Has the Left Terminally Brainwashed Americans?

that is a bald faced lie.


the US corporate tax rate is 35%, the highest in the world. I thought you libs did not like corporate income deductions and exemptions.

But my point remains valid. Cut the corporate tax rate to zero, allow foreign profits to be spent in this country tax free and you would see our economy boom like never before. There would be mor jobs than applicants and wages would go up due to supply and demand.

Economics is not really very complicated.

The listed maximum rate and what corporations actually pay are worlds apart. 35% corporate rate with a 13% effective rate

Corporations pay a lower effective rate than I do
How do you calculate the effective rate for corporate taxes?

Same as for anybody else. It's a matter of rate minus deductions compared to income. Public disclosures usually have that information.
Huh? Anybody else? How is it the same as anybody else? Be specific.
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the US corporate tax rate is 35%, the highest in the world. I thought you libs did not like corporate income deductions and exemptions.

But my point remains valid. Cut the corporate tax rate to zero, allow foreign profits to be spent in this country tax free and you would see our economy boom like never before. There would be mor jobs than applicants and wages would go up due to supply and demand.

Economics is not really very complicated.

The listed maximum rate and what corporations actually pay are worlds apart. 35% corporate rate with a 13% effective rate

Corporations pay a lower effective rate than I do
How do you calculate the effective rate for corporate taxes?

Same as for anybody else. It's a matter of rate minus deductions compared to income. Public disclosures usually have that information.

corporate income is not as simple as your personal income. is it gross or net? IBIT, IBITI ?

the point is that the chartmaker could get any answer he wanted by taking income in one of many ways.
No one pays the published rates now either. They did pay much more back then though.

actually they probably paid slightly less. but thats not the point.

Their effective rate was slightly lower than their published rate at that time, but still well above the pittance they pay now.

and why do corporations get breaks in the tax code? Which party was in power when most of those breaks were put in the tax code? any idea? which party has controlled congress for most of the last 75 years? thats right, fool, the dem party.

all the shit you hate was put into law by YOUR party.

Actually, all that shit I hate was put into law by both parties, but my party was certainly involved. The point is that it needs changing now, and only one party is willing to do that. We can only look at the past and whine so long, and then it's time to do different. If we agree that those extra breaks were and are wrong, can't we agree that they need to be changed?

totally wrong, every time the republicans try to change the tax code the dems block it. The dems need to keep their friends getting favorable treatment so the money keeps coming in. Jeff Imelt is the CEO of GE. GE paid zero federal income tax last year. Imelt is a buddy of obama.

Are you so fricken blind that you can't see what is really going on?

You got an example of tax code changes that the right supported, and the left opposed, that didn't give much greater advantage to the rich than the poor? Just one bill would be enough to prove your point. I'll wait.
Actually, when it comes to actually paying, our corporations pay much less than the rest of the industrialized world

that is a bald faced lie.


the US corporate tax rate is 35%, the highest in the world. I thought you libs did not like corporate income deductions and exemptions.

But my point remains valid. Cut the corporate tax rate to zero, allow foreign profits to be spent in this country tax free and you would see our economy boom like never before. There would be mor jobs than applicants and wages would go up due to supply and demand.

Economics is not really very complicated.

The listed maximum rate and what corporations actually pay are worlds apart. 35% corporate rate with a 13% effective rate

Corporations pay a lower effective rate than I do
How do you calculate the effective rate for corporate taxes?
What they paid in taxes divided by net income

the US corporate tax rate is 35%, the highest in the world. I thought you libs did not like corporate income deductions and exemptions.

But my point remains valid. Cut the corporate tax rate to zero, allow foreign profits to be spent in this country tax free and you would see our economy boom like never before. There would be mor jobs than applicants and wages would go up due to supply and demand.

Economics is not really very complicated.

The listed maximum rate and what corporations actually pay are worlds apart. 35% corporate rate with a 13% effective rate

Corporations pay a lower effective rate than I do
How do you calculate the effective rate for corporate taxes?

Same as for anybody else. It's a matter of rate minus deductions compared to income. Public disclosures usually have that information.
Huh? What deductions?

