Has America become numb to the lies of this POTUS?

Indeed, Trump divines his own truth seemingly without consequences. And Americans have become largely indifferent to the daily barrage of lies and scandals. Sad :(

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump has learned he can get away with anything.

While the President has always profited from creating his own reality, the impact of having a commander in chief who so frequently bends fact is only beginning to be understood.

Before Trump, the idea of having a President who habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would have been unthinkable. But it's becoming clear that Trump's tenure is not just a lesson in fractured presidential convention. It amounts to a unique challenge to the office of the presidency itself, to the institutions that underpin American democracy and the long-held idea that government can only function effectively if it has the trust of the governed.

The most shocking aspect of the President's latest flurry of untruths in recent days relating to events before the 2016 election is that they were not at all shocking to a nation numbed by his barrage of easily disprovable claims and statements.

Revelations that Trump dictated a doctor's report on his health before voters went to the polls and his ever-shifting story on a hush payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels might have been a debilitating blow to any normal politician.

In Trump's case, they were simply more of the same flurry of daily controversies that characterize his presidency. While his critics reacted with outrage, his supporters saw media fact checks as just more "fake news."​


Trump divines his own truth without consequences - CNNPolitics

The last 8 years got people used to lying, cheating, plotting, and other things. Trump is mild by comparison.

The Great Obama had the most scandal free administration since Jimmy Carter

Crooked Donnie passed him in the first few weeks
18 Major Scandals in Obama's ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency | Breitbart
Indeed, Trump divines his own truth seemingly without consequences. And Americans have become largely indifferent to the daily barrage of lies and scandals. Sad :(

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump has learned he can get away with anything.

While the President has always profited from creating his own reality, the impact of having a commander in chief who so frequently bends fact is only beginning to be understood.

Before Trump, the idea of having a President who habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would have been unthinkable. But it's becoming clear that Trump's tenure is not just a lesson in fractured presidential convention. It amounts to a unique challenge to the office of the presidency itself, to the institutions that underpin American democracy and the long-held idea that government can only function effectively if it has the trust of the governed.

The most shocking aspect of the President's latest flurry of untruths in recent days relating to events before the 2016 election is that they were not at all shocking to a nation numbed by his barrage of easily disprovable claims and statements.

Revelations that Trump dictated a doctor's report on his health before voters went to the polls and his ever-shifting story on a hush payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels might have been a debilitating blow to any normal politician.

In Trump's case, they were simply more of the same flurry of daily controversies that characterize his presidency. While his critics reacted with outrage, his supporters saw media fact checks as just more "fake news."​


Trump divines his own truth without consequences - CNNPolitics

The last 8 years got people used to lying, cheating, plotting, and other things. Trump is mild by comparison.

The Great Obama had the most scandal free administration since Jimmy Carter

Crooked Donnie passed him in the first few weeks
18 Major Scandals in Obama's ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency | Breitbart
Those aren’t scandals

They are policies Conservatives disagree with.
I'm still pretty numb from all the lies of the LAST POTUS to be worried about any lies from the current one yet. Give me about three more years to get some feeling back to my body.

Yep - totally comparable ... 5 pages in 8 years vs 13 pages in a little over one. :rolleyes:

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All False statements involving Barack Obama | PolitiFact
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Barack Obama | PolitiFact

Not only do pages not count when the person counting them is only one source and might be disposed to counting more in one party than another, but I cannot believe you think that line items are all equal! As if you can equate one lie with another as if all are equal in size and scope. You argument is that of as child's. By your criteria then, where would Adolf Hitler fit in with his one lie about a master race and exterminating the Jews--- --- lessee: One lie, one item, just a tiny part of one page------ the man is an icon of virtue! NOT.
Indeed, Trump divines his own truth seemingly without consequences. And Americans have become largely indifferent to the daily barrage of lies and scandals. Sad :(

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump has learned he can get away with anything.

While the President has always profited from creating his own reality, the impact of having a commander in chief who so frequently bends fact is only beginning to be understood.

Before Trump, the idea of having a President who habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would have been unthinkable. But it's becoming clear that Trump's tenure is not just a lesson in fractured presidential convention. It amounts to a unique challenge to the office of the presidency itself, to the institutions that underpin American democracy and the long-held idea that government can only function effectively if it has the trust of the governed.

