Has Obama visited the victims of the hurricane yet?

Heading down tonight, probably to make sure FEMA is doing what they are paid to do.

If I was a victim of the hurricane and I had a choice of being helped by government agencies and having politicians come down for a photo op....I'd choose the former every time.


I would have been smart enough to leave then expect my insurance to pay for damages not the govt

Only 31 percent of Louisiana residents have flood insurance, or slightly more than 492,000 properties. That's a substantially higher number than the 380,000 properties that had insurance when Katrina hit in August 2005. After Katrina and Rita, many Louisianians purchased flood insurance, with the figure peaking at roughly 502,000 policies in 2008, the year Gustav hit.
Since then, the figure has dropped slightly, and that's not a good sign.
It's true that experts are forecasting a relatively less active storm season in 2012, and Louisiana has avoided a direct hit from a major storm in recent years. But that shouldn't lull people into a false sense of security.

Wow sad
Yes he did,

a year ago, after Irene. Obama went to New Jersey, and was thanked by Governor Christie for it.

Romney, however, didn't make it. He allegedly had better things to do.

Yes, and days before signed the executive order, requested by "We built this on our own" Jindal, to make the state of Louisiana a federeral disaster area. Ryan wanted to block funding for disaster relief. Obama did more in his comfy chair than Romney did.

Yes, and days before signed the executive order, requested by "We built this on our own" Jindal, to make the state of Louisiana a federeral disaster area. Ryan wanted to block funding for disaster relief. Obama did more in his comfy chair than Romney did.

Am I supposed to give a fuck? People should have THEIR OWN DISASTER INSURANCE. Why the hell do I have to keep paying for the same people in the same states to not heed warnings? If a tornado destroys my house MY INSURANCE will pay for it not my or your taxes and that's how it should be. Govt funding should be used for nothing more than infrastructure

Yes, and days before signed the executive order, requested by "We built this on our own" Jindal, to make the state of Louisiana a federeral disaster area. Ryan wanted to block funding for disaster relief. Obama did more in his comfy chair than Romney did.

Am I supposed to give a fuck? People should have THEIR OWN DISASTER INSURANCE.
You realize that flood insurance is a government program, right?

Yes, and days before signed the executive order, requested by "We built this on our own" Jindal, to make the state of Louisiana a federeral disaster area. Ryan wanted to block funding for disaster relief. Obama did more in his comfy chair than Romney did.

Am I supposed to give a fuck? People should have THEIR OWN DISASTER INSURANCE. Why the hell do I have to keep paying for the same people in the same states to not heed warnings? If a tornado destroys my house MY INSURANCE will pay for it not my or your taxes and that's how it should be. Govt funding should be used for nothing more than infrastructure

Fine, and people shouldn't give a shit if their insurance decides to say "fuck you". Tell Mitt to stop being a pussy and get out in front with that.
I think Obama has a couple of campaign stops first. Then he'll go check on the red state, errrr I mean NOLA. I think he had to stop in Ohio first, you know they need him there and all that.

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