Damn, you are dumb. Ask someone to explain tax deductions to you. The rich and corporations have many that aren't available to the average tax payer.
the US corporate tax rate is 35%, the highest in the world. I thought you libs did not like corporate income deductions and exemptions.

But my point remains valid. Cut the corporate tax rate to zero, allow foreign profits to be spent in this country tax free and you would see our economy boom like never before. There would be mor jobs than applicants and wages would go up due to supply and demand.

Economics is not really very complicated.

Of course it's not complicated if you just give it all to the rich and hope some of it fall off their table. That sucks for everybody else though.

Thats funny coming from a supporter of the very rich clintons, the dem party which includes the very rich Pelosi, Soros, Reid, Schumer, the Kennedys, Kerry, and the corrupt rich mayors of every major city.

The people you support are members of the 1% that you hate so much. You are either insane or totally brainwashed.

You think I have a problem with wanting them to pay more too? As long as the laws are as they are, everyone will take advantage of them. It's silly to think they would do differently. However, the ones you mentioned are fighting to change those laws even knowing that it will effect their own bottom line. The ones on the right don't want to change a thing. You really don't get that, do you?

OK, why specifically, do you want corporations to pay more taxes? You do realize that taxes are a cost of doing business and as such are passed along to consumers in the prices of products.

So, you want to pay more for everything you buy because it will somehow make you feel that you are sticking it to some rich guy? Thats foolish.

So, now tell us exactly why you want corps to pay more taxes and how that would benefit average americans.

Because corporations have been getting a free ride for too long. If they would pay their fair share, the burden wouldn't be so high on everybody else as a percentage of total ability to pay.
Free? How do corporations get a free ride? Who is this corporation person that gets a free ride and how is their ride free?
the US corporate tax rate is 35%, the highest in the world. I thought you libs did not like corporate income deductions and exemptions.

But my point remains valid. Cut the corporate tax rate to zero, allow foreign profits to be spent in this country tax free and you would see our economy boom like never before. There would be mor jobs than applicants and wages would go up due to supply and demand.

Economics is not really very complicated.

Of course it's not complicated if you just give it all to the rich and hope some of it fall off their table. That sucks for everybody else though.

Thats funny coming from a supporter of the very rich clintons, the dem party which includes the very rich Pelosi, Soros, Reid, Schumer, the Kennedys, Kerry, and the corrupt rich mayors of every major city.

The people you support are members of the 1% that you hate so much. You are either insane or totally brainwashed.

You think I have a problem with wanting them to pay more too? As long as the laws are as they are, everyone will take advantage of them. It's silly to think they would do differently. However, the ones you mentioned are fighting to change those laws even knowing that it will effect their own bottom line. The ones on the right don't want to change a thing. You really don't get that, do you?

OK, why specifically, do you want corporations to pay more taxes? You do realize that taxes are a cost of doing business and as such are passed along to consumers in the prices of products.

So, you want to pay more for everything you buy because it will somehow make you feel that you are sticking it to some rich guy? Thats foolish.

So, now tell us exactly why you want corps to pay more taxes and how that would benefit average americans.

Because corporations have been getting a free ride for too long. If they would pay their fair share, the burden wouldn't be so high on everybody else as a percentage of total ability to pay.

Be specific, which deductions would you cancel? You don't even know what you are talking about, you are just repeating what you heard from some left wing loon.

Do you understand that corporations do not pay taxes? The people who buy the products pay the taxes in the price of the product. Taxes are a cost of doing business and are always passsed along to consumers. ALWAYS.
the US corporate tax rate is 35%, the highest in the world. I thought you libs did not like corporate income deductions and exemptions.

But my point remains valid. Cut the corporate tax rate to zero, allow foreign profits to be spent in this country tax free and you would see our economy boom like never before. There would be mor jobs than applicants and wages would go up due to supply and demand.

Economics is not really very complicated.

The listed maximum rate and what corporations actually pay are worlds apart. 35% corporate rate with a 13% effective rate

Corporations pay a lower effective rate than I do
How do you calculate the effective rate for corporate taxes?