The most shocking aspect of the President's latest flurry of untruths in recent days relating to events before the 2016 election is that they were not at all shocking to a nation numbed by his barrage of easily disprovable claims and statements.

Revelations that Trump dictated a doctor's report on his health before voters went to the polls and his ever-shifting story on a hush payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels might have been a debilitating blow to any normal politician.

In Trump's case, they were simply more of the same flurry of daily controversies that characterize his presidency. While his critics reacted with outrage, his supporters saw media fact checks as just more "fake news."​


Trump divines his own truth without consequences - CNNPolitics

America’s best elected Donal Trump not Billy Graham...he wasn’t ‘hired’ for his purity..quite the contrary actually. He was hired to unify America’s best, to shut-off the flow of filth at our southern border, to expose the filth in D.C., to stop the funding of the world, to take care of our military personnel, to restore law and order, to expose lawlessness, to end unconstitutional bullshit such as Obeaner Care and DACA, to stop aggressive regulatory actions, to create jobs, to reward our most productive, to make the piece of shits among us feel like the piece of shits they are, to verbally bitch-slap Liberal filth daily.
So far, he’s absolutely kicking ass and fulfilling all expectations.
Indeed, Trump divines his own truth seemingly without consequences. And Americans have become largely indifferent to the daily barrage of lies and scandals. Sad :(

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump has learned he can get away with anything.

While the President has always profited from creating his own reality, the impact of having a commander in chief who so frequently bends fact is only beginning to be understood.

Before Trump, the idea of having a President who habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would have been unthinkable. But it's becoming clear that Trump's tenure is not just a lesson in fractured presidential convention. It amounts to a unique challenge to the office of the presidency itself, to the institutions that underpin American democracy and the long-held idea that government can only function effectively if it has the trust of the governed.

The most shocking aspect of the President's latest flurry of untruths in recent days relating to events before the 2016 election is that they were not at all shocking to a nation numbed by his barrage of easily disprovable claims and statements.

Revelations that Trump dictated a doctor's report on his health before voters went to the polls and his ever-shifting story on a hush payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels might have been a debilitating blow to any normal politician.

In Trump's case, they were simply more of the same flurry of daily controversies that characterize his presidency. While his critics reacted with outrage, his supporters saw media fact checks as just more "fake news."​


Trump divines his own truth without consequences - CNNPolitics

It's this new phenomenon in this country.


The Dunning-Kruger Effect:

Some believe that many of those who support Donald Trump do so because of ignorance — basically they are under-informed or misinformed about the issues at hand. When Trump tells them that crime is skyrocketing in the United States, or that the economy is the worst it’s ever been, they simply take his word for it.

The seemingly obvious solution would be to try to reach those people through political ads, expert opinions, and logical arguments that educate with facts. Except none of those things seem to be swaying any Trump supporters from his side, despite great efforts to deliver this information to them directly.

The Dunning-Kruger effect explains that the problem isn’t just that they are misinformed; it’s that they are completely unaware that they are misinformed. This creates a double burden.

Studies have shown that people who lack expertise in some area of knowledge often have a cognitive bias that prevents them from realizing that they lack expertise. As psychologist David Dunning puts it in an op-ed for Politico, “The knowledge and intelligence that are required to be good at a task are often the same qualities needed to recognize that one is not good at that task — and if one lacks such knowledge and intelligence, one remains ignorant that one is not good at the task. This includes political judgment.” Essentially, they’re not smart enough to realize they’re dumb.

And if one is under the illusion that they have sufficient or even superior knowledge, then they have no reason to defer to anyone else’s judgment. This helps explain why even nonpartisan experts — like military generals and Independent former Mayor of New York/billionaire CEO Michael Bloomberg — as well as some respected Republican politicians, don’t seem to be able to say anything that can change the minds of loyal Trump followers.

Out of immense frustration, some of us may feel the urge to shake a Trump supporter and say, “Hey! Don’t you realize that he’s an idiot?!” No. They don’t. That may be hard to fathom, but that’s the nature of the Dunning-Kruger effect — one’s ignorance is completely invisible to them.
Neuroscientist Reveals What’s Wrong with Trump Supporters’ Brains

Indeed, Trump divines his own truth seemingly without consequences. And Americans have become largely indifferent to the daily barrage of lies and scandals. Sad :(

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump has learned he can get away with anything.

