Harvey Weinstein is a serial sexual harasser...will Dems no longer accept his donations?

So most are due to a contractual violation, the rest due to a violation of law, regulation or statute.

So if someone slips on your sidewalk and sues you, what law did you break?

You realize that you're a special kind of stupid, don't you?

I'm glad you asked.

NYC DOT - New York City Administrative Code Sidewalk Rules

New York City Administrative Code Sidewalk Rules
So most are due to a contractual violation, the rest due to a violation of law, regulation or statute.

So if someone slips on your sidewalk and sues you, what law did you break?

You realize that you're a special kind of stupid, don't you?

I'm glad you asked.

NYC DOT - New York City Administrative Code Sidewalk Rules

New York City Administrative Code Sidewalk Rules

That's New York City. Furthermore, it's not a criminal law.
So most are due to a contractual violation, the rest due to a violation of law, regulation or statute.

So if someone slips on your sidewalk and sues you, what law did you break?

You realize that you're a special kind of stupid, don't you?

I'm glad you asked.

NYC DOT - New York City Administrative Code Sidewalk Rules

New York City Administrative Code Sidewalk Rules
He's a misogynist....so Dems will vilify and ostracize the Miramax Chairman.......RIGHT?:banana:

RIGHT. :badgrin:

This sexual harassment lawsuit will be minimized by the media and the liberals because HARVEY WEINSTEIN IS A GOOD LIBERAL SOLDIER.

While the Progs are at it, they should tell him to stop glamorizing gun violence in his movies....it's getting people killed in real life.

GOP elected one president.

So there.

You guys win for advancing your serial sex predator the furthest.

Yeah, you!

Awesome. Thanks.

Hillary as POTUS would have just been awful.
That's New York City. Furthermore, it's not a criminal law.

Most laws aren't criminal. That's why civil lawsuits are based on violation of law, regulation or statute. And not on violation of criminal law alone.

You can't sue unless a legal (meaning based on law or statute or contract) obligation has been breeched.
He's a misogynist....so Dems will vilify and ostracize the Miramax Chairman.......RIGHT?:banana:

RIGHT. :badgrin:

This sexual harassment lawsuit will be minimized by the media and the liberals because HARVEY WEINSTEIN IS A GOOD LIBERAL SOLDIER.

While the Progs are at it, they should tell him to stop glamorizing gun violence in his movies....it's getting people killed in real life.

GOP elected one president.

So there.

You guys win for advancing your serial sex predator the furthest.

Yeah, you!

Awesome. Thanks.

Hillary as POTUS would have just been awful.
It may have been awful, but it wouldn't have been a clusterfuck like this one is.
Funny how threads like this aren't moved out of politics . But stuff about Pence ends up in "current events ".

Funny how threads like this aren't moved out of politics . But stuff about Pence ends up in "current events ".


Aren't current events like fresh fish? A category that's only good for a couple of days. While politics seems to last forever.
Funny how threads like this aren't moved out of politics . But stuff about Pence ends up in "current events ".


Aren't current events like fresh fish? A category that's only good for a couple of days. While politics seems to last forever.

What's Harvey have to do with politics ? It's a little different when Fox News guys get busted . That's a politics - news station .
What's Harvey have to do with politics ? It's a little different when Fox News guys get busted . That's a politics - news station .

It's a stretch. Asking politicians to return contributions from Weinstein, yet you never heard that with Ken Lay the head of Enron and a convicted felon, because he gave millions to republicans.
What's Harvey have to do with politics ? It's a little different when Fox News guys get busted . That's a politics - news station .

It's a stretch. Asking politicians to return contributions from Weinstein, yet you never heard that with Ken Lay the head of Enron and a convicted felon, because he gave millions to republicans.

Every rich person / big company donates . Often to both sides . It's a whole payoff thing .
What's Harvey have to do with politics ? It's a little different when Fox News guys get busted . That's a politics - news station .

It's a stretch. Asking politicians to return contributions from Weinstein, yet you never heard that with Ken Lay the head of Enron and a convicted felon, because he gave millions to republicans.

Every rich person / big company donates . Often to both sides . It's a whole payoff thing .

Yea, pretty sure not all rich people, or big companies (??) are into sexual harassment.
Can Weinstein be any more gross?

Yes he can.

"Harvey interrupted a screening to get on his hands and knees to eat M&M’s off the floor after they spilled."

All's well that ends well.

Harvey fired .....terminated by his own company

Harvey Weinstein Fired From The Weinstein Company
In contrast to Donald "pussy grabber" who you happily gave your vote
So, are you trying to tell us that you have never touched pussy?
Trump admittedly "grabbed" unsuspecting women by the pussy because he was a celebrity and knew he could get away with it. He said it himself.

Now you can try to distract with weak attacks on me; and you can point to Weinstein as an example of "left-wing" sexism; but none of what you say changes the fact that the man YOU voted for, who is now sitting in the Oval Office (or in a golf cart on yet another vacation), admitted to sexually assaulting women. ADMITTED it.

You idiots just don't know when to keep your mouths shut. Of course that's what makes you idiots. Special little idiots. Now run along, boy.
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Harvey just dismissed his own behavior and pretty much said, "I AM HARVEY WEINSTEIN.....I AM A SPECIAL ELITE PERSON WHO IS ALLOWED TO SEXUALLY HARASS WOMEN".
Which is exactly what Donald "pussy grabber" said. Yet you still voted for him and continue to support him. How long have you supported sexual assault?
Hollywood's greedy corrupt Democrats want an amoral culture and to enslave the middle class under socialist economics.

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