Same as for anybody else. It's a matter of rate minus deductions compared to income. Public disclosures usually have that information.
Huh? What deductions?

Damn, you are dumb. Ask someone to explain tax deductions to you. The rich and corporations have many that aren't available to the average tax payer.

Which ones? give us a list.
the US corporate tax rate is 35%, the highest in the world. I thought you libs did not like corporate income deductions and exemptions.

But my point remains valid. Cut the corporate tax rate to zero, allow foreign profits to be spent in this country tax free and you would see our economy boom like never before. There would be mor jobs than applicants and wages would go up due to supply and demand.

Economics is not really very complicated.

Of course it's not complicated if you just give it all to the rich and hope some of it fall off their table. That sucks for everybody else though.

Thats funny coming from a supporter of the very rich clintons, the dem party which includes the very rich Pelosi, Soros, Reid, Schumer, the Kennedys, Kerry, and the corrupt rich mayors of every major city.

The people you support are members of the 1% that you hate so much. You are either insane or totally brainwashed.

You think I have a problem with wanting them to pay more too? As long as the laws are as they are, everyone will take advantage of them. It's silly to think they would do differently. However, the ones you mentioned are fighting to change those laws even knowing that it will effect their own bottom line. The ones on the right don't want to change a thing. You really don't get that, do you?

OK, why specifically, do you want corporations to pay more taxes? You do realize that taxes are a cost of doing business and as such are passed along to consumers in the prices of products.

So, you want to pay more for everything you buy because it will somehow make you feel that you are sticking it to some rich guy? Thats foolish.

So, now tell us exactly why you want corps to pay more taxes and how that would benefit average americans.

Because corporations have been getting a free ride for too long. If they would pay their fair share, the burden wouldn't be so high on everybody else as a percentage of total ability to pay.

That is unbelievably stupid. You know nothing about how our economy or our tax system works.

the US corporate tax rate is 35%, the highest in the world. I thought you libs did not like corporate income deductions and exemptions.

But my point remains valid. Cut the corporate tax rate to zero, allow foreign profits to be spent in this country tax free and you would see our economy boom like never before. There would be mor jobs than applicants and wages would go up due to supply and demand.

Economics is not really very complicated.

The listed maximum rate and what corporations actually pay are worlds apart. 35% corporate rate with a 13% effective rate

Corporations pay a lower effective rate than I do
How do you calculate the effective rate for corporate taxes?

Same as for anybody else. It's a matter of rate minus deductions compared to income. Public disclosures usually have that information.

corporate income is not as simple as your personal income. is it gross or net? IBIT, IBITI ?

the point is that the chartmaker could get any answer he wanted by taking income in one of many ways.

Gross and net have exactly the same meaning no matter what your income level is, and is used in the same way.
Of course it's not complicated if you just give it all to the rich and hope some of it fall off their table. That sucks for everybody else though.

Thats funny coming from a supporter of the very rich clintons, the dem party which includes the very rich Pelosi, Soros, Reid, Schumer, the Kennedys, Kerry, and the corrupt rich mayors of every major city.

The people you support are members of the 1% that you hate so much. You are either insane or totally brainwashed.

You think I have a problem with wanting them to pay more too? As long as the laws are as they are, everyone will take advantage of them. It's silly to think they would do differently. However, the ones you mentioned are fighting to change those laws even knowing that it will effect their own bottom line. The ones on the right don't want to change a thing. You really don't get that, do you?

OK, why specifically, do you want corporations to pay more taxes? You do realize that taxes are a cost of doing business and as such are passed along to consumers in the prices of products.

So, you want to pay more for everything you buy because it will somehow make you feel that you are sticking it to some rich guy? Thats foolish.

So, now tell us exactly why you want corps to pay more taxes and how that would benefit average americans.

Because corporations have been getting a free ride for too long. If they would pay their fair share, the burden wouldn't be so high on everybody else as a percentage of total ability to pay.
Free? How do corporations get a free ride? Who is this corporation person that gets a free ride and how is their ride free?

