeeeech.
Now you know why we have " liberal universities" or why we have leftist filtered so heavily thorough out our most needed systems from medicals..
Most are democratic pricks now imagine your lifeo n the line with one of these mental nnuts who found out you support Trump lol.

The only reason this control freak says htis is because they can't brainwash your kids you morons!!! They can't get them to hate You and not them.
Incase you can't figure it out they have you send your kids off as early as they can so they can INDOCTRINATE THE FK OUT OF THEM giving worse products each generation. The democrats today are tomorrows Hitlers. and Stalins Democratic whores never see this nor their control of ppl illness.

If more leftist tards had a brain they wouldn't hate Trump and you all do because you PARROT those feelings weak minds are easy to bait.

If only demonic twats knew why they are so dam dumb.

“The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America — A Chronological Paper Trail”, will change forever the way you look at your child’s education. Written by whistleblower Charlotte T. Iserbyt, it is the result of what she discovered while working in the US Department of Education and her subsequent research on the subject. First published in 1999, the original edition of the book contains 743 pages replete with documentation of the policies, conversations and events that led up to the way our educational system is run today.

“Exposing the Global Road to Ruin Through Education” is an 8-DVD/CD Set containing speeches and round tables featuring Charlotte Iserbyt with some of the country’s foremost education researchers. It covers everything from one teacher’s experiences in the globally-controlled classroom, to a speech by Rosa Koire, author of “Behind the Green Mask”. Koire spoke on the dangers of regionalism. Regionalism is the path to globalism, and an attempt to replace local control and influence every aspect of our lives.
Predictions made in this book — “Back to Basics Reform or OBE Skinnerian International Curriculum” — published in 1985, 1993, and 2004, have come true. The book — which spells out clearly how OBE, Goals 2000, No Child Left Behind, and School-to-Work would be implemented — was boycotted by major conservative organizations. Read it and ask yourself “Why?” The book has sold 50,000 copies to grassroots organizations.
“Soviets in the Classroom” — first published in 1989 — is an important piece of work which outlines the agreements made between our government and the Soviets with regard to education. Included is a timeline starting from the 1930s on, which lists important events related to this transformation.

and you wonder why your so easy

Wolf Administration is Caught Adding Up to 269 Fake Coronavirus Deaths to State Totals the Day After Anti-Lockdown Protests in Pennsylvania
Home schooling is a threat to the lib public education monopoly

it prevents liberals from brainwashing children in the public schools

How can there be a monopoly if private and home schooling are options?
90% or more qualifies as a monopoly

Well, since it is less than 90%, I guess it does not meet your definition. Also, is that not by choice?
Well gosh.

I used 90% off the top of my head

so just for my own information I decided to see how far I was off

according to the far leftwing government school loving Huffington Post I was exactly right

If that is true, homeschooling and private schools are becoming less popular than before. How do you explain that?
During the Coronavirus crisis, many people who have never even considered homeschooling have been thrust into the practice.

Your a mental nut first off beeeeech.
Now you know why we have " liberal universities" or why we have leftist filtered so heavily thorough out our most needed systems from medicals..
Most are democratic pricks now imagine your lifeo n the line with one of these mental nnuts who found out you support Trump lol.

The only reason this control freak says htis is because they can't brainwash your kids you morons!!! They can't get them to hate You and not them.
Incase you can't figure it out they have you send your kids off as early as they can so they can INDOCTRINATE THE FK OUT OF THEM giving worse products each generation. The democrats today are tomorrows Hitlers. and Stalins Democratic whores never see this nor their control of ppl illness.

If more leftist tards had a brain they wouldn't hate Trump and you all do because you PARROT those feelings weak minds are easy to bait.

If only demonic twats knew why they are so dam dumb.

“The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America — A Chronological Paper Trail”, will change forever the way you look at your child’s education. Written by whistleblower Charlotte T. Iserbyt, it is the result of what she discovered while working in the US Department of Education and her subsequent research on the subject. First published in 1999, the original edition of the book contains 743 pages replete with documentation of the policies, conversations and events that led up to the way our educational system is run today.

