Has Clinton ever apologized?

do you ever back up your non-sense here ??? cause all you seem to do is run off with talking points that hasn't any bases to them ... when are you going to tell us about one of hillary's policies that we can defend ...

Outsourcing and H1B visas. And go....
easy its not her policy ... this was passed by the republicans and democrats singn into law by obama... still waiting for a policy by hillary that I can defend ... and go!!!!

See Hilary says she wants to continue the Obama policies, including the illegal wars that she helped create, yet they refuse to defend them.

Silly far left drones!
when she said that I see no problm with that ... sofar I have no Idea what you are calling illegal wars were is this Illegal war you speak of ??? just because you don't agree with it doesn't make it illegal

Just nonsense, huh Billy Boy? An illegal war is one started by a Republican ...
its a war that's started without government approval so far I don't see any illegal war that hillary has started .... once again you too are a lying scum bag too ... you say she started illegal wars, but you haven't a source or evidence she started one... so you try and make it sound like I'm the bad guy here, when you clearly lied, you scum bag!!!!
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Not to mention, she definitely supports money in politics... Good thing she has enough money to buy an election.

Oh, ya. She is vile. The Democrats are neoliberals.
BS, she wants to stop Citizens United and lobbyists. DUH.

Sure she does.
The dupes live in a fact free universe...

You're supporting a free market fuck. And your new masters are the IMF. Wallow in that shit. You are one evil, vile individual.
and the vile scum bag liar fails again ..... then gets nasty.... BWA HAHAHJAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! what a loser you are ... you can't even defend your own party never mind trying to dis hillary
So Trump apologizes over his words... has Clinton ever apologized for something far, far worse... her actions? Whether it be being involved in scandals, being rape enabler... or even calling people deplorable?

I think she has a few apologies to make. Everyone knows that people who never apologize can't be trusted... everyone makes mistakes.

Clintons don't apologize or admit wrongdoing on any level. That is their weakness which is why Trump is apologizing. He knows Americans are fed up with the double standards. As the saying goes, Americans are more concerned over what Hillary has done vs. what Trump has said.
well you said they won't admit wrong doings ...
case 1) defending Hillary
US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has apologize for calling half of Donald Trump's supporters "deplorable" people.

But the Democrat launched a furious attack on her Republican opponent and promised to keep fighting "bigotry and racist rhetoric".

seems you missed that apology HUH ...... to busy listenting to your handler to tell you what to say are ya ???? HUMMMMMMMMMMMM

You people calling Trump a bigot is pathetic.....then again, it is less than 30 days out from the election. You people do this every election. Logically speaking, if you people were that concerned about a candidate's bigotry, you would fight to keep him/her out from the beginning. Then again, you people are the ones who ignore the racist legacies of Hillary and the Democrats.

Keep up the racist and bigotry cards. At this point, what difference does it make? You don't even know the true meaning of those terms.
doesn't this say MORON all over it
OP- OF COURSE duh. For mistakes, like HALF are deplorables. Of course, the dupes believe a pile of crap about her.

It's not called a belief when it happens in reality. Many people ACCEPT that her actions have been comparable to a pile of shit...
The brainwashed. 25 years of phony scandals. Factcheck ANY of them.

Yes the far left will create phony scandals to keep their power!

But you like it that ways, so you will vote for the war monger and worse than Bush, Hilary!

Just like all far left drones!
BS. Such as? LOL. All you have to do is show the factual video.
She got us out of the stupidest wars ever, and hasn't started anything but quick police actions from the air. No military casualties. Or very few.
you know republicans if they are getting our troops killed, they're not happy...
So, billy and Franco can't defend policy Good to know.
so far you have shown one of her policies
Hillary Clinton on the issues All great reform of this pander to the rich GOP BS. see sig pp1

We wanted to talk about her actual policy positions, not what she panders on. No buzz words... What she actually supports being done.

My personal policy position is that I support a world where everyone can get along, wars are gone, and we can all gather together singing "kumbaya".
here's the problem you have and will continue to have ... the whole point here is you said we can't defend her policies ... which I and others have stated to you and the other of your Bozo's here from the right, give us one of her policies... what you have been doing is posting other peoples policies calling them hers, when clearly she supports them which I support too ... supporting a policy isn't writing it ... its supporting you you moron
what illegal war are you talking about ??? you just speek in general terms one of your handlers talking point .... they say illegal war and ypou lap it up... but you just can't seem to come up with just one illegal ,war she started ... so tell us what illegal war did hillary start or is that a little over your head

You can move on to destruction of the public education system and USPS which is one of the largest employers of African Americans.
do you just love to ramble on and on

You cannot defend those either. You are a lying scumbag.

