Has the time come to send American diplomats back to Iran?

Right now there is money being made from hating Iran. More money would be made from working with Iran but industry is always short sighted.

There can be no substitute for confronting evil. None.

As cowards, dimocrap scum ran away from the Soviets for 36 years.

They refused to confront them. Truman canned Patton (and likely murdered him) over his wish to confront the Soviet commie scum. He also fired MacArthur over it.

Under JFK, the Soviet commie scum knew they had a weak, new dimocrap president but he stood firm and they backed down.

Under jimmy the peanut, (2nd worst president EVAH) they got stronger.

And when Reagan promised to confront them, dimocrap cowards went ape-shit.

Guys, I'm telling you.... They went out of their minds.

Reagan prevailed. And one reason he prevailed is because he wasn't kidding.

He would have nuked the Soviet Union into the Stone Age. He would have annihilated them. Destroyed them to the last man, woman, child, dog and cat in that miserable, murdering, scumbag Prison Camp.

And people, trust me.... He was NOT dicking around. he was stone serious.

Like all bullies (especially dimocrap scum) they're cowards.

And when faced with an intractable and Patriotic Man like Reagan, the murdering Soviet scum relented when they found that their OWN PEOPLE wanted the Soviet Union to die.

dimocraps? The only people they confront are people who can't defend themselves.

They confront people playing by the rules, like the IRS does.

They confront people with the NSA.... Behind their backs (Oh, they're real brave when you're not looking)

Iran should have been destroyed in 1979. Crushed.

Reagan had bigger fish to fry and he did succeed in bringing down the most EVIL Empire in Human History. GWH Bush wasn't interested. Clinton was a coward and GW Bush had Iran on the run.

And now?

Now we've got not only a coward in office but someone who actively favors an Anti-American Iran.

His backing down during the 'Green Revolution' in Iran was not accident.

He made pretty speeches telling people to take control and, when they did....

He didn't know them any more.

Neda especially is grateful to the lying cocksucker of a coward...

She wants to say something to the cocksucker-in-chief


No wait..... She can't
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We can't pretend that the mullahs of Iran have suddenly become decent people. They can't even be decent to their own people.
Last time we had an Embassy in Iran, it didn't go all that well.

Or don't you remember?

We had a coward as president back then, too.

Within an hour of a REAL Man being sworn in, the Iranians released the hostages they'd held for 444 days.

They didn't want any part of a Republican president.

dimocraps? After LBJ, they've all been cowards. To the man. Every one of them.

And the one we have infesting the office today isn't even a Man. He's a fag.


No wonder you boys like him so much

So Carter should have denied the Shah access for medical care, or he should have turned him over to the Ayatollah?

Ray-Gun had no part in the negotiated settlement that brought all the hostages home alive.

They wanted Ray-gun as the US President. A right wing reactionary would bolster recruitment.

Pretty tough to call a man who volunteered for duty on one of the first Atomic powered Submarines a coward.

It just irks the right so much that Carter was right. From decriminalizing marijuana laws to the need to reduce our dependence on foreign sources of energy.

Stupid fucking bitch. President of The United States of America (and the 2nd greatest ever behind only George Washington) Ronald Wilson Reagan had dozens of people working on the hostage negotiations.

MANY more than did the cowardly fuck jimmy the peanut. Who had NONE.

It was secret because it was probably illegal, but they were in the negotiation process up to their necks.

President of The United States, Ronald Wilson Reagan told the assahollahs through back-channels in no uncertain terms that they wouldn't like what happens if they still have the American Hostages within an hours of him taking office.

The assahollahs believed him.

And it's a good thing for them that they did.

Nobody believes anything gutless faggot obama says. Putin laughs at him. Assad scoffs at him. Maduro in Venezuela makes fun of him and Iran is stuffing the agreement up his ass while we speak.

They already said they're not going to honor the agreement they've already made with the gutless, lying cocksucker-in-chief obama.

dimocraps shouldn't even be involved in Foreign Policy questions.

It's like letting proven cowards negotiate an armistice.

In fact, it is VERY much like that.