While the President has always profited from creating his own reality, the impact of having a commander in chief who so frequently bends fact is only beginning to be understood.

Before Trump, the idea of having a President who habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would have been unthinkable. But it's becoming clear that Trump's tenure is not just a lesson in fractured presidential convention. It amounts to a unique challenge to the office of the presidency itself, to the institutions that underpin American democracy and the long-held idea that government can only function effectively if it has the trust of the governed.

The most shocking aspect of the President's latest flurry of untruths in recent days relating to events before the 2016 election is that they were not at all shocking to a nation numbed by his barrage of easily disprovable claims and statements.

Revelations that Trump dictated a doctor's report on his health before voters went to the polls and his ever-shifting story on a hush payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels might have been a debilitating blow to any normal politician.

In Trump's case, they were simply more of the same flurry of daily controversies that characterize his presidency. While his critics reacted with outrage, his supporters saw media fact checks as just more "fake news."​


Trump divines his own truth without consequences - CNNPolitics

The last 8 years got people used to lying, cheating, plotting, and other things. Trump is mild by comparison.


Psuedo-conned CT Dreams.
Indeed, Trump divines his own truth seemingly without consequences. And Americans have become largely indifferent to the daily barrage of lies and scandals. Sad :(

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump has learned he can get away with anything.

While the President has always profited from creating his own reality, the impact of having a commander in chief who so frequently bends fact is only beginning to be understood.

Before Trump, the idea of having a President who habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would have been unthinkable. But it's becoming clear that Trump's tenure is not just a lesson in fractured presidential convention. It amounts to a unique challenge to the office of the presidency itself, to the institutions that underpin American democracy and the long-held idea that government can only function effectively if it has the trust of the governed.

The most shocking aspect of the President's latest flurry of untruths in recent days relating to events before the 2016 election is that they were not at all shocking to a nation numbed by his barrage of easily disprovable claims and statements.

Revelations that Trump dictated a doctor's report on his health before voters went to the polls and his ever-shifting story on a hush payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels might have been a debilitating blow to any normal politician.

In Trump's case, they were simply more of the same flurry of daily controversies that characterize his presidency. While his critics reacted with outrage, his supporters saw media fact checks as just more "fake news."​


Trump divines his own truth without consequences - CNNPolitics

The last 8 years got people used to lying, cheating, plotting, and other things. Trump is mild by comparison.

Here's How Obama Spent $792 Billion On Fiscal Stimulus
The Great Obama had the most scandal free administration since Jimmy Carter

Crooked Donnie passed him in the first few weeks
18 Major Scandals in Obama's ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency | Breitbart

The great “stimulus” heist? Yeah right.

Here's How Obama Spent $792 Billion On Fiscal Stimulus

Fast and Furious. You're joking right? "The more sinister take on Fast and Furious is that the Obama administration wanted to create gun crimes in Mexico so they could complain about lax regulations on American gun sales – “for the purposes of creating a narrative that they could use in America to try and thwart our Second Amendment constitutional rights"

That's a joke. Americans don't care about violence in Mexico. If it's not a joke, whoever thought that up is stupid.

Okay lets try this. How many of these "Major Scandals" involved someone, anyone from the Obama Administration being charged with a crime?
Indeed, Trump divines his own truth seemingly without consequences. And Americans have become largely indifferent to the daily barrage of lies and scandals. Sad :(

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump has learned he can get away with anything.

While the President has always profited from creating his own reality, the impact of having a commander in chief who so frequently bends fact is only beginning to be understood.

Before Trump, the idea of having a President who habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would have been unthinkable. But it's becoming clear that Trump's tenure is not just a lesson in fractured presidential convention. It amounts to a unique challenge to the office of the presidency itself, to the institutions that underpin American democracy and the long-held idea that government can only function effectively if it has the trust of the governed.

The most shocking aspect of the President's latest flurry of untruths in recent days relating to events before the 2016 election is that they were not at all shocking to a nation numbed by his barrage of easily disprovable claims and statements.

Revelations that Trump dictated a doctor's report on his health before voters went to the polls and his ever-shifting story on a hush payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels might have been a debilitating blow to any normal politician.

