Has Biden explained it will cost From $5.6 Trillion to $71 Trillion to "guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

What a total fraud you are! You don't "hope it works out well"... ! Any time someone like you who has made the negative comments about me and then
you say .."hope it works out well" you are a liar! PLEASE keep up making dumb ass comments like "hope it works out well" because all you are doing is making yourself look bad! Phony comments like "hope it works out well" just reinforce others opinion of you... like saying "have a nice day" to a guy sitting in an,"Old Sparky, Yellow Mama, Gruesome Gertie, Sizzling Sally or Hot Seat"! Look it up! Old Sparky - Wikipedia
You are the one who is full of it and you don't even know it. How sad . Good bye.
Can't stand the heat eh? People like you have to say good bye because that's all you can do but say good bye.
And people like you continue useless conversations trying to get someone's goat because they are trolls. I'm on to you. Sorry, you are not self-aware of who you are and what motivates you, very sad indeed.
And people like you continue useless conversations trying to get someone's goat because they are trolls. I'm on to you. Sorry, you are not self-aware of who you are and what motivates you, very sad indeed.
Once again the phony, pious and total LIE..."Sorry, you are..." ! You are NOT sorry!
And then the further pomposity ... YOU write like you are a trained psychology specialists like the ones who taught my "Abnormal Psychology" and other courses in my Psychology degree! But if anything your faux responses are more like psychology wannabes!
So keep on responding as you are fortifying most people's perceptions of you as truly a LIAR, A phony and above all a truly ignorant "troll" I mean person...and I'm basing it on my own personal and subjective, amateur (like yours) observations.
Once again the phony, pious and total LIE..."Sorry, you are..." ! You are NOT sorry!
And then the further pomposity ... YOU write like you are a trained psychology specialists like the ones who taught my "Abnormal Psychology" and other courses in my Psychology degree! But if anything your faux responses are more like psychology wannabes!
So keep on responding as you are fortifying most people's perceptions of you as truly a LIAR, A phony and above all a truly ignorant "troll" I mean person...and I'm basing it on my own personal and subjective, amateur (like yours) observations.
Yet you continue with the derogatory rhetoric. I cannot continue further conversations with you. I am not a sick individual like you obviously are.
Yet you continue with the derogatory rhetoric. I cannot continue further conversations with you. I am not a sick individual like you obviously are.
So are you a amateur psychologist that with your "psychic " skills determine I am a sick person? I remember what my Mom and evidently YOUR Mom didn't teach you, "Point a finger and you have 3 pointing back at you". Which is why I general don't point out deficiencies such as you've done because it is better for you to show people your personal, subjective observations that are not verified with any substantiations.
So are you a amateur psychologist that with your "psychic " skills determine I am a sick person? I remember what my Mom and evidently YOUR Mom didn't teach you, "Point a finger and you have 3 pointing back at you". Which is why I general don't point out deficiencies such as you've done because it is better for you to show people your personal, subjective observations that are not verified with any substantiations.
LOL, even your attempts at humor are a sign you need help.
Keep up your amateur psychology efforts as all it does is shows several aspects about you. I strongly encourage more of your attempts!
50 + years in nursing has given a wide experience in dealing with a lot of society's more difficult personalities. I may not be an expert but my colleagues at work often look to me for assistance. But by all means keep talking about things you don't understand, I understand that personality type; seen it more than enough for one lifetime already.
50 + years in nursing has given a wide experience in dealing with a lot of society's more difficult personalities. I may not be an expert but my colleagues at work often look to me for assistance. But by all means keep talking about things you don't understand, I understand that personality type; seen it more than enough for one lifetime already.
So you ARE an amateur and basing your observation about me solely on what YOU THINK you are reading in my comments and 50+ years.
Based on your limited and amateur status.. while I would feel comfortable with you as a attending nurse, I certainly wouldn't base my mental status based on you!
So you ARE an amateur and basing your observation about me solely on what YOU THINK you are reading in my comments and 50+ years.
Based on your limited and amateur status.. while I would feel comfortable with you as a attending nurse, I certainly wouldn't base my mental status based on you!
Look at trump he's lived his whole life as a narcissistic psychopath and no one has been able to alter his behavior yet. Now that he's showing signs of senility it's all only get worse. My guess is he's got 5 more years left outside of an institution But again that's justy opinion.Let's see what happens. I don't know you and you don't know me so those opinions are more or less moot. I've had less than 20 hours of psychology and sociology courses, and over the years I've probably been to at least 10 seminars on various aspects of mental health. Plus my years of nursing 50 + I believe I'm a little more than an amateur, but you can believe anything you wish.
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Look at trump he's lived his whole life as a narcissistic psychopath and no one has been able to alter his behavior yet. Now that he's showing signs of senility it's all only get worse. My guess is he's got 5 more years left outside of an institution But again that's justy opinion.Let's see what happens. I don't know you and you don't know me so those opinions are more or less moot. I've had less than 20 hours of psychology and sociology courses, and over the years I've probably been to at least 10 seminars on various aspects of mental health. Plus my years of nursing 50 + I believe I'm a little more than an amateur, but you can believe anything you wish.
Once again you share personal, amateurish opinions based on your 20 hours of psychology and sociology courses... I assume community college?
With my 31 hours of psychology courses after graduating from Big Ten university with a major in Psychology I am an amateur and as such did just a little
research in to your professional diagnosis that Trump is a narcissistic psychopath.
Now let me set the record straight. I've known about Trump since his TV days on his TV show "The Apprentice". I've also known people like him from the Queens NY after living in NY for several years. And Trump like a few fellow Queens natives are as Trump is: a braggart. Very boisterous. VERY opinionated ! Very much disliked from my point of view. But I like 137,208,197 voters in 2016/2020 voted and I'm not saying all these voters felt like me, for Trump not because I liked him, or that he was politically correct, FAR from that! I voted because he was NOT a politician! Because he was an effective Billionaire who Loved America (so much so he was one of 3 presidents that donated their salaries to charities (Trump the most at $1.6 million), he loved his family, he loved the military and police and the most important thing...HE GOT THINGS DONE! Again I personally never liked him, BUT he got things done! Things that Biden initially terminated but since then has re-established..i.e. building the wall...(AGAIN I provide FACTS:
The Biden administration laid out its plans to rev up work on completing Donald Trump’s signature project.
So that being established, I don't like Trump personally but respect his effectiveness and political incorrectness!
Now as far as your amateur Trump diagnosis...narcissistic psychopath.
Here is an expert who has said and I quote:
"I helped write the manual for diagnosing mental illness. Donald Trump doesn’t meet the criteria"
This is Dr. Frances opinion and credentials.
Allen Frances, M.D., was chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Duke University and also chaired the task force responsible for revising the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. He is the author of “Twilight of American Sanity: A Psychiatrist Analyzes the Age of Trump” (William Morrow, September 2017).
Dr Frances further clarifies his position WHICH your amateur observation is 100% wrong!
"And the three most frequent armchair diagnoses made for Trump — narcissistic personality disorder, delusional disorder, and dementia — are all badly misinformed."
Dr. Frances describes Trump..
Trump is an undisputed poster boy for narcissism. He demonstrates in pure form every single symptom described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM) criteria for narcissistic personality disorder, which I wrote in 1978. But lots of successful people are extremely narcissistic without being mentally ill — think most celebrities, many politicians, and a fair percentage of writers, artists, lawyers, doctors, and professors. To qualify for narcissistic personality disorder, an individual’s selfish, unempathetic preening must be accompanied by significant distress or impairment. Trump certainly causes severe distress and impairment in others, but his narcissism doesn’t seem to affect him that way.