20 big profitable U.S. companies paid no taxes America s Markets

the US corporate tax rate is 35%, the highest in the world. I thought you libs did not like corporate income deductions and exemptions.

But my point remains valid. Cut the corporate tax rate to zero, allow foreign profits to be spent in this country tax free and you would see our economy boom like never before. There would be mor jobs than applicants and wages would go up due to supply and demand.

Economics is not really very complicated.

The listed maximum rate and what corporations actually pay are worlds apart. 35% corporate rate with a 13% effective rate

Corporations pay a lower effective rate than I do
How do you calculate the effective rate for corporate taxes?
What they paid in taxes divided by net income
Huh? Net income is total income minus cost of goods sold, expenses, and taxes paid. So you are saying
(total income - cost of goods - expenses - taxes)/taxes ?

Do you want to change your mind?
The listed maximum rate and what corporations actually pay are worlds apart. 35% corporate rate with a 13% effective rate

Corporations pay a lower effective rate than I do
How do you calculate the effective rate for corporate taxes?

Same as for anybody else. It's a matter of rate minus deductions compared to income. Public disclosures usually have that information.
Huh? What deductions?

Damn, you are dumb. Ask someone to explain tax deductions to you. The rich and corporations have many that aren't available to the average tax payer.

Which ones? give us a list.
The list I already gave is far from complete. It was just some of the major profit making companies.
Of course it's not complicated if you just give it all to the rich and hope some of it fall off their table. That sucks for everybody else though.

Thats funny coming from a supporter of the very rich clintons, the dem party which includes the very rich Pelosi, Soros, Reid, Schumer, the Kennedys, Kerry, and the corrupt rich mayors of every major city.

The people you support are members of the 1% that you hate so much. You are either insane or totally brainwashed.

You think I have a problem with wanting them to pay more too? As long as the laws are as they are, everyone will take advantage of them. It's silly to think they would do differently. However, the ones you mentioned are fighting to change those laws even knowing that it will effect their own bottom line. The ones on the right don't want to change a thing. You really don't get that, do you?

OK, why specifically, do you want corporations to pay more taxes? You do realize that taxes are a cost of doing business and as such are passed along to consumers in the prices of products.

So, you want to pay more for everything you buy because it will somehow make you feel that you are sticking it to some rich guy? Thats foolish.

So, now tell us exactly why you want corps to pay more taxes and how that would benefit average americans.

Because corporations have been getting a free ride for too long. If they would pay their fair share, the burden wouldn't be so high on everybody else as a percentage of total ability to pay.

That is unbelievably stupid. You know nothing about how our economy or our tax system works.

Obviously one of us doesn't.
the US corporate tax rate is 35%, the highest in the world. I thought you libs did not like corporate income deductions and exemptions.

But my point remains valid. Cut the corporate tax rate to zero, allow foreign profits to be spent in this country tax free and you would see our economy boom like never before. There would be mor jobs than applicants and wages would go up due to supply and demand.

Economics is not really very complicated.

The listed maximum rate and what corporations actually pay are worlds apart. 35% corporate rate with a 13% effective rate

Corporations pay a lower effective rate than I do
How do you calculate the effective rate for corporate taxes?

Same as for anybody else. It's a matter of rate minus deductions compared to income. Public disclosures usually have that information.
Huh? What deductions?

Damn, you are dumb. Ask someone to explain tax deductions to you. The rich and corporations have many that aren't available to the average tax payer.
No that's not how it works. After a corporation pays corporate taxes, the money is then distributed to the owners, poor and rich, who then get to pay taxes on the already taxed money in the form of capital gains taxes. So really it's the corporate tax rate plus capital gains taxes that are being charged on the distribution of profit.
Thats funny coming from a supporter of the very rich clintons, the dem party which includes the very rich Pelosi, Soros, Reid, Schumer, the Kennedys, Kerry, and the corrupt rich mayors of every major city.

The people you support are members of the 1% that you hate so much. You are either insane or totally brainwashed.

