Has there been a hiatus

You claim a conspiracy among climate scientists. There is no conspiracy among climate scientists.
You claim climate scientists are dumb - or at least dumber than you. They are all much smarter than you.
You claim censorship in the science journals. There is no censorship in the science journals.
You claim there is no consensus for AGW. There is a very strong consensus for AGW.
You claim CO2 does not warm the atmosphere. CO2 warms the atmosphere.
You reject anthropogenicity because similar conditions have existed in the past. The past doesn't refute anthropogenicity.
You claim AGW has no evidence. AGW has mountains of evidence
You claim the records are being altered for an illicit cause. That records are not being altered for an illicit cause.
Has there been a hiatus?

Does a bear shit in the woods???

I tried that WW2 explanation, but my research failed to produce any evidence. And the reason that the 50s, 60s "pause" looks so long is that GISS/Hadley/others have cooked the historical data to PUSH DOWN the rather high temperatures in the 40s..

Why don't you try atomic testing in the 50s and 60s? Maybe we punched a hole in the Stratosphere and let some heat escape..... :banana:

Trenberth is worried. Oh my...

That cool period from 1941 to 1975 predates ANYONE's adjustments.

Nope. Hansen went back and altered the records to make the 1930's and 40's cooler than they actually were. That's called fraud.
No, Hansen did not. You are the fraud, Mr. Westwall.

You are the one that is claiming that all the scientists are frauds and charlatans, claiming that all are purchased whores. I really think that at this point, you are looking in the mirror.
No, Hansen did not. You are the fraud, Mr. Westwall.

You are the one that is claiming that all the scientists are frauds and charlatans, claiming that all are purchased whores. I really think that at this point, you are looking in the mirror.

You 2 keep whining but refuse to learn or absorb. Just on the LAST PAGE is an example of GISS corrections to the US temperature record. That pushes DOWN the highs in the 40s and pushes UP the current temps..
You do enough of that -- and you get the 0.04deg worldwide that you need for making monthly propaganda about "new records"..

Now who is James Hansen -- who you claim "did not do this"????? He is top witchdoc at NASA GISS is he not??
(Need answers here) _________________________

And what does GISS stand for and why is (W)Dr. Hansen more fond of surface records than satellites at GISS?

Just in case you IGNORED IT -- like you usually do --- Here is HIS handiwork again...

Slight retraction..

Hansen to Hand Over Reins of Goddard Institute for Space Studies Director
Apr. 2, 2013

NEW YORK — James E. Hansen, director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York, has announced he is retiring as the GISS director and leaving government service. Peter Hildebrand, director of the Earth Sciences Division at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., will serve as interim director until a new director is selected through a competitive process.

Hansen is the longest serving director in the institute's history. He came to GISS in a post-doctoral appointment in 1967, became a federal employee at GISS in 1972, and became director in 1981.


STILL the architect and influence on all that madness in that graph.... And the madness continues...
What, precisely, is the vertical axis of your graph?

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