Has Obama Failed as Our President

How can the truth be racist...but you can go around calling a President, baby Bush...
affirmative action is what it is...not our fault.

Wait what?

Re-read the fucking post.
This is pretty much what I meant be disingenuous. Obama would have never, never been president if he were not black and everybody fucking knows it!

Every racist believes that.

Most people in this country..and the world who is not racist, knows better.
President Obama came into office on a huge wave of support. Our first black President and he seemed eager to assume the office. But after nearly six years where are we really? With a seventeen plus trillion dollar debt, failed policies across the board. President Obama has attempted to raise taxes no less than four hundred and twenty two times. He has enacted more regulation on small business and large corporations more so than any President ever has. His overall approval rating now hovers around forty percent. His landmark legislation, Obama Care is literally a train wreck, that is costing everyday working Americans huge sums for their health care insurance. Arguably, the world is a far more dangerous place than when Obama took office, primarily due to failed foreign policy and ineptitude on his own behalf.

When we take stock of Mr. Obama, and weigh the facts about his administration and his political agenda we come away with a sinking feeling that weighs heavily on our wallet. We watch disappointingly as we see a corrupt and dangerous Department of Justice. We see the IRS doing things to Americans that once were considered highly illegal. Between the many scandals and cover ups and the endless lies and deceptive remarks made by Mr. Obama how can anyone honestly come away with a warm fuzzy feeling? We watch as members of his own administration take the fifth to prevent incriminating themselves. Mr. Obama has spent and wasted more taxpayer money than all presidents combined. Truly this has nothing to do with his race but it has a hell of a lot to do with the facts.

Now, both Eric Holder and Mr. Obama are playing the race card yet again. To deflect the focus on so many failed issues. The continued stonewalling, the lies and corruption abound in his administration and to be absolutely honest we have no one to blame but ourselves as we the people elected this empty suit to lead the greatest nation on this planet. We are reaping exactly what we deserve.

President obama is an absolute success. There is no denying that he has and is achieving his goals.

Look up "Cloward - Piven strategy", and you will know that all that you listed was done on purpose.
because comments like that aren't racist at all.

obama derangement syndrome is so amusing.

p.s. at some point you really should realize that the only ones listening to the rightwingnut noise are other rightiwngnuts.

normal people just find this type of nonsense insane.

and the worst president in my lifetime is baby bush.... which is why the loons on the right keep ranting the way they are.
Anybody who says that a man of Obama's accomplishments and experience would be president if he were not black is both naive and disingenuous. The man is far more suited to being an inner-city councilman.

Another racist chimes in.

President Obama won not one, but 2 elections.

He did so in spite of the fact he had 2 huge handicaps.

His "race" and his name.

He won BOTH the popular vote and the electoral college.

Something that the President before him DID NOT do in his first election. And he had a rough time in his second election.

The freak out the right wing is having about this also proves the United States, in some sectors, isn't post racist.

Quite the contrary.

ooooooooooooo, another racist....you can't even say the mans name without being accused of being a racist...you Obots lovers are a joke
Obama is a stupid man when he can't even pronounce the name of the military he is in charge of...CORPSE-MAN...so affirmative action or not?
now go ahead and call that racist too
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Wait what?

Re-read the fucking post.
This is pretty much what I meant be disingenuous. Obama would have never, never been president if he were not black and everybody fucking knows it!

Every racist believes that.

Most people in this country..and the world who is not racist, knows better.
I live outside the US and there are some who liked Obama, but even of those, very few thought Obama was actually qualified. As time goes by and Obama's weaknesses become more apparent, so has his unsuitability for global leadership.
He campaigned on wealth redistribution...his flaws and lack of resume for the job were glaringly apparent. America got what they asked for.
To democrats obama has not failed. His failures are because the people have failed him. He had a vision and encountered constant obstruction in achieving that vision. It's not his fault. It's our fault. We stubbornly and bitterly clung to our Bibles, guns and freedom.
As much as you all talk about how much Obama sucks, he still beat out the Republican candidates.


And all you can do is bitch about widespread non-existent voter fraud.

Hey, guess what else? You still have your guns. And your precious job creators have made 95% of the financial gains since Obama took office, so why is unemployment still so high? Oh, that's right. Because the EPA hates America, or whatever.

Yes, as the candidate who promised change, Obama did not change a thing. He sold out to the oligarchs before the warmth of his hand left the bible on which he took his oath.

I agree it is a catastrophic state of affairs when someone like Obama can beat the Republicans...twice. This speaks whole libraries about the current condition of the Right.

The Left has been a cancer on America for as long as I can remember, and I have a nearly eidetic memory.

It is the Right's willful surrender of its principles which has made an Obama possible. George Bush was the end of conservatism in America. All that is left now are power hungry bigots.

An old school conservative would have kicked Obama's nuts right out of the solar system.