You think I have a problem with wanting them to pay more too? As long as the laws are as they are, everyone will take advantage of them. It's silly to think they would do differently. However, the ones you mentioned are fighting to change those laws even knowing that it will effect their own bottom line. The ones on the right don't want to change a thing. You really don't get that, do you?

OK, why specifically, do you want corporations to pay more taxes? You do realize that taxes are a cost of doing business and as such are passed along to consumers in the prices of products.

So, you want to pay more for everything you buy because it will somehow make you feel that you are sticking it to some rich guy? Thats foolish.

So, now tell us exactly why you want corps to pay more taxes and how that would benefit average americans.

Because corporations have been getting a free ride for too long. If they would pay their fair share, the burden wouldn't be so high on everybody else as a percentage of total ability to pay.

That is unbelievably stupid. You know nothing about how our economy or our tax system works.

Obviously one of us doesn't.

and from your posts, its clearly you
the US corporate tax rate is 35%, the highest in the world. I thought you libs did not like corporate income deductions and exemptions.

But my point remains valid. Cut the corporate tax rate to zero, allow foreign profits to be spent in this country tax free and you would see our economy boom like never before. There would be mor jobs than applicants and wages would go up due to supply and demand.

Economics is not really very complicated.

The listed maximum rate and what corporations actually pay are worlds apart. 35% corporate rate with a 13% effective rate

Corporations pay a lower effective rate than I do
How do you calculate the effective rate for corporate taxes?

Same as for anybody else. It's a matter of rate minus deductions compared to income. Public disclosures usually have that information.

corporate income is not as simple as your personal income. is it gross or net? IBIT, IBITI ?

the point is that the chartmaker could get any answer he wanted by taking income in one of many ways.

Gross and net have exactly the same meaning no matter what your income level is, and is used in the same way.
Thats funny coming from a supporter of the very rich clintons, the dem party which includes the very rich Pelosi, Soros, Reid, Schumer, the Kennedys, Kerry, and the corrupt rich mayors of every major city.

The people you support are members of the 1% that you hate so much. You are either insane or totally brainwashed.

You think I have a problem with wanting them to pay more too? As long as the laws are as they are, everyone will take advantage of them. It's silly to think they would do differently. However, the ones you mentioned are fighting to change those laws even knowing that it will effect their own bottom line. The ones on the right don't want to change a thing. You really don't get that, do you?

OK, why specifically, do you want corporations to pay more taxes? You do realize that taxes are a cost of doing business and as such are passed along to consumers in the prices of products.

So, you want to pay more for everything you buy because it will somehow make you feel that you are sticking it to some rich guy? Thats foolish.

So, now tell us exactly why you want corps to pay more taxes and how that would benefit average americans.

Because corporations have been getting a free ride for too long. If they would pay their fair share, the burden wouldn't be so high on everybody else as a percentage of total ability to pay.
Free? How do corporations get a free ride? Who is this corporation person that gets a free ride and how is their ride free?

20 big profitable U.S. companies paid no taxes America s Markets

thats a list of corporations, not a list of deductions and exemptions. I asked you for a list of the corporate tax breaks that you would cancel. do you have one or are you just spouting liberal jibberish?
The listed maximum rate and what corporations actually pay are worlds apart. 35% corporate rate with a 13% effective rate

Corporations pay a lower effective rate than I do
How do you calculate the effective rate for corporate taxes?

Same as for anybody else. It's a matter of rate minus deductions compared to income. Public disclosures usually have that information.
Huh? What deductions?

Damn, you are dumb. Ask someone to explain tax deductions to you. The rich and corporations have many that aren't available to the average tax payer.
No that's not how it works. After a corporation pays corporate taxes, the money is then distributed to the owners, poor and rich, who then get to pay taxes on the already taxed money in the form of capital gains taxes. So really it's the corporate tax rate plus capital gains taxes that are being charged on the distribution of profit.

Trying that old "twice paid taxes" saw? I paid taxes on money I earned, so using your reasoning, you don't think a business should pay taxes on their profit when the sell me something. That is paying taxes twice just the same as you claim capitol gains is. See how dumb that would be?
How do you calculate the effective rate for corporate taxes?

