Has Trump ever taken responsibility?

Not credit for - he does that all the time, but RESPONSIBILITY for something?

Ronald Reagan:
Ronald Reagan’s acceptance of responsibility in the Iran-Contra Affair in April 1987 when Trump was about to turn 40. Reagan took to the airwaves and revealed his role in the deal that used Nicaragua as the conduit for U.S. arms that were traded for Iranian-held hostages, something Reagan previously had denied. “There are reasons why it happened, but no excuses,” Reagan said. “It was a mistake. I undertook the original Iran initiative in order to develop relations with those who might assume leadership in a post-Khomeini government.” As with Kennedy, the public who genuinely liked Reagan accepted his apology and a potential impeachment was averted. His popularity also returned, scoring him a 64% approval by the time he left office two years later.

John F Kennedy:
John Kennedy’s acceptance of his role in the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion in April 1961 when Donald was nearly 15. The CIA-run operation, begun under the Eisenhower Administration, resulted in the capture of over 1,200 insurgents and ultimately the strengthening of the nascent Castro regime. Kennedy blamed himself for approving the operation and in public held himself solely accountable. "There's an old saying that victory has a hundred fathers and defeat is an orphan ... Further statements, detailed discussions, are not to conceal responsibility because I'm the responsible officer of the Government.” The public liked what they saw from the young president and gave him a pass. Later Kennedy joked that if he had known how his poll numbers would have soared – into the 80s – he might have called for the invasion to occur sooner.

Barak Obama:
President Obama, by his own admission, failed badly during the rollout of Obamacare in fall 2013, more grievously due to the failures of HealthCare.gov. But he took responsibility and fixed it, launching an unprecedented number of outside programmers and tech specialists to overhaul the site and get it in working order. "I take full responsibility for making sure it gets fixed ASAP,” Obama said at the time. And so he did.

Here are a few other things Obama took responsibility for while in office:

Donald Trump:

Can anyone provide some examples?
Name me a politician who ever claimed responsibility for anything that wasn't positive.
HINT: You can definitely omit Bill Clinton.

Read the OP.
It's kind of difficult for people to not admit an overt misdeed.
What did Trump do wrong?
Did he sell Iran weapons (Reagan), rape and murder someone (JFK) or allow a city to be burnt to the ground (Obama)?

Well, the problem is - your claims aren't exactly accurate.

So you don't think Trump has ever done anything wrong?
My claims are quote accurate and I was plenty old enough to experience the interviews of the 18 women who claimed Bill raped them and to see Obama overtly allow Ferguson to be burnt to the ground.
The problem with you is that over 99% of your posts contain warped versions of reality and everyone here knows that.

Boy, you gone run out of nickels for Pogo's Law at this rate.

Once AGAIN the topic is RUMP, not O'bama.
Oh, you mean how obummer paid money to close national parks that are open 24/7 when he didn't get his way on a budget?

That's infantile behavior. Not one of you twits called him out on it.

Oh, look so you CAN give examples. Good one right. Agree. If that was the reason, that is pretty immature. Now, if I had the rest of today and all of tomorrow I could list The Orange Buffoon's bratty behaviour. However, if you go to his twitter feed you will see daily instances of said behaviour...

Feel free to name one action he took to PURPOSEFULLY deny WWII veterans the one chance in their lives to see THEIR memorial. You fucking asshole. THAT is what obummer, the whiney assed asshole did. Give us an example of trump doing anything similar you fucking partisan piece of shit.

On the Daschle & Richardon cabinet nominations:

"I'm frustrated with myself, with our team. "

Obama: 'I screwed up' in Daschle withdrawal

He stated - he screwed up. That's taking responsibility.

Here's what you left out:
President Barack Obama on Tuesday abruptly abandoned his nomination fight for Tom Daschle and a second major appointee who failed to pay all their taxes, telling NBC News: "I screwed up."

"I’ve got to own up to my mistake. Ultimately, it's important for this administration to send a message that there aren't two sets of rules — you know, one for prominent people and one for ordinary folks who have to pay their taxes," Obama said on NBC’s "Nightly News with Brian Williams."

On the BP oil spill:

"President Obama may have decried finger-pointing today, but he also did a fair amount of it himself. Not only at the three companies, but at previous administrations.

Here's what he said today when he turned the finger at the federal government:

"For too long, for a decade or more, there has been a cozy relationship between the oil companies and the federal agency that permits them to drill. It seems as if permits were too often issued based on little more than assurances of safety from the oil companies."

