Zone1 Has God turned the USA (and other countries) over to a reprobate mind?

I grew up on a steady diet of fire and brimstone. I absolutely reject the wrathful God worshiped by fearful people. People should gain courage from their faith. Living in fear benefits only evil men who claim to speak in the name of God.
So you just throw the baby out w/ the bathwater. . like just EVErYTHING you were taught is garbage and now.. somehow you were intelligent and wise enough to escape all that nonsense and.. what? figure out all the mysteries of the universe and even of the Great Beyond, unlike those silly, brainless parents you had--
Two things I don't understand. First, why anyone would portray God in such a fashion. Second, why people don't search for the truth about God as He is.
It's been said that our fathers are our model for God.
So you just throw the baby out w/ the bathwater. . like just EVErYTHING you were taught is garbage and now.. somehow you were intelligent and wise enough to escape all that nonsense and.. what? figure out all the mysteries of the universe and even of the Great Beyond, unlike those silly, brainless parents you had--
I've recounted my spiritual journey here often enough. Not going to go into it again. Let's just say religion didn't work out for me. It caused real physical and psychological harm to young me because it is a thing of greedy ignorant men, not God.
Let's just say religion ------ is a thing of greedy ignorant men, not God.
much of it is.

But there is Truth to be found if you look 4 it.

I myself do not just believe a set of dogmas/doctrines/scriptures. I have actually been in the Presence of Supernatural Love, aka the Real Presence of Christ.

head knowledge is one thing
experience quite another
Has God turned the US over to a reprobate mind? Is he punishing us for our immorality… our arrogance in thinking that we Americans are great and powerful due to our vast wealth and influence in the world (and therefore are entitled)?

Well… if you have to ask…

I say that yes, God is punishing us, and the punishment is going to get worse if we do not turn from our sins. God allows sin and its subsequent bitter detritus because WE allow it. It is actually sin that punishes, and God allows that to be so, not because He is—as we humans often feel or think—tyrannical or sadistic. No, He does this for our own good, to show us TRUTH and reality, to show us the pathway to Heaven. Jesus tells us that FEW make it there. Society would have you believe that everyone or virtually everyone gets there eventually. That is a huge LIE.

The reality is that we have all but forgotten God entirely, even as we continue attending Church services on Sunday, which practice many have dropped altogether.

I say God is fed up with all the fornication, adultery, homosexual acts, child molestations and child murder (abortion).

So yes, I say He has given us over to a reprobate mind, given us over to our own sinfulness. This is why we have elections in which such creeps as Warnock and Fetterman "win." I say they did not win legitimately, but I can't say I have proof of wrong-doing... just a lot of evidence that some states were corrupt in the 2020 presidential election and apparently remain so.

In any case, once again: God allows this kind of thing because we stupid (morally stupid) human beings allow it.

The Catholic Church used to teach that we can and should offer up our sufferings for reparation purposes: we offer up our sufferings in atonenment for our sins against a perfectly holy God. Cold weather? Offer it up for your sin of loving yourself too much (Who isn't guilty of that?). Bad neighbor? Offer it up for your own lack of charity toward (whomever), and I could go on and on.
What makes you think that the US of A was ever not under the control of a "reprobate mind"? Remember this story?

"Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”

Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only." Matthew 4:8-10

Notice that Jesus never disputed that 'all the kingdoms of the world' did indeed belong to Satan. Since there is a direct line of causes and effects from those governments then to the ones of today it stands to reason that they still belong to Satan, n'est-ce pas?
What makes you think that the US of A was ever not under the control of a "reprobate mind"? Remember this story?

"Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”

Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only." Matthew 4:8-10

Notice that Jesus never disputed that 'all the kingdoms of the world' did indeed belong to Satan. Since there is a direct line of causes and effects from those governments then to the ones of today it stands to reason that they still belong to Satan, n'est-ce pas?
as if i don't know this?

all Christians know this. .. except maybe the ones who just found Jesus yesterday.