Same as for anybody else. It's a matter of rate minus deductions compared to income. Public disclosures usually have that information.
Huh? What deductions?

Damn, you are dumb. Ask someone to explain tax deductions to you. The rich and corporations have many that aren't available to the average tax payer.
No that's not how it works. After a corporation pays corporate taxes, the money is then distributed to the owners, poor and rich, who then get to pay taxes on the already taxed money in the form of capital gains taxes. So really it's the corporate tax rate plus capital gains taxes that are being charged on the distribution of profit.

Trying that old "twice paid taxes" saw? I paid taxes on money I earned, so using your reasoning, you don't think a business should pay taxes on their profit when the sell me something. That is paying taxes twice just the same as you claim capitol gains is. See how dumb that would be?

you really need to see a mental health expert.
The listed maximum rate and what corporations actually pay are worlds apart. 35% corporate rate with a 13% effective rate

Corporations pay a lower effective rate than I do
How do you calculate the effective rate for corporate taxes?

Same as for anybody else. It's a matter of rate minus deductions compared to income. Public disclosures usually have that information.

corporate income is not as simple as your personal income. is it gross or net? IBIT, IBITI ?

the point is that the chartmaker could get any answer he wanted by taking income in one of many ways.

Gross and net have exactly the same meaning no matter what your income level is, and is used in the same way.
You think I have a problem with wanting them to pay more too? As long as the laws are as they are, everyone will take advantage of them. It's silly to think they would do differently. However, the ones you mentioned are fighting to change those laws even knowing that it will effect their own bottom line. The ones on the right don't want to change a thing. You really don't get that, do you?

OK, why specifically, do you want corporations to pay more taxes? You do realize that taxes are a cost of doing business and as such are passed along to consumers in the prices of products.

So, you want to pay more for everything you buy because it will somehow make you feel that you are sticking it to some rich guy? Thats foolish.

So, now tell us exactly why you want corps to pay more taxes and how that would benefit average americans.

Because corporations have been getting a free ride for too long. If they would pay their fair share, the burden wouldn't be so high on everybody else as a percentage of total ability to pay.
Free? How do corporations get a free ride? Who is this corporation person that gets a free ride and how is their ride free?

20 big profitable U.S. companies paid no taxes America s Markets

thats a list of corporations, not a list of deductions and exemptions. I asked you for a list of the corporate tax breaks that you would cancel. do you have one or are you just spouting liberal jibberish?

This is the post that is in response to.
Has the Left Terminally Brainwashed Americans Page 23 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

If you want a list of their individual deductions, you'll have to look that up yourself.
How do you calculate the effective rate for corporate taxes?

Same as for anybody else. It's a matter of rate minus deductions compared to income. Public disclosures usually have that information.
Huh? What deductions?

Damn, you are dumb. Ask someone to explain tax deductions to you. The rich and corporations have many that aren't available to the average tax payer.
No that's not how it works. After a corporation pays corporate taxes, the money is then distributed to the owners, poor and rich, who then get to pay taxes on the already taxed money in the form of capital gains taxes. So really it's the corporate tax rate plus capital gains taxes that are being charged on the distribution of profit.

Trying that old "twice paid taxes" saw? I paid taxes on money I earned, so using your reasoning, you don't think a business should pay taxes on their profit when the sell me something. That is paying taxes twice just the same as you claim capitol gains is. See how dumb that would be?
I'm not sure what your stupidity is about. Here's what happens in more detail: Corporation sells item for 100 that costs 80 to make 50 for buying the parts, 25 of which goes to the people who built it, 2 to payroll taxes for the people who built it, and those people pay taxes on their income, then the corporation pays corporate taxes on the 20 in profit.... then distributes the remaining as dividends to the people who own the company. Then that 20 in profit that the US government already taxed for that sale gets taxed again when the US government then taxes the people who received the dividends for capital gains taxes on the same 20 in profit. Thus, the IRS has in fact taxed the profit from the same sale twice, once in the form of a corporation tax, this the corporation that the stock owner owns, then the owner of the stock is taxed again in the form of capital gains tax.

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