No it isn't like that.... It IS that

The only negotiations the traitor Ray-Gun had with the Iranians was to prolong their captivity until after the US elections.

You're correct it was probably illegal.

I'm sure, deep down in your gut, you feel everything you just posted it true, don't you?
We can't pretend that the mullahs of Iran have suddenly become decent people. They can't even be decent to their own people.

When people (I use the term loosely when talking about dimocrap scum) want to make peace and play nice with scum who do shit like this, they're worse than the cowards we know them to be.....

They're just as bad


Two Thousand.

Two Thousand (2,000) women hanged in Iran since the 'revolution'.

The vast majority of them for 'morality crimes'.

I hate dimocraps. I really do.

Cowardly, dishonest, corrupt, anti-American scum.

ALL of them.

AFAIC, they can all go suck a Glock
There is no danger whatsoever that Iran and the arab states can become democratic republics.

No, but they could have become Constitutional Monarchies. Like (most don't know it) much of Europe is.

That would have been a step in the right direction, at least.

Its none of YOUR or anyone else's business what kind of government Iran has.
Has the time come to send American diplomats back to Iran? | Al Jazeera America

Yes,unless you are either A. a neo con intent on war with Iran or B. an Israel firster who is only defending Israels wants and wishes.

sure thing.....since Libya worked out so well....and while you're at it send an ambassador to NK too.....:cuckoo:

Libya the US backed terrorists,NK won't even talk with us. Iran has ALWAYS wanted to talk to us but we had chickenhawks at the helm who refused to use diplomacy just wanted to use force and sanctions. Obama will go down as one of the best presidents on FP ever.
Has the time come to send American diplomats back to Iran?

Yup...Hillary is not very busy at the moment.
Has the time come to send American diplomats back to Iran? | Al Jazeera America

Yes,unless you are either A. a neo con intent on war with Iran or B. an Israel firster who is only defending Israels wants and wishes.

sure thing.....since Libya worked out so well....and while you're at it send an ambassador to NK too.....:cuckoo:

Libya the US backed terrorists,NK won't even talk with us. Iran has ALWAYS wanted to talk to us but we had chickenhawks at the helm who refused to use diplomacy just wanted to use force and sanctions. Obama will go down as one of the best presidents on FP ever.

if you think they will guarantee safety of our diplomats.....like Libya and NK and Teheran (/sarcasm)......you must live high in Denver...

really high if you think Obama is the best FP president ever.....he's nothing more than an anti-American radical....
To you. He has done more than the past 4 presidents combined on FP...especially with getting Iran to the talking table and hopefully getting diplomatic relations started again.
One does not show force from standing outside the ring. Fact of the matter is the U.S. is afraid of Iran.
Yes. It is more important to engage diplomatically with one's enemies than one's friends.

It is a common mistake to assume that exchanging diplomatic missions is a token of friendship. All it is is a recognition that the other country exists.
Oh you mean like how the leaders in Iran feel about the right for Israel to exist? Got it.
I'm not 'negotiating' with anyone who is so full of hate they refuse to except the fact that Israel has any right to even exist. Period.

An Embassy does not have to 'negotiate'. Its prime function is to make clear to the host government the position of the state that it represents. Like "If you do X you will suffer serious consequences. We have the power to hurt you badly by doing Y and Z." Over time it may be possible to start saying things like "Do A and we will reward you by B and C."

A secondary function is to figure out what is going on in the host country, understanding possibilities for change and looking for ways to influence the course of events. Usually by means short of organising a coup.

The US maintained an embassy in the USSR throughout the cold war and was right to have done so. To have closed it because communism is hateful would have been foolish.

I would be good if Iran could be brought to asserting Israel's right to exist. In time it may happen - who knows?
To you. He has done more than the past 4 presidents combined on FP...especially with getting Iran to the talking table and hopefully getting diplomatic relations started again.

oh yah....there's some more of that 'hope and change' your dear leader spoke of.....:lol:

the only 'change' you're going to see is Iran swinging its weight around with its nuclear weapons to back it up....and you're going to 'hope' they don't nuke us...
If Hillary were the first Ambassador to Iran since the CIA ran the country...well, think of the possibilities.

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