Has Clinton ever apologized?

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Are you saying you disagree with everything he has done here??? is that your position fake liberal???

GDP growth?

Not a year of more than 3%... unlike any other president in history. Not even after a giant great recession.

What a failure.
87 months of SOLID (no corrupt GOP bubble) growth despite pure GOP obstruction of ALL possible solutions for 7 years, dupe- in a world full of great recession STILL. Great job! We could have led the world out of it, and the political chaos. Party first idiot GOP a-holes and brainwashed dupes like you, if you're serious.
View attachment 92760

Are you saying you disagree with everything he has done here??? is that your position fake liberal???

GDP growth?

Not a year of more than 3%... unlike any other president in history. Not even after a giant great recession.

What a failure.
87 months of SOLID (no corrupt GOP bubble) despite pure GOP obstruction of ALL possible solutions for 7 years, dupe- in a world full of great recession STILL. Great job! We could have led the world out of it, and the political chaos. Party first idiot GOP a-holes and brainwashed dupes like you, if you're serious.

The slowest recovery since great depression. What a failure...

That is if you can even call it a recovery. Engineers working at wall-mart can hardly be called that.
your a lying scum bag

Get paid by the post, do ya?
no i do not .... why do you ??? you sit back here and call your self a liberal, by attacking everything liberal ... then you try to convince us you're not a Liar BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
what a lying scum bag you are

Oh? When the hell did being liberal mean lockstep thinking and denial? You had 8 years to critically look at issues and chose not to. Now, you have no fucking clue and that is not my problem. It's yours.

Ask Candy.........being a democrat doesn't mean you're liberal.
do you see any where I called you a Democrat no you did not ... I called you a liar as for my liberals status I agree so far everything Obama has done or tried to do ... you sir are no liberal you're a lying scumbag

I'm not a Democrat. You're simply a lying piece of shit. I'm probably the closest to a socialist here. You on the other hand have your head firmly planted up your ass.
and by the way Liberals aren't socialist... they are liberals ... socialist are socialist ... so if you're ashamed to calling yourself a socialist can't help ya there
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well you said they won't admit wrong doings ...
case 1) defending Hillary
US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has apologize for calling half of Donald Trump's supporters "deplorable" people.

But the Democrat launched a furious attack on her Republican opponent and promised to keep fighting "bigotry and racist rhetoric".

seems you missed that apology HUH ...... to busy listenting to your handler to tell you what to say are ya ???? HUMMMMMMMMMMMM

You people calling Trump a bigot is pathetic.....then again, it is less than 30 days out from the election. You people do this every election. Logically speaking, if you people were that concerned about a candidate's bigotry, you would fight to keep him/her out from the beginning. Then again, you people are the ones who ignore the racist legacies of Hillary and the Democrats.

Keep up the racist and bigotry cards. At this point, what difference does it make? You don't even know the true meaning of those terms.
doesn't this say MORON all over it

Instead of name calling, why don't you refute with substance and basis in fact?
really!!! facts???? something you know nothing about ... I've pointed out fact all through this ... I asked for one policy what I got was things she supported, not things she wrote ... all got was name calling ... I pointed out that these thing they were ragging about weren't her policies ... that they werte things she supported ... supporting and writing a police are two different things ... when I did that I I was call a lying scumbag ...when that happens I will do the same right back at you all ... when I see a moron I point it out ... I don't tip toe around your types and your fellow poster ... once the name calling starts all hands on deck ...I'm not going to cow down to you or any one here ... they name was started by you people on the right ... now you're all upset cause I called you a moron ???? ohhhhhh you poor poor baby ... put on your big girl panties

I'm not upset. You can call me every name in the book for all I care. It simply exposes you as one who cannot debate.
no what you did was try to shame me because I gave it right back to your types ... as for my debating skills they are way over your head
Clinton's policies are a bunch of empty meaningless slogans.

Anyone who takes her positions seriously is a complete fool. Basically she is saying "I will do whatever I want."
So Trump apologizes over his words... has Clinton ever apologized for something far, far worse... her actions? Whether it be being involved in scandals, being rape enabler... or even calling people deplorable?

