Has Clinton ever apologized?

I don't like him and I'm not going to vote for him, but it sure sounded sincere to me. Maybe you need to check your own bigotries at the door
please watch it again...it was as insincere as they come...he brushed over what he actually claimed he did, sexually harassed women with crotch grabbing and forced kisses and could get away with it because he was a Star.... this was more than 12 year old boy locker room talk, he admitted to sexual harassment....did he sincerely apologize for that? Then, on top of that, he bragged about pursuing a married woman as if this was actually something to brag about and his pursuit for her, seemed to have the motive of him simply one upping her husband... Maybe he and Melania have a one sided 'open marriage' that she agreed to, I dunno? But if he doesn't then he owed an apology to her as well since this took place after he was married to her and his pursuit of the married woman was while he and Melania were living together and a couple.

Then he pulls the 'Rev Jim Bakker' and claims he's sorry for his sins, it was 10 years ago....a long time ago, he's a changed man routine, while trying to deflect on what Bill Clinton did 20 plus years ago.... yep 10 years ago was a long time for him, but 20 years ago on Bill Clinton was not....that was quite the hypocrisy of an insincere apology.

You obviously have serious bias issues. You hate the guy, fine. But don't pretend it's anything else. I don't particularly like him, I think the things he says are frequently idiotic. I watched it wondering if he was going to hedge his apology. I was impressed he didn't.

I'm still not voting for him
Yes, we all know you are not voting for him Kaz! ;)

It isn't political bias, but it could be a female bias or intuitive sense.

Let's be truthful,

the guy that simply said by reading off of a teleprompter, "I apologize for my words, (and not my actions)" was just the "Teleprompter Trump"

Where was the "Real Donald Trump's" apology, where did he say he was sorry?

He said "I apologize," you watched the tape and missed that?
he read off the teleprompter ''I apologize...''

what did he say he apologized for...? Did you truly and honestly believe he was sincere? yes, or no? If yes, explain why...
If no, explain why...


He read off the teleprompter so he didn't butcher it. Possible?
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It's not called a belief when it happens in reality. Many people ACCEPT that her actions have been comparable to a pile of shit...
The brainwashed. 25 years of phony scandals. Factcheck ANY of them.

Yes the far left will create phony scandals to keep their power!

But you like it that ways, so you will vote for the war monger and worse than Bush, Hilary!

Just like all far left drones!
do you ever back up your non-sense here ??? cause all you seem to do is run off with talking points that hasn't any bases to them ... when are you going to tell us about one of hillary's policies that we can defend ...

Yes, YEs, we know that you far left drones do not live in reality nor can you show any support of Hilary's policies..
I support all of them. Hillary Clinton. com

You support nothing.
Cheaper than before, and more cheaper coming under Hillary. Blah blah. Best web co. screwed that up. Fine soon after. Too many people at once too.

No it did not, the care is more expensive than ever.

Hillary will go after the insurers and hospitals, drug companies. The price rises have never been lower, and they're no longer scams, dupe. In blue states that already had done away with the GOP scams, really down.

This is complete bullshit.


It's getting cheaper in Washington, what a surprise!
Thanks for backing me up. Under Booosh, doubled in 8 years, for scams.

Keep dreaming...


Obamacare is a disaster, especially the insurance prices have skyrocketed as result. Not to mention, the taxpayer has to pay as well!

CBO is always high, doesn't take reform or competition into account, or end of GOP obstruction. STILLL lower rises than before.
So, billy and Franco can't defend policy Good to know.
so far you have shown one of her policies
Hillary Clinton on the issues All great reform of this pander to the rich GOP BS. see sig pp1

She is the rich GOP BS you stupid mother fucker.
Because she took their money for speeches? Pfffft!! No evidence of effect on her policies. All investigated, conspiraceeeeee!!!! dupe.
So, billy and Franco can't defend policy Good to know.
so far you have shown one of her policies
Hillary Clinton on the issues All great reform of this pander to the rich GOP BS. see sig pp1

She is the rich GOP BS you stupid mother fucker.
Because she took their money for speeches? Pfffft!! No evidence of effect on her policies. All investigated, conspiraceeeeee!!!! dupe.

No. Because she supports, and always has, the things you accuse the GOP of supporting. She loves Wall Street. She loves outsourcing. It's why the only argument you guys can make is anti Trump.
So, billy and Franco can't defend policy Good to know.
so far you have shown one of her policies
Hillary Clinton on the issues All great reform of this pander to the rich GOP BS. see sig pp1

She is the rich GOP BS you stupid mother fucker.
Because she took their money for speeches? Pfffft!! No evidence of effect on her policies. All investigated, conspiraceeeeee!!!! dupe.

No. Because she supports, and always has, the things you accuse the GOP of supporting. She loves Wall Street. She loves outsourcing. It's why the only argument you guys can make is anti Trump.

Not to mention, she definitely supports money in politics... Good thing she has enough money to buy an election.
So Trump apologizes over his words... has Clinton ever apologized for something far, far worse... her actions? Whether it be being involved in scandals, being rape enabler... or even calling people deplorable?

