Has Republican Rugged Individualism Forgotten About Grace?


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2013
Many Republicans seem to emphasize a lifestyle of simply working hard while accusing those who work smart instead of working hard of being lazy. There is no culture, heritage, or tradition in their way of life, but rather simply an anti-intellectual, stuck in their ways, ruggedly individualist negligence. It is forgotten that people work to live, but rather insisted upon that people live to work.

This extends even into many Republicans' entertainment as well. Rather than being gracefully artistic, they insist on being crude, obtuse, vulgar, nasty, obnoxious, violent, and/or disgusting.

To be clear, this isn't to say that non-ruggedly individualist Republicans exist, but it is to say there is a significant portion of the Republican party that has dismissed the value of grace, and that it is deterring others from joining its party because they don't want to associate with such graceless people. They view the Republican way of life as being repulsive and unrefined.

This also isn't to say that there are many Democrats who don't do similar things. After all, there are many libertine, hedonist, nihilists who live decadently like spoiled brats. However, there's a difference between being finicky versus being a slob.

Is there a way for Republicans to "clean up their act" to make their lifestyles appeal more to the general public? Obviously, presenting a crude lifestyle can persuade some people to become Republican since they want to associate with those who aren't snobby, snotty, or snooty, but not everyone is persuaded that way.

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