In Trump's case, they were simply more of the same flurry of daily controversies that characterize his presidency. While his critics reacted with outrage, his supporters saw media fact checks as just more "fake news."​


Trump divines his own truth without consequences - CNNPolitics

The last 8 years got people used to lying, cheating, plotting, and other things. Trump is mild by comparison.

The Great Obama had the most scandal free administration since Jimmy Carter

Crooked Donnie passed him in the first few weeks
18 Major Scandals in Obama's ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency | Breitbart
Those aren’t scandals

They are policies Conservatives disagree with.

What a troll, Eric holder the first AG in the history of the US held in contempt of Congress and you call that not a scandal?
Indeed, Trump divines his own truth seemingly without consequences. And Americans have become largely indifferent to the daily barrage of lies and scandals. Sad :(

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump has learned he can get away with anything.

While the President has always profited from creating his own reality, the impact of having a commander in chief who so frequently bends fact is only beginning to be understood.

Before Trump, the idea of having a President who habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would have been unthinkable. But it's becoming clear that Trump's tenure is not just a lesson in fractured presidential convention. It amounts to a unique challenge to the office of the presidency itself, to the institutions that underpin American democracy and the long-held idea that government can only function effectively if it has the trust of the governed.

The most shocking aspect of the President's latest flurry of untruths in recent days relating to events before the 2016 election is that they were not at all shocking to a nation numbed by his barrage of easily disprovable claims and statements.

Revelations that Trump dictated a doctor's report on his health before voters went to the polls and his ever-shifting story on a hush payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels might have been a debilitating blow to any normal politician.

In Trump's case, they were simply more of the same flurry of daily controversies that characterize his presidency. While his critics reacted with outrage, his supporters saw media fact checks as just more "fake news."​


Trump divines his own truth without consequences - CNNPolitics

The last 8 years got people used to lying, cheating, plotting, and other things. Trump is mild by comparison.

The Great Obama had the most scandal free administration since Jimmy Carter

Crooked Donnie passed him in the first few weeks
18 Major Scandals in Obama's ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency | Breitbart
Those aren’t scandals

They are policies Conservatives disagree with.

What a troll, Eric holder the first AG in the history of the US held in contempt of Congress and you call that not a scandal?

Holder told a partisan investigation to go fuck itself
Indeed, Trump divines his own truth seemingly without consequences. And Americans have become largely indifferent to the daily barrage of lies and scandals. Sad :(

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump has learned he can get away with anything.

While the President has always profited from creating his own reality, the impact of having a commander in chief who so frequently bends fact is only beginning to be understood.

Before Trump, the idea of having a President who habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would have been unthinkable. But it's becoming clear that Trump's tenure is not just a lesson in fractured presidential convention. It amounts to a unique challenge to the office of the presidency itself, to the institutions that underpin American democracy and the long-held idea that government can only function effectively if it has the trust of the governed.

The most shocking aspect of the President's latest flurry of untruths in recent days relating to events before the 2016 election is that they were not at all shocking to a nation numbed by his barrage of easily disprovable claims and statements.

Revelations that Trump dictated a doctor's report on his health before voters went to the polls and his ever-shifting story on a hush payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels might have been a debilitating blow to any normal politician.

In Trump's case, they were simply more of the same flurry of daily controversies that characterize his presidency. While his critics reacted with outrage, his supporters saw media fact checks as just more "fake news."​


Trump divines his own truth without consequences - CNNPolitics

America’s best elected Donal Trump not Billy Graham...he wasn’t ‘hired’ for his purity..quite the contrary actually. He was hired to unify America’s best, to shut-off the flow of filth at our southern border, to expose the filth in D.C., to stop the funding of the world, to take care of our military personnel, to restore law and order, to expose lawlessness, to end unconstitutional bullshit such as Obeaner Care and DACA, to stop aggressive regulatory actions, to create jobs, to reward our most productive, to make the piece of shits among us feel like the piece of shits they are, to verbally bitch-slap Liberal filth daily.
So far, he’s absolutely kicking ass and fulfilling all expectations.

Nah, the only reason he won was because Americans were subverted by the Russian psi-ops. They combined 25 years of vicious Republican propaganda with their own brand of dirty-tricks, outright lies, social bots and phony news sites.

