Has Obama Failed as Our President

President Obama came into office on a huge wave of support. Our first black President and he seemed eager to assume the office. But after nearly six years where are we really? With a seventeen plus trillion dollar debt, failed policies across the board. President Obama has attempted to raise taxes no less than four hundred and twenty two times. He has enacted more regulation on small business and large corporations more so than any President ever has. His overall approval rating now hovers around forty percent. His landmark legislation, Obama Care is literally a train wreck, that is costing everyday working Americans huge sums for their health care insurance. Arguably, the world is a far more dangerous place than when Obama took office, primarily due to failed foreign policy and ineptitude on his own behalf.

When we take stock of Mr. Obama, and weigh the facts about his administration and his political agenda we come away with a sinking feeling that weighs heavily on our wallet. We watch disappointingly as we see a corrupt and dangerous Department of Justice. We see the IRS doing things to Americans that once were considered highly illegal. Between the many scandals and cover ups and the endless lies and deceptive remarks made by Mr. Obama how can anyone honestly come away with a warm fuzzy feeling? We watch as members of his own administration take the fifth to prevent incriminating themselves. Mr. Obama has spent and wasted more taxpayer money than all presidents combined. Truly this has nothing to do with his race but it has a hell of a lot to do with the facts.

Now, both Eric Holder and Mr. Obama are playing the race card yet again. To deflect the focus on so many failed issues. The continued stonewalling, the lies and corruption abound in his administration and to be absolutely honest we have no one to blame but ourselves as we the people elected this empty suit to lead the greatest nation on this planet. We are reaping exactly what we deserve.
Huge failure. Most incompetent POTUS I have ever seen.

- Stopped a Depression
- Saved the Financial sector and auto companies
- Expanded gay rights
- Ended the Iraq and Afghanistan wars
- Killed bin Laden
- Passed Obamacare

Top ten President

No he didn't
No he didn't
No he didn't
No he didn't
why do you support tyranny?

#1 UE of all time
murdered a citizen
has the most members of his admin pleading the 5th
went to a war that was none of our business

gosh, he'd be #1 if he just got a few more Americans killed.

Make no mistake, he was re-elected with huge support over Romney too. You seem to be very high on accusations, but a little low on proof. Not only that but you site the phony scandals Faux and the GOP dreamed up to endlessly investigate and besmirch the President as well. Not one shred of evidence tying the WH to the IRS investigation of it's verification process for 501.c.4 groups.

What has President Obama Done Right in Five Years? LOTS! But Was Stopped from Doing a Lot More (Rev 1-27-2014) [78*738]

Failed? Only in the minds of "Insert what ever you want to call those people"
Huge failure. Most incompetent POTUS I have ever seen.

Well on the bright side having incompetent bumbling boobs as elected as leaders for the last two decades has shown everyone just how bad our political parties are. Distrust of DC is at an all time high. :D
Ignorance is bliss only for the ignorant...and hard to ignore.

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Make no mistake, he was re-elected with huge support over Romney too. You seem to be very high on accusations, but a little low on proof. Not only that but you site the phony scandals Faux and the GOP dreamed up to endlessly investigate and besmirch the President as well. Not one shred of evidence tying the WH to the IRS investigation of it's verification process for 501.c.4 groups.

What has President Obama Done Right in Five Years? LOTS! But Was Stopped from Doing a Lot More (Rev 1-27-2014) [78*738]

Failed? Only in the minds of "Insert what ever you want to call those people"
Re-elected with "huge support"? WTF?

I think you need to get your head out of O's ass and get yourself some fresh air.
Make no mistake, he was re-elected with huge support over Romney too. You seem to be very high on accusations, but a little low on proof. Not only that but you site the phony scandals Faux and the GOP dreamed up to endlessly investigate and besmirch the President as well. Not one shred of evidence tying the WH to the IRS investigation of it's verification process for 501.c.4 groups.

What has President Obama Done Right in Five Years? LOTS! But Was Stopped from Doing a Lot More (Rev 1-27-2014) [78*738]

Failed? Only in the minds of "Insert what ever you want to call those people"
FAILURE!!!!! Ignoring the problem is a libtard trait of hoping their problem will go way.
As much as you all talk about how much Obama sucks, he still beat out the Republican candidates.


And all you can do is bitch about widespread non-existent voter fraud.

