Has America become numb to the lies of this POTUS?

They actually have become numb to the relentless MSM assault on him and his supporters.
Yes, that too, as well as numb to Trump's babble.

Some of us are less concerned about him talking like the blowhard we knew he was, and more concerned about what he can do policy-wise.
The cable stations are really the only ones scheduling 2 minute hates. There is a lot of general interest in the stuff getting spewed by Giuliani, which has opened about ten cans of worms at once, but otherwise the national news is not dedicated to criticizing the Pres. At least I haven't seen that.

maybe because you don't want to see it.
Or I don't notice it because I agree? I try to catch CBS Evening News and if not I'll catch the early morning show--less garbage like grilling your steaks or loving your dog on that. I watch Face the Nation on Sunday. That's about all my exposure to MSM news except my local paper. There IS a lot of confusion and questions and concerns out there about what's happening in politics right now, but EXCEPT for the cable stations, I don't think most of it is presented unfairly.

Just go the MSM websites and the bias will blast you in the face.
Based on what he has said and done, the MSM has taken it easy on Trump
Some of us are less concerned about him talking like the blowhard we knew he was, and more concerned about what he can do policy-wise.
The cable stations are really the only ones scheduling 2 minute hates. There is a lot of general interest in the stuff getting spewed by Giuliani, which has opened about ten cans of worms at once, but otherwise the national news is not dedicated to criticizing the Pres. At least I haven't seen that.

maybe because you don't want to see it.
Or I don't notice it because I agree? I try to catch CBS Evening News and if not I'll catch the early morning show--less garbage like grilling your steaks or loving your dog on that. I watch Face the Nation on Sunday. That's about all my exposure to MSM news except my local paper. There IS a lot of confusion and questions and concerns out there about what's happening in politics right now, but EXCEPT for the cable stations, I don't think most of it is presented unfairly.

Just go the MSM websites and the bias will blast you in the face.
Ahhh....too New Wave for me. TV, newspaper, and the links here are plenty

Well then it makes sense how you haven't seen it as much. The websites like CNN are basically TRUMP SUCKS TRUMP SUCKS TRUMP SUCKS 24/7.
I don’t understand why he would tear up the Iran deal in preparation of talks with N Korea

Why would they trust any deal with the US when we so quickly default on the Iran deal?

Give up your nuclear program and we will change our mind once you have destroyed your weapons

He'll do it because as always, he needs a distraction from the onslaught of scandals and lies.

Little Kim won't be giving up his nuke program. He might promise certain things - like closing down a testing facility that collapsed.
Everybody has figured out the man clown's achilles heel....flatter the fact fuck, smile like a fool at everything he says, pretend he's the smart one in the room, then roll that fat fuck like a joint (smile)
Some of us are less concerned about him talking like the blowhard we knew he was, and more concerned about what he can do policy-wise.
The cable stations are really the only ones scheduling 2 minute hates. There is a lot of general interest in the stuff getting spewed by Giuliani, which has opened about ten cans of worms at once, but otherwise the national news is not dedicated to criticizing the Pres. At least I haven't seen that.

maybe because you don't want to see it.
Or I don't notice it because I agree? I try to catch CBS Evening News and if not I'll catch the early morning show--less garbage like grilling your steaks or loving your dog on that. I watch Face the Nation on Sunday. That's about all my exposure to MSM news except my local paper. There IS a lot of confusion and questions and concerns out there about what's happening in politics right now, but EXCEPT for the cable stations, I don't think most of it is presented unfairly.

Just go the MSM websites and the bias will blast you in the face.
Based on what he has said and done, the MSM has taken it easy on Trump

Indeed, Trump divines his own truth seemingly without consequences. And Americans have become largely indifferent to the daily barrage of lies and scandals. Sad :(

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump has learned he can get away with anything.

While the President has always profited from creating his own reality, the impact of having a commander in chief who so frequently bends fact is only beginning to be understood.

Before Trump, the idea of having a President who habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would have been unthinkable. But it's becoming clear that Trump's tenure is not just a lesson in fractured presidential convention. It amounts to a unique challenge to the office of the presidency itself, to the institutions that underpin American democracy and the long-held idea that government can only function effectively if it has the trust of the governed.