Is Obama a failure. Absolutely. Uncategorically. But the Right is an even bigger failure today.

- Stopped a Depression
- Saved the Financial sector and auto companies
- Expanded gay rights
- Ended the Iraq and Afghanistan wars
- Killed bin Laden
- Passed Obamacare

Top ten President

No he didn't
No he didn't
No he didn't
No he didn't
why do you support tyranny?

#1 UE of all time
murdered a citizen
has the most members of his admin pleading the 5th
went to a war that was none of our business

gosh, he'd be #1 if he just got a few more Americans killed.

Here's what dimocrap scum don't get..... Because they're stupid.

Government has done a lot of good things but -- They have ALL been at the request of THE PEOPLE.

We stomped out democrats holding human beings in chattel, we gave women the vote, we fought and defeated democrats' Jim Crow laws, etc, etc, etc.

ALWAYS at the request, sometimes even the DEMAND of The People.

But here's why dimocraps are stupid..... They're Monkey See Monkey Do

They think GOVERNMENT was responsible for all those things and that is NOT true.

It was THE PEOPLE who demanded that the government do those things.

See.... We The People demand and the government reacts. That is the way it's supposed to work

But dimocraps, being stupid, think that we should just let the government decide what's right and what needs to be done WITHOUT input from The People.

Never before in the history of Man has that worked out. Ever.

But, like I said. dimocraps are stupid.

I should charge for this shit :dunno:
the economy today is a hell of a lot better than in 2008 and 2009...

the lying cocksucker in chief was POSTUS in 2009, moron.

In 2008 we had a million more people working than we do today and the unemployment rate was lower than at any time during the lying cocksucker in chief's term except for the last 12 months

lying cockholster

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
#1 Today there are 88 million working age Americans that are not employed and that are not looking for employment. That is an all-time record high.

#2 When Barack Obama was elected, the percentage of unemployed Americans that had been out of work for more than 52 weeks was less than 15%. Today, it is above 30%.

#3 There are 1.2 million fewer jobs in America today than there were when Barack Obama was inaugurated.

#4 When Barack Obama first took office, the number of “long-term unemployed workers” in the United States was approximately 2.6 million. Today, that number is sitting at 5.6 million.

#5 The average duration of unemployment in the United States is hovering close to an all-time record high.

#6 During the Obama administration, worker health insurance costs have risen by 23 percent.

#7 Since Barack Obama has been president, the average price of a gallon of gasoline in the United States has increased by 90 percent.

#8 Since Barack Obama has been president, home values in the United States have declined by another 13 percent.

#9 Under Barack Obama, new home sales in the U.S. set a brand new all-time record low in 2009, they set a brand new all-time record low again in 2010, and they set a brand new all-time record low once again during 2011.

#10 Since Barack Obama took office, the number of Americans living in poverty has risen by more than 6 million.

#11 Since Barack Obama entered the White House, the number of Americans on food stamps has increased from 32 million to 46 million.

#12 The amount of money that the federal government gives directly to Americans has increased by 32 percent since Barack Obama entered the White House.

#13 According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the percentage of Americans living in “extreme poverty” is now sitting at an all-time high.

#14 When Barack Obama first took office, an ounce of gold was going for about $850. Today an ounce of gold costs more than $1700 an ounce.

#15 Since Barack Obama became president, the size of the U.S. national debt has increased by 44 percent.

#16 During Barack Obama’s first two years in office, the U.S. government added more to the U.S. national debt than the first 100 U.S. Congresses combined.

#17 During the Obama administration, the U.S. government has accumulated more debt than it did from the time that George Washington took office to the time that Bill Clinton took office.

#18 The U.S. national debt has been increasing by an average of more than 4 billion dollars per day since the beginning of the Obama administration.

It's really awful you guys have to continue to lie about Obama to make this point.

Here are the facts:
-The deficit's been reducing now, faster than it has in half a century.
-Most of the debt rung up on Obama's watch was the result of expenditures (and never paid) of the Bush administration. Bush lowered taxes while starting 2 wars. That's ALOT of spending.
-The Obama administration has deported more undocumented human beings then Reagan-, Bush or Bush.
-The Trade deficit has gone down.
-Energy output has gone up.
-Manufacturing has gone up.
-All private sector jobs lost during the Bush administration have been regained by the Obama administration.
-Health care reform was passed, has insured millions of previous uninsured people, has lowered medical costs and has been part of what's reducing the deficit.
-Actual terrorists are being identified and neutralized BEFORE they commit acts of terrorism in the US.
-Under the Obama administration, "loose nukes" have been identified and disposed of.
-The financial industry and the auto industry have been brought back from the brink of disaster.
-The stock market has hit record highs.
-American corporations have made record profits.

If this were a Republican? His face would be gracing Mount Rushmore.

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