Has Obama Failed as Our President


It's really awful you guys have to continue to lie about Obama to make this point.

Here are the facts:
-The deficit's been reducing now, faster than it has in half a century.
-Most of the debt rung up on Obama's watch was the result of expenditures (and never paid) of the Bush administration. Bush lowered taxes while starting 2 wars. That's ALOT of spending.
-The Obama administration has deported more undocumented human beings then Reagan-, Bush or Bush.
-The Trade deficit has gone down.
-Energy output has gone up.
-Manufacturing has gone up.
-All private sector jobs lost during the Bush administration have been regained by the Obama administration.
-Health care reform was passed, has insured millions of previous uninsured people, has lowered medical costs and has been part of what's reducing the deficit.
-Actual terrorists are being identified and neutralized BEFORE they commit acts of terrorism in the US.
-Under the Obama administration, "loose nukes" have been identified and disposed of.
-The financial industry and the auto industry have been brought back from the brink of disaster.
-The stock market has hit record highs.
-American corporations have made record profits.

If this were a Republican? His face would be gracing Mount Rushmore.

-The deficit's been reducing now, faster than it has in half a century.

So, why is it still going up? Funny how you don't mention that part.

Most of the debt rung up on Obama's watch was the result of expenditures (and never paid) of the Bush administration. Bush lowered taxes while starting 2 wars. That's ALOT of spending.

And what did Obama do? Instead of rectifying those mistakes, he let them go. Plus he added his own spending to the mix.

-The Obama administration has deported more undocumented human beings then Reagan-, Bush or Bush.

That's a flat out lie. The Administration was caught cooking the books, they admitted that before Congress in official testimony. Most of them come from the border. Please don't, Sallow.

Deportations come mostly from border, DHS chief says - Washington Times

-The Trade deficit has gone down.


The U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, through the Department of Commerce, announced today that total February exports of $190.4 billion and imports of $232.7 billion resulted in a goods and services deficit of $42.3 billion, up from $39.3 billion in January, revised. February exports were $2.0 billion less than January exports of $192.5 billion. February imports were $1.0 billion more than January imports of $231.7 billion.

In February, the goods deficit increased $2.2 billion from January to $61.7 billion, and the services surplus decreased $0.8 billion from January to $19.4 billion. Exports of goods decreased $2.0 billion to $131.7 billion, and imports of goods increased $0.2 billion to $193.4 billion. Exports of services were virtually unchanged at $58.7 billion, and imports of services increased $0.8 billion to $39.3 billion.

News Release: U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services

Energy output has gone up.

Sallow, you'll have to be more specific. We produce energy all the time. So this is according to whom?

-Manufacturing has gone up.

In smoke.

Why Most U.S. Manufacturing Jobs Are Gone Forever | The Fiscal Times

-All private sector jobs lost during the Bush administration have been regained by the Obama administration.

According to whom?

-Health care reform was passed, has insured millions of previous uninsured people, has lowered medical costs and has been part of what's reducing the deficit.

By Democrats. 58% of America still hates it. Don't even try to pass that off as the truth, Sallow. It insured less than a million previously uninsured. I've gone over the data. Go read the report by RAND.

Health Care Law - Rasmussen Reports?

-Actual terrorists are being identified and neutralized BEFORE they commit acts of terrorism in the US.

Lol. Lies. Does the Boston Marathon Bombing ring a bell?

-Under the Obama administration, "loose nukes" have been identified and disposed of.

If you call our nuclear arsenal "loose nukes."

-The financial industry and the auto industry have been brought back from the brink of disaster.

According to whom?

-The stock market has hit record highs.

Funny how you all trash Wall Street and the 1%, but then claim credit when it's doing good. Yeah, right.

-American corporations have made record profits.

I thought you hated corporations? Is this a change of heart?
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Hitler did exactly what he said he would too. So that means he didn't fail Germany. Glad you clarified that for us.

Ultimately he did.

Several years after taking the reigns of power, Germany was in rubble.

Uhh, yeah about that.

Obama has taken the reins of power in America, most of what we know of it is in rubble. Interesting parallel, Sallow.
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lets be succinct and tell it like it is! :mad:

only in rightwingnuthackworld

in the real world... he's not great, not horrific.

it's not like he lied us into war and crashed our economy... so let me know when he does.


Badgering the witness!

For being a lawyer you really do a lot of name calling.

it's not like he lied us into war and crashed our economy... so let me know when he does.

He lied about healthcare instead. He used phony reasons to attack Libya, wanted to invade Syria but chickened out. Newsflash honey! Obama's just as much a liar as like Bush was.
Worst President ever in my book.. one of the doom and gloom everything is a crisis with him, remember, never let a good crisis go to waste.....then you got the fascist, ObamaCare
he's the good guy and everyone else is bad, even you American citizens who disagrees with him...(Limbaugh, Koch, etc)
but I think he and his comrades in arms has succeeded in doing what they set out to do

BRING US and our country down to our knees..