The most shocking aspect of the President's latest flurry of untruths in recent days relating to events before the 2016 election is that they were not at all shocking to a nation numbed by his barrage of easily disprovable claims and statements.

Revelations that Trump dictated a doctor's report on his health before voters went to the polls and his ever-shifting story on a hush payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels might have been a debilitating blow to any normal politician.

In Trump's case, they were simply more of the same flurry of daily controversies that characterize his presidency. While his critics reacted with outrage, his supporters saw media fact checks as just more "fake news."​


Trump divines his own truth without consequences - CNNPolitics
I find you hacks to be HYSTERICAL.

EVERY SINGLE PRESIDENT IN HISTORY told lies. EVERY SINGLE PRESIDENT IN HISTORY makes promises they can't keep. EVERY SINGLE PRESIDENT IN HISTORY stretches the truth to fit their agenda. EVERY SINGLE PRESIDENT IN HISTORY exaggerates to fit their narrative.


The only difference is the new technology that decimates those statements to the masses instantly and allows them to be shared and discussed instataniously.
Be honest: do you want Trump out of office because of his lies or his policy? If it's the latter, then his lies don't really matter much, you want him out anyway. If it's the former, then you'd have a problem with every single politician because they all lie, to some degree. Is Trump just the first to break some mystical lie threshold?

Trump is a liar who is wrong on the issues.
Indeed, Trump divines his own truth seemingly without consequences. And Americans have become largely indifferent to the daily barrage of lies and scandals. Sad :(

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump has learned he can get away with anything.

While the President has always profited from creating his own reality, the impact of having a commander in chief who so frequently bends fact is only beginning to be understood.

Before Trump, the idea of having a President who habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would have been unthinkable. But it's becoming clear that Trump's tenure is not just a lesson in fractured presidential convention. It amounts to a unique challenge to the office of the presidency itself, to the institutions that underpin American democracy and the long-held idea that government can only function effectively if it has the trust of the governed.

The most shocking aspect of the President's latest flurry of untruths in recent days relating to events before the 2016 election is that they were not at all shocking to a nation numbed by his barrage of easily disprovable claims and statements.

Revelations that Trump dictated a doctor's report on his health before voters went to the polls and his ever-shifting story on a hush payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels might have been a debilitating blow to any normal politician.

In Trump's case, they were simply more of the same flurry of daily controversies that characterize his presidency. While his critics reacted with outrage, his supporters saw media fact checks as just more "fake news."​


Trump divines his own truth without consequences - CNNPolitics
I find you hacks to be HYSTERICAL.

EVERY SINGLE PRESIDENT IN HISTORY told lies. EVERY SINGLE PRESIDENT IN HISTORY makes promises they can't keep. EVERY SINGLE PRESIDENT IN HISTORY stretches the truth to fit their agenda. EVERY SINGLE PRESIDENT IN HISTORY exaggerates to fit their narrative.


The only difference is the new technology that decimates those statements to the masses instantly and allows them to be shared and discussed instataniously.

That may very well be true, during their entire presidencies. Wiith President "Pants On Fire", it is a daily occurrence.
Some of us are less concerned about him talking like the blowhard we knew he was, and more concerned about what he can do policy-wise.
The cable stations are really the only ones scheduling 2 minute hates. There is a lot of general interest in the stuff getting spewed by Giuliani, which has opened about ten cans of worms at once, but otherwise the national news is not dedicated to criticizing the Pres. At least I haven't seen that.

maybe because you don't want to see it.
Or I don't notice it because I agree? I try to catch CBS Evening News and if not I'll catch the early morning show--less garbage like grilling your steaks or loving your dog on that. I watch Face the Nation on Sunday. That's about all my exposure to MSM news except my local paper. There IS a lot of confusion and questions and concerns out there about what's happening in politics right now, but EXCEPT for the cable stations, I don't think most of it is presented unfairly.