“Exposing the Global Road to Ruin Through Education” is an 8-DVD/CD Set containing speeches and round tables featuring Charlotte Iserbyt with some of the country’s foremost education researchers. It covers everything from one teacher’s experiences in the globally-controlled classroom, to a speech by Rosa Koire, author of “Behind the Green Mask”. Koire spoke on the dangers of regionalism. Regionalism is the path to globalism, and an attempt to replace local control and influence every aspect of our lives.
Predictions made in this book — “Back to Basics Reform or OBE Skinnerian International Curriculum” — published in 1985, 1993, and 2004, have come true. The book — which spells out clearly how OBE, Goals 2000, No Child Left Behind, and School-to-Work would be implemented — was boycotted by major conservative organizations. Read it and ask yourself “Why?” The book has sold 50,000 copies to grassroots organizations.
“Soviets in the Classroom” — first published in 1989 — is an important piece of work which outlines the agreements made between our government and the Soviets with regard to education. Included is a timeline starting from the 1930s on, which lists important events related to this transformation.

and you wonder why your so easy

Wolf Administration is Caught Adding Up to 269 Fake Coronavirus Deaths to State Totals the Day After Anti-Lockdown Protests in Pennsylvania
Home schooling is a threat to the lib public education monopoly

it prevents liberals from brainwashing children in the public schools

How can there be a monopoly if private and home schooling are options?
90% or more qualifies as a monopoly

Well, since it is less than 90%, I guess it does not meet your definition. Also, is that not by choice?
Well gosh.

I used 90% off the top of my head

so just for my own information I decided to see how far I was off

according to the far leftwing government school loving Huffington Post I was exactly right

If that is true, homeschooling and private schools are becoming less popular than before. How do you explain that?
I dont know if thats true or not

But I have heard that public school teachers are really keen to get their kids in private school
During the Coronavirus crisis, many people who have never even considered homeschooling have been thrust into the practice.

Your a mental nut first off beeeeech.
Now you know why we have " liberal universities" or why we have leftist filtered so heavily thorough out our most needed systems from medicals..
Most are democratic pricks now imagine your lifeo n the line with one of these mental nnuts who found out you support Trump lol.

The only reason this control freak says htis is because they can't brainwash your kids you morons!!! They can't get them to hate You and not them.
Incase you can't figure it out they have you send your kids off as early as they can so they can INDOCTRINATE THE FK OUT OF THEM giving worse products each generation. The democrats today are tomorrows Hitlers. and Stalins Democratic whores never see this nor their control of ppl illness.

If more leftist tards had a brain they wouldn't hate Trump and you all do because you PARROT those feelings weak minds are easy to bait.

If only demonic twats knew why they are so dam dumb.

“The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America — A Chronological Paper Trail”, will change forever the way you look at your child’s education. Written by whistleblower Charlotte T. Iserbyt, it is the result of what she discovered while working in the US Department of Education and her subsequent research on the subject. First published in 1999, the original edition of the book contains 743 pages replete with documentation of the policies, conversations and events that led up to the way our educational system is run today.

“Exposing the Global Road to Ruin Through Education” is an 8-DVD/CD Set containing speeches and round tables featuring Charlotte Iserbyt with some of the country’s foremost education researchers. It covers everything from one teacher’s experiences in the globally-controlled classroom, to a speech by Rosa Koire, author of “Behind the Green Mask”. Koire spoke on the dangers of regionalism. Regionalism is the path to globalism, and an attempt to replace local control and influence every aspect of our lives.
Predictions made in this book — “Back to Basics Reform or OBE Skinnerian International Curriculum” — published in 1985, 1993, and 2004, have come true. The book — which spells out clearly how OBE, Goals 2000, No Child Left Behind, and School-to-Work would be implemented — was boycotted by major conservative organizations. Read it and ask yourself “Why?” The book has sold 50,000 copies to grassroots organizations.
“Soviets in the Classroom” — first published in 1989 — is an important piece of work which outlines the agreements made between our government and the Soviets with regard to education. Included is a timeline starting from the 1930s on, which lists important events related to this transformation.

and you wonder why your so easy

Wolf Administration is Caught Adding Up to 269 Fake Coronavirus Deaths to State Totals the Day After Anti-Lockdown Protests in Pennsylvania
Home schooling is a threat to the lib public education monopoly

it prevents liberals from brainwashing children in the public schools

How can there be a monopoly if private and home schooling are options?
90% or more qualifies as a monopoly

Well, since it is less than 90%, I guess it does not meet your definition. Also, is that not by choice?
Well gosh.

I used 90% off the top of my head

so just for my own information I decided to see how far I was off

according to the far leftwing government school loving Huffington Post I was exactly right

If that is true, homeschooling and private schools are becoming less popular than before. How do you explain that?
I dont know if thats true or not

But I have heard that public school teachers are really keen to get their kids in private school

Most of the time it is because of the demons that infest the schools, making learning impossible.
You just destroyed your own argument. Thank you!

Your detailed rebuttal leaves me in awe!:eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52:

Wait, no, it was a hit-n-run shitpost!

You said that Chicago was not an expensive place to live...

I will give you one hundred trillion dollars if you can show where I claimed that.

...and then claimed they are required to live in the city. How does that jive with your claim that they are well paid(sic)?

They're well-paid enough that many send their children to private schools. (Because, of course, they would NEVER subject their precious snowflakes to the sewers they teach in!)