Hey, guess what else? You still have your guns. And your precious job creators have made 95% of the financial gains since Obama took office, so why is unemployment still so high? Oh, that's right. Because the EPA hates America, or whatever.

Ah, the people constantly bitching and moaning about voter fraud are typically liberals...just saying!

Unemployment is still high because Barry doesn't have a clue how to grow an economy or how to create jobs. His policies have retarded growth. He's overseen the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression and has no plan to make it better. I repeat...he has no plan to address the economy or unemployment...and hasn't for the better part of four years now.

It's coming up on six years now and Obama is STILL blaming Bush! It would be laughable if so many people's lives weren't being affected by the "underwhelming" group of ideologues that we now have running our country.

Time to shit or get off the pot, Progressives! What's your plan to fix the economy and put people back to work?
Make no mistake, he was re-elected with huge support over Romney too. You seem to be very high on accusations, but a little low on proof. Not only that but you site the phony scandals Faux and the GOP dreamed up to endlessly investigate and besmirch the President as well. Not one shred of evidence tying the WH to the IRS investigation of it's verification process for 501.c.4 groups.

What has President Obama Done Right in Five Years? LOTS! But Was Stopped from Doing a Lot More (Rev 1-27-2014) [78*738]

Failed? Only in the minds of "Insert what ever you want to call those people"
Re-elected with "huge support"? WTF?

I think you need to get your head out of O's ass and get yourself some fresh air.

332 to 206. That's 62% v 38% of the electoral votes. Granted, not as big as his victory over McSame but still......
Make no mistake, he was re-elected with huge support over Romney too. You seem to be very high on accusations, but a little low on proof. Not only that but you site the phony scandals Faux and the GOP dreamed up to endlessly investigate and besmirch the President as well. Not one shred of evidence tying the WH to the IRS investigation of it's verification process for 501.c.4 groups.

What has President Obama Done Right in Five Years? LOTS! But Was Stopped from Doing a Lot More (Rev 1-27-2014) [78*738]

Failed? Only in the minds of "Insert what ever you want to call those people"
Re-elected with "huge support"? WTF?

I think you need to get your head out of O's ass and get yourself some fresh air.

332 to 206. That's 62% v 38% of the electoral votes. Granted, not as big as his victory over McSame but still......
Victory with illegal voting practices doesn't count. I do not want to hear that thee is no proof, there is.
As much as you all talk about how much Obama sucks, he still beat out the Republican candidates.


And all you can do is bitch about widespread non-existent voter fraud.

Hey, guess what else? You still have your guns. And your precious job creators have made 95% of the financial gains since Obama took office, so why is unemployment still so high? Oh, that's right. Because the EPA hates America, or whatever.

Ah, the people constantly bitching and moaning about voter fraud are typically liberals...just saying!

Unemployment is still high because Barry doesn't have a clue how to grow an economy or how to create jobs. His policies have retarded growth. He's overseen the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression and has no plan to make it better. I repeat...he has no plan to address the economy or unemployment...and hasn't for the better part of four years now.

It's coming up on six years now and Obama is STILL blaming Bush! It would be laughable if so many people's lives weren't being affected by the "underwhelming" group of ideologues that we now have running our country.

Time to shit or get off the pot, Progressives! What's your plan to fix the economy and put people back to work?

Really? If we workers would just accept what corporations were willing to pay us, then they may come back from China...
But this is a worldwide recession, even China is having real estate problems caused by over building...
The main problem with the recovery is,,

too many people in the world and too few resources to be able to keep prices down and spark another boom.
As much as you all talk about how much Obama sucks, he still beat out the Republican candidates.


And all you can do is bitch about widespread non-existent voter fraud.

Hey, guess what else? You still have your guns. And your precious job creators have made 95% of the financial gains since Obama took office, so why is unemployment still so high? Oh, that's right. Because the EPA hates America, or whatever.

Ah, the people constantly bitching and moaning about voter fraud are typically liberals...just saying!

Unemployment is still high because Barry doesn't have a clue how to grow an economy or how to create jobs. His policies have retarded growth. He's overseen the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression and has no plan to make it better. I repeat...he has no plan to address the economy or unemployment...and hasn't for the better part of four years now.

It's coming up on six years now and Obama is STILL blaming Bush! It would be laughable if so many people's lives weren't being affected by the "underwhelming" group of ideologues that we now have running our country.

