Has anyone noticed the national debt lately ?

Why don't you bet him, Welshy?


Trump gets a free pass just as Bush II did.

The reason we have 30 trillion dollars in debt is because neither side will hold their side accountable for the debt they added.

On this issue the Repubs/MAGA folks are far worse than the Dems/Left. The left can acknowledge that Obama added to the debt, while the Trumpers will not give him even one tiny bit of blame despite the fact he asked for a trillion dollars more in in spending than Obama ever did
When did the Dems start fighting the real estate bubble?
What did they do to fight it? Be specific.

never under Dems, just GOP 1929 1989, 2008.

Why isn't the Internet Bubble in your list?
I continue to not be your mother LOL. Google it. Except for a few , they voted against it . The Internet bubble was not about corruption or corrupt deregulation, just the first time the Internet went crazy....
Most of these walking zombies don’t have any idea the collapse is months away . The stores will prove it all lol.

Bookmarked so in a few months I can bring it back up and laugh at you
Oh wait with the rising interest rate-----we are all going to feel the pain as the government has to raise taxes and cut services to carry the debt (which was just largely stolen money).
We never recovered from the Bad Loans Housing Crash.
Trump gets a free pass just as Bush II did.

The reason we have 30 trillion dollars in debt is because neither side will hold their side accountable for the debt they added.

On this issue the Repubs/MAGA folks are far worse than the Dems/Left. The left can acknowledge that Obama added to the debt, while the Trumpers will not give him even one tiny bit of blame despite the fact he asked for a trillion dollars more in in spending than Obama ever did
A trillion $$ ASKED more that Trump used to help America---while Biden and Obama used the money to funnel around to their puppet handlers---like the cash for clunkers and shovel ready scam jobs.
The American people don't know or realize how bad things can get and how quickly it can happen when carrying that much debt....
IMO, they are soon going to learn that lesson. We are marching toward total economic collapse, BY DESIGN, and when it comes, a few million are apt to die from violence, starvation, or suicide. We're seeing a coming global food shortage that is being CAUSED INTENTIONALLY. Make people desperate enough and they'll do anything for security and food.
When it all falls down, this will be the theme song:

No, I don't plan on paying for it.
Your "plans" don't really matter though. NONE of our plans matter. This system is being collapsed and once the mighty USD is done, the paternal government that so many rely on is going to just stand around waiting for the "feeding time at the zoo" to cull a few million before they step in with a deal the survivors cannot refuse.
A trillion $$ ASKED more that Trump used to help America---while Biden and Obama used the money to funnel around to their puppet handlers---like the cash for clunkers and shovel ready scam jobs.

And this my friends is why we are 30 trillion dollars in debt. Both sides give their side a free and total pass.
Oh wait with the rising interest rate-----we are all going to feel the pain as the government has to raise taxes and cut services to carry the debt (which was just largely stolen money).
They have to pay the interest on our debt to China and Japan, Saudi Arabia and whoever else we owe money to.

If they all decided to cash in their chips.....it's SHTF time.
Global debts have reached $250 trillion, which is more than three of the planet's GDP (which is already inflated with financial capital with all sorts of mirage shit), and in 10 years debts have increased by $80 trillion.
And this was 4 years ago...
Global inflation is off the scale, because over the past 15 years, the capitalists have simply printed more than a third of ALL debts!
Whoever does not see this is blind.
And you ask why there is such a strong smell of World War in the air? Because the crooks are dangerously overplayed, and in order to escape from responsibility, they want to turn over the table with cards and arrange a fight in their stinking casino to save their capitals acquired by fraud and deception. Everything is as usual. Capitalism as it is!


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