Has Obama Failed as Our President


Mar 27, 2014
President Obama came into office on a huge wave of support. Our first black President and he seemed eager to assume the office. But after nearly six years where are we really? With a seventeen plus trillion dollar debt, failed policies across the board. President Obama has attempted to raise taxes no less than four hundred and twenty two times. He has enacted more regulation on small business and large corporations more so than any President ever has. His overall approval rating now hovers around forty percent. His landmark legislation, Obama Care is literally a train wreck, that is costing everyday working Americans huge sums for their health care insurance. Arguably, the world is a far more dangerous place than when Obama took office, primarily due to failed foreign policy and ineptitude on his own behalf.

When we take stock of Mr. Obama, and weigh the facts about his administration and his political agenda we come away with a sinking feeling that weighs heavily on our wallet. We watch disappointingly as we see a corrupt and dangerous Department of Justice. We see the IRS doing things to Americans that once were considered highly illegal. Between the many scandals and cover ups and the endless lies and deceptive remarks made by Mr. Obama how can anyone honestly come away with a warm fuzzy feeling? We watch as members of his own administration take the fifth to prevent incriminating themselves. Mr. Obama has spent and wasted more taxpayer money than all presidents combined. Truly this has nothing to do with his race but it has a hell of a lot to do with the facts.

Now, both Eric Holder and Mr. Obama are playing the race card yet again. To deflect the focus on so many failed issues. The continued stonewalling, the lies and corruption abound in his administration and to be absolutely honest we have no one to blame but ourselves as we the people elected this empty suit to lead the greatest nation on this planet. We are reaping exactly what we deserve.
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Lawlessness; anemic recovery; unresolved scandals; burdensome taxes.

No, he hasn't failed. Whatever would give you that idea?

To be absolutely honest, I had high hopes for Mr. Obama when he was first elected. I knew he had inherited a failing economy and massive debt, not to mention troubled affairs overseas. But during his six years in office I have watched him play the blame game and the race card. I have watched in disbelief as the laws of our land have been selectively enforced. I have witnessed unemployment remain unacceptably high and our economy remain stagnant. I have seen him waste literally trillions of taxpayer dollars. It almost seems as if Mr. Obama is much more concerned with his progressive socialist agenda than what is actually best for America. Then between the endless lies, scandals and cover ups and a corrupt and less than honest administration, Mr. Obama continues to try to spin his way out of important issues he seems to have no solutions for what so ever.

I saw something very disturbing on the news last night. The average American is now paying more in taxes than for food, clothing, and shelter, combined. So now, as I watch Mr. Obama my best hope is that he does not continue to damage our nation any further. This man has disappointed me greatly, I have never voted for him as I had watched him during his campaigns and I was convinced he was lying. Mr. Obama seems to be a man of many words and very little action. Mr. Obama has attempted to raise taxes some 460 times, and now we are all taxed to the max. Many of us now pay more in taxes than we actually take home. I now pay a staggering 52 % of my pay in taxes, in other words, Obama now gets more than I do for my labor. Margret Thatcher was right when she said that the problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money. I now truly believe that Mr. Obama has failed us all. I can no longer believe anything he says and almost daily I am disappointed in his overall performance. Mr. Obama has proven himself to be nothing more than another empty suit.
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Couldn't agree with you more. The Person in the White House (I refuse to call him President) is a massive failure on every level. During his first campaign all it took was for me to her "... fundamentally change ..." and I said, "Oh-oh!!" I knew right then if he were to be voted in we'd be in world of poo.
Yes, Obama has failed. He came into office promising America the moon and delivering nothing. He successfully lobbied for the Bush Stimulus - 860 Billion dollars and promised that jobs (shovel ready projects) would be forthcoming. Not only were they NOT forthcoming, but the stimulus money, earmarked for that purpose simply vanished. He then looked into the camera and laughed and stated that " shovel ready wasn't as shovel ready as he thought".

He has put growing the Federal Government ahead of growing the national economy. He has thwarted growth at every turn choosing, instead, to place as many Americans as he could on entitlement programs, making them dependent on government, rather than themselves.