Just go the MSM websites and the bias will blast you in the face.
Based on what he has said and done, the MSM has taken it easy on Trump
What I'm wondering about is, if Clinton was actually impeached for lying about Lewinsky to the Senate, a pretty damned minor thing considering the man was publicly embarrassed and waiting to have a lamp thrown at him at home, what would a Democratic Congress choose to impeach Trump for? There is a such a vast choice. They've got to get him in front of Mueller or the Senate though, in order to get that ball rolling. Which I'm sure is the reason his lawyers don't want him to testify.
Indeed, Trump divines his own truth seemingly without consequences. And Americans have become largely indifferent to the daily barrage of lies and scandals. Sad :(

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump has learned he can get away with anything.

While the President has always profited from creating his own reality, the impact of having a commander in chief who so frequently bends fact is only beginning to be understood.

Before Trump, the idea of having a President who habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would have been unthinkable. But it's becoming clear that Trump's tenure is not just a lesson in fractured presidential convention. It amounts to a unique challenge to the office of the presidency itself, to the institutions that underpin American democracy and the long-held idea that government can only function effectively if it has the trust of the governed.

The most shocking aspect of the President's latest flurry of untruths in recent days relating to events before the 2016 election is that they were not at all shocking to a nation numbed by his barrage of easily disprovable claims and statements.

Revelations that Trump dictated a doctor's report on his health before voters went to the polls and his ever-shifting story on a hush payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels might have been a debilitating blow to any normal politician.

In Trump's case, they were simply more of the same flurry of daily controversies that characterize his presidency. While his critics reacted with outrage, his supporters saw media fact checks as just more "fake news."​


Trump divines his own truth without consequences - CNNPolitics
I find you hacks to be HYSTERICAL.

EVERY SINGLE PRESIDENT IN HISTORY told lies. EVERY SINGLE PRESIDENT IN HISTORY makes promises they can't keep. EVERY SINGLE PRESIDENT IN HISTORY stretches the truth to fit their agenda. EVERY SINGLE PRESIDENT IN HISTORY exaggerates to fit their narrative.


The only difference is the new technology that decimates those statements to the masses instantly and allows them to be shared and discussed instataniously.

That may very well be true, during their entire presidencies. Wiith President "Pants On Fire", it is a daily occurrence.
Perhaps but at the end of the day the only lies that matter are lies that actually have an impact on your life. ie, your premiums will go down. Lies like I DID NOT HAVE SEX WITH THAT WOMAN are meaningless to most Americans.
I don't think that anyone is numb to it. We know not to believe all the hyperbole and bullshit, we're just not as insulted by it as we used to be.

It is what it is, he's not going to change, so fretting over it accomplishes nothing.

It's just best to ignore the insulting fluff and focus on the results.
Last edited:
So Trump keeps you busy looking down rabbit holes while he goes the opposite way and does good things for the country. I've said this again and again and left nutters don't catch on.

What has he done - SERIOUSLY that is "good for the country"?
Take yer blinders off.
Why is it that trumpanzees cannot answer a question simply when asked for examples. They have to deflect and/or punt.
Because it's a childish question he asked.
So Trump keeps you busy looking down rabbit holes while he goes the opposite way and does good things for the country. I've said this again and again and left nutters don't catch on.

What has he done - SERIOUSLY that is "good for the country"?
Take yer blinders off.
Why is it that trumpanzees cannot answer a question simply when asked for examples. They have to deflect and/or punt.

Trump is riding the Obama economy. Trump is so busy playing golf, he doesn't have time to do all the things he promised that would upset the economy, like repeal replace Obama care, or spend billions to build the wall, or even hire the tens of thousands of border agents. Many positions in the federal government go empty, with hundreds of positions waiting for Trump to nominate someone.
".....waiting for Trump to nominate someone."
".....and then watching the Senate Dimocraps drag their slimy snake bellies."
Has America become numb to the lies of this POTUS?

I'm still pretty numb from all the lies of the LAST POTUS to be worried about any lies from the current one yet. Give me about three more years to get some feeling back to my body.
You ask what did Trump lie about. As president, Trump lied about paying Stormy Daniels $130,000 in hush money. How can it be proved he lied, because Trump said he didn't, and Trump said he did, and Trump said he didn't, and Trump said he did.

Slow day in Democrat Fake News World i guess. Y'all are pathetic. Movin on...

