Has Anyone Noticed How Obama Just Sounds So Drained And Weary Lately?,Time To Retire?

I wish he would step down NOW.

That would put the creepy old uncle in charge, I am sure many far left drones would enjoy the Biden reach around much more than the Obama reach around..
techically he has stepped down, that why he often goes on vacation in Europe.

Hell with stepping down, it would be nice if he stepped up one time.

That only happens when they need a fourth for golf or they need someone to make long winded speeches at fund raisers..

Beyond that do ever expect a far left drone to ever step up to the plate and do what is right..
I wish he would step down NOW.

That would put the creepy old uncle in charge, I am sure many far left drones would enjoy the Biden reach around much more than the Obama reach around..
techically he has stepped down, that why he often goes on vacation in Europe.

Hell with stepping down, it would be nice if he stepped up one time.
i wonder who will take the lowest level jobs of building his little library in Chicago? unemployed syrians?
Apply a little burned cork and you see what O'Bozo could model for when he's looking for work....so very, very soon........

I wish he would step down NOW.

That would put the creepy old uncle in charge, I am sure many far left drones would enjoy the Biden reach around much more than the Obama reach around..
techically he has stepped down, that why he often goes on vacation in Europe.
Imam Hussien Obama can't wait until 2017 when he can announce his devotion to Muhammad and go on his Hajj pilgrimage, which is the duty of every good Muslim.
Our President is just so worn out from having to wake up every morning around 6? 7?, then he has to go to his daily national security meeting, then probably off to some Golf Course in Florida,,right?:desk:

delusional much? poor rightwingnutjobs

Yeah, you got him on that one, I doubt Obama bothers with the National Security meeting.
Obama: National Security Meeting? whats that? send Biden to them, I have to watch The View.
Obama and "national security" is an oxymoron.
Obama: last week, In "Saint Bernard" California, a crazed, white and conservative male flew off the cookoos next and shot up 140 people because of Baby Parts. {then Joe Biden whispers in his ear}..no Mr. President, that was the previous muslim terrorist attack.
How sad to see another in a long line of con circle jerks.

Feel better? Get the tension out? LOL You are people who think Raygun was a good president when he was one of the most criminal individuals to ever hold high office. Bush Jr. was an outright disaster. The only Republican president in the last 35 years that was at least decent was Bush Sr. and he only had one term.

Nixon was another Republican criminal that had to leave office for criminal activity. You have to go all the way back 60 years to find Dwight D Eisenhower to say 'there was a good Republican president'. And he was. Since then you have a couple years of Gerald Ford and 4 years of Bush Sr.

The rest are just bugshit trainwrecks.
Reagan was great. The proof is that he still makes liberals foam over at the mouth and hyperventilate. Bush wasn't great but he took a hell of a lot more shit than obama ever did, never complained or blamed failures on others. You'd have to look back to Kennedy for a Democrat with a backbone.
I would imagine being the president is rather exhausting.
He's been president 7 years. He's had GOP mess to deal with. He's had the mess the GOP made of the middle east. And he's had to deal with a political party that's trying to destroy this country by taking away voter rights, Woman's rights, attacking blacks and Hispanics and inspiring violence. That's a lot to deal with.
How sad to see another in a long line of con circle jerks.

Feel better? Get the tension out? LOL You are people who think Raygun was a good president when he was one of the most criminal individuals to ever hold high office. Bush Jr. was an outright disaster. The only Republican president in the last 35 years that was at least decent was Bush Sr. and he only had one term.

Nixon was another Republican criminal that had to leave office for criminal activity. You have to go all the way back 60 years to find Dwight D Eisenhower to say 'there was a good Republican president'. And he was. Since then you have a couple years of Gerald Ford and 4 years of Bush Sr.

The rest are just bugshit trainwrecks.
Reagan was great. The proof is that he still makes liberals foam over at the mouth and hyperventilate. Bush wasn't great but he took a hell of a lot more shit than obama ever did, never complained or blamed failures on others. You'd have to look back to Kennedy for a Democrat with a backbone.
Kennedy wouldn't have let this get even this far. Trump is like him....but more uncouth in his approach. Still...I'd rather a blowhard than a pussy like what we have now.
:boohoo: Well, especially when he has to deliver his message to the country every time there is a shooting/terror attack. By now who isn't sick and beyond tired of "Well Ah, Err, And Ughh" , Islamish, Turkish, Packeeestanish, etc.?. Especially after the last time we heard him speak of the San Bernardino shooting. You got to admit, he sounded like he didnt want to be there, really had no concern over the shooting, and as usual, the stammering/stuttering, can't say 7 or 8 words without the signature "Ughhh".
How old is Obama? 55?, Fox Host Martha MacCallum is about 50 and she looks 30 years younger than Obama !!!
Our President is just so worn out from having to wake up every morning around 6? 7?, then he has to go to his daily national security meeting, then probably off to some Golf Course in Florida,,right?:desk:

Only 29% of Republicans think Obama was born in this country.
40% of Republicans think Rafael (Ted) Cruz was born in this country.
Can you say t@ards?
I don't give a shit where they are born. I just want a president that isn't a pussy.
"Has Anyone Noticed How Obama Just Sounds So Drained And Weary Lately?,Time To Retire?"

No, just that you and most others on the right are tedious, partisan hacks.

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