I'm not sure we'll ever come back from what he's done
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History News Network | Historians Give Barack Obama a B-

As of 2013, presidential historians have given Obama a B-. While this is not great, it is certainly not a failure and not the 'worst president ever' by any means. Saying is he is a failure and the worst president ever only illustrates bias and partisanship, not reality. One thing we need to stop doing is electing people who have little experience at the national level.
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History News Network | Historians Give Barack Obama a B-

As of 2013, presidential historians have given Obama a B-. While this is not great, it is certainly not a failure and not the 'worst president ever' by any means. Saying is he is a failure and the worst president ever only illustrates bias and partisanship, not reality. One thing we need to stop doing is electing people who have little experience at the national level.
Being liberal academics, they spotted him a full affirmative action grade point, which is pretty much the story of his life.
Being liberal academics, they spotted him a full affirmative action grade point, which is pretty much the story of his life.

because comments like that aren't racist at all.

obama derangement syndrome is so amusing.

p.s. at some point you really should realize that the only ones listening to the rightwingnut noise are other rightiwngnuts.

normal people just find this type of nonsense insane.

and the worst president in my lifetime is baby bush.... which is why the loons on the right keep ranting the way they are.
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Being liberal academics, they spotted him a full affirmative action grade point, which is pretty much the story of his life.

because comments like that aren't racist at all.

obama derangement syndrome is so amusing.

p.s. at some point you really should realize that the only ones listening to the rightwingnut noise are other rightiwngnuts.

normal people just find this type of nonsense insane.

and the worst president in my lifetime is baby bush.... which is why the loons on the right keep ranting the way they are.

How can the truth be racist...but you can go around calling a President, baby Bush...
affirmative action is what it is...not our fault.
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Being liberal academics, they spotted him a full affirmative action grade point, which is pretty much the story of his life.

because comments like that aren't racist at all.

obama derangement syndrome is so amusing.

p.s. at some point you really should realize that the only ones listening to the rightwingnut noise are other rightiwngnuts.

normal people just find this type of nonsense insane.

and the worst president in my lifetime is baby bush.... which is why the loons on the right keep ranting the way they are.
Anybody who says that a man of Obama's accomplishments and experience would be president if he were not black is both naive and disingenuous. The man is far more suited to being an inner-city councilman.
Being liberal academics, they spotted him a full affirmative action grade point, which is pretty much the story of his life.

because comments like that aren't racist at all.

obama derangement syndrome is so amusing.

p.s. at some point you really should realize that the only ones listening to the rightwingnut noise are other rightiwngnuts.

normal people just find this type of nonsense insane.

and the worst president in my lifetime is baby bush.... which is why the loons on the right keep ranting the way they are.

How can the truth be racist...but you can go around calling a President, baby Bush...
affirmative action is what it is...not our fault.

Wait what?

Re-read the fucking post.
because comments like that aren't racist at all.

obama derangement syndrome is so amusing.

p.s. at some point you really should realize that the only ones listening to the rightwingnut noise are other rightiwngnuts.

normal people just find this type of nonsense insane.

and the worst president in my lifetime is baby bush.... which is why the loons on the right keep ranting the way they are.

How can the truth be racist...but you can go around calling a President, baby Bush...
affirmative action is what it is...not our fault.

Wait what?

Re-read the fucking post.
This is pretty much what I meant be disingenuous. Obama would have never, never been president if he were not black and everybody fucking knows it!
Being liberal academics, they spotted him a full affirmative action grade point, which is pretty much the story of his life.

because comments like that aren't racist at all.

obama derangement syndrome is so amusing.

p.s. at some point you really should realize that the only ones listening to the rightwingnut noise are other rightiwngnuts.

normal people just find this type of nonsense insane.

and the worst president in my lifetime is baby bush.... which is why the loons on the right keep ranting the way they are.
Anybody who says that a man of Obama's accomplishments and experience would be president if he were not black is both naive and disingenuous. The man is far more suited to being an inner-city councilman.

Another racist chimes in.

President Obama won not one, but 2 elections.

He did so in spite of the fact he had 2 huge handicaps.

His "race" and his name.

He won BOTH the popular vote and the electoral college.

Something that the President before him DID NOT do in his first election. And he had a rough time in his second election.

The freak out the right wing is having about this also proves the United States, in some sectors, isn't post racist.

Quite the contrary.

- Stopped a Depression
- Saved the Financial sector and auto companies
- Expanded gay rights
- Ended the Iraq and Afghanistan wars
- Killed bin Laden
- Passed Obamacare

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