Has Trump ever taken responsibility?

Not credit for - he does that all the time, but RESPONSIBILITY for something?

Ronald Reagan:
Ronald Reagan’s acceptance of responsibility in the Iran-Contra Affair in April 1987 when Trump was about to turn 40. Reagan took to the airwaves and revealed his role in the deal that used Nicaragua as the conduit for U.S. arms that were traded for Iranian-held hostages, something Reagan previously had denied. “There are reasons why it happened, but no excuses,” Reagan said. “It was a mistake. I undertook the original Iran initiative in order to develop relations with those who might assume leadership in a post-Khomeini government.” As with Kennedy, the public who genuinely liked Reagan accepted his apology and a potential impeachment was averted. His popularity also returned, scoring him a 64% approval by the time he left office two years later.

John F Kennedy:
John Kennedy’s acceptance of his role in the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion in April 1961 when Donald was nearly 15. The CIA-run operation, begun under the Eisenhower Administration, resulted in the capture of over 1,200 insurgents and ultimately the strengthening of the nascent Castro regime. Kennedy blamed himself for approving the operation and in public held himself solely accountable. "There's an old saying that victory has a hundred fathers and defeat is an orphan ... Further statements, detailed discussions, are not to conceal responsibility because I'm the responsible officer of the Government.” The public liked what they saw from the young president and gave him a pass. Later Kennedy joked that if he had known how his poll numbers would have soared – into the 80s – he might have called for the invasion to occur sooner.

Barak Obama:
President Obama, by his own admission, failed badly during the rollout of Obamacare in fall 2013, more grievously due to the failures of HealthCare.gov. But he took responsibility and fixed it, launching an unprecedented number of outside programmers and tech specialists to overhaul the site and get it in working order. "I take full responsibility for making sure it gets fixed ASAP,” Obama said at the time. And so he did.

Here are a few other things Obama took responsibility for while in office:

Donald Trump:

Can anyone provide some examples?

When he raised his right hand with his left hand on the Bible on January 20, 2017, he accepted responsibility, for better or for worse. So far he's done a great job.

That is straight up crazy.

All you do on the Bible is swear oath of office (all Trump does is use it as a prop), it has nothing to do with taking responsibility for poor decisions.

Which poor decisions?

Stop. You are making a total fool of yourself if you want to take up a position that Trump made no bad descisions.

Want me to give you relavant one or two? Ok -Trump made a really bad descision to become a coronovirus-denier-in-chief for a month. That was after he made a bunch of bad descisions that led to his impeachment and trial.

Have you expressed your concern to @DonaldTrump on Twitter?

He will accept your tweets. It's a social media program just like USMB. Have at it.

What the fuck does him accepting or not accepting something have to do with what you-and-I were talking about???

Do you actually have a brain of your own or is that something that has to be checked out when you become a Trump fan?
I can't solve the problem. Ask Trump.

Yep, what do you know? You are just a braindead tool, hoping to one day become a useful idiot.

Just listen to yourself.
Not credit for - he does that all the time, but RESPONSIBILITY for something?

Ronald Reagan:
Ronald Reagan’s acceptance of responsibility in the Iran-Contra Affair in April 1987 when Trump was about to turn 40. Reagan took to the airwaves and revealed his role in the deal that used Nicaragua as the conduit for U.S. arms that were traded for Iranian-held hostages, something Reagan previously had denied. “There are reasons why it happened, but no excuses,” Reagan said. “It was a mistake. I undertook the original Iran initiative in order to develop relations with those who might assume leadership in a post-Khomeini government.” As with Kennedy, the public who genuinely liked Reagan accepted his apology and a potential impeachment was averted. His popularity also returned, scoring him a 64% approval by the time he left office two years later.

John F Kennedy:
John Kennedy’s acceptance of his role in the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion in April 1961 when Donald was nearly 15. The CIA-run operation, begun under the Eisenhower Administration, resulted in the capture of over 1,200 insurgents and ultimately the strengthening of the nascent Castro regime. Kennedy blamed himself for approving the operation and in public held himself solely accountable. "There's an old saying that victory has a hundred fathers and defeat is an orphan ... Further statements, detailed discussions, are not to conceal responsibility because I'm the responsible officer of the Government.” The public liked what they saw from the young president and gave him a pass. Later Kennedy joked that if he had known how his poll numbers would have soared – into the 80s – he might have called for the invasion to occur sooner.

Barak Obama:
President Obama, by his own admission, failed badly during the rollout of Obamacare in fall 2013, more grievously due to the failures of HealthCare.gov. But he took responsibility and fixed it, launching an unprecedented number of outside programmers and tech specialists to overhaul the site and get it in working order. "I take full responsibility for making sure it gets fixed ASAP,” Obama said at the time. And so he did.

