Has anyone recieved the American Community Survey?


Senior Member
Mar 9, 2009

And if so, how do you feel about the questions?

Will you answer them?

Are you concerned about the $100 to $5000 fine for not answering the survey?

Do you consider it to be a necessary or invasive line of questions?

I kind of already know the answers I'll get from some...just curious about some of the open minded folks out there.
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Anything with the word "Community" in it is usually being presented by a corrupt & fraudulent "Community Organizer" group like ACORN. People should be very wary. It probably is bogus.
About the ACS: Question by Question Fact Sheets

And if so, how do you feel about the questions?

Will you answer them?

Are you concerned about the $100 to $5000 fine for not answering the survey?

Do you consider it to be a necessary or invasive line of questions?

I kind of already know the answers I'll get from some...just curious about some of the open minded folks out there.

Can you show me where it says you get a $100- $5000 fine for not answering?

I can't find it
About the ACS: Question by Question Fact Sheets

And if so, how do you feel about the questions?

Will you answer them?

Are you concerned about the $100 to $5000 fine for not answering the survey?

Do you consider it to be a necessary or invasive line of questions?

I kind of already know the answers I'll get from some...just curious about some of the open minded folks out there.

Can you show me where it says you get a $100- $5000 fine for not answering?

I can't find it

Look in the last paragraph on this page:

About the ACS: What is the Survey?
Anything with the word "Community" in it is usually being presented by a corrupt & fraudulent "Community Organizer" group like ACORN. People should be very wary. It probably is bogus.

No Lib...it's very real and from the census bureau
They need to know if my house has a bathroom, kitchen, and plumbing?

Well, if they don't know, and I answer "no", will my property taxes go down? Because that's about $4k I can spend elsewhere..
Beware of any politician who repeatedly uses the word "Community" over and over in their rants. They are most likely corrupt Left Wing "Community Organizer" cretins. You just have to know their lingo. The fact they're calling it an "American Community Survey" should set off alarm bells for anyone with some common sense left. It's all just a sad & corrupt "Community Organizer" scam in the end. It is what it is.
Beware of any politician who repeatedly uses the word "Community" over and over in their rants. They are most likely corrupt Left Wing "Community Organizer" cretins. You just have to know their lingo. The fact they're calling it an "American Community Survey" should set off alarm bells to anyone with some common sense left. It's all just a sad & corrupt "Community Organizer" scam in the end. It is what it is.

I take it then that you wouldn't participate if you were selected to recieve the survey...
Anything with the word "Community" in it is usually being presented by a corrupt & fraudulent "Community Organizer" group like ACORN. People should be very wary. It probably is bogus.

You mean like this:

Community of Christ
Community of Science
Community of Caring
Community of Concern
Community of Democracies
Community of Writers
Community of European Railways
The Community of Jesus
The Community of Celebration
A Community of Friends
Community of Welcoming Congregations
Community of Peace Academy
The Wellness Community
Community of Hope

There are tons of others.


Pssst..........if you google it, you'll discover that MOST things with 'community' in their name are religion related. ROFLMAO.....(you are wrong so often, you're taking the fun out of this)..........LOL
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Just pay attention and listen closely to politician rants. If they're using the word "Community" over and over in their rants then you know they're just corrupt Leftist "Community Organizer" cretins. It's all there in their lingo. People just need to pay closer attention.
Beware of any politician who repeatedly uses the word "Community" over and over in their rants. They are most likely corrupt Left Wing "Community Organizer" cretins. You just have to know their lingo. The fact they're calling it an "American Community Survey" should set off alarm bells for anyone with some common sense left. It's all just a sad & corrupt "Community Organizer" scam in the end. It is what it is.

No, it's part of the census. It's what replaced the long form and it has nothing to do with any politicians...it's not political. Maybe, and here's a wild idea, you should actually research things and know what you're talking about. It's so much more accurate than wild guesses.
Beware of any politician who repeatedly uses the word "Community" over and over in their rants. They are most likely corrupt Left Wing "Community Organizer" cretins. You just have to know their lingo. The fact they're calling it an "American Community Survey" should set off alarm bells for anyone with some common sense left. It's all just a sad & corrupt "Community Organizer" scam in the end. It is what it is.

I guess you have never figured out that the census is a survey of the american community, huh.........
About the ACS: Question by Question Fact Sheets

And if so, how do you feel about the questions?

Will you answer them?

Are you concerned about the $100 to $5000 fine for not answering the survey?

Do you consider it to be a necessary or invasive line of questions?

I kind of already know the answers I'll get from some...just curious about some of the open minded folks out there.

Can you show me where it says you get a $100- $5000 fine for not answering?

I can't find it

Look in the last paragraph on this page:

About the ACS: What is the Survey?

That sucks.

I don't see where they have the authority under census provisions. It should be voluntary
The amount of times a politician uses the word "Community" in their rants is a good indication of how far Left they are in their "Community Organizer" world. Just listen and pay closer attention. Using the phrase "American Community Survey" really does say it all. People are right to not trust it.
About the ACS: Question by Question Fact Sheets

And if so, how do you feel about the questions?

Will you answer them?

Are you concerned about the $100 to $5000 fine for not answering the survey?

Do you consider it to be a necessary or invasive line of questions?

I kind of already know the answers I'll get from some...just curious about some of the open minded folks out there.

No, and I hope I don't because the questions are way too invasive. I had a problem with the 2000 Census form. I just answered a few of the questions and let several blank. They tried to contact me several times, but I would never answer them. The government seems to get more oppressive every year.
I filled out the short form but still don't understand the controversy. This info is already available to the govt. My municipality knows how many bathrooms I have and the IRS knows how much we make. What is the big deal?
Can you show me where it says you get a $100- $5000 fine for not answering?

I can't find it

Look in the last paragraph on this page:

About the ACS: What is the Survey?

That sucks.

I don't see where they have the authority under census provisions. It should be voluntary

yeah, you're right about that...holy shit!!! We agree'd on something. LOL

I'm getting the feeling that there isn't going to be much that's voluntary anymore...unless you're volunteering at a community center.
I filled out the short form but still don't understand the controversy. This info is already available to the govt. My municipality knows how many bathrooms I have and the IRS knows how much we make. What is the big deal?

Well, the big deal is that it's mandatory to fill it out or get fined up to $5000 if you don't. It's a big deal because they are diving way deeper into your personal information than just how many bathrooms you have and requiring you to answer the questions, without option to decline. It's a big deal because if you get one and DON'T fill it out, you are considered a criminal.

It's a big deal because the damn thing is TWENTY EIGHT pages long!!!!

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