Angry Obama Seeks to Deflect Blame for Gulf Oil Spill Crisis

Good example - point taken on that one.

On the 2010 Democrats loss of the Senate:

"Obama said the relentless pursuit of his domestic policies — and a failure to adequately explain their virtues — had left Americans with a “feeling of remoteness and detachment” from the flurry of government actions in Washington. "

Obama blames Senate loss on failure to communicate fully with Americans

He took responsibility there. Not sure why you are using that as an example.

"Over the last two years, we've made progress but clearly too many Americans haven't felt that progress yet. They told us that yesterday," he said. "As president, I take responsibility for that."

President Obama today said he would take "direct responsibility" for his party's devastating losses in Tuesday's midterm elections.

"It underscores for me that I've got to do a better job," he told a news conference from the East Room at the White House.

Not addressing each of them, because it's not really about Obama but there are several clear examples of him taking responsibility.

Can you provide the same for Trump?
Not credit for - he does that all the time, but RESPONSIBILITY for something?

Ronald Reagan:
Ronald Reagan’s acceptance of responsibility in the Iran-Contra Affair in April 1987 when Trump was about to turn 40. Reagan took to the airwaves and revealed his role in the deal that used Nicaragua as the conduit for U.S. arms that were traded for Iranian-held hostages, something Reagan previously had denied. “There are reasons why it happened, but no excuses,” Reagan said. “It was a mistake. I undertook the original Iran initiative in order to develop relations with those who might assume leadership in a post-Khomeini government.” As with Kennedy, the public who genuinely liked Reagan accepted his apology and a potential impeachment was averted. His popularity also returned, scoring him a 64% approval by the time he left office two years later.

John F Kennedy:
John Kennedy’s acceptance of his role in the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion in April 1961 when Donald was nearly 15. The CIA-run operation, begun under the Eisenhower Administration, resulted in the capture of over 1,200 insurgents and ultimately the strengthening of the nascent Castro regime. Kennedy blamed himself for approving the operation and in public held himself solely accountable. "There's an old saying that victory has a hundred fathers and defeat is an orphan ... Further statements, detailed discussions, are not to conceal responsibility because I'm the responsible officer of the Government.” The public liked what they saw from the young president and gave him a pass. Later Kennedy joked that if he had known how his poll numbers would have soared – into the 80s – he might have called for the invasion to occur sooner.

Barak Obama:
President Obama, by his own admission, failed badly during the rollout of Obamacare in fall 2013, more grievously due to the failures of HealthCare.gov. But he took responsibility and fixed it, launching an unprecedented number of outside programmers and tech specialists to overhaul the site and get it in working order. "I take full responsibility for making sure it gets fixed ASAP,” Obama said at the time. And so he did.

Here are a few other things Obama took responsibility for while in office:

Donald Trump:

Can anyone provide some examples?
Name me a politician who ever claimed responsibility for anything that wasn't positive.
HINT: You can definitely omit Bill Clinton.

Read the OP.
It's kind of difficult for people to not admit an overt misdeed.
What did Trump do wrong?
Did he sell Iran weapons (Reagan), rape and murder someone (JFK) or allow a city to be burnt to the ground (Obama)?

Well, the problem is - your claims aren't exactly accurate.

So you don't think Trump has ever done anything wrong?
My claims are quote accurate and I was plenty old enough to experience the interviews of the 18 women who claimed Bill raped them and to see Obama overtly allow Ferguson to be burnt to the ground.
The problem with you is that over 99% of your posts contain warped versions of reality and everyone here knows that.

We will have to agree to disagree then. I don't want to derail this thread into those discussions.
What exactly is it you believe he should have taken responsibility for? Outside of the current COVID-19 siuation things have gone pretty well during his Presidency I'm not downplaying or going to minimize the impact of COVID-19 on the nation but I would say Trump has responded about as well as any President Democrat or Republican could have under the circumstances. We hear sniping from both the left and right about how a President they don't like handles a situation but we rarely hear any bettter alternatives from them.

Well for a start, just a recent example... how about the simple fact of his own words, on TV?