Here are a few other things Obama took responsibility for while in office:

Donald Trump:

Can anyone provide some examples?
They have sold their soul, 100%, to this guy. There is zero (0) space between them now. They're all one.
If you believe the Buck should Stop with Trump over Covid-19 then no he should take responsibility for China failure to contain the virus.

Also if you believe he should take responsibility for the collapse of international markets, again the buck stops with China or is it the dumpling?

I hold Trump responsible for his comments and inability to sooth the mass hysteria and saying things that were never true and he should own those words but I will not blame him for China failure and neither would you had this been anyone else but Trump.

As for listing anything he has taken responsibility on when it come to failure, Trump is not that type of person so to expect something that is never happening is just crazy!
"I take no responsibility at all" Rump has literally never taken responsibility for anything in his life. Not military service, not marriage, not numerous failed investments, not even the housing discrimination case he and his father lost. This is a creature who literally never even held a job in his life until January 20. 2017 when he was already 70.

If there is any instance of taking the heat for even the tiniest thing I've never heard of it.

Oh please pogo if it was me I would sink those cruise ships and you would sue over it

Take one for the team.
No one in our entire nation, has sued or been sued more than Donald Trump, as a civilian...
No, he said he looked like a special Olympic kid bowling. Making fun of those poor kids. He is an asshole.

You said 'a' special Olympic kid. Made it sound like a specific kid.
Meh, we've all made those jokes. Should he have made it? Nope.
Tell you what though!!!! He apologised for it. And took responsibility. Unlike somebody else....

Only when his white bosses made him.

Don't know. Don't care. He apologised. Don't care if he did it off is own accord, was told to by Michelle, or chief of staff waved a stick at him. He apologised.

Trump is a narcissistic glory hunter whose ego could not possibly ever consider being wrong.
Trump admitted last night he was wrong about the virus in the first place. He gives credit where credit is due. Obama couldn't do that.
Trump rarely admits to being wrong, kind of lie The Fonz.

Nobody is wrong less than The Donald. That's why he is president.

For those that have trouble reading tone, I'm joking.
Better yet let me hear about what you think were his big mistakes.

Feel free to start a thread on that. I'm interested in the concept of leaders taking responsibility.
This is where the divide is coyote. People here drone on about how bad orange man is, the apocalypse is just around the corner, he lies ten of thousands of times, we will never recover from the harm he has done. I am asking you who started a thread on trump not taking credit for what he did wrong, what has trump done wrong that is harmful to the American people?. People here promote a narrative that is not fact based following the old strategy of if you say it enough times people will believe it is true. Trump has not done a perfect job, no one can, but he has done a good job in the face of the most concerted effort to destabilize an American president in our history. What is trumps Iran contra, what is trumps aca, what is it trump has done that is so bad? Everything claimed about trump when he got elected has not come true. No ww3, no economic collapse, no societal upheaval, no downward spiral of our country. You all cannot believe he hasn’t crashed and burned so you just turn up the heat with artificial constructs trying to will a giant fail for our country. There are actually people on here hoping more people will die and trump will be blamed for it. I don’t include you in that bunch of sickos.

so in closing, you have claimed trump doesn’t take responsibility for his failures, yet you document none of them, mostly because they will be subjective conclusions, which can be debated by people like me. What you really want him to do is apologize for being the heartless, egomaniaca, course, politically incorrect cad that you and others claim he is. You all have been wrong for 4 years. When are you going to take responsibility and admit your mistakes?
Not credit for - he does that all the time, but RESPONSIBILITY for something?

Ronald Reagan:
Ronald Reagan’s acceptance of responsibility in the Iran-Contra Affair in April 1987 when Trump was about to turn 40. Reagan took to the airwaves and revealed his role in the deal that used Nicaragua as the conduit for U.S. arms that were traded for Iranian-held hostages, something Reagan previously had denied. “There are reasons why it happened, but no excuses,” Reagan said. “It was a mistake. I undertook the original Iran initiative in order to develop relations with those who might assume leadership in a post-Khomeini government.” As with Kennedy, the public who genuinely liked Reagan accepted his apology and a potential impeachment was averted. His popularity also returned, scoring him a 64% approval by the time he left office two years later.