Take care, the pendulum is going to swing wildly.
Indeed, Trump divines his own truth seemingly without consequences. And Americans have become largely indifferent to the daily barrage of lies and scandals. Sad :(

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump has learned he can get away with anything.

While the President has always profited from creating his own reality, the impact of having a commander in chief who so frequently bends fact is only beginning to be understood.

Before Trump, the idea of having a President who habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would have been unthinkable. But it's becoming clear that Trump's tenure is not just a lesson in fractured presidential convention. It amounts to a unique challenge to the office of the presidency itself, to the institutions that underpin American democracy and the long-held idea that government can only function effectively if it has the trust of the governed.

The most shocking aspect of the President's latest flurry of untruths in recent days relating to events before the 2016 election is that they were not at all shocking to a nation numbed by his barrage of easily disprovable claims and statements.

Revelations that Trump dictated a doctor's report on his health before voters went to the polls and his ever-shifting story on a hush payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels might have been a debilitating blow to any normal politician.

In Trump's case, they were simply more of the same flurry of daily controversies that characterize his presidency. While his critics reacted with outrage, his supporters saw media fact checks as just more "fake news."​


Trump divines his own truth without consequences - CNNPolitics

America’s best elected Donal Trump not Billy Graham...he wasn’t ‘hired’ for his purity..quite the contrary actually. He was hired to unify America’s best, to shut-off the flow of filth at our southern border, to expose the filth in D.C., to stop the funding of the world, to take care of our military personnel, to restore law and order, to expose lawlessness, to end unconstitutional bullshit such as Obeaner Care and DACA, to stop aggressive regulatory actions, to create jobs, to reward our most productive, to make the piece of shits among us feel like the piece of shits they are, to verbally bitch-slap Liberal filth daily.
So far, he’s absolutely kicking ass and fulfilling all expectations.

Nah, the only reason he won was because Americans were subverted by the Russian psi-ops. They combined 25 years of vicious Republican propaganda with their own brand of dirty-tricks, outright lies, social bots and phony news sites.

Take care, the pendulum is going to swing wildly.

Hahaha...still holding on to RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA!
That’s cute...let’s talk facts though....30 states and 2,623 counties sent Trump to D.C....he’s done nothing but deliver on promises. The writing is on the wall, the blind and ignorant can see it. Your Dirty Democrats better figure out how to get those votes from their primary constituents, illegal wetbacks, to count.
Good luck bud
Indeed, Trump divines his own truth seemingly without consequences. And Americans have become largely indifferent to the daily barrage of lies and scandals. Sad :(

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump has learned he can get away with anything.

While the President has always profited from creating his own reality, the impact of having a commander in chief who so frequently bends fact is only beginning to be understood.

Before Trump, the idea of having a President who habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would have been unthinkable. But it's becoming clear that Trump's tenure is not just a lesson in fractured presidential convention. It amounts to a unique challenge to the office of the presidency itself, to the institutions that underpin American democracy and the long-held idea that government can only function effectively if it has the trust of the governed.

The most shocking aspect of the President's latest flurry of untruths in recent days relating to events before the 2016 election is that they were not at all shocking to a nation numbed by his barrage of easily disprovable claims and statements.

Revelations that Trump dictated a doctor's report on his health before voters went to the polls and his ever-shifting story on a hush payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels might have been a debilitating blow to any normal politician.

In Trump's case, they were simply more of the same flurry of daily controversies that characterize his presidency. While his critics reacted with outrage, his supporters saw media fact checks as just more "fake news."​


Trump divines his own truth without consequences - CNNPolitics

America’s best elected Donal Trump not Billy Graham...he wasn’t ‘hired’ for his purity..quite the contrary actually. He was hired to unify America’s best, to shut-off the flow of filth at our southern border, to expose the filth in D.C., to stop the funding of the world, to take care of our military personnel, to restore law and order, to expose lawlessness, to end unconstitutional bullshit such as Obeaner Care and DACA, to stop aggressive regulatory actions, to create jobs, to reward our most productive, to make the piece of shits among us feel like the piece of shits they are, to verbally bitch-slap Liberal filth daily.
So far, he’s absolutely kicking ass and fulfilling all expectations.

Nah, the only reason he won was because Americans were subverted by the Russian psi-ops. They combined 25 years of vicious Republican propaganda with their own brand of dirty-tricks, outright lies, social bots and phony news sites.

