Has Anyone Noticed How Obama Just Sounds So Drained And Weary Lately?,Time To Retire?

:boohoo: Well, especially when he has to deliver his message to the country every time there is a shooting/terror attack. By now who isn't sick and beyond tired of "Well Ah, Err, And Ughh" , Islamish, Turkish, Packeeestanish, etc.?. Especially after the last time we heard him speak of the San Bernardino shooting. You got to admit, he sounded like he didnt want to be there, really had no concern over the shooting, and as usual, the stammering/stuttering, can't say 7 or 8 words without the signature "Ughhh".
How old is Obama? 55?, Fox Host Martha MacCallum is about 50 and she looks 30 years younger than Obama !!!
Our President is just so worn out from having to wake up every morning around 6? 7?, then he has to go to his daily national security meeting, then probably off to some Golf Course in Florida,,right?:desk:
He will in January, 2017...as an Elder Statesman.
Kennedy kicked ass. He loved American, he took no shit. He also liked to fuck around, lol. In short...a MAN. And POTUS. Damn, I miss him.
So..a known evil versus an unknown? I'll take Trump...even his uncouthness. He won't take any shit, he can't be bought and he loves America.
Good nuff for me.
Kennedy kicked ass. He loved American, he took no shit. He also liked to fuck around, lol. In short...a MAN. And POTUS. Damn, I miss him.
So..a known evil versus an unknown? I'll take Trump...even his uncouthness. He won't take any shit, he can't be bought and he loves America.
Good nuff for me.

God, how old were you when you bought into the Camelot bullshit?
Only 29% of Republicans think Obama was born in this country.
40% of Republicans think Rafael (Ted) Cruz was born in this country.
Can you say t@ards?
Can you say cite your source? HuffPo doesn't count.
Kennedy kicked ass. He loved American, he took no shit. He also liked to fuck around, lol. In short...a MAN. And POTUS. Damn, I miss him.
So..a known evil versus an unknown? I'll take Trump...even his uncouthness. He won't take any shit, he can't be bought and he loves America.
Good nuff for me.
God, how old were you when you bought into the Camelot bullshit?
You don't know much history, do you? Kennedy said "Ask not what this country can do for you but what you can do for your country" And he lowered taxes, knowing that it helps people and business. That isn't today's Democrat.

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