John F Kennedy:
John Kennedy’s acceptance of his role in the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion in April 1961 when Donald was nearly 15. The CIA-run operation, begun under the Eisenhower Administration, resulted in the capture of over 1,200 insurgents and ultimately the strengthening of the nascent Castro regime. Kennedy blamed himself for approving the operation and in public held himself solely accountable. "There's an old saying that victory has a hundred fathers and defeat is an orphan ... Further statements, detailed discussions, are not to conceal responsibility because I'm the responsible officer of the Government.” The public liked what they saw from the young president and gave him a pass. Later Kennedy joked that if he had known how his poll numbers would have soared – into the 80s – he might have called for the invasion to occur sooner.

Barak Obama:
President Obama, by his own admission, failed badly during the rollout of Obamacare in fall 2013, more grievously due to the failures of HealthCare.gov. But he took responsibility and fixed it, launching an unprecedented number of outside programmers and tech specialists to overhaul the site and get it in working order. "I take full responsibility for making sure it gets fixed ASAP,” Obama said at the time. And so he did.

Here are a few other things Obama took responsibility for while in office:

Donald Trump:

Can anyone provide some examples?
You have to be joking. Barak didn't take responsibility for any of the things you claim. He certainly didn't take responsibility for Benghazi, Fast and Furios, or his disastrous healthcare bill.

Dims never stopped attacking Reagan for Iran Contra until the day he died.

You'll excuse me if I don't accept your understanding of who's responsible.
If you believe the Buck should Stop with Trump over Covid-19 then no he should take responsibility for China failure to contain the virus.

Also if you believe he should take responsibility for the collapse of international markets, again the buck stops with China or is it the dumpling?

I hold Trump responsible for his comments and inability to sooth the mass hysteria and saying things that were never true and he should own those words but I will not blame him for China failure and neither would you had this been anyone else but Trump.

As for listing anything he has taken responsibility on when it come to failure, Trump is not that type of person so to expect something that is never happening is just crazy!

Exactly - Trump is not the type to take responsibility for anything, but that’s not an actual excuse, that’s just another reason why he is a failure as a leader time and time again.

And yes, as usual, there is him condemning his future self:


Ok we have another one - two answers now, but all in all, our two examples are pretty minor stuff:

President Trump said in an exclusive interview Tuesday that his address to Congress this evening will focus on the central planks of his campaign – the military, the border, jobs and health care – and he took responsibility for any communications miscues that have blunted the effectiveness of his message in the early days of the administration.

Trump, in an interview with “Fox & Friends,” specifically cited his immigration policy, and said that perhaps the rollout of his plan to keep out and remove criminal illegals hadn’t been communicated effectively.

“And maybe that’s my fault,” Trump said.

Yes, they're minor. Nothing in league with Reagan, Kennedy, Clinton. Those were serious messes and they manned up and took responsibility for them.

Have you seen the Dem’s take responsibility for their fake accusations of Trump being a Russian asset? That he committed treason?
Have you seen Dems take responsibility for accusing him of treating families different at the boarder and using photos from Obama’s administration?
I could go on and on and on.
Two distinct examples of things that Trump, as president, could have taken responsibility for:

Healthcare - the chaotic way he has dismantled it, without replacing it with anything, leaving people, providers, insurance confused and uncertain about where this is all going or whether they'll have insurance at all. Like the chaotic roll out of ACA (Obama's fault) this chaotic retreat has also been bad.

A botched Navy Seals raid in Yemen which left a Seal and several civilians (Trump blamed the Generals).
the country and its future,,,

now shut the fuck up before your TDS gets worse you baby killing twit,,,

your to stuipd to know healthcare isnt the job of the feds or POTUS,,,

dont think you realize it but in war things go wrong and people die,,,like all those seals that dies in that helicopter crash,,,and he did take responsibility,,

now go play with your dolls little girl,,,
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Responsibility for what?

I watched the liberal assholes this morning saying the messiah obama had a plan for an epidemic, he was quoting out of a 1990s movie

Hi Bear, good to see you again :)

Responsibility for things that didn't go well. "The buck stops here" type of responsibility.
Once again he banned people from war torn countries and the liberals used him over it.

Did he take responsibility for any mistakes or things that didn't go well?

That's not the same as things others criticized him for, because if he didn't think he did anything wrong - he doesn't need to take responsibility.
Because it just comes across as a personal vendetta. I can name dozens of politicians who have never taken responsibility for their actions. I also see Trump get blamed for things he never has anything to do with.

I'm just tired of 90% of these conversations being the same bitching at "the other side" and never see either side alone take responsibility for their sides actions.

Just my pov.
Can you provide some examples then?

