Has the Left Terminally Brainwashed Americans?

How do you calculate the effective rate for corporate taxes?

Same as for anybody else. It's a matter of rate minus deductions compared to income. Public disclosures usually have that information.

corporate income is not as simple as your personal income. is it gross or net? IBIT, IBITI ?

the point is that the chartmaker could get any answer he wanted by taking income in one of many ways.

Gross and net have exactly the same meaning no matter what your income level is, and is used in the same way.
OK, why specifically, do you want corporations to pay more taxes? You do realize that taxes are a cost of doing business and as such are passed along to consumers in the prices of products.

So, you want to pay more for everything you buy because it will somehow make you feel that you are sticking it to some rich guy? Thats foolish.

So, now tell us exactly why you want corps to pay more taxes and how that would benefit average americans.

Because corporations have been getting a free ride for too long. If they would pay their fair share, the burden wouldn't be so high on everybody else as a percentage of total ability to pay.
Free? How do corporations get a free ride? Who is this corporation person that gets a free ride and how is their ride free?

20 big profitable U.S. companies paid no taxes America s Markets

thats a list of corporations, not a list of deductions and exemptions. I asked you for a list of the corporate tax breaks that you would cancel. do you have one or are you just spouting liberal jibberish?

This is the post that is in response to.
Has the Left Terminally Brainwashed Americans Page 23 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

If you want a list of their individual deductions, you'll have to look that up yourself.

earlier you said that corporations get a free ride on taxes and that they don't pay their "fair share" and that those deductions should be eliminated.

I want to know what parts of the corporate tax code you think give corps a free ride and which deductions you feel are unfair.

Yes, corporations do pay taxes. But the money they use to pay them comes from consumers who buy their products------------TAXES ARE INCLUDED IN THE PRICE OF THE PRODUCTS WE ALL BUY. make the corporate tax rate zero and prices would go down, money would be spent on expansion and hiring more people. If you really want to see a boom, allow foreign profits to be spent in this country tax free.

Currently a corporation selling in Germany pays german taxes and then US taxes if it brings its german profits back to the US. We are screwing ourselves and you libs keep saying "harder, more, deeper"
Same as for anybody else. It's a matter of rate minus deductions compared to income. Public disclosures usually have that information.

corporate income is not as simple as your personal income. is it gross or net? IBIT, IBITI ?

the point is that the chartmaker could get any answer he wanted by taking income in one of many ways.

Gross and net have exactly the same meaning no matter what your income level is, and is used in the same way.
Because corporations have been getting a free ride for too long. If they would pay their fair share, the burden wouldn't be so high on everybody else as a percentage of total ability to pay.
Free? How do corporations get a free ride? Who is this corporation person that gets a free ride and how is their ride free?

20 big profitable U.S. companies paid no taxes America s Markets

thats a list of corporations, not a list of deductions and exemptions. I asked you for a list of the corporate tax breaks that you would cancel. do you have one or are you just spouting liberal jibberish?

This is the post that is in response to.
Has the Left Terminally Brainwashed Americans Page 23 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

If you want a list of their individual deductions, you'll have to look that up yourself.

earlier you said that corporations get a free ride on taxes and that they don't pay their "fair share" and that those deductions should be eliminated.

I want to know what parts of the corporate tax code you think give corps a free ride and which deductions you feel are unfair.

Yes, corporations do pay taxes. But the money they use to pay them comes from consumers who buy their products------------TAXES ARE INCLUDED IN THE PRICE OF THE PRODUCTS WE ALL BUY. make the corporate tax rate zero and prices would go down, money would be spent on expansion and hiring more people. If you really want to see a boom, allow foreign profits to be spent in this country tax free.

Currently a corporation selling in Germany pays german taxes and then US taxes if it brings its german profits back to the US. We are screwing ourselves and you libs keep saying "harder, more, deeper"

So you think we should just forget what is due us because they have to pay something to Germany? That is about as stupid as all the other right wing crap you spout. I don't care what they have to pay in Germany. American taxes have to be paid to America.
corporate income is not as simple as your personal income. is it gross or net? IBIT, IBITI ?

the point is that the chartmaker could get any answer he wanted by taking income in one of many ways.

Gross and net have exactly the same meaning no matter what your income level is, and is used in the same way.
Free? How do corporations get a free ride? Who is this corporation person that gets a free ride and how is their ride free?

20 big profitable U.S. companies paid no taxes America s Markets

thats a list of corporations, not a list of deductions and exemptions. I asked you for a list of the corporate tax breaks that you would cancel. do you have one or are you just spouting liberal jibberish?

This is the post that is in response to.
Has the Left Terminally Brainwashed Americans Page 23 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

If you want a list of their individual deductions, you'll have to look that up yourself.

earlier you said that corporations get a free ride on taxes and that they don't pay their "fair share" and that those deductions should be eliminated.

I want to know what parts of the corporate tax code you think give corps a free ride and which deductions you feel are unfair.

Yes, corporations do pay taxes. But the money they use to pay them comes from consumers who buy their products------------TAXES ARE INCLUDED IN THE PRICE OF THE PRODUCTS WE ALL BUY. make the corporate tax rate zero and prices would go down, money would be spent on expansion and hiring more people. If you really want to see a boom, allow foreign profits to be spent in this country tax free.

Currently a corporation selling in Germany pays german taxes and then US taxes if it brings its german profits back to the US. We are screwing ourselves and you libs keep saying "harder, more, deeper"

So you think we should just forget what is due us because they have to pay something to Germany? That is about as stupid as all the other right wing crap you spout. I don't care what they have to pay in Germany. American taxes have to be paid to America.

that money made by an american corporation doing business in germany is NOT coming back to this country, it is staying overseas being spent in other countries. It could be spent here, but its not because of our tax code.

American taxes are collected to cover the cost of doing business in the USA, the USA does not spend anything to support business done in other countries.

I know you are not a mental giant, but this is not complicated.
Actually, when it comes to actually paying, our corporations pay much less than the rest of the industrialized world

that is a bald faced lie.


the US corporate tax rate is 35%, the highest in the world. I thought you libs did not like corporate income deductions and exemptions.

But my point remains valid. Cut the corporate tax rate to zero, allow foreign profits to be spent in this country tax free and you would see our economy boom like never before. There would be mor jobs than applicants and wages would go up due to supply and demand.

Economics is not really very complicated.

The listed maximum rate and what corporations actually pay are worlds apart. 35% corporate rate with a 13% effective rate

Corporations pay a lower effective rate than I do
How do you calculate the effective rate for corporate taxes?
That is a step in the right direction. Also we must hold China accountable for currency manipulation. We cannot end corporate tax rate when 47% of population are welfare sponges expect others to pay for their kids.

the US corporate tax rate is 35%, the highest in the world. I thought you libs did not like corporate income deductions and exemptions.

But my point remains valid. Cut the corporate tax rate to zero, allow foreign profits to be spent in this country tax free and you would see our economy boom like never before. There would be mor jobs than applicants and wages would go up due to supply and demand.

Economics is not really very complicated.

The listed maximum rate and what corporations actually pay are worlds apart. 35% corporate rate with a 13% effective rate

Corporations pay a lower effective rate than I do
How do you calculate the effective rate for corporate taxes?
That is a step in the right direction. Also we must hold China accountable for currency manipulation. We cannot end corporate tax rate when 47% of population are welfare sponges expect others to pay for their kids.
Sure you can we can just stop paying taxes. My bet is the sponges will suddenly become productive again when they get hungry.

the US corporate tax rate is 35%, the highest in the world. I thought you libs did not like corporate income deductions and exemptions.

But my point remains valid. Cut the corporate tax rate to zero, allow foreign profits to be spent in this country tax free and you would see our economy boom like never before. There would be mor jobs than applicants and wages would go up due to supply and demand.

Economics is not really very complicated.

The listed maximum rate and what corporations actually pay are worlds apart. 35% corporate rate with a 13% effective rate

Corporations pay a lower effective rate than I do
How do you calculate the effective rate for corporate taxes?
That is a step in the right direction. Also we must hold China accountable for currency manipulation. We cannot end corporate tax rate when 47% of population are welfare sponges expect others to pay for their kids.
Sure you can we can just stop paying taxes. My bet is the sponges will suddenly become productive again when they get hungry.

You go ahead and do that. Let me know how it turns out.
the US corporate tax rate is 35%, the highest in the world. I thought you libs did not like corporate income deductions and exemptions.

But my point remains valid. Cut the corporate tax rate to zero, allow foreign profits to be spent in this country tax free and you would see our economy boom like never before. There would be mor jobs than applicants and wages would go up due to supply and demand.

Economics is not really very complicated.

The listed maximum rate and what corporations actually pay are worlds apart. 35% corporate rate with a 13% effective rate

Corporations pay a lower effective rate than I do
How do you calculate the effective rate for corporate taxes?
That is a step in the right direction. Also we must hold China accountable for currency manipulation. We cannot end corporate tax rate when 47% of population are welfare sponges expect others to pay for their kids.
Sure you can we can just stop paying taxes. My bet is the sponges will suddenly become productive again when they get hungry.

You go ahead and do that. Let me know how it turns out.
If just one person does it.. the IRS uses the money they get from the other citizens to make an example of the one person. To make this tax revolt work we need a large number of citizens to join in.
The listed maximum rate and what corporations actually pay are worlds apart. 35% corporate rate with a 13% effective rate

Corporations pay a lower effective rate than I do
How do you calculate the effective rate for corporate taxes?
That is a step in the right direction. Also we must hold China accountable for currency manipulation. We cannot end corporate tax rate when 47% of population are welfare sponges expect others to pay for their kids.
Sure you can we can just stop paying taxes. My bet is the sponges will suddenly become productive again when they get hungry.

You go ahead and do that. Let me know how it turns out.
If just one person does it.. the IRS uses the money they get from the other citizens to make an example of the one person. To make this tax revolt work we need a large number of citizens to join in.

If you're scared.....say you're scared.
How do you calculate the effective rate for corporate taxes?
That is a step in the right direction. Also we must hold China accountable for currency manipulation. We cannot end corporate tax rate when 47% of population are welfare sponges expect others to pay for their kids.
Sure you can we can just stop paying taxes. My bet is the sponges will suddenly become productive again when they get hungry.

You go ahead and do that. Let me know how it turns out.
If just one person does it.. the IRS uses the money they get from the other citizens to make an example of the one person. To make this tax revolt work we need a large number of citizens to join in.

If you're scared.....say you're scared.
Cautious .. intelligent .. considering .. yes.. Scared? Nah. Just don't see a reason to volunteer to be yet another victim of the IRS. Why would I want to loose my assets, you pussies wouldn't give a shit you like the IRS. You need the re-distributions cause you can't support yourself without my income. You are half a man.
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