She apologized multiple times for using a private email server.

That's all I have heard her apologize for. She does not acknowledge responsibility for anything else.
so far you have shown one of her policies
Hillary Clinton on the issues All great reform of this pander to the rich GOP BS. see sig pp1

She is the rich GOP BS you stupid mother fucker.
Because she took their money for speeches? Pfffft!! No evidence of effect on her policies. All investigated, conspiraceeeeee!!!! dupe.

No. Because she supports, and always has, the things you accuse the GOP of supporting. She loves Wall Street. She loves outsourcing. It's why the only argument you guys can make is anti Trump.

Not to mention, she definitely supports money in politics... Good thing she has enough money to buy an election.

Oh, ya. She is vile. The Democrats are neoliberals.
So, billy and Franco can't defend policy Good to know.
so far you have shown one of her policies
Hillary Clinton on the issues All great reform of this pander to the rich GOP BS. see sig pp1

She is the rich GOP BS you stupid mother fucker.
Because she took their money for speeches? Pfffft!! No evidence of effect on her policies. All investigated, conspiraceeeeee!!!! dupe.

No. Because she supports, and always has, the things you accuse the GOP of supporting. She loves Wall Street. She loves outsourcing. It's why the only argument you guys can make is anti Trump.
BS, she's for business regulation, cheap training and ed. for 3-6 MILLION tech jobs going begging, no loopholes for outsourcing, etc etc. Tax hikes for the rich, cuts for middle class, fix O-Care. GOP more trickle down and wrecking the middle class. Don't be a fool.
Hillary Clinton on the issues All great reform of this pander to the rich GOP BS. see sig pp1

She is the rich GOP BS you stupid mother fucker.
Because she took their money for speeches? Pfffft!! No evidence of effect on her policies. All investigated, conspiraceeeeee!!!! dupe.

No. Because she supports, and always has, the things you accuse the GOP of supporting. She loves Wall Street. She loves outsourcing. It's why the only argument you guys can make is anti Trump.

Not to mention, she definitely supports money in politics... Good thing she has enough money to buy an election.

Oh, ya. She is vile. The Democrats are neoliberals.
BS, she wants to stop Citizens United and lobbyists. DUH.
so far you have shown one of her policies
Hillary Clinton on the issues All great reform of this pander to the rich GOP BS. see sig pp1

She is the rich GOP BS you stupid mother fucker.
Because she took their money for speeches? Pfffft!! No evidence of effect on her policies. All investigated, conspiraceeeeee!!!! dupe.

No. Because she supports, and always has, the things you accuse the GOP of supporting. She loves Wall Street. She loves outsourcing. It's why the only argument you guys can make is anti Trump.
BS, she's for business regulation, cheap training and ed. for 3-6 MILLION tech jobs going begging, no loopholes for outsourcing, etc etc. Tax hikes for the rich, cuts for middle class, fix O-Care. GOP more trickle down and wrecking the middle class. Don't be a fool.

You stupid fuck. There is no STEM shortage. Pat yourself on the back for screwing Americans, you right wing hack.
What happened there Nat? You sang a song BS talking about how you were going to have to hold your nose and vote for Clinton.

Classic non-sequitur (look it up or ask a grown-up)
She is the rich GOP BS you stupid mother fucker.
Because she took their money for speeches? Pfffft!! No evidence of effect on her policies. All investigated, conspiraceeeeee!!!! dupe.

No. Because she supports, and always has, the things you accuse the GOP of supporting. She loves Wall Street. She loves outsourcing. It's why the only argument you guys can make is anti Trump.

Not to mention, she definitely supports money in politics... Good thing she has enough money to buy an election.

Oh, ya. She is vile. The Democrats are neoliberals.
BS, she wants to stop Citizens United and lobbyists. DUH.

Sure she does.
Because she took their money for speeches? Pfffft!! No evidence of effect on her policies. All investigated, conspiraceeeeee!!!! dupe.

No. Because she supports, and always has, the things you accuse the GOP of supporting. She loves Wall Street. She loves outsourcing. It's why the only argument you guys can make is anti Trump.

Not to mention, she definitely supports money in politics... Good thing she has enough money to buy an election.

Oh, ya. She is vile. The Democrats are neoliberals.
BS, she wants to stop Citizens United and lobbyists. DUH.

Sure she does.
The dupes live in a fact free universe...
No. Because she supports, and always has, the things you accuse the GOP of supporting. She loves Wall Street. She loves outsourcing. It's why the only argument you guys can make is anti Trump.

Not to mention, she definitely supports money in politics... Good thing she has enough money to buy an election.

Oh, ya. She is vile. The Democrats are neoliberals.
BS, she wants to stop Citizens United and lobbyists. DUH.

Sure she does.
The dupes live in a fact free universe...

You're supporting a free market fuck. And your new masters are the IMF. Wallow in that shit. You are one evil, vile individual.

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