Taking responsibility is an important part of leadership.
You have NOTHING but BLIND HATRED for our wonderful president. It's SO disappointing. President Trump has taken responsibility EVERY day since he beat the Hildebeast in the 2016 election. He's shown MORE leadership than perhaps ANY president before him. It's a shame you can't see this because you've been blinded and brainwashed by our hideously biased media. You ARE a wonderful person, I KNOW this from our conversations, I just wish you could see what an amazing job our president is doing.
Blind praise n worship is just as bad. This s why we get the blind hate, to counter.
Not once, ever.

He will pay for this come November, and possibly beyond.

He sure will. He'll be re elected in November and you lefty loons will have four more years to moan, groan and complain while the rest of us LOAO.

You lefty loons sure a bunch of whiny little shits.
Not credit for - he does that all the time, but RESPONSIBILITY for something?

Ronald Reagan:
Ronald Reagan’s acceptance of responsibility in the Iran-Contra Affair in April 1987 when Trump was about to turn 40. Reagan took to the airwaves and revealed his role in the deal that used Nicaragua as the conduit for U.S. arms that were traded for Iranian-held hostages, something Reagan previously had denied. “There are reasons why it happened, but no excuses,” Reagan said. “It was a mistake. I undertook the original Iran initiative in order to develop relations with those who might assume leadership in a post-Khomeini government.” As with Kennedy, the public who genuinely liked Reagan accepted his apology and a potential impeachment was averted. His popularity also returned, scoring him a 64% approval by the time he left office two years later.

John F Kennedy:
John Kennedy’s acceptance of his role in the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion in April 1961 when Donald was nearly 15. The CIA-run operation, begun under the Eisenhower Administration, resulted in the capture of over 1,200 insurgents and ultimately the strengthening of the nascent Castro regime. Kennedy blamed himself for approving the operation and in public held himself solely accountable. "There's an old saying that victory has a hundred fathers and defeat is an orphan ... Further statements, detailed discussions, are not to conceal responsibility because I'm the responsible officer of the Government.” The public liked what they saw from the young president and gave him a pass. Later Kennedy joked that if he had known how his poll numbers would have soared – into the 80s – he might have called for the invasion to occur sooner.

Barak Obama:
President Obama, by his own admission, failed badly during the rollout of Obamacare in fall 2013, more grievously due to the failures of HealthCare.gov. But he took responsibility and fixed it, launching an unprecedented number of outside programmers and tech specialists to overhaul the site and get it in working order. "I take full responsibility for making sure it gets fixed ASAP,” Obama said at the time. And so he did.

Here are a few other things Obama took responsibility for while in office:

Donald Trump:

Can anyone provide some examples?
They have sold their soul, 100%, to this guy. There is zero (0) space between them now. They're all one.
It's not Trump, it's pushback against the left. It's tired of the radical CHANGE EVERYTHINGthe left was doing.

IE... Just this one flag removed. All we want. That set off domino's of NOW CHANGE THIS.

it's getting into arguments on where people pee
It's globalization vs nationalism.

People seem to focus on Trump maybe because they are incapable of seeing the bigger picture.
Not credit for - he does that all the time, but RESPONSIBILITY for something?

Ronald Reagan:
Ronald Reagan’s acceptance of responsibility in the Iran-Contra Affair in April 1987 when Trump was about to turn 40. Reagan took to the airwaves and revealed his role in the deal that used Nicaragua as the conduit for U.S. arms that were traded for Iranian-held hostages, something Reagan previously had denied. “There are reasons why it happened, but no excuses,” Reagan said. “It was a mistake. I undertook the original Iran initiative in order to develop relations with those who might assume leadership in a post-Khomeini government.” As with Kennedy, the public who genuinely liked Reagan accepted his apology and a potential impeachment was averted. His popularity also returned, scoring him a 64% approval by the time he left office two years later.

John F Kennedy:
John Kennedy’s acceptance of his role in the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion in April 1961 when Donald was nearly 15. The CIA-run operation, begun under the Eisenhower Administration, resulted in the capture of over 1,200 insurgents and ultimately the strengthening of the nascent Castro regime. Kennedy blamed himself for approving the operation and in public held himself solely accountable. "There's an old saying that victory has a hundred fathers and defeat is an orphan ... Further statements, detailed discussions, are not to conceal responsibility because I'm the responsible officer of the Government.” The public liked what they saw from the young president and gave him a pass. Later Kennedy joked that if he had known how his poll numbers would have soared – into the 80s – he might have called for the invasion to occur sooner.

Barak Obama:
President Obama, by his own admission, failed badly during the rollout of Obamacare in fall 2013, more grievously due to the failures of HealthCare.gov. But he took responsibility and fixed it, launching an unprecedented number of outside programmers and tech specialists to overhaul the site and get it in working order. "I take full responsibility for making sure it gets fixed ASAP,” Obama said at the time. And so he did.

