Has there ever been a Trump event that DIDN'T drive the liberals into screaming, hysterical rage?

So Trump is just an awesome president then huh? He always tells the truth? He's always mature and professional in your opinion? He always makes great decisions?

Well, i didn't say all that. But the alternative to him was completely unacceptable for me. Honestly, i thank the Lord everyday Donald Trump's in there instead of Hitlery Clinton. So y'all keep up your daily Trump faux outrage scam. I think it's very funny.
So you don't actually like Trump? You just dislike Hillary more? Got it.

Well, i didn't say that either. I do feel Trump is sincere in wanting to put Americans first again. I'm a Nationalist, not a Globalist. I don't feel American Globalists care a bit about American Citizens. Trump was as good as i was gonna get in that regard. It is what it is.
What specific criticism do you have of him? I'm curious.

I have some real issues with his Foreign Policy thus far. I support a humble Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy. And i kinda got the feeling Trump agreed with me on that. But since being elected, he seems to have allowed the Neocon Warmongers too much influence. But my two most important issues are Immigration and the Supreme Court. Trump and I are on the same page in that regard. Hillary Clinton would have been a horrific disaster on those two issues.

Clinton wanted to go the Merkel route and open the Immigration Floodgates. And obviously she would have appointed extremist Left/Globalists to the Supreme Court. So i had to go with Trump. Immigration and the Supreme Court will decide our nation's future. If Trump can get 2-3 Justices in there, it will amount to a Coup. Those were the main reasons i supported Trump. All the other issues don't mean a whole lot to me. It's all about Immigration and the Supreme Court. If Trump does that right, he'll always have my support.
You are arguing logically with a Liberal who is only looking for ammunition to fuel his fire.
After months of the liberals smearing FBI Director James Comey and demanding his firing, now they are screaming in outrage that he has been fired.

Will these people ever get their stories straight? Or are they too consumed by their blind hatred for President Trump to do anything but screech and whine at anything and everything he does?

News from The Associated Press
"Screaming in outrage that he's been fired"? Hardly. But that seems to be the story the RussianW has been told to tell.
After months of the liberals smearing FBI Director James Comey and demanding his firing, now they are screaming in outrage that he has been fired.

Will these people ever get their stories straight? Or are they too consumed by their blind hatred for President Trump to do anything but screech and whine at anything and everything he does?

News from The Associated Press
I do find it a bit odd that they hated him a few months ago, and now they can't believe he's fired. Am I the only one that always wanted him fired?
"Hated him".....strong words. Who hated him?
After months of the liberals smearing FBI Director James Comey and demanding his firing, now they are screaming in outrage that he has been fired.

Will these people ever get their stories straight? Or are they too consumed by their blind hatred for President Trump to do anything but screech and whine at anything and everything he does?

News from The Associated Press
I do find it a bit odd that they hated him a few months ago, and now they can't believe he's fired. Am I the only one that always wanted him fired?

They love him now because Trump axed him. It's only about sabotaging Trump for the Democrats. Comey had to go. And anyone with a shred of common sense knows that. He was corrupt and incompetent. Good riddance.
"They love him now"? Indeed? Who "loves" him now? And how is that "love" being expressed?
What we think of Comey is besides the point.
TRANSLATION: Please stop pointing out the we kept hating Comey for months, blaming him for Hillary's losing the election and demanding that he step down... until Trump actually fired him, at which point we suddenly started calling him an innocent victim and Trump was the Bad Guy (for the 237th time since he defeated Hillary).
All that is beside the point. Really, you have to believe us!


:cuckoo: (TDS) Trump Derangement Syndrome. Now they suddenly adore that Comey guy. Trump-Haters have gone full retard. It is what it is.
Still jealous about his vagina bragging/grabbing? I thought it was hill derangement syndrome.
As usual the high school white trumpies have to steal . They didn't even know the tea party name was based on a homosexual term. Or that America first was the USA wwi name for our Nazi group.
Anyone seen a brown trumpie?

Yes sir, i'm a proud Deplorable. I think the Trump Derangement is hilarious. The haters are desperate to invent something to be outraged about. It's a 'Daily Trump Outrage' scam. Like now they just love that Comey dude. They're dishonest hypocrites. But they're good entertainment. :)
You are a proud Deplorable. That's what you've become. Proud of being a Deplorable. Proud of someone who grabs women by the pussy. Proud of someone who calls POWs losers. Proud of someone who makes fun of the physically handicapped. Proud of someone who says you would still support him even if he shot someone on 5th Ave in broad daylight. Proud.
What we think of Comey is besides the point.
TRANSLATION: Please stop pointing out the we kept hating Comey for months, blaming him for Hillary's losing the election and demanding that he step down... until Trump actually fired him, at which point we suddenly started calling him an innocent victim and Trump was the Bad Guy (for the 237th time since he defeated Hillary).
All that is beside the point. Really, you have to believe us!


:cuckoo: (TDS) Trump Derangement Syndrome. Now they suddenly adore that Comey guy. Trump-Haters have gone full retard. It is what it is.
Still jealous about his vagina bragging/grabbing? I thought it was hill derangement syndrome.
As usual the high school white trumpies have to steal . They didn't even know the tea party name was based on a homosexual term. Or that America first was the USA wwi name for our Nazi group.
Anyone seen a brown trumpie?

Yes sir, i'm a proud Deplorable. I think the Trump Derangement is hilarious. The haters are desperate to invent something to be outraged about. It's a 'Daily Trump Outrage' scam. Like now they just love that Comey dude. They're dishonest hypocrites. But they're good entertainment. :)
You are a proud Deplorable. That's what you've become. Proud of being a Deplorable. Proud of someone who grabs women by the pussy. Proud of someone who calls POWs losers. Proud of someone who makes fun of the physically handicapped. Proud of someone who says you would still support him even if he shot someone on 5th Ave in broad daylight. Proud.
Any deplorable no matter how deplorable, is still better than any democrat. You will never understand that. We are no longer interested in Democrat lies or fictions. You are lower than the dust under a worm's bellly. You are despised. A degenerate calling someone else a deplorable. Of course deplorables are proud. They aren't, we aren't, you.
Well, i didn't say all that. But the alternative to him was completely unacceptable for me. Honestly, i thank the Lord everyday Donald Trump's in there instead of Hitlery Clinton. So y'all keep up your daily Trump faux outrage scam. I think it's very funny.
So you don't actually like Trump? You just dislike Hillary more? Got it.

Well, i didn't say that either. I do feel Trump is sincere in wanting to put Americans first again. I'm a Nationalist, not a Globalist. I don't feel American Globalists care a bit about American Citizens. Trump was as good as i was gonna get in that regard. It is what it is.
What specific criticism do you have of him? I'm curious.

I have some real issues with his Foreign Policy thus far. I support a humble Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy. And i kinda got the feeling Trump agreed with me on that. But since being elected, he seems to have allowed the Neocon Warmongers too much influence. But my two most important issues are Immigration and the Supreme Court. Trump and I are on the same page in that regard. Hillary Clinton would have been a horrific disaster on those two issues.

Clinton wanted to go the Merkel route and open the Immigration Floodgates. And obviously she would have appointed extremist Left/Globalists to the Supreme Court. So i had to go with Trump. Immigration and the Supreme Court will decide our nation's future. If Trump can get 2-3 Justices in there, it will amount to a Coup. Those were the main reasons i supported Trump. All the other issues don't mean a whole lot to me. It's all about Immigration and the Supreme Court. If Trump does that right, he'll always have my support.
You are arguing logically with a Liberal who is only looking for ammunition to fuel his fire.

Maybe so. But i did my part. I was asked a question and i answered.
After months of the liberals smearing FBI Director James Comey and demanding his firing, now they are screaming in outrage that he has been fired.

Will these people ever get their stories straight? Or are they too consumed by their blind hatred for President Trump to do anything but screech and whine at anything and everything he does?

News from The Associated Press
I do find it a bit odd that they hated him a few months ago, and now they can't believe he's fired. Am I the only one that always wanted him fired?

They love him now because Trump axed him. It's only about sabotaging Trump for the Democrats. Comey had to go. And anyone with a shred of common sense knows that. He was corrupt and incompetent. Good riddance.
"They love him now"? Indeed? Who "loves" him now? And how is that "love" being expressed?

It's the current Democrat 'Trump Outrage' Du jour. They hated Comey, right up till Trump fired him. Now 'he's not such a bad guy and shame on Trump.' Like i said, Democrat Trump-Haters have gone full retard. Very disingenuous folks.
No. They're executing a 'Trump Daily Outrage' plan. Everyday they invent a new faux outrage scam. Sometimes they're actually pretty hilarious. Some of their daily outrages are just so pathetic. You can tell they were embarrassingly desperate to come up with something to feign outrage about.

You can see that desperation on this Board. For instance, most Democrats despised that Comey dude. Yet now that Trump's fired him, they've fallen in love with Comey and are throwing loony hissy-fits over it. Suddenly they just adore that Comey. It's today's 'Trump Daily Outrage.' But tomorrow it'll be something else. Bet on that.
BREAKING: Trump Gets More Ice Cream For Dessert Than His Guests
"I’m not saying that what you’re about to read has triggered a constitutional crisis, but what you’re about to read has triggered a constitutional crisis.

"Michael Scherer and Zeke J. Miller at Time magazine spent some, er, time with President Trump earlier this week, and here’s a description of their dinner:

The waiters know well Trump’s personal preferences. As he settles down, they bring him a Diet Coke, while the rest of us are served water, with the Vice President sitting at one end of the table. With the salad course, Trump is served what appears to be Thousand Island dressing instead of the creamy vinaigrette for his guests. When the chicken arrives, he is the only one given an extra dish of sauce. At the dessert course, he gets two scoops of vanilla ice cream with his chocolate cream pie, instead of the single scoop for everyone else.

"Unbelievable. Diet Coke? Thousand Island dressing? More sauce? Two scoops of ice cream? You’d never see President Hillary do this! Or, if she did, you wouldn’t read about it in Time.

"If you think that’s newsworthy, then you work at CNN..."

BREAKING: Trump Gets More Ice Cream For Dessert Than His Guests
What we think of Comey is besides the point.
TRANSLATION: Please stop pointing out the we kept hating Comey for months, blaming him for Hillary's losing the election and demanding that he step down... until Trump actually fired him, at which point we suddenly started calling him an innocent victim and Trump was the Bad Guy (for the 237th time since he defeated Hillary).
All that is beside the point. Really, you have to believe us!


:cuckoo: (TDS) Trump Derangement Syndrome. Now they suddenly adore that Comey guy. Trump-Haters have gone full retard. It is what it is.
Still jealous about his vagina bragging/grabbing? I thought it was hill derangement syndrome.
As usual the high school white trumpies have to steal . They didn't even know the tea party name was based on a homosexual term. Or that America first was the USA wwi name for our Nazi group.
Anyone seen a brown trumpie?

Yes sir, i'm a proud Deplorable. I think the Trump Derangement is hilarious. The haters are desperate to invent something to be outraged about. It's a 'Daily Trump Outrage' scam. Like now they just love that Comey dude. They're dishonest hypocrites. But they're good entertainment. :)
You are a proud Deplorable. That's what you've become. Proud of being a Deplorable. Proud of someone who grabs women by the pussy. Proud of someone who calls POWs losers. Proud of someone who makes fun of the physically handicapped. Proud of someone who says you would still support him even if he shot someone on 5th Ave in broad daylight. Proud.

Oh Gawd. Chill on the silly Drama Queen stuff. Maybe lay off Politics for awhile. You lost an Election, it happens. There's no need to lose your mind too. You gotta get over it and move on with your life. I suffered through 8yrs of a Communist Organizer who i still feel may not have even been an American.

Hussein certainly ruled like an Anti-American Foreigner. Dude seemed to hate America and white folks. But hey, i survived. And so will you. It's the way life goes. So buck up my friend, cuz you've got a long way to go with us Deplorables. :)
No. They're executing a 'Trump Daily Outrage' plan. Everyday they invent a new faux outrage scam. Sometimes they're actually pretty hilarious. Some of their daily outrages are just so pathetic. You can tell they were embarrassingly desperate to come up with something to feign outrage about.

You can see that desperation on this Board. For instance, most Democrats despised that Comey dude. Yet now that Trump's fired him, they've fallen in love with Comey and are throwing loony hissy-fits over it. Suddenly they just adore that Comey. It's today's 'Trump Daily Outrage.' But tomorrow it'll be something else. Bet on that.
BREAKING: Trump Gets More Ice Cream For Dessert Than His Guests

What about all the starving children in the world?! Why does Trump have to eat all the ice cream? He just doesn't care about children. I hate him! He's a big fat Nazi man! :mad-61:
Oh Gawd. Chill on the silly Drama Queen stuff. Maybe lay off Politics for awhile. You lost an Election, it happens. There's no need to lose your mind too. You gotta get over it and move on with your life.
Not going to happen. The radicalized Democrats are only happy when they're unhappy. The "Comey wrote a memo saying Trump released classified info" fake news is the best chance they've had in a long while, to act outraged. They're not going to let a good "crisis" go to waste as long as they think they can fool somebody into believing it.
Comey says Trump never tried to influence any investigation.

And the radicalized-Democrat hysteria rises to the screaming level once again.
Now the liberals are in crying in outrage over Jared Kushner's "back channels" to the Russian government.

You know, the kind the John F. Kennedy used to help end the Cuban Missile Crisis.

And that FDR used to communicate with many governments (including, Russia, Germany, and Italy, as well as England, Yugoslavia etc.) before and during WWII, to try to negotiate various behind-the-scenes matters.

Did I miss the outraged protests from liberals when all these things were going on? Or do they only whine and screech when Republicans do the same thing? Again with no sources for their accusations except "anonymous sources"?


Could it be that this is not so much "outrage" over the use of back channels, as it is another simple attempt to destroy a Republican President, no matter how irrelevant, commonplace, and unimportant the issue?
And now, Trump has been giving his cell phone number to various world leaders! OMG, impeach the guy!

Never mind that it was quite OK for Obama to keep his Blackberry for regular business after he was elected. This was a REPUBLICAN, so suddenly it's INTOLERABLE!!!

And Hillary's gross misuse of a private email server to illegally carry classified data, is no big deal according to the Left. Certainly nothing to get upset over. She was merely careless.

But for Trump to do far less than she did, is a gravely serious matter. He's clearly unsuited to be President! Just ask the selective-memory Left. :rolleyes-41:

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