But things are getting way of hand these days. The Virgin Mary appeared to children (can't recall where) and said that this is the worst time in history (if anyone needed confirmation of such. I cerntainly didn't)
And that happens. Just know many of us are sorry you got caught up in what did not work out.
yeh, some of us Catholics can DEFINITELY relate to that. Look what Vatican II did to Catholics.. they sold out to the world, the flesh and the devil.

thankfuly, some novus ordo priests are going back to the Traditions of the past, which worked out for centuries but non-Christians at Vatican II knew better than said ancient Traditions so they had to mess everything up, make it (as Lefebvre once put it) "the cult of man."

I'm glad I have found the truth about the matter.
Don't be silly. Please. Which faith wrote the Old Testament? In which language? It is not as if sexual misconduct is not a sin, but being inhospitable to strangers, especially travelers. Traveling could be a dangerous undertaking, besides people requiring food and water.

No one is saying that God was giving other sins a pass, merely that the inhospitably of the cities was known.

There's also the matter of sexual violence.
Has God turned the US over to a reprobate mind? Is he punishing us for our immorality… our arrogance in thinking that we Americans are great and powerful due to our vast wealth and influence in the world (and therefore are entitled)?

Well… if you have to ask…

I say that yes, God is punishing us, and the punishment is going to get worse if we do not turn from our sins. God allows sin and its subsequent bitter detritus because WE allow it. It is actually sin that punishes, and God allows that to be so, not because He is—as we humans often feel or think—tyrannical or sadistic. No, He does this for our own good, to show us TRUTH and reality, to show us the pathway to Heaven. Jesus tells us that FEW make it there. Society would have you believe that everyone or virtually everyone gets there eventually. That is a huge LIE.

The reality is that we have all but forgotten God entirely, even as we continue attending Church services on Sunday, which practice many have dropped altogether.

I say God is fed up with all the fornication, adultery, homosexual acts, child molestations and child murder (abortion).

So yes, I say He has given us over to a reprobate mind, given us over to our own sinfulness. This is why we have elections in which such creeps as Warnock and Fetterman "win." I say they did not win legitimately, but I can't say I have proof of wrong-doing... just a lot of evidence that some states were corrupt in the 2020 presidential election and apparently remain so.

In any case, once again: God allows this kind of thing because we stupid (morally stupid) human beings allow it.

The Catholic Church used to teach that we can and should offer up our sufferings for reparation purposes: we offer up our sufferings in atonenment for our sins against a perfectly holy God. Cold weather? Offer it up for your sin of loving yourself too much (Who isn't guilty of that?). Bad neighbor? Offer it up for your own lack of charity toward (whomever), and I could go on and on.
Of course the answer is yes
And because of that, right now we are simply reaping the pain that comes from rejecting God. Real punishment is yet to come
as if i don't know this?

all Christians know this. .. except maybe the ones who just found Jesus yesterday.

But things are getting way of hand these days. The Virgin Mary appeared to children (can't recall where) and said that this is the worst time in history (if anyone needed confirmation of such. I cerntainly didn't
What makes you think you're going to do anything to change this?
Don't blame God. We free will, and agency. This is what happens when enough people choose poorly, and the ones who don't tolerate it.
I am impressed. You have learned well. Still impressed by your transformation.

To add to what you wrote it is most likely an allegorical account of an event which was embellished for the express purpose of teaching values along the lines you have outlined and passing down those teachings to the next generation and so on. Through the passing of time the purpose of the account and its meaning was lost.
well, let's see:

the fags are running rampant, trying to have drag shows for kids!
the baby murderers are trying to get more babies murdered, not less!
the so called president doesn't care that we are being invaded! He's more concerned about: "Hey, where's my ice cream?!"

God allows sin because people allow it. But one day, God will have had enough
He's probably checking for understanding. The reason for the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was their lack of hospitality.
Maybe a little to hospitable. They would follow strangers who came into their city so they could gang rape them.

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