Time to shit or get off the pot, Progressives! What's your plan to fix the economy and put people back to work?

Really? If we workers would just accept what corporations were willing to pay us, then they may come back from China...
But this is a worldwide recession, even China is having real estate problems caused by over building...
The main problem with the recovery is,,

too many people in the world and too few resources to be able to keep prices down and spark another boom.

Why would the number of people in the world affect economic growth adversely? I seem to have missed that "theory" in my economics classes. Would you care to elaborate?
As much as you all talk about how much Obama sucks, he still beat out the Republican candidates.


And all you can do is bitch about widespread non-existent voter fraud.

Hey, guess what else? You still have your guns. And your precious job creators have made 95% of the financial gains since Obama took office, so why is unemployment still so high? Oh, that's right. Because the EPA hates America, or whatever.

Actually the construction industry, particularly unions, have suffered under this president. What "incentives" has this administration put forth that actually encourages job growth? This should make for an interesting discussion as all I ever hear from Democrats is taxing the rich, make sure the CEOs pay their fair share.

Oh that's right... the federal government should spend its way to sustain an economy all on its own, through education without jobs and infrastructure that's never long term. How do they plan on allowing the private sector to invest in themselves (now there's an idea that doesn't add to our rapidly increasing national debt, and will actually in turn be able to CREATE government revenue for once) and allow small business particularly to invest and expand within their own means?
Re-elected with "huge support"? WTF?

I think you need to get your head out of O's ass and get yourself some fresh air.

332 to 206. That's 62% v 38% of the electoral votes. Granted, not as big as his victory over McSame but still......
Victory with illegal voting practices doesn't count. I do not want to hear that thee is no proof, there is.

Even with all the GOP fraudulent votes, they could still only muster an ironic 47% of the popular vote.:D
As much as you all talk about how much Obama sucks, he still beat out the Republican candidates.


And all you can do is bitch about widespread non-existent voter fraud.

Hey, guess what else? You still have your guns. And your precious job creators have made 95% of the financial gains since Obama took office, so why is unemployment still so high? Oh, that's right. Because the EPA hates America, or whatever.

Actually the construction industry, particularly unions, have suffered under this president. What "incentives" has this administration put forth that actually encourages job growth? This should make for an interesting discussion as all I ever hear from Democrats is taxing the rich, make sure the CEOs pay their fair share.

Oh that's right... the federal government should spend its way to sustain an economy all on its own, through education without jobs and infrastructure that's never long term. How do they plan on allowing the private sector to invest in themselves (now there's an idea that doesn't add to our rapidly increasing national debt, and will actually in turn be able to CREATE government revenue for once) and allow small business particularly to invest and expand within their own means?

Where I live construction is strong.....
332 to 206. That's 62% v 38% of the electoral votes. Granted, not as big as his victory over McSame but still......
Victory with illegal voting practices doesn't count. I do not want to hear that thee is no proof, there is.

Even with all the GOP fraudulent votes, they could still only muster an ironic 47% of the popular vote.:D

I'm baffled by the notion that a 53 to 47 margin of victory in the popular vote translates into some sort of "mandate" from the American people for Barack Obama. If you had a hundred people in a room and 53 of them supported an idea and 47 of them hated that idea...you'd have to be wearing blinders to say that the 53% has a mandate for that issue. The truth is...despite having the main stream media in his back pocket...Barack Obama received a very small majority of the vote. What you should also think about is the people who don't like Obama feel that way STRONGLY while many of the moderate and independent voters who chose Obama over Romney have changed their minds about Obama.
Victory with illegal voting practices doesn't count. I do not want to hear that thee is no proof, there is.

Even with all the GOP fraudulent votes, they could still only muster an ironic 47% of the popular vote.:D

I'm baffled by the notion that a 53 to 47 margin of victory in the popular vote translates into some sort of "mandate" from the American people for Barack Obama. If you had a hundred people in a room and 53 of them supported an idea and 47 of them hated that idea...you'd have to be wearing blinders to say that the 53% has a mandate for that issue. The truth is...despite having the main stream media in his back pocket...Barack Obama received a very small majority of the vote. What you should also think about is the people who don't like Obama feel that way STRONGLY while many of the moderate and independent voters who chose Obama over Romney have changed their minds about Obama.

Bush lost the popular vote by over a million votes and acted like he had a mandate

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