Here are a few other things Obama took responsibility for while in office:

Donald Trump:

Can anyone provide some examples?
They have sold their soul, 100%, to this guy. There is zero (0) space between them now. They're all one.
It's not Trump, it's pushback against the left. It's tired of the radical CHANGE EVERYTHINGthe left was doing.

IE... Just this one flag removed. All we want. That set off domino's of NOW CHANGE THIS.

it's getting into arguments on where people pee
It's globalization vs nationalism.

People seem to focus on Trump maybe because they are incapable of seeing the bigger picture.
I actually think Trump is just a symptom. He just happens to be the object of this bizarre devotion, but there is a much bigger story here.
Not credit for - he does that all the time, but RESPONSIBILITY for something?

Ronald Reagan:
Ronald Reagan’s acceptance of responsibility in the Iran-Contra Affair in April 1987 when Trump was about to turn 40. Reagan took to the airwaves and revealed his role in the deal that used Nicaragua as the conduit for U.S. arms that were traded for Iranian-held hostages, something Reagan previously had denied. “There are reasons why it happened, but no excuses,” Reagan said. “It was a mistake. I undertook the original Iran initiative in order to develop relations with those who might assume leadership in a post-Khomeini government.” As with Kennedy, the public who genuinely liked Reagan accepted his apology and a potential impeachment was averted. His popularity also returned, scoring him a 64% approval by the time he left office two years later.

John F Kennedy:
John Kennedy’s acceptance of his role in the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion in April 1961 when Donald was nearly 15. The CIA-run operation, begun under the Eisenhower Administration, resulted in the capture of over 1,200 insurgents and ultimately the strengthening of the nascent Castro regime. Kennedy blamed himself for approving the operation and in public held himself solely accountable. "There's an old saying that victory has a hundred fathers and defeat is an orphan ... Further statements, detailed discussions, are not to conceal responsibility because I'm the responsible officer of the Government.” The public liked what they saw from the young president and gave him a pass. Later Kennedy joked that if he had known how his poll numbers would have soared – into the 80s – he might have called for the invasion to occur sooner.

Barak Obama:
President Obama, by his own admission, failed badly during the rollout of Obamacare in fall 2013, more grievously due to the failures of HealthCare.gov. But he took responsibility and fixed it, launching an unprecedented number of outside programmers and tech specialists to overhaul the site and get it in working order. "I take full responsibility for making sure it gets fixed ASAP,” Obama said at the time. And so he did.

Here are a few other things Obama took responsibility for while in office:

Donald Trump:

Can anyone provide some examples?
They have sold their soul, 100%, to this guy. There is zero (0) space between them now. They're all one.
It's not Trump, it's pushback against the left. It's tired of the radical CHANGE EVERYTHINGthe left was doing.

IE... Just this one flag removed. All we want. That set off domino's of NOW CHANGE THIS.

it's getting into arguments on where people pee
It's globalization vs nationalism.

People seem to focus on Trump maybe because they are incapable of seeing the bigger picture.
I actually think Trump is just a symptom. He just happens to be the object of this bizarre devotion, but there is a much bigger story here.
And Obama wasn't?

Every extreme action carries an opposite extreme.

You can cry out one side wasn't extreme but it's refusing to see things honestly to me.

Trump is a response to Obama. Whatever people feel about Trump just as many felt about Obama. Saying people have no right to bitch at one side cause it's wrong are usually the same ones bitching at the OTHER side.

Its just as stupid.
Which is worse -- Trump or Trump Derangement Syndrome?

As somebody who did not vote for Trump in 2016, I would say Trump Derangement Syndrome by a long shot. All I see are masses of disgruntled and disloyal Americans who produce nothing, stand for nothing and are worth nothing all channeling all their hatred unto a single individual. It isn't healthy.

Rational people are able to give credit as well as criticize, but those afflicted by Trump derangement syndrome are not rational people. They are just spoiled children. Until such a time as these individuals become adult enough to give credit as well as assign blame, all demands that he accept responsibility should be taken with a grain of salt -- ESPECIALLY since these demands are placed for matters beyond his control.

I find Trump to be arrogant and capricious at times, but the level of absolute hatred leveled against him by these authoritarian leftist hacks is really beyond the pale. It really says more about them than it does him.
They have sold their soul, 100%, to this guy. There is zero (0) space between them now. They're all one.

As the absolutely insane and hypocritical nature of the hatred against him amps ever upward, so does the defense of him. You cannot really consider one without considering the other.

I have long known you to be rather more independent than this, Mac. Your "they're all one" comment can just as easily be applied to those you are agreeing with, here.

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