His incompetence in foreign relations has made the United States the laughing stock of the world. Vladimir Putin "pushes" this president around like a school yard bully and Obama responds with more idle "sanction threats" that are as worthless as the paper they are written on.

Obama has a cabinet of "yes" men and women that are as incapable of leading as their boss is. His signature legislation "Obamacare" has been changed, delayed and rewritten some 38 times. Health insurance premiums, which were promised to be lowered, are rising at an alarming rate. Some 5 million people lost their healthcare immediately causing Obama to violate his own law by again, pushing the employer mandate back, in a feeble attempt to save his legacy and protect his democrat majority in the Senate.

I could go on for 50 more paragraphs. It is unnecessary. Obama is a complete and utter failure. His minions, who swoon at his every word have come to realize that he is little more than a huckster. Been the same huckster all his life.
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As much as you all talk about how much Obama sucks, he still beat out the Republican candidates.


And all you can do is bitch about widespread non-existent voter fraud.

Hey, guess what else? You still have your guns. And your precious job creators have made 95% of the financial gains since Obama took office, so why is unemployment still so high? Oh, that's right. Because the EPA hates America, or whatever.
As much as you all talk about how much Obama sucks, he still beat out the Republican candidates.


And all you can do is bitch about widespread non-existent voter fraud.

Hey, guess what else? You still have your guns. And your precious job creators have made 95% of the financial gains since Obama took office, so why is unemployment still so high? Oh, that's right. Because the EPA hates America, or whatever.

Jesus, is this all you got, Nazi? :lol:
As much as you all talk about how much Obama sucks, he still beat out the Republican candidates.


And all you can do is bitch about widespread non-existent voter fraud.

Hey, guess what else? You still have your guns. And your precious job creators have made 95% of the financial gains since Obama took office, so why is unemployment still so high? Oh, that's right. Because the EPA hates America, or whatever.

Jesus, is this all you got, Nazi? :lol:
LOL! Good comeback, chimp. LOL! DERP! Mormney/Palin 2016!
Obama hasn't failed as a president since he's doing exactly what he said he would do and that's to "Fundamentaly Change" the Untied States of America.

His aim, his whole reason for living is to destroy this nation and that's exactly what he and the left are doing. The left has a plan for our great country which started taking shape long long ago. From left wing radicals teaching our children from Kindergarten all the way though college to welfare and social security.

All this stuff has happened over time, where we wouldn't notice and those who did notice were called racist or whack jobs.

The constant blame thrown around on the other side, the changing of subjects, the deflections and ignoring what's going on from the left is a dead giveaway.

There's nothing to see here folks, just some crazy people with delusions and paranoia.

Obama and the left is doing exactly what they set out to do, so I wouldnt call it a failure.
Hitler did exactly what he said he would too. So that means he didn't fail Germany. Glad you clarified that for us.
No. The current Executive Branch has been consistently successful in protecting America, eliminating terrorists and furthering the rights and freedoms of more Americans than any in recent memory.
On the other hand...the other 2 branches (SCOTUS and Congress) have failed us miserably.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
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It's really awful you guys have to continue to lie about Obama to make this point.

Here are the facts:
-The deficit's been reducing now, faster than it has in half a century.
-Most of the debt rung up on Obama's watch was the result of expenditures (and never paid) of the Bush administration. Bush lowered taxes while starting 2 wars. That's ALOT of spending.
-The Obama administration has deported more undocumented human beings then Reagan-, Bush or Bush.
-The Trade deficit has gone down.
-Energy output has gone up.
-Manufacturing has gone up.
-All private sector jobs lost during the Bush administration have been regained by the Obama administration.
-Health care reform was passed, has insured millions of previous uninsured people, has lowered medical costs and has been part of what's reducing the deficit.
-Actual terrorists are being identified and neutralized BEFORE they commit acts of terrorism in the US.
-Under the Obama administration, "loose nukes" have been identified and disposed of.
-The financial industry and the auto industry have been brought back from the brink of disaster.
-The stock market has hit record highs.
-American corporations have made record profits.

If this were a Republican? His face would be gracing Mount Rushmore.

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