If you can't man up and admit your error, so be it.

Dodging and deflecting...because you know you screwed up.

I accept your concession...better luck next time!

The students make them sewers, not the teachers, administrators, or buildings. How do we change society to fix that problem?

Cannot be done because nobody is willing to do it. We're screwed.

I despise people like you. You are worse than the dumbest liberal because you refuse to admit, you said the teachers in Chicago were well paid and then when you claimed they have to live in the expensive city, you don't realize that the net income is less. What a fucked up piece of shit dumbass you are! You can't see the truth and revel in your ignorance. Maybe you are a closet libtard!


Wow...that was...kind of funny...a little like a drunk trying to sing karaoke. Incoherent, but briefly entertaining.

You have nothing, you realize you have nothing. I accept your concession.
But I have heard that public school teachers are really keen to get their kids in private school.

Of course. They know how bad the schools are, and would not DREAM of putting their precious little snowflakes in a sewer like that!
Okay, I've read page 1, and all I can say is this:
Anyone who is worried about "indoctrination" by others is not giving themselves enough credit as parents. Around here, kids hold their own "elections" and vote just before the Presidential election. Guess how they vote? LIKE THEIR PARENTS. They hear you talking. They see your body language. They know who you approve of and who you don't.

Kids also pick up a lot of other stuff from their parents: the concept of getting out of bed and going to work every day, saving their money, being honest, being respectful, being fair. Or not. No one sits kids down and teaches them that. But they suck it up like a sponge.

You don't have to hide your kids away from someone who might have different views from yours. Your kids will have already learned yours.
During the Coronavirus crisis, many people who have never even considered homeschooling have been thrust into the practice.

Your a mental nut first off beeeeech.
Now you know why we have " liberal universities" or why we have leftist filtered so heavily thorough out our most needed systems from medicals..
Most are democratic pricks now imagine your lifeo n the line with one of these mental nnuts who found out you support Trump lol.

The only reason this control freak says htis is because they can't brainwash your kids you morons!!! They can't get them to hate You and not them.
Incase you can't figure it out they have you send your kids off as early as they can so they can INDOCTRINATE THE FK OUT OF THEM giving worse products each generation. The democrats today are tomorrows Hitlers. and Stalins Democratic whores never see this nor their control of ppl illness.

If more leftist tards had a brain they wouldn't hate Trump and you all do because you PARROT those feelings weak minds are easy to bait.

If only demonic twats knew why they are so dam dumb.

“The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America — A Chronological Paper Trail”, will change forever the way you look at your child’s education. Written by whistleblower Charlotte T. Iserbyt, it is the result of what she discovered while working in the US Department of Education and her subsequent research on the subject. First published in 1999, the original edition of the book contains 743 pages replete with documentation of the policies, conversations and events that led up to the way our educational system is run today.

“Exposing the Global Road to Ruin Through Education” is an 8-DVD/CD Set containing speeches and round tables featuring Charlotte Iserbyt with some of the country’s foremost education researchers. It covers everything from one teacher’s experiences in the globally-controlled classroom, to a speech by Rosa Koire, author of “Behind the Green Mask”. Koire spoke on the dangers of regionalism. Regionalism is the path to globalism, and an attempt to replace local control and influence every aspect of our lives.
Predictions made in this book — “Back to Basics Reform or OBE Skinnerian International Curriculum” — published in 1985, 1993, and 2004, have come true. The book — which spells out clearly how OBE, Goals 2000, No Child Left Behind, and School-to-Work would be implemented — was boycotted by major conservative organizations. Read it and ask yourself “Why?” The book has sold 50,000 copies to grassroots organizations.
“Soviets in the Classroom” — first published in 1989 — is an important piece of work which outlines the agreements made between our government and the Soviets with regard to education. Included is a timeline starting from the 1930s on, which lists important events related to this transformation.

and you wonder why your so easy

Wolf Administration is Caught Adding Up to 269 Fake Coronavirus Deaths to State Totals the Day After Anti-Lockdown Protests in Pennsylvania
Home schooling is a threat to the lib public education monopoly

it prevents liberals from brainwashing children in the public schools

How can there be a monopoly if private and home schooling are options?
90% or more qualifies as a monopoly

Well, since it is less than 90%, I guess it does not meet your definition. Also, is that not by choice?
Well gosh.

I used 90% off the top of my head

so just for my own information I decided to see how far I was off

according to the far leftwing government school loving Huffington Post I was exactly right

If that is true, homeschooling and private schools are becoming less popular than before. How do you explain that?
I dont know if thats true or not

But I have heard that public school teachers are really keen to get their kids in private school

Most of the time it is because of the demons that infest the schools, making learning impossible.
Lib public schools, lib demons

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