Take care, the pendulum is going to swing wildly.

Hahaha...still holding on to RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA!
That’s cute...let’s talk facts though....30 states and 2,623 counties sent Trump to D.C....he’s done nothing but deliver on promises. The writing is on the wall, the blind and ignorant can see it. Your Dirty Democrats better figure out how to get those votes from their primary constituents, illegal wetbacks, to count.
Good luck bud

Like the Americans who got pawned are going to admit it. He's done very little and what he has done can be undone by EO. The GOP are covered in Fleas. But a cleaning is coming.

Indeed, Trump divines his own truth seemingly without consequences. And Americans have become largely indifferent to the daily barrage of lies and scandals. Sad :(

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump has learned he can get away with anything.

While the President has always profited from creating his own reality, the impact of having a commander in chief who so frequently bends fact is only beginning to be understood.

Before Trump, the idea of having a President who habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would have been unthinkable. But it's becoming clear that Trump's tenure is not just a lesson in fractured presidential convention. It amounts to a unique challenge to the office of the presidency itself, to the institutions that underpin American democracy and the long-held idea that government can only function effectively if it has the trust of the governed.

The most shocking aspect of the President's latest flurry of untruths in recent days relating to events before the 2016 election is that they were not at all shocking to a nation numbed by his barrage of easily disprovable claims and statements.

Revelations that Trump dictated a doctor's report on his health before voters went to the polls and his ever-shifting story on a hush payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels might have been a debilitating blow to any normal politician.

In Trump's case, they were simply more of the same flurry of daily controversies that characterize his presidency. While his critics reacted with outrage, his supporters saw media fact checks as just more "fake news."​


Trump divines his own truth without consequences - CNNPolitics

America’s best elected Donal Trump not Billy Graham...he wasn’t ‘hired’ for his purity..quite the contrary actually. He was hired to unify America’s best, to shut-off the flow of filth at our southern border, to expose the filth in D.C., to stop the funding of the world, to take care of our military personnel, to restore law and order, to expose lawlessness, to end unconstitutional bullshit such as Obeaner Care and DACA, to stop aggressive regulatory actions, to create jobs, to reward our most productive, to make the piece of shits among us feel like the piece of shits they are, to verbally bitch-slap Liberal filth daily.
So far, he’s absolutely kicking ass and fulfilling all expectations.

Nah, the only reason he won was because Americans were subverted by the Russian psi-ops. They combined 25 years of vicious Republican propaganda with their own brand of dirty-tricks, outright lies, social bots and phony news sites.

Take care, the pendulum is going to swing wildly.

Hahaha...still holding on to RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA!
That’s cute...let’s talk facts though....30 states and 2,623 counties sent Trump to D.C....he’s done nothing but deliver on promises. The writing is on the wall, the blind and ignorant can see it. Your Dirty Democrats better figure out how to get those votes from their primary constituents, illegal wetbacks, to count.
Good luck bud
Putin planned it that way
Actually America seems to have grown numb to the lies of the entire Political class.They all lie, you just don't care what your side does.
Indeed, Trump divines his own truth seemingly without consequences. And Americans have become largely indifferent to the daily barrage of lies and scandals. Sad :(

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump has learned he can get away with anything.

While the President has always profited from creating his own reality, the impact of having a commander in chief who so frequently bends fact is only beginning to be understood.

Before Trump, the idea of having a President who habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would have been unthinkable. But it's becoming clear that Trump's tenure is not just a lesson in fractured presidential convention. It amounts to a unique challenge to the office of the presidency itself, to the institutions that underpin American democracy and the long-held idea that government can only function effectively if it has the trust of the governed.

The most shocking aspect of the President's latest flurry of untruths in recent days relating to events before the 2016 election is that they were not at all shocking to a nation numbed by his barrage of easily disprovable claims and statements.

Revelations that Trump dictated a doctor's report on his health before voters went to the polls and his ever-shifting story on a hush payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels might have been a debilitating blow to any normal politician.

In Trump's case, they were simply more of the same flurry of daily controversies that characterize his presidency. While his critics reacted with outrage, his supporters saw media fact checks as just more "fake news."​


Trump divines his own truth without consequences - CNNPolitics

It's this new phenomenon in this country.


