Has anyone ever won an argument on the board?


Platinum Member
Aug 5, 2010
Or really changed anyone's mind about anything? Unfortunately it seems like all of us, myself included, enter these boards in support of one side of a particular issue (for whatever reasons) and stick with that view regardless. Is that always the case or has somebody legitimately ever had their view changed on an issue based on comments from this board?
Not me. Can't recall changing anyone's mind, and can't recall mine being changed. I'm just here to get my own opinion out there, whether it changes someone's mind or not.
Things of course depend on the intelligence of the posters involved. For instance; I made a sterling argument only to see the reply start off with "Moron..."

I have to believe that anyone who opens his response this way knows little or nothing and it is then senseless to try to carry on a dialog.
Or really changed anyone's mind about anything? Unfortunately it seems like all of us, myself included, enter these boards in support of one side of a particular issue (for whatever reasons) and stick with that view regardless. Is that always the case or has somebody legitimately ever had their view changed on an issue based on comments from this board?

Yes. One time this idiot demanded a ruling on... who was right god damn it...and took the argument to the legal section. I thought that was amusing considering he "claimed" cough cough... he had access to a DA. Poor bastard got his ass kicked to the curb.... 3 zip i was right. :lol: But... even though he lost badly he still thought he was right and it did not change his opinion.

Truthfully i have no doubt anything i say will not change anyone, or what they think/feel.
I have had my mind changed on a few things, don't know if I have ever changed anyone else's mind.
Or really changed anyone's mind about anything? Unfortunately it seems like all of us, myself included, enter these boards in support of one side of a particular issue (for whatever reasons) and stick with that view regardless. Is that always the case or has somebody legitimately ever had their view changed on an issue based on comments from this board?
i dont want to mention any names but TM's has lost a few......so that means someone has won....
Or really changed anyone's mind about anything? Unfortunately it seems like all of us, myself included, enter these boards in support of one side of a particular issue (for whatever reasons) and stick with that view regardless. Is that always the case or has somebody legitimately ever had their view changed on an issue based on comments from this board?

Of course. I've won every argument I've been in on this board. That's my opinion and everyone is entitled to my opinion! :D

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