Why do you lie?
you're the liar you claim these are her polices ... to make it her policy she has to write it which so far everything you have shown here were writen by some body else, not by her... so your the lying scumbag here ... I pointed out several time who wrote what ... with all of your attempts to try and prove yourself here as being right, everything you don't like you call it her policy ... when clearly she didn't write it ... she agreed with it, which makes her a supporter of somebody else policy ... its not her policy you idiot ... still waiting for a policy of hers ...

You lying scumbag. Are these the policies she supports riding into the white house? It's her policy. Sorry, dude.............you don't get to make shit up because you don't like it.
that's what you're doing here you're making it up... there is a whole lot difference between writing a policy and supporting a policy, you moron ... you come here and claim its her policy... that's lying ... she is a supporter and you just admitted he supported it ... which clearly makes you the liar, you moron!!!!
The brainwashed. 25 years of phony scandals. Factcheck ANY of them.

Yes the far left will create phony scandals to keep their power!

But you like it that ways, so you will vote for the war monger and worse than Bush, Hilary!

Just like all far left drones!
do you ever back up your non-sense here ??? cause all you seem to do is run off with talking points that hasn't any bases to them ... when are you going to tell us about one of hillary's policies that we can defend ...

Yes, YEs, we know that you far left drones do not live in reality nor can you show any support of Hilary's policies..
I support all of them. Hillary Clinton. com

You support nothing.
seems it was pretty clear ... he said he supported them all, as do I .... next!!!
So Trump apologizes over his words... has Clinton ever apologized for something far, far worse... her actions? Whether it be being involved in scandals, being rape enabler... or even calling people deplorable?

She apologized multiple times for using a private email server.

That's all I have heard her apologize for. She does not acknowledge responsibility for anything else.
she apologize for calling trump supporters as deplorable ...I guess you missed that one too ...
Hillary Clinton on the issues All great reform of this pander to the rich GOP BS. see sig pp1

She is the rich GOP BS you stupid mother fucker.
Because she took their money for speeches? Pfffft!! No evidence of effect on her policies. All investigated, conspiraceeeeee!!!! dupe.

No. Because she supports, and always has, the things you accuse the GOP of supporting. She loves Wall Street. She loves outsourcing. It's why the only argument you guys can make is anti Trump.

Not to mention, she definitely supports money in politics... Good thing she has enough money to buy an election.

Oh, ya. She is vile. The Democrats are neoliberals.
calm down now i... realize you're losint it... because so far this entire thread you haven't proved one thing other then you ability to name call ... why don't you take a time out and go read some more of the gop fascist policies... it will calm you down and make you feel all warm and fuzzy
What happened there Nat? You sang a song BS talking about how you were going to have to hold your nose and vote for Clinton.

Classic non-sequitur (look it up or ask a grown-up)

Did you or did you not create an entire thread that made that statement? Do you want me to find it for you?
sure have at it ... love to watch you melt down even more ....:blowup:
So Trump apologizes over his words... has Clinton ever apologized for something far, far worse... her actions? Whether it be being involved in scandals, being rape enabler... or even calling people deplorable?

I think she has a few apologies to make. Everyone knows that people who never apologize can't be trusted... everyone makes mistakes.
She apologized for her server. Why? I don't know. Like all other SOT's. she had to computer systems, one for personal and one for security. She used both.
So Trump apologizes over his words... has Clinton ever apologized for something far, far worse... her actions? Whether it be being involved in scandals, being rape enabler... or even calling people deplorable?

I think she has a few apologies to make. Everyone knows that people who never apologize can't be trusted... everyone makes mistakes.

Clintons don't apologize or admit wrongdoing on any level. That is their weakness which is why Trump is apologizing. He knows Americans are fed up with the double standards. As the saying goes, Americans are more concerned over what Hillary has done vs. what Trump has said.
well you said they won't admit wrong doings ...
case 1) defending Hillary
US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has apologize for calling half of Donald Trump's supporters "deplorable" people.

