Has the Argument Changed in Regard to a Nuclear Iran?


Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2012
Has the Argument Changed in Regard to a Nuclear Iran?
Seems that the prior excuse for bombing Iran was that the madman in charge over there would nuke Israel as soon as he had the weapons.
Now, that argument did not motivate enough people to get behind another war.
Lately though I have notice that the argument has changed. Now it seems that a new version of the Domino Theory is getting played to see how that works. The new Domino Theory is if Iran gets nukes the whole Middle East will have to follow down the same path and the place is so unstable it's only a matter of time before something bad happens.
Anyone else notice the change?
No. That's been one of several reasons talked about all along.

Ok, all I have heard is the Iran is run by madmen who would blow up Israel at the first chance they had.

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