Answer the question, did Trump pay Stormy Daniels $130,000 or not?

Based on what Trump said, it could be both, or neither.
Maybe Trump left Stormy everything in his will. We'll never know.
Indeed, Trump divines his own truth seemingly without consequences. And Americans have become largely indifferent to the daily barrage of lies and scandals. Sad :(

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump has learned he can get away with anything.

While the President has always profited from creating his own reality, the impact of having a commander in chief who so frequently bends fact is only beginning to be understood.

Before Trump, the idea of having a President who habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would have been unthinkable. But it's becoming clear that Trump's tenure is not just a lesson in fractured presidential convention. It amounts to a unique challenge to the office of the presidency itself, to the institutions that underpin American democracy and the long-held idea that government can only function effectively if it has the trust of the governed.

The most shocking aspect of the President's latest flurry of untruths in recent days relating to events before the 2016 election is that they were not at all shocking to a nation numbed by his barrage of easily disprovable claims and statements.

Revelations that Trump dictated a doctor's report on his health before voters went to the polls and his ever-shifting story on a hush payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels might have been a debilitating blow to any normal politician.

In Trump's case, they were simply more of the same flurry of daily controversies that characterize his presidency. While his critics reacted with outrage, his supporters saw media fact checks as just more "fake news."​


Trump divines his own truth without consequences - CNNPolitics
Don't worry, you can run Hillary again in two years so we can have truth and integrity back in the White House.
I'm still pretty numb from all the lies of the LAST POTUS to be worried about any lies from the current one yet. Give me about three more years to get some feeling back to my body.

Yep - totally comparable ... 5 pages in 8 years vs 13 pages in a little over one. :rolleyes:

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All False statements involving Barack Obama | PolitiFact
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Barack Obama | PolitiFact
]Don't worry, you can run Hillary again in two years so we can have truth and integrity back in the White House.

You must have a mouse in your pocket - I neither voted for nor supported Hillary Clinton
Indeed, Trump divines his own truth seemingly without consequences. And Americans have become largely indifferent to the daily barrage of lies and scandals. Sad :(

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump has learned he can get away with anything.

While the President has always profited from creating his own reality, the impact of having a commander in chief who so frequently bends fact is only beginning to be understood.

Before Trump, the idea of having a President who habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would have been unthinkable. But it's becoming clear that Trump's tenure is not just a lesson in fractured presidential convention. It amounts to a unique challenge to the office of the presidency itself, to the institutions that underpin American democracy and the long-held idea that government can only function effectively if it has the trust of the governed.

The most shocking aspect of the President's latest flurry of untruths in recent days relating to events before the 2016 election is that they were not at all shocking to a nation numbed by his barrage of easily disprovable claims and statements.

Revelations that Trump dictated a doctor's report on his health before voters went to the polls and his ever-shifting story on a hush payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels might have been a debilitating blow to any normal politician.

In Trump's case, they were simply more of the same flurry of daily controversies that characterize his presidency. While his critics reacted with outrage, his supporters saw media fact checks as just more "fake news."​


Trump divines his own truth without consequences - CNNPolitics
I find you hacks to be HYSTERICAL.

EVERY SINGLE PRESIDENT IN HISTORY told lies. EVERY SINGLE PRESIDENT IN HISTORY makes promises they can't keep. EVERY SINGLE PRESIDENT IN HISTORY stretches the truth to fit their agenda. EVERY SINGLE PRESIDENT IN HISTORY exaggerates to fit their narrative.


The only difference is the new technology that decimates those statements to the masses instantly and allows them to be shared and discussed instataniously.

That may very well be true, during their entire presidencies. Wiith President "Pants On Fire", it is a daily occurrence.
Perhaps but at the end of the day the only lies that matter are lies that actually have an impact on your life. ie, your premiums will go down. Lies like I DID NOT HAVE SEX WITH THAT WOMAN are meaningless to most Americans.

I disagree. Death (of the Trump Presidency) by a thousand little cuts, I mean lies of course. Vote 2020.

I don't think he will be impeached and if he is, the opposition will have a hard time finding 2/3's of the Senate to remove him.

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