>> But the most charged moment of the press conference was when Yamiche Alcindor, the White House correspondent for PBS Newshour and a former reporter for The New York Times, asked the president why he had recently said that some state governors might not need as much medical equipment as they had requested from the federal government to fight the frighteningly rapid spread of COVID-19. (On Sean Hannity's Fox News Channel show last Thursday, Trump said: "I don't believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators," an apparent reference to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's recent claim that the state needed 30,000 ventilators.)​
Referring to Trump's remarks on that show, Alcindor addressed the president and said, "You've said repeatedly that you think that some of the equipment that governors are requesting, they don't actually need. You said New York might not need 30,000 — "​
"I did not say that. I didn't say that," Trump responded.​
"You said it on Sean Hannity's Fox News, you said that you might — " Alcindor said.​
"Come on, come on," said Trump said, cutting her off again. "You know, why don't you people act — why don't you act in a little more positive — it's always trying to getcha, getcha." << --- link
"I did not say that"
"I never went bankrupt"
"I wasn't mocking that reporter"
"I didn't say Tim Apple"
"Would means wouldn't"

Got examples out the wazoo. How many you want?

(I just highlighted "why don't you people act" because it reminds me so much of when Rump was being sued for not renting to black people and he said to one of the government investigators, "Come on Elise --- you don't want to live with them either")
Not credit for - he does that all the time, but RESPONSIBILITY for something?

Ronald Reagan:
Ronald Reagan’s acceptance of responsibility in the Iran-Contra Affair in April 1987 when Trump was about to turn 40. Reagan took to the airwaves and revealed his role in the deal that used Nicaragua as the conduit for U.S. arms that were traded for Iranian-held hostages, something Reagan previously had denied. “There are reasons why it happened, but no excuses,” Reagan said. “It was a mistake. I undertook the original Iran initiative in order to develop relations with those who might assume leadership in a post-Khomeini government.” As with Kennedy, the public who genuinely liked Reagan accepted his apology and a potential impeachment was averted. His popularity also returned, scoring him a 64% approval by the time he left office two years later.

John F Kennedy:
John Kennedy’s acceptance of his role in the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion in April 1961 when Donald was nearly 15. The CIA-run operation, begun under the Eisenhower Administration, resulted in the capture of over 1,200 insurgents and ultimately the strengthening of the nascent Castro regime. Kennedy blamed himself for approving the operation and in public held himself solely accountable. "There's an old saying that victory has a hundred fathers and defeat is an orphan ... Further statements, detailed discussions, are not to conceal responsibility because I'm the responsible officer of the Government.” The public liked what they saw from the young president and gave him a pass. Later Kennedy joked that if he had known how his poll numbers would have soared – into the 80s – he might have called for the invasion to occur sooner.

Barak Obama:
President Obama, by his own admission, failed badly during the rollout of Obamacare in fall 2013, more grievously due to the failures of HealthCare.gov. But he took responsibility and fixed it, launching an unprecedented number of outside programmers and tech specialists to overhaul the site and get it in working order. "I take full responsibility for making sure it gets fixed ASAP,” Obama said at the time. And so he did.

Here are a few other things Obama took responsibility for while in office:

Donald Trump:

Can anyone provide some examples?
Obama never took blame. He either lied about it, blamed Bush, blamed the clingers, or told us. This not who we are. Lol, obama never said he was wrong. He also had a media to kiss his ass, to cover for him.
Not credit for - he does that all the time, but RESPONSIBILITY for something?

Ronald Reagan:
Ronald Reagan’s acceptance of responsibility in the Iran-Contra Affair in April 1987 when Trump was about to turn 40. Reagan took to the airwaves and revealed his role in the deal that used Nicaragua as the conduit for U.S. arms that were traded for Iranian-held hostages, something Reagan previously had denied. “There are reasons why it happened, but no excuses,” Reagan said. “It was a mistake. I undertook the original Iran initiative in order to develop relations with those who might assume leadership in a post-Khomeini government.” As with Kennedy, the public who genuinely liked Reagan accepted his apology and a potential impeachment was averted. His popularity also returned, scoring him a 64% approval by the time he left office two years later.

John F Kennedy:
John Kennedy’s acceptance of his role in the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion in April 1961 when Donald was nearly 15. The CIA-run operation, begun under the Eisenhower Administration, resulted in the capture of over 1,200 insurgents and ultimately the strengthening of the nascent Castro regime. Kennedy blamed himself for approving the operation and in public held himself solely accountable. "There's an old saying that victory has a hundred fathers and defeat is an orphan ... Further statements, detailed discussions, are not to conceal responsibility because I'm the responsible officer of the Government.” The public liked what they saw from the young president and gave him a pass. Later Kennedy joked that if he had known how his poll numbers would have soared – into the 80s – he might have called for the invasion to occur sooner.