I think she has a few apologies to make. Everyone knows that people who never apologize can't be trusted... everyone makes mistakes.
yes she has ... she came back the next day and apologise for the comment deplorable ... all the scandals were right wing attempts to smear her ... whats to apologize for that ...
she also publicly apologized for her iraq war vote and for using a private server.

Saying using a private server was a mistake is hardly an apology. I missed the apology for the Iraq war vote. Did she apologize for this statement?

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source
View attachment 92760

Are you saying you disagree with everything he has done here??? is that your position fake liberal???

GDP growth?

Not a year of more than 3%... unlike any other president in history. Not even after a giant great recession.

What a failure.
87 months of SOLID (no corrupt GOP bubble) despite pure GOP obstruction of ALL possible solutions for 7 years, dupe- in a world full of great recession STILL. Great job! We could have led the world out of it, and the political chaos. Party first idiot GOP a-holes and brainwashed dupes like you, if you're serious.

The slowest recovery since great depression. What a failure...

That is if you can even call it a recovery. Engineers working at wall-mart can hardly be called that.
well if you look at the great depression it started in 1929 it didn't start its recovery untill the 1950's obamas started in 2009 January to be precised and where is the stock market today ... through the roof ... seems your a little jealous over Obama's suscess...plus I don't know of any engineer working at wallmart every engineer I know is working at a great paying job... once again you guy love to lie to justify your means

P.S.as trump you hero would say WRONG!!!!
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View attachment 92760

Are you saying you disagree with everything he has done here??? is that your position fake liberal???

Clinton Said Lowering The Corporate Tax Rate Could “Be On the Table And To Be Looked At As Part Of A Broader Package” To Make America More Competitive. “JACK LEWIN: Very good. Thank you. Some of the questions came from this audience. We had a whole lot of them. But a parallel to this question was one about the corporate tax rate. The U.S. corporate tax rate is higher than most of our developed nation

colleagues. And so I think without kind of a real sincere just what if we looked at that one area as a means of improving our international ability to compete in the global economy? Is that something, have you thought about that at all? SEC. HILLARY CLINTON: Well, you know, I think that there are a number of reforms that we should consider to make ourselves more competitive. That certainly could be on the table and to be looked at as part of a broader package, because if all you do is lower the rates and you don't have some path forward as to what you're trying to achieve and what the loss revenues might mean for pick your favorite subject, basic science or whatever it might be. Then there's a price to pay. You have to be prepared to pay that price.” [Remarks to Cardiovascular Research Foundation, 9/15/14]

Clinton Said Financial Reform “Really Has To Come From The Industry Itself.” “Remember what Teddy Roosevelt did. Yes, he took on what he saw as the excesses in the economy, but he also stood against the excesses in politics. He didn't want to unleash a lot of nationalist, populistic reaction. He wanted to try to figure out how to get back into that balance that has served America so well over our entire nationhood. Today, there's more that can and should be done that really has to come from the industry itself, and how we can

strengthen our economy, create more jobs at a time where that's increasingly challenging, to get back to Teddy Roosevelt's square deal. And I really believe that our country and all of you are up to that job.” [Clinton Remarks to Deutsche Bank, 10/7/14]

Clinton: “I Greatly Appreciate When Companies, Like Morgan Stanley, Do Work In Communities Here And Around The World That Makes A Difference.” “But fundamentally, we have a system that has survived and flourished for so long because we recognize that beyond the contest, the competition, the moment, there are

larger values and stakes that we have to keep our eyes on. I think businesses thrive when communities and countries thrive. And I greatly appreciate when companies, like Morgan Stanley, do work in communities here and around the world that makes a difference.” [Clinton Speech For Morgan Stanley, 4/18/13]

Clinton Praised Fidelity For Contributing In Communities Across America. “I also know that Fidelity makes important contributions in many communities across America where you do business, and I particularly want to applaud your efforts to help low-income and at-risk students complete middle school and move on to high school with the strongest possible preparation. People don't realize that many dropouts happen as early as ninth grade, and Fidelity got that and is intervening at this crucial time in young people's lives.” [Remarks to Fidelity, 4/30/13]
This thread is sad; it shows how ignorant the Trump supporters are in trying to deflect & trump up lies about Hillary's "lies" or other misrepresentations.

This thread demonstrates the statistically significant differences among voters, i.e., Trump supporters are less likely to have a college degree and are more likely to have never lived outside their home towns to experience realities outside their own small world.
are we supposed to be upset that clinton, as do I, don't feel corporations are people ... I defend that ...
In the case of Citizens United, they're mainly small groups of greedy idiot megarich GOP CEOs...

More point the finger shit.
And true, dupe of GOP propaganda.
Hillary Clinton Supported H1B Visas. “But if you look at the evidence, I think the figures are pretty impressive that I think it's like 40 percent of Fortune 500 companies have been started by

immigrants. I think obviously the role that immigrants in technology play as evidenced by your hands is just unparalleled. I think that we are hurting ourselves by failing to do comprehensive immigration reform. And I know politically it's difficult because there are a lot of people in public office who hear only the loud voices that are on the negative side, and oftentimes it is out of a place of fear, not a place of understanding or as I'd say evidence. So I think that what we've got to do is keep making the case, but we need more voices. And the only point I would make for the tech community is on the H1B visas, I support them. When I was a Senator from New York I supported them.” [Hillary Clinton Remarks at Nexenta, 8/28/14]

Hillary Clinton Said It Was “Essential to Keep Focused On the Visa Issue” When H1B Visas Were Brought Up. “PHIL FERNANDEZ: Thank you […] 40 CEOs said like to a person, H1B, you know, we need more H1Bs. HILLARY CLINTON: Right. […] So let me just make three quick points. One, I think it's essential to keep focused on the visa issue, because that's a discrete problem that

even though I'd like to see it be part of an overall, comprehensive reform, you have to keep pushing to open the aperture, you know, get more and more opportunities.” [Hillary Clinton Remarks at Marketo, 4/8/14]

Calling For More H-1B Visas, Clinton Noted “We Educate People In Our Institutions, And Then We Don't Let Them Stay.” “PRESIDENT JACKSON: Thank you. You know, at SHRM, as HR professionals, we are actively engaged in this debate over comprehensive immigration reform. We see reform as a way to address the projected skills gap that we see in the U.S. Now, your voting record in the Senate indicates a strong support for expanding the H-1B Guest Worker Visa Program. What are your thoughts on the immigration reform debate, and where do you think it's headed? MS. HILLARY CLINTON: Well, I hope it's heading toward a new law that will resolve a lot of these hard issues about comprehensive immigration reform. I'm very hopeful that the debate now going on in the Senate that they'll reach a bipartisan agreement, pass a bill and then send it to the House to consider it, and hopefully, the House will pass a comparable bill and then we can work out the differences. It's way overdue. I mean, if you look at what the core of the debate is, yes, we need to make sure we have border security. That's not only about immigration. That's about terrorism, criminal activities, trafficking drugs, people, guns. I mean, there's many reasons to have effective border security in addition to the immigration reasons. We have to do more to bring people out of the shadows, hold employers accountable if they continue to employ people that they know are illegal and put people who are willing to pay their dues literally and figuratively in line for legal status. So I think the bill that the four Republicans and four Democrats came up with has the core principles that we need to enact. I'm sure there will be a lot of variations on amendments, but if the core stays the same, I

think that's important. Now, specifically about H-1B visas, you know, we give so many more student visas than we give H-1B visas. We educate people in our institutions, and then we don't let them stay in our country and work for you and work on behalf of improving our productivity and dealing with our problems. So I know you have advocated strongly for a lot of these reforms. I support what you're trying to do because I think our economic recovery is to some extent fueled by a steady stream of well-qualified, productive workers coming out of our own institutions, native born, legally here and those who have something to contribute who are going to help us continue to grow our economy.” [Hillary Clinton remarks at SHRRM Chicago, 6/15/13]

Hillary Clinton: “I'm Kind Of Far Removed” From The Struggles Of The Middle Class “Because The Life I've Lived And The Economic, You Know, Fortunes That My Husband And I Now Enjoy.” “And I am not taking a position on any policy, but I do think there is a growing sense of anxiety and even anger in the country over the feeling that the game is rigged. And I never had that feeling when I was growing up. Never. I mean, were there really rich people, of course there were. My father loved to complain about big business and big government, but we had a solid middle class upbringing. We had good public schools. We had accessible health care. We had our little, you know, one-family house that, you know, he saved up his money, didn't believe

in mortgages. So I lived that. And now, obviously, I'm kind of far removed because the life I've lived and the economic, you know, fortunes that my husband and I now enjoy, but I haven't forgotten it.” [Hillary Clinton Remarks at Goldman-Black Rock, 2/4/14]
Democrats don't apologize!

Mr. 'Lie of the Year' has yet to apologize for lying his ass off about the ACA, arming Mexican Drug Cartels, supplying/financing/arming Al Qaeida & ISIS, ETC...

Neither Clinton has apologized for victimizing women for DECADES...
This thread is sad; it shows how ignorant the Trump supporters are in trying to deflect & trump up lies about Hillary's "lies" or other misrepresentations.

This thread demonstrates the statistically significant differences among voters, i.e., Trump supporters are less likely to have a college degree and are more likely to have never lived outside their home towns to experience realities outside their own small world.

What lies?
This thread is sad; it shows how ignorant the Trump supporters are in trying to deflect & trump up lies about Hillary's "lies" or other misrepresentations.

This thread demonstrates the statistically significant differences among voters, i.e., Trump supporters are less likely to have a college degree and are more likely to have never lived outside their home towns to experience realities outside their own small world.
Your post demonstrates Hillary supporters are more likely to LIE than anyone else...
You people calling Trump a bigot is pathetic.....then again, it is less than 30 days out from the election. You people do this every election. Logically speaking, if you people were that concerned about a candidate's bigotry, you would fight to keep him/her out from the beginning. Then again, you people are the ones who ignore the racist legacies of Hillary and the Democrats.

Keep up the racist and bigotry cards. At this point, what difference does it make? You don't even know the true meaning of those terms.
doesn't this say MORON all over it

Instead of name calling, why don't you refute with substance and basis in fact?
really!!! facts???? something you know nothing about ... I've pointed out fact all through this ... I asked for one policy what I got was things she supported, not things she wrote ... all got was name calling ... I pointed out that these thing they were ragging about weren't her policies ... that they werte things she supported ... supporting and writing a police are two different things ... when I did that I I was call a lying scumbag ...when that happens I will do the same right back at you all ... when I see a moron I point it out ... I don't tip toe around your types and your fellow poster ... once the name calling starts all hands on deck ...I'm not going to cow down to you or any one here ... they name was started by you people on the right ... now you're all upset cause I called you a moron ???? ohhhhhh you poor poor baby ... put on your big girl panties

I'm not upset. You can call me every name in the book for all I care. It simply exposes you as one who cannot debate.
no what you did was try to shame me because I gave it right back to your types ... as for my debating skills they are way over your head

Keep telling yourself that. Your basis is what lies between your ears. I didn't try to shame you......you did that to yourself by simply bringing the term into your retort.
are we supposed to be upset that clinton, as do I, don't feel corporations are people ... I defend that ...
In the case of Citizens United, they're mainly small groups of greedy idiot megarich GOP CEOs...

More point the finger shit.
And true, dupe of GOP propaganda.
Hillary Clinton Supported H1B Visas. “But if you look at the evidence, I think the figures are pretty impressive that I think it's like 40 percent of Fortune 500 companies have been started by

immigrants. I think obviously the role that immigrants in technology play as evidenced by your hands is just unparalleled. I think that we are hurting ourselves by failing to do comprehensive immigration reform. And I know politically it's difficult because there are a lot of people in public office who hear only the loud voices that are on the negative side, and oftentimes it is out of a place of fear, not a place of understanding or as I'd say evidence. So I think that what we've got to do is keep making the case, but we need more voices. And the only point I would make for the tech community is on the H1B visas, I support them. When I was a Senator from New York I supported them.” [Hillary Clinton Remarks at Nexenta, 8/28/14]

Hillary Clinton Said It Was “Essential to Keep Focused On the Visa Issue” When H1B Visas Were Brought Up. “PHIL FERNANDEZ: Thank you […] 40 CEOs said like to a person, H1B, you know, we need more H1Bs. HILLARY CLINTON: Right. […] So let me just make three quick points. One, I think it's essential to keep focused on the visa issue, because that's a discrete problem that

even though I'd like to see it be part of an overall, comprehensive reform, you have to keep pushing to open the aperture, you know, get more and more opportunities.” [Hillary Clinton Remarks at Marketo, 4/8/14]

Calling For More H-1B Visas, Clinton Noted “We Educate People In Our Institutions, And Then We Don't Let Them Stay.” “PRESIDENT JACKSON: Thank you. You know, at SHRM, as HR professionals, we are actively engaged in this debate over comprehensive immigration reform. We see reform as a way to address the projected skills gap that we see in the U.S. Now, your voting record in the Senate indicates a strong support for expanding the H-1B Guest Worker Visa Program. What are your thoughts on the immigration reform debate, and where do you think it's headed? MS. HILLARY CLINTON: Well, I hope it's heading toward a new law that will resolve a lot of these hard issues about comprehensive immigration reform. I'm very hopeful that the debate now going on in the Senate that they'll reach a bipartisan agreement, pass a bill and then send it to the House to consider it, and hopefully, the House will pass a comparable bill and then we can work out the differences. It's way overdue. I mean, if you look at what the core of the debate is, yes, we need to make sure we have border security. That's not only about immigration. That's about terrorism, criminal activities, trafficking drugs, people, guns. I mean, there's many reasons to have effective border security in addition to the immigration reasons. We have to do more to bring people out of the shadows, hold employers accountable if they continue to employ people that they know are illegal and put people who are willing to pay their dues literally and figuratively in line for legal status. So I think the bill that the four Republicans and four Democrats came up with has the core principles that we need to enact. I'm sure there will be a lot of variations on amendments, but if the core stays the same, I

think that's important. Now, specifically about H-1B visas, you know, we give so many more student visas than we give H-1B visas. We educate people in our institutions, and then we don't let them stay in our country and work for you and work on behalf of improving our productivity and dealing with our problems. So I know you have advocated strongly for a lot of these reforms. I support what you're trying to do because I think our economic recovery is to some extent fueled by a steady stream of well-qualified, productive workers coming out of our own institutions, native born, legally here and those who have something to contribute who are going to help us continue to grow our economy.” [Hillary Clinton remarks at SHRRM Chicago, 6/15/13]

Hillary Clinton: “I'm Kind Of Far Removed” From The Struggles Of The Middle Class “Because The Life I've Lived And The Economic, You Know, Fortunes That My Husband And I Now Enjoy.” “And I am not taking a position on any policy, but I do think there is a growing sense of anxiety and even anger in the country over the feeling that the game is rigged. And I never had that feeling when I was growing up. Never. I mean, were there really rich people, of course there were. My father loved to complain about big business and big government, but we had a solid middle class upbringing. We had good public schools. We had accessible health care. We had our little, you know, one-family house that, you know, he saved up his money, didn't believe

in mortgages. So I lived that. And now, obviously, I'm kind of far removed because the life I've lived and the economic, you know, fortunes that my husband and I now enjoy, but I haven't forgotten it.” [Hillary Clinton Remarks at Goldman-Black Rock, 2/4/14]
As long as the party of NO!l blocks cheap training and ed for those good jobs US business needs them. Those are the kind of immigrants we need. Get out of the way of immigration reform with a good SS ID card and END it instead of keeping it as a wedge issue and concentration on useless remedies.
This thread is sad; it shows how ignorant the Trump supporters are in trying to deflect & trump up lies about Hillary's "lies" or other misrepresentations.

This thread demonstrates the statistically significant differences among voters, i.e., Trump supporters are less likely to have a college degree and are more likely to have never lived outside their home towns to experience realities outside their own small world.
What lies?
Too many ...
Untitled chart - Infogram, charts & infographics
This thread is sad; it shows how ignorant the Trump supporters are in trying to deflect & trump up lies about Hillary's "lies" or other misrepresentations.

This thread demonstrates the statistically significant differences among voters, i.e., Trump supporters are less likely to have a college degree and are more likely to have never lived outside their home towns to experience realities outside their own small world.
What lies?
Too many ...
Untitled chart - Infogram, charts & infographics

You need to figure out how in the hell you are going to defend Hillary against the truth and wtf you are going to do should she be elected.

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