The Dunning-Kruger Effect:

Some believe that many of those who support Donald Trump do so because of ignorance — basically they are under-informed or misinformed about the issues at hand. When Trump tells them that crime is skyrocketing in the United States, or that the economy is the worst it’s ever been, they simply take his word for it.

The seemingly obvious solution would be to try to reach those people through political ads, expert opinions, and logical arguments that educate with facts. Except none of those things seem to be swaying any Trump supporters from his side, despite great efforts to deliver this information to them directly.

The Dunning-Kruger effect explains that the problem isn’t just that they are misinformed; it’s that they are completely unaware that they are misinformed. This creates a double burden.

Studies have shown that people who lack expertise in some area of knowledge often have a cognitive bias that prevents them from realizing that they lack expertise. As psychologist David Dunning puts it in an op-ed for Politico, “The knowledge and intelligence that are required to be good at a task are often the same qualities needed to recognize that one is not good at that task — and if one lacks such knowledge and intelligence, one remains ignorant that one is not good at the task. This includes political judgment.” Essentially, they’re not smart enough to realize they’re dumb.

And if one is under the illusion that they have sufficient or even superior knowledge, then they have no reason to defer to anyone else’s judgment. This helps explain why even nonpartisan experts — like military generals and Independent former Mayor of New York/billionaire CEO Michael Bloomberg — as well as some respected Republican politicians, don’t seem to be able to say anything that can change the minds of loyal Trump followers.

Out of immense frustration, some of us may feel the urge to shake a Trump supporter and say, “Hey! Don’t you realize that he’s an idiot?!” No. They don’t. That may be hard to fathom, but that’s the nature of the Dunning-Kruger effect — one’s ignorance is completely invisible to them.
Neuroscientist Reveals What’s Wrong with Trump Supporters’ Brains

Your pretension of superior knowledge is hilarious. You're a dumbass. Everything you know is bullshit.
Indeed, Trump divines his own truth seemingly without consequences. And Americans have become largely indifferent to the daily barrage of lies and scandals. Sad :(

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump has learned he can get away with anything.

While the President has always profited from creating his own reality, the impact of having a commander in chief who so frequently bends fact is only beginning to be understood.

Before Trump, the idea of having a President who habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would have been unthinkable. But it's becoming clear that Trump's tenure is not just a lesson in fractured presidential convention. It amounts to a unique challenge to the office of the presidency itself, to the institutions that underpin American democracy and the long-held idea that government can only function effectively if it has the trust of the governed.

The most shocking aspect of the President's latest flurry of untruths in recent days relating to events before the 2016 election is that they were not at all shocking to a nation numbed by his barrage of easily disprovable claims and statements.

Revelations that Trump dictated a doctor's report on his health before voters went to the polls and his ever-shifting story on a hush payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels might have been a debilitating blow to any normal politician.

In Trump's case, they were simply more of the same flurry of daily controversies that characterize his presidency. While his critics reacted with outrage, his supporters saw media fact checks as just more "fake news."​


Trump divines his own truth without consequences - CNNPolitics

America’s best elected Donal Trump not Billy Graham...he wasn’t ‘hired’ for his purity..quite the contrary actually. He was hired to unify America’s best, to shut-off the flow of filth at our southern border, to expose the filth in D.C., to stop the funding of the world, to take care of our military personnel, to restore law and order, to expose lawlessness, to end unconstitutional bullshit such as Obeaner Care and DACA, to stop aggressive regulatory actions, to create jobs, to reward our most productive, to make the piece of shits among us feel like the piece of shits they are, to verbally bitch-slap Liberal filth daily.
So far, he’s absolutely kicking ass and fulfilling all expectations.

Nah, the only reason he won was because Americans were subverted by the Russian psi-ops. They combined 25 years of vicious Republican propaganda with their own brand of dirty-tricks, outright lies, social bots and phony news sites.

Take care, the pendulum is going to swing wildly.

We know that's what snowflakes would like to believe. Unfortunately there isn't a shdred of evidence to support it.
Indeed, Trump divines his own truth seemingly without consequences. And Americans have become largely indifferent to the daily barrage of lies and scandals. Sad :(

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump has learned he can get away with anything.

While the President has always profited from creating his own reality, the impact of having a commander in chief who so frequently bends fact is only beginning to be understood.

Before Trump, the idea of having a President who habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would have been unthinkable. But it's becoming clear that Trump's tenure is not just a lesson in fractured presidential convention. It amounts to a unique challenge to the office of the presidency itself, to the institutions that underpin American democracy and the long-held idea that government can only function effectively if it has the trust of the governed.

The most shocking aspect of the President's latest flurry of untruths in recent days relating to events before the 2016 election is that they were not at all shocking to a nation numbed by his barrage of easily disprovable claims and statements.

Revelations that Trump dictated a doctor's report on his health before voters went to the polls and his ever-shifting story on a hush payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels might have been a debilitating blow to any normal politician.

In Trump's case, they were simply more of the same flurry of daily controversies that characterize his presidency. While his critics reacted with outrage, his supporters saw media fact checks as just more "fake news."​


Trump divines his own truth without consequences - CNNPolitics

It's this new phenomenon in this country.


The Dunning-Kruger Effect:

Some believe that many of those who support Donald Trump do so because of ignorance — basically they are under-informed or misinformed about the issues at hand. When Trump tells them that crime is skyrocketing in the United States, or that the economy is the worst it’s ever been, they simply take his word for it.

The seemingly obvious solution would be to try to reach those people through political ads, expert opinions, and logical arguments that educate with facts. Except none of those things seem to be swaying any Trump supporters from his side, despite great efforts to deliver this information to them directly.

The Dunning-Kruger effect explains that the problem isn’t just that they are misinformed; it’s that they are completely unaware that they are misinformed. This creates a double burden.

Studies have shown that people who lack expertise in some area of knowledge often have a cognitive bias that prevents them from realizing that they lack expertise. As psychologist David Dunning puts it in an op-ed for Politico, “The knowledge and intelligence that are required to be good at a task are often the same qualities needed to recognize that one is not good at that task — and if one lacks such knowledge and intelligence, one remains ignorant that one is not good at the task. This includes political judgment.” Essentially, they’re not smart enough to realize they’re dumb.

And if one is under the illusion that they have sufficient or even superior knowledge, then they have no reason to defer to anyone else’s judgment. This helps explain why even nonpartisan experts — like military generals and Independent former Mayor of New York/billionaire CEO Michael Bloomberg — as well as some respected Republican politicians, don’t seem to be able to say anything that can change the minds of loyal Trump followers.

Out of immense frustration, some of us may feel the urge to shake a Trump supporter and say, “Hey! Don’t you realize that he’s an idiot?!” No. They don’t. That may be hard to fathom, but that’s the nature of the Dunning-Kruger effect — one’s ignorance is completely invisible to them.
Neuroscientist Reveals What’s Wrong with Trump Supporters’ Brains

Your pretension of superior knowledge is hilarious. You're a dumbass. Everything you know is bullshit.

Well actually if you read the article it's your pretention of superior intelligence that creates the Dunning Kruger effect.

Where do you get this illusion that you have "superior intelligence" from?

Easy Answer: Who you're attached at the hip with.


Reading hasn't killed anyone yet, you might actually want to try this one.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

And of course this:

Indeed, Trump divines his own truth seemingly without consequences. And Americans have become largely indifferent to the daily barrage of lies and scandals. Sad :(

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump has learned he can get away with anything.

While the President has always profited from creating his own reality, the impact of having a commander in chief who so frequently bends fact is only beginning to be understood.

Before Trump, the idea of having a President who habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would have been unthinkable. But it's becoming clear that Trump's tenure is not just a lesson in fractured presidential convention. It amounts to a unique challenge to the office of the presidency itself, to the institutions that underpin American democracy and the long-held idea that government can only function effectively if it has the trust of the governed.

The most shocking aspect of the President's latest flurry of untruths in recent days relating to events before the 2016 election is that they were not at all shocking to a nation numbed by his barrage of easily disprovable claims and statements.

Revelations that Trump dictated a doctor's report on his health before voters went to the polls and his ever-shifting story on a hush payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels might have been a debilitating blow to any normal politician.

In Trump's case, they were simply more of the same flurry of daily controversies that characterize his presidency. While his critics reacted with outrage, his supporters saw media fact checks as just more "fake news."​


Trump divines his own truth without consequences - CNNPolitics
I threw a Pepsi can in the snake river today
Should reach your house about the time the next democrat wins the WH

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