But the Democrat launched a furious attack on her Republican opponent and promised to keep fighting "bigotry and racist rhetoric".

seems you missed that apology HUH ...... to busy listenting to your handler to tell you what to say are ya ???? HUMMMMMMMMMMMM

You people calling Trump a bigot is pathetic.....then again, it is less than 30 days out from the election. You people do this every election. Logically speaking, if you people were that concerned about a candidate's bigotry, you would fight to keep him/her out from the beginning. Then again, you people are the ones who ignore the racist legacies of Hillary and the Democrats.

Keep up the racist and bigotry cards. At this point, what difference does it make? You don't even know the true meaning of those terms.
doesn't this say MORON all over it

Instead of name calling, why don't you refute with substance and basis in fact?
So Trump apologizes over his words... has Clinton ever apologized for something far, far worse... her actions? Whether it be being involved in scandals, being rape enabler... or even calling people deplorable?

I think she has a few apologies to make. Everyone knows that people who never apologize can't be trusted... everyone makes mistakes.

Trump loses every time he buckles and tries to be NOT Trump.

Instead of some weak kneed apology, he should remained Trump and should have told all the Republican weasels and the Democrat hypocrites: Go fuck yourselves!
Oh, ya. She is vile. The Democrats are neoliberals.
BS, she wants to stop Citizens United and lobbyists. DUH.

Sure she does.
The dupes live in a fact free universe...

You're supporting a free market fuck. And your new masters are the IMF. Wallow in that shit. You are one evil, vile individual.
and the vile scum bag liar fails again ..... then gets nasty.... BWA HAHAHJAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! what a loser you are ... you can't even defend your own party never mind trying to dis hillary

I'm not a Republican asshat. I'm a liberal. You're vile.
So Trump apologizes over his words... has Clinton ever apologized for something far, far worse... her actions? Whether it be being involved in scandals, being rape enabler... or even calling people deplorable?

I think she has a few apologies to make. Everyone knows that people who never apologize can't be trusted... everyone makes mistakes.

Clintons don't apologize or admit wrongdoing on any level. That is their weakness which is why Trump is apologizing. He knows Americans are fed up with the double standards. As the saying goes, Americans are more concerned over what Hillary has done vs. what Trump has said.
well you said they won't admit wrong doings ...
case 1) defending Hillary
US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has apologize for calling half of Donald Trump's supporters "deplorable" people.

But the Democrat launched a furious attack on her Republican opponent and promised to keep fighting "bigotry and racist rhetoric".

seems you missed that apology HUH ...... to busy listenting to your handler to tell you what to say are ya ???? HUMMMMMMMMMMMM

You people calling Trump a bigot is pathetic.....then again, it is less than 30 days out from the election. You people do this every election. Logically speaking, if you people were that concerned about a candidate's bigotry, you would fight to keep him/her out from the beginning. Then again, you people are the ones who ignore the racist legacies of Hillary and the Democrats.

Keep up the racist and bigotry cards. At this point, what difference does it make? You don't even know the true meaning of those terms.
doesn't this say MORON all over it

Instead of name calling, why don't you refute with substance and basis in fact?

It can't.
She is the rich GOP BS you stupid mother fucker.
Because she took their money for speeches? Pfffft!! No evidence of effect on her policies. All investigated, conspiraceeeeee!!!! dupe.

No. Because she supports, and always has, the things you accuse the GOP of supporting. She loves Wall Street. She loves outsourcing. It's why the only argument you guys can make is anti Trump.

Not to mention, she definitely supports money in politics... Good thing she has enough money to buy an election.

Oh, ya. She is vile. The Democrats are neoliberals.
calm down now i... realize you're losint it... because so far this entire thread you haven't proved one thing other then you ability to name call ... why don't you take a time out and go read some more of the gop fascist policies... it will calm you down and make you feel all warm and fuzzy

The Democrats are neoliberals. Problem?
So Trump apologizes over his words... has Clinton ever apologized for something far, far worse... her actions? Whether it be being involved in scandals, being rape enabler... or even calling people deplorable?

I think she has a few apologies to make. Everyone knows that people who never apologize can't be trusted... everyone makes mistakes.

So did you start trusting Bill Clinton after his apology?


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