Barak Obama:
President Obama, by his own admission, failed badly during the rollout of Obamacare in fall 2013, more grievously due to the failures of HealthCare.gov. But he took responsibility and fixed it, launching an unprecedented number of outside programmers and tech specialists to overhaul the site and get it in working order. "I take full responsibility for making sure it gets fixed ASAP,” Obama said at the time. And so he did.

Here are a few other things Obama took responsibility for while in office:

Donald Trump:

Can anyone provide some examples?
Name me a politician who ever claimed responsibility for anything that wasn't positive.
HINT: You can definitely omit Bill Clinton.

Read the OP.
It's kind of difficult for people to not admit an overt misdeed.
What did Trump do wrong?
Did he sell Iran weapons (Reagan), rape and murder someone (JFK) or allow a city to be burnt to the ground (Obama)?

Well, the problem is - your claims aren't exactly accurate.

So you don't think Trump has ever done anything wrong?
My claims are quote accurate and I was plenty old enough to experience the interviews of the 18 women who claimed Bill raped them and to see Obama overtly allow Ferguson to be burnt to the ground.
The problem with you is that over 99% of your posts contain warped versions of reality and everyone here knows that.
Oh, Ferguson! 12 buildings and two cars is not the "whole city" though.
And I'm still waiting to hear who Kennedy raped and murdered, please.
Oh, you mean how obummer paid money to close national parks that are open 24/7 when he didn't get his way on a budget?

That's infantile behavior. Not one of you twits called him out on it.

Oh, look so you CAN give examples. Good one right. Agree. If that was the reason, that is pretty immature. Now, if I had the rest of today and all of tomorrow I could list The Orange Buffoon's bratty behaviour. However, if you go to his twitter feed you will see daily instances of said behaviour...

Feel free to name one action he took to PURPOSEFULLY deny WWII veterans the one chance in their lives to see THEIR memorial. You fucking asshole. THAT is what obummer, the whiney assed asshole did. Give us an example of trump doing anything similar you fucking partisan piece of shit.

He didn't visit a memorial because it was raining.
What exactly is it you believe he should have taken responsibility for? Outside of the current COVID-19 siuation things have gone pretty well during his Presidency I'm not downplaying or going to minimize the impact of COVID-19 on the nation but I would say Trump has responded about as well as any President Democrat or Republican could have under the circumstances. We hear sniping from both the left and right about how a President they don't like handles a situation but we rarely hear any bettter alternatives from them.
Well, for starters he could admit his thuggish behavior with the Ukranian President.
"The fallout from President Donald Trump's decision to skip a ceremony honoring fallen American World War I soldiers in France on Saturday because of the rain grew amid the images of other world leaders defying inclement weather to memorialize the sacrifices of military heroes as part of the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day. "

I guess it didn't matter since it was honoring WWI soldiers and most of their family members are probably dead and don't vote.
"The fallout from President Donald Trump's decision to skip a ceremony honoring fallen American World War I soldiers in France on Saturday because of the rain grew amid the images of other world leaders defying inclement weather to memorialize the sacrifices of military heroes as part of the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day. "

I guess it didn't matter since it was honoring WWI soldiers and most of their family members are probably dead and don't vote.

It wasn't even the President's decision to not attend...

Don't Be So Quick To Blame Trump's No-Show At WWI Ceremony On The President Himself
Two distinct examples of things that Trump, as president, could have taken responsibility for:

Healthcare - the chaotic way he has dismantled it, without replacing it with anything, leaving people, providers, insurance confused and uncertain about where this is all going or whether they'll have insurance at all. Like the chaotic roll out of ACA (Obama's fault) this chaotic retreat has also been bad.

A botched Navy Seals raid in Yemen which left a Seal and several civilians (Trump blamed the Generals).
What exactly is it you believe he should have taken responsibility for? Outside of the current COVID-19 siuation things have gone pretty well during his Presidency I'm not downplaying or going to minimize the impact of COVID-19 on the nation but I would say Trump has responded about as well as any President Democrat or Republican could have under the circumstances. We hear sniping from both the left and right about how a President they don't like handles a situation but we rarely hear any bettter alternatives from them.

Well for a start, just a recent example... how about the simple fact of his own words, on TV?