So "STANN" once again a little research BEFORE you make an amateur and "armchair diagnoses made for Trump — are all badly misinformed" according to the expert, Dr. Frances!
Once again you share personal, amateurish opinions based on your 20 hours of psychology and sociology courses... I assume community college?
With my 31 hours of psychology courses after graduating from Big Ten university with a major in Psychology I am an amateur and as such did just a little
research in to your professional diagnosis that Trump is a narcissistic psychopath.
Now let me set the record straight. I've known about Trump since his TV days on his TV show "The Apprentice". I've also known people like him from the Queens NY after living in NY for several years. And Trump like a few fellow Queens natives are as Trump is: a braggart. Very boisterous. VERY opinionated ! Very much disliked from my point of view. But I like 137,208,197 voters in 2016/2020 voted and I'm not saying all these voters felt like me, for Trump not because I liked him, or that he was politically correct, FAR from that! I voted because he was NOT a politician! Because he was an effective Billionaire who Loved America (so much so he was one of 3 presidents that donated their salaries to charities (Trump the most at $1.6 million), he loved his family, he loved the military and police and the most important thing...HE GOT THINGS DONE! Again I personally never liked him, BUT he got things done! Things that Biden initially terminated but since then has re-established..i.e. building the wall...(AGAIN I provide FACTS:
The Biden administration laid out its plans to rev up work on completing Donald Trump’s signature project.
So that being established, I don't like Trump personally but respect his effectiveness and political incorrectness!
Now as far as your amateur Trump diagnosis...narcissistic psychopath.
Here is an expert who has said and I quote:
"I helped write the manual for diagnosing mental illness. Donald Trump doesn’t meet the criteria"
This is Dr. Frances opinion and credentials.
Allen Frances, M.D., was chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Duke University and also chaired the task force responsible for revising the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. He is the author of “Twilight of American Sanity: A Psychiatrist Analyzes the Age of Trump” (William Morrow, September 2017).
Dr Frances further clarifies his position WHICH your amateur observation is 100% wrong!
"And the three most frequent armchair diagnoses made for Trump — narcissistic personality disorder, delusional disorder, and dementia — are all badly misinformed."
Dr. Frances describes Trump..
Trump is an undisputed poster boy for narcissism. He demonstrates in pure form every single symptom described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM) criteria for narcissistic personality disorder, which I wrote in 1978. But lots of successful people ar extremely narcissistic without being mentally ill — think most celebrities, many politicians, and a fair percentage of writers, artists, lawyers, doctors, and professors. To qualify for narcissistic personality disorder, an individual’s selfish, unempathetic preening must be accompanied by significant distress or impairment. Trump certainly causes severe distress and impairment in others, but his narcissism doesn’t seem to affect him that way.

So "STANN" once again a little research BEFORE you make an amateur and "armchair diagnoses made for Trump — are all badly misinformed" according to the expert, Dr. Frances!
Once again you're making assumptions about me that are incorrect; nothing new ! I went to the University of Nebraska at Omaha. And trump's problems are overwhelming. Stable adults do not throw tantrums, do not have delusions and most importantly do not go into meltdowns and contemplate evil schemes to attack their imaginary enemies. As well as referring to themselves as knowing better than anyone else, the only one who knows the truth, etc. Etc. It's endless with him and it all comes out of his own mouth and actions. I could cite multiple articles which have the opposite opinion of trump. So once again you've proved nothing to persuade me to alter my opinion of that paranoid, sadistic psychopath. You are entitled to your opinion, so am I. Try to have a good day, I plan on it.
Once again you're making assumptions about me that are incorrect; nothing new ! I went to the University of Nebraska at Omaha. And trump's problems are overwhelming. Stable adults do not throw tantrums, do not have delusions and most importantly do not go into meltdowns and contemplate evil schemes to attack their imaginary enemies. As well as referring to themselves as knowing better than anyone else, the only one who knows the truth, etc. Etc. It's endless with him and it all comes out of his own mouth and actions. I could cite multiple articles which have the opposite opinion of trump. So once again you've proved nothing to persuade me to alter my opinion of that paranoid, sadistic psychopath. You are entitled to your opinion, so am I. Try to have a good day, I plan on it.
And so you dispute Dr. Frances professional opinion?
And you think "stable adults do not throw tantrums"? Well google has found 290,000 times where the word "tantrum" was used in conjunctions with Biden. So using your conclusion about Trump, doesn't that make Biden an unstable person?

The 7 Most Notorious Presidential Meltdowns​

Presidents have been indulging in tantrums, snits, and meltdowns ever since George Washington swore an oath on the Bible in 1789—some, admittedly, more often than others, and some using much more colorful language. Here are six instances when the United States president acted as truculently as a grade-schooler sent to bed without dessert. The 7 Most Notorious Presidential Meltdowns in History

But finally the best case for showing YOU how so terrible uninformed, opinionated and above all such a pathetic pious temper tantrum person themselves,
is the attached two articles about how the MSM in 2016 donated 96% to Hillary, during Trump's 4 years wrote 92% negative news (which I'm sure truly unsophisticated and UNINFORMED people like you BELIVED!!!) and then donated 90% to Biden while the 3 network news donated $400 million advertising for 3 months by reporting 92% negative news!
ABC,CBS,NBC along with their personal donations, donated $400 million in free advertising.e. over 32.7 hours of coverage, from 7/29/2020-10/20/20).
Everything You Need to Know About TV Advertising Costs $104,700/30 sec. The below link found network news provided 92% negative news about Trump!
"What they found was, over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history — 92% negative, vs. just 8% positive.from July 29 through October 20"

AND being the truly uninformed person who NEVER provides any proof, unlike scholarly people do before making subject opinions YOU continue to
believe the BIASED MSM about Trump.

Screen Shot 2023-04-15 at 3.02.48 PM.png
And so you dispute Dr. Frances professional opinion?
And you think "stable adults do not throw tantrums"? Well google has found 290,000 times where the word "tantrum" was used in conjunctions with Biden. So using your conclusion about Trump, doesn't that make Biden an unstable person?

The 7 Most Notorious Presidential Meltdowns​

Presidents have been indulging in tantrums, snits, and meltdowns ever since George Washington swore an oath on the Bible in 1789—some, admittedly, more often than others, and some using much more colorful language. Here are six instances when the United States president acted as truculently as a grade-schooler sent to bed without dessert. The 7 Most Notorious Presidential Meltdowns in History

But finally the best case for showing YOU how so terrible uninformed, opinionated and above all such a pathetic pious temper tantrum person themselves,
is the attached two articles about how the MSM in 2016 donated 96% to Hillary, during Trump's 4 years wrote 92% negative news (which I'm sure truly unsophisticated and UNINFORMED people like you BELIVED!!!) and then donated 90% to Biden while the 3 network news donated $400 million advertising for 3 months by reporting 92% negative news!
ABC,CBS,NBC along with their personal donations, donated $400 million in free advertising.e. over 32.7 hours of coverage, from 7/29/2020-10/20/20).
Everything You Need to Know About TV Advertising Costs $104,700/30 sec. The below link found network news provided 92% negative news about Trump!
"What they found was, over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history — 92% negative, vs. just 8% positive.from July 29 through October 20"

AND being the truly uninformed person who NEVER provides any proof, unlike scholarly people do before making subject opinions YOU continue to
believe the BIASED MSM about Trump.
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View attachment 776656
You obviously have a comprehension problem or reading deficit of some type. As I already said I could cite multiple doctors and groups of doctors who disagree with your reference about the mental status of trump. I believe one group even published their findings in a book. I just remembered another of trump's touts, " I'm a mentally stable genius ! " Who in their right mind would say such a thing, except a very paranoid and delusional person. Normal people don't react to criticism of any type with such a strong and virulent reaction. Even he realizes he's got problems, but still doesn't know how to deal with them.
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You obviously have a comprehension problem or reading deficit of some type. As I already said I could cite multiple doctors and groups of doctors who disagree with your reference about the mental status of trump. I believe one group even published their findings in a book. I just remembered another of trump's touts, " I'm a mentally stable genius ! " Who in their right mind would say such a thing, except a very paranoid and delusional person. Normal people don't react to criticism of any type with such a strong and virulent reaction. Even he realizes he's got problems, but still doesn't know how to deal with them.
Hey I seriously doubt you are telling the truth that you could cite multiple doctors, etc. who disagree. Your premise though about "temper tantrums" makes it sound like Trump was the ONLY president ever to have them!
And I proved to you historically...but like people of your ILK you never read the link!
The 7 Most Notorious Presidential Meltdowns
Presidents have been indulging in tantrums, snits, and meltdowns ever since George Washington swore an oath on the Bible in 1789—some, admittedly, more often than others, and some using much more colorful language. Here are six instances when the United States president acted as truculently as a grade-schooler sent to bed without dessert.

Forbes visited Warren G. Harding in the White House, at which point the otherwise colorless (but six-foot-tall) president grabbed him by the throat and attempted to choke him to death.
Lyndon Johnson was also fond of Johnson was also fond of belittling aides (and family members, and fellow politicians) by insisting that they follow him into the bathroom during conversations. And how did Johnson deal with other countries? Well, here's a sample remark, allegedly delivered to the Greek ambassador in 1964: "F** your parliament and your constitution. America is an elephant. Cyprus is a flea. Greece is a flea. If these two fleas continue itching the elephant, they just might get whacked good."s (and family members, and fellow politicians) by insisting that they follow him into the bathroom during conversations. And how did Johnson deal with other countries? Well, here's a sample remark, allegedly delivered to the Greek ambassador in 1964: "F** your parliament and your constitution. America is an elephant. Cyprus is a flea. Greece is a flea. If these two fleas continue itching the elephant, they just might get whacked good."

U.S. President Richard M. Nixon "I don't give a shit what happens. I want you all to stonewall—plead the Fifth Amendment, cover-up, or anything else. If that will save it, save the plan."
Wouldn't you say LBJ had some strong and virulent reactions or Nixon, or Harding trying to choke someone?
And you are oh so upset with this from Trump???
Trump said:"He only won in the eyes of the FAKE NEWS MEDIA. I concede NOTHING! We have a long way to go. This was a RIGGED ELECTION!"
Certainly is a temper tantrum illustration!
Hey I seriously doubt you are telling the truth that you could cite multiple doctors, etc. who disagree. Your premise though about "temper tantrums" makes it sound like Trump was the ONLY president ever to have them!
And I proved to you historically...but like people of your ILK you never read the link!
The 7 Most Notorious Presidential Meltdowns
Presidents have been indulging in tantrums, snits, and meltdowns ever since George Washington swore an oath on the Bible in 1789—some, admittedly, more often than others, and some using much more colorful language. Here are six instances when the United States president acted as truculently as a grade-schooler sent to bed without dessert.

Forbes visited Warren G. Harding in the White House, at which point the otherwise colorless (but six-foot-tall) president grabbed him by the throat and attempted to choke him to death.
Lyndon Johnson was also fond of Johnson was also fond of belittling aides (and family members, and fellow politicians) by insisting that they follow him into the bathroom during conversations. And how did Johnson deal with other countries? Well, here's a sample remark, allegedly delivered to the Greek ambassador in 1964: "F** your parliament and your constitution. America is an elephant. Cyprus is a flea. Greece is a flea. If these two fleas continue itching the elephant, they just might get whacked good."s (and family members, and fellow politicians) by insisting that they follow him into the bathroom during conversations. And how did Johnson deal with other countries? Well, here's a sample remark, allegedly delivered to the Greek ambassador in 1964: "F** your parliament and your constitution. America is an elephant. Cyprus is a flea. Greece is a flea. If these two fleas continue itching the elephant, they just might get whacked good."

U.S. President Richard M. Nixon "I don't give a shit what happens. I want you all to stonewall—plead the Fifth Amendment, cover-up, or anything else. If that will save it, save the plan."
Wouldn't you say LBJ had some strong and virulent reactions or Nixon, or Harding trying to choke someone?
And you are oh so upset with this from Trump???
Trump said:"He only won in the eyes of the FAKE NEWS MEDIA. I concede NOTHING! We have a long way to go. This was a RIGGED ELECTION!"
Certainly is a temper tantrum illustration!
Maybe you don't remember Dr. Bandy Lee who spoke of trump before he was even elected president by the electoral college. She correctly predicted that trump would unleash violence like this country has never seen before because of his belligerent behavior and manipulative usage of language ( weaponization ). Traits of an alpha psychotic. He probably views himself as leader of the world, not just the US. Inappropriate language of his suggests even grander delusions. Remember when he compared himself to Jesus. My memory is quite good. And I'm also good with my impressions of people. At work a colleague had a male visitor one day. I shared in a small part of their discourse and observed all of it diligently; because I was concerned and I felt something was off. Later after he left, I asked her if he was really a good friend. She admitted that when they dated he beat her and she got a restraining order against him. Like I said you could cut the tension in the room, he was a friend to no one. Psychopaths don't have relationships with other people other than in how to utilize them; never with positive feedback always threats, name-calling and other forms of purposeful abuse. Often these people marry multiple times. Begining to sound familiar. It's a case history of most psychopaths.
Maybe you don't remember Dr. Bandy Lee who spoke of trump before he was even elected president by the electoral college. She correctly predicted that trump would unleash violence like this country has never seen before because of his belligerent behavior and manipulative usage of language ( weaponization ). Traits of an alpha psychotic. He probably views himself as leader of the world, not just the US. Inappropriate language of his suggests even grander delusions. Remember when he compared himself to Jesus. My memory is quite good. And I'm also good with my impressions of people. At work a colleague had a male visitor one day. I shared in a small part of their discourse and observed all of it diligently; because I was concerned and I felt something was off. Later after he left, I asked her if he was really a good friend. She admitted that when they dated he beat her and she got a restraining order against him. Like I said you could cut the tension in the room, he was a friend to no one. Psychopaths don't have relationships with other people other than in how to utilize them; never with positive feedback always threats, name-calling and other forms of purposeful abuse. Often these people marry multiple times. Begining to sound familiar. It's a case history of most psychopaths.

The prestigious university had questions about her judgment and ability to teach after she started making medical proclamations about Trump and others close to him, the newspaper reported.

Her statements go against the American Psychiatric Association rule that prohibits professional opinions of public figures who were not examined, her own lawsuit stated.

Maybe you don't remember Dr. Bandy Lee who spoke of trump before he was even elected president by the electoral college. She correctly predicted that trump would unleash violence like this country has never seen before because of his belligerent behavior and manipulative usage of language ( weaponization ). Traits of an alpha psychotic. He probably views himself as leader of the world, not just the US. Inappropriate language of his suggests even grander delusions. Remember when he compared himself to Jesus. My memory is quite good. And I'm also good with my impressions of people. At work a colleague had a male visitor one day. I shared in a small part of their discourse and observed all of it diligently; because I was concerned and I felt something was off. Later after he left, I asked her if he was really a good friend. She admitted that when they dated he beat her and she got a restraining order against him. Like I said you could cut the tension in the room, he was a friend to no one. Psychopaths don't have relationships with other people other than in how to utilize them; never with positive feedback always threats, name-calling and other forms of purposeful abuse. Often these people marry multiple times. Begining to sound familiar. It's a case history of most psychopaths.
So in reading The Psychiatrist Who Warned Us That Donald Trump Would Unleash Violence Was Absolutely Right
when I got to this statement I realized this article in Mother Jones considered a FAR LEFT biased MSM wrote this... I completely disbelieve Bandy Lee's
assessment BECAUSE SHE LIKE YOU believe the Biased MSM that as I pointed out DONATED 96% to Hillary, the 92% of news negative on Trump (including the below totally biased piece as I'll prove!!) and then donated 90% to Biden. The biased MSM has corrupted the information that truly uninformed people like you get.
Now this is from the above article about Bandy Lee and is the similar repeated statement by the BIASED MSM..."
Trump said there were “very fine people on both sides.” And during his first debate with Joe Biden, Trump refused to condemn the Proud Boys, a violent extremist group that would play a pivotal role in the Capitol assault, instead telling them to “stand back and stand by.”

Now I'm going to show the whole statement made by Trump which the MSM DOES NOT report!

Trump responded: "Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves — and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides."
After further questioning from the reporter, and responses from Trump about people who were at the Charlottesville rally to support keeping the Lee statue, the president said, "You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people — and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists."
To me the biased MSM doesn't report that! You and they ONLY remember Trump said...."both sides"!

The Minjung Millenarianism of Bandy X. Lee
now again unlike you I provide links to substantiate my comments and this review of Bandy X Lee... well here in next to last paragraph of this article about
Bandy X Lee reveals what SHE THINKS of YOU and others like you!!!
The author of the article Bruce Gilley is a professor of political science at Portland State University, Portland, OR 97207-0751; [email protected].
says this about her...
"As to anyone who bleated out nonsense about the equality of citizens in a democracy, Lee’s ocular voice struck like lightning": Ms. Lee says this:
'It may feel good to think that your opinion is as valid as any expert’s, without needing to put in the effort and the time, but it is wishful thinking and not reality.'
The endgame, it seems, is not just the small matter of replacing democracy with spiritual-cum-psychoanalytic experts, to “restore societal mental health by removing threats to public health and safety.

In conclusion Bandy X Lee considers people like you (as I do by the way)..that " your opinion is as valid as any expert’s, without needing to put in the effort and the time, but it is wishful thinking and not reality.'
Do you understand what Bandy X Lee, the lady that you offer as an expert thinks about you she.... thinks you are unqualified to have an opinion BUT and not reality'!
she (as I guess you think, that Trump) " Lee’s language about Trump left little doubt that she saw his election as a trans-historical and supernatural evil.
Trump's illness is a symptom in the current chaos and disorder,” she warned.14
In the most extreme situation, he may readily cross over to annihilating the world and himself,” she(Bandy X Lee) added.
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So in reading The Psychiatrist Who Warned Us That Donald Trump Would Unleash Violence Was Absolutely Right
when I got to this statement I realized this article in Mother Jones considered a FAR LEFT biased MSM wrote this... I completely disbelieve Bandy Lee's
assessment BECAUSE SHE LIKE YOU believe the Biased MSM that as I pointed out DONATED 96% to Hillary, the 92% of news negative on Trump (including the below totally biased piece as I'll prove!!) and then donated 90% to Biden. The biased MSM has corrupted the information that truly uninformed people like you get.
Now this is from the above article about Bandy Lee and is the similar repeated statement by the BIASED MSM..."
Trump said there were “very fine people on both sides.” And during his first debate with Joe Biden, Trump refused to condemn the Proud Boys, a violent extremist group that would play a pivotal role in the Capitol assault, instead telling them to “stand back and stand by.”

Now I'm going to show the whole statement made by Trump which the MSM DOES NOT report!

Trump responded: "Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves — and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides."
After further questioning from the reporter, and responses from Trump about people who were at the Charlottesville rally to support keeping the Lee statue, the president said, "You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people — and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists."
To me the biased MSM doesn't report that! You and they ONLY remember Trump said...."both sides"!

The Minjung Millenarianism of Bandy X. Lee
now again unlike you I provide links to substantiate my comments and this review of Bandy X Lee... well here in next to last paragraph of this article about
Bandy X Lee reveals what SHE THINKS of YOU and others like you!!!
The author of the article Bruce Gilley is a professor of political science at Portland State University, Portland, OR 97207-0751; [email protected].
says this about her...
"As to anyone who bleated out nonsense about the equality of citizens in a democracy, Lee’s ocular voice struck like lightning": Ms. Lee says this:
'It may feel good to think that your opinion is as valid as any expert’s, without needing to put in the effort and the time, but it is wishful thinking and not reality.'
The endgame, it seems, is not just the small matter of replacing democracy with spiritual-cum-psychoanalytic experts, to “restore societal mental health by removing threats to public health and safety.

In conclusion Bandy X Lee considers people like you (as I do by the way)..that " your opinion is as valid as any expert’s, without needing to put in the effort and the time, but it is wishful thinking and not reality.'
Do you understand what Bandy X Lee, the lady that you offer as an expert thinks about you she.... thinks you are unqualified to have an opinion BUT and not reality'!
she (as I guess you think, that Trump) " Lee’s language about Trump left little doubt that she saw his election as a trans-historical and supernatural evil.
Trump's illness is a symptom in the current chaos and disorder,” she warned.14
In the most extreme situation, he may readily cross over to annihilating the world and himself,” she(Bandy X Lee) added.
The point was her assessment was right on target. You can try to smear her reputation as being biased but you can't dispute the prediction she made based on the way Trump's mind works. That was another sad attempt to discredit an opposing opinion that proved itself correct. No use in talking to you any further, it is obvious whatever I say you will attempt to subvert or deny anyway. Good night.

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