Has America as society ever been Anti-Semitic?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Similar to some countries in europe? I think Jews were always much better accepted in the US.
Those already within our borders may have been but in the run-up to the holocaust, our government did NOTHING to help them.
Those already within our borders may have been but in the run-up to the holocaust, our government did NOTHING to help them.

If you meet a german and a jew fighting on the streets over ethnicity, who would you rather support and who would the average american rather support? I had a half jewish friend, now he is not my friend anymore he thinks im anti-semitic lmao, but he told me a german was anti-semitic to him and bullied him, i just said he should have bullied him back for being a german, but i dont know if that is possible, because germans are all-americans probably, jews the outliers.
As in all of it? No. As in a lot of it? Yes. Right before WWII. Henry Ford, etc.
Similar to some countries in europe? I think Jews were always much better accepted in the US.
Once upon a time, I am told by elderly mother that Catholics were despise and Jews although not hated as much as Catholics weren't exactly loved by most either. They were though tolerated better here than in Europe.
Similar to some countries in europe? I think Jews were always much better accepted in the US.
Well, the Americans never attacked the Jews often and murdered them, that's true. However, antisemitism was pretty bad in America's big cities in the 1920, 30s and 1940s. Many hotels and universities banned them. My Father and Grandfather told me stories when I was a kid. My Grandmother told me when she went looking for an apartment in Chicago, many landlords would not rent to her when they found out she was Jewish. My Dad left the company he worked for in the 1930s because they did not promote Jews. He found a partner and they went into business for themselves.
Once upon a time, I am told by elderly mother that Catholics were despise and Jews although not hated as much as Catholics weren't exactly loved by most either. They were though tolerated better here than in Europe.

Of course this ignores the fact that Jews and Catholics were major bigots themselves; it's only 'bad' when WASPs do the same as 'everybody else', i.e. take care of their own first and prefer their own company. The reality is American WASPs are far more tolerant of others than the other way around, and prejudice is not the same as racism or antisemitism.
Of course this ignores the fact that Jews and Catholics were major bigots themselves; it's only 'bad' when WASPs do the same as 'everybody else', i.e. take care of their own first and prefer their own company. The reality is American WASPs are far more tolerant of others than the other way around, and prejudice is not the same as racism or antisemitism. The Jewish people are bigots? The “ Christian “ Community has been persecuting the Jewish Community for thousands of years
Society? How do you gauge society's attitude from a historical standpoint? You look at the media and documents related to the government. The FDR administration refused to admit Jewish refugees floating around on a ship to nowhere and turned it around to face Nazi atrocities.
America is no stranger to antisemitism. Between 1920 and 1924, Henry Ford (the American automobile magnate) published a four volume screed called "The International Jew". It was distributed and read by millions of Americans -- and translated into several languages, including German.

From 1926 well into the 1940's one of the most listened to radio personalities was Father Coughlin who regularly aired his antisemitic views (as well as support for President Roosevelt).

A highly antisemitic US State Department, afraid of an increase in Jewish immigration refused to accept Jewish refugees from Hitler's Europe.

Even in my own lifetime, it was perfectly acceptable in job and real estate ads that "Non-christians Need Not Apply".

Up until the 1980's there were still a large number of hotels and clubs that would not accept Jewish guests.

Antisemitism in America has rarely been as overt and deep-rooted as it has been in Europe. But, it has always been there and remains today.
And Jews murdered lots of Christians themeselves, as well as joining up with their Muslim allies to raid and murder more, including invading Europe. The last two Jewish kings of what is now Yemen left steles bragging about their killings of 15,000 and 25,000 Christians respectively in their invasions of Arabian lands. Jews were administrators an garrison troops in Spain; local Jews also threw open the gates of some Spanish cities to Muslim troops while the Christians were in church in Sundays, causing the cities to fall. Sorry but the big 2,000 year Pity Party and historical myths fall apart under real history; Jews were far from poor hapless innocent victims.
And Jews murdered lots of Christians themeselves, as well as joining up with their Muslim allies to raid and murder more, including invading Europe. The last two Jewish kings of what is now Yemen left steles bragging about their killings of 15,000 and 25,000 Christians respectively in their invasions of Arabian lands. Jews were administrators an garrison troops in Spain; local Jews also threw open the gates of some Spanish cities to Muslim troops while the Christians were in church in Sundays, causing the cities to fall. Sorry but the big 2,000 year Pity Party and historical myths fall apart under real history; Jews were far from poor hapless innocent victims.

Does this answer the OP's question?
A highly antisemitic US State Department, afraid of an increase in Jewish immigration refused to accept Jewish refugees from Hitler's Europe.

They also restricted immigration for everybody else as well; the U.S. had heavily restricted immigration in 1920, so it wasn't all about The Jews, as Jewish folklore likes to claim. We already had half the Jews on the planet here, yet we never hear anything about the rest of the world not taking any at all. Why is that? Is Israel going to take in half of America when the U.S. collapses? Of course not. We were also going through a major Depression at the time. We accepted over 100,000 Jews in the 1930's anyway. Guess how many other Europeans were accepted? We accepted over 2 million up to 1924. So why would horrible racist antisemitic evil WASPs let so many in? During the war itself, the U.S. accepted over 30,000 Jews a year in.
The Nuremberg laws provided a new political context that gave reform advocates some additional moral leverage. Roosevelt felt compelled to make some symbolic gesture of concern, for instance, by making public statements that condemned what the Nazis were doing. He spoke out in favor of establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine (now Israel) and urged the British who controlled Palestine to keep this area open for Jewish immigration. He also made it known that he would appreciate some leniency from the State Department on immigration policy.

The State Department subsequently agreed to instruct consuls abroad that they were to use their discretion to deny visa requests only if they thought applicants would “probably” become a public charge, but not if they thought applicants would “possibly” become a public charge. As a result, refugees began experiencing some easing of bureaucratic obstacles to immigration. After the German invasion of Austria in March 1938, Roosevelt also ordered the combining of the German and Austrian quotas, enabling the unused portion of the German quota (which was considerably larger than Austria’s) to be used for Austrian refugees. And following Kristallnacht he extended visitor visas for more than 12,000 Jewish refugees from Germany already in the US for another six months.

Historian William Rubenstein believes that the US response to the Jewish refugee crisis in the latter half of the 1930s was better than many critics of US immigration policy suggest. For example, the annual number of Jews allowed into the US increased from 6,252 in fiscal year 1935 to 43,450 in 1938, and Jews were the largest single group of immigrants allowed into the country in that period.

The fact is the U.S. couldn't very well evacuate millions of Jews out of Poland and the eastern Europe; it would have been impossible. Not many even wanted out until the war had begun and the Nazis invaded.
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One of those dead Jewish boys could have been the next Einstein
They could have sent many ships and saved some

So could a lot of other countries, so why snivel constantly about the U.S., which had already taken in millions upon millions of European refugees for over 150 years, including millions of Jews ??? Ever heard of U Boats? No way to send that many ships even in peace time.
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