>> But the most charged moment of the press conference was when Yamiche Alcindor, the White House correspondent for PBS Newshour and a former reporter for The New York Times, asked the president why he had recently said that some state governors might not need as much medical equipment as they had requested from the federal government to fight the frighteningly rapid spread of COVID-19. (On Sean Hannity's Fox News Channel show last Thursday, Trump said: "I don't believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators," an apparent reference to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's recent claim that the state needed 30,000 ventilators.)​
Referring to Trump's remarks on that show, Alcindor addressed the president and said, "You've said repeatedly that you think that some of the equipment that governors are requesting, they don't actually need. You said New York might not need 30,000 — "​
"I did not say that. I didn't say that," Trump responded.​
"You said it on Sean Hannity's Fox News, you said that you might — " Alcindor said.​
"Come on, come on," said Trump said, cutting her off again. "You know, why don't you people act — why don't you act in a little more positive — it's always trying to getcha, getcha." << --- link
"I did not say that"
"I never went bankrupt"
"I wasn't mocking that reporter"
"I didn't say Tim Apple"
"Would means wouldn't"

Got examples out the wazoo. How many you want?

(I just highlighted "why don't you people act" because it reminds me so much of when Rump was being sued for not renting to black people and he said to one of the government investigators, "Come on Elise --- you don't want to live with them either")
You do realize you could apply examples like those to every politican for the last 100 years Republican and Democrat yet you and the other partisans right and left would only care about them from the ones you don't support predictable as the sunrise.
What exactly is it you believe he should have taken responsibility for? Outside of the current COVID-19 siuation things have gone pretty well during his Presidency I'm not downplaying or going to minimize the impact of COVID-19 on the nation but I would say Trump has responded about as well as any President Democrat or Republican could have under the circumstances. We hear sniping from both the left and right about how a President they don't like handles a situation but we rarely hear any bettter alternatives from them.
Well, for starters he could admit his thuggish behavior with the Ukranian President.
Would that be the Ukranian President who doesn't feel that way?
Feel free to name one action he took to PURPOSEFULLY deny WWII veterans the one chance in their lives to see THEIR memorial. You fucking asshole. THAT is what obummer, the whiney assed asshole did. Give us an example of trump doing anything similar you fucking partisan piece of shit.

Oh, please and you're not a partisan piece of shit? So no I have to give just one example that fits your tiny, minute criteria? I can't reference ALL the other shit the useless bag of wind has or hasn't done?
Obama never took blame. He either lied about it, blamed Bush, blamed the clingers, or told us. This not who we are. Lol, obama never said he was wrong. He also had a media to kiss his ass, to cover for him.

Glad to see yet another right-wing loon answering the OP...sigh...
Feel free to name one action he took to PURPOSEFULLY deny WWII veterans the one chance in their lives to see THEIR memorial. You fucking asshole. THAT is what obummer, the whiney assed asshole did. Give us an example of trump doing anything similar you fucking partisan piece of shit.

Oh, please and you're not a partisan piece of shit? So no I have to give just one example that fits your tiny, minute criteria? I can't reference ALL the other shit the useless bag of wind has or hasn't done?

No. I think Reagan should have been tossed in prison for his dealings with Iran. How about you come up with a single example where Trump intentionally fucked over thousands of veterans out of spite.
Oh, you mean how obummer paid money to close national parks that are open 24/7 when he didn't get his way on a budget?

That's infantile behavior. Not one of you twits called him out on it.

Oh, look so you CAN give examples. Good one right. Agree. If that was the reason, that is pretty immature. Now, if I had the rest of today and all of tomorrow I could list The Orange Buffoon's bratty behaviour. However, if you go to his twitter feed you will see daily instances of said behaviour...

Feel free to name one action he took to PURPOSEFULLY deny WWII veterans the one chance in their lives to see THEIR memorial. You fucking asshole. THAT is what obummer, the whiney assed asshole did. Give us an example of trump doing anything similar you fucking partisan piece of shit.

He didn't visit a memorial because it was raining. View attachment 319731

Are you so retarded you don't see the difference between not visiting a memorial service, and intentionally closing a memorial that is open to the sky 24/7.


That's the best you can do.


On the Daschle & Richardon cabinet nominations:

"I'm frustrated with myself, with our team. "

Obama: 'I screwed up' in Daschle withdrawal

He stated - he screwed up. That's taking responsibility.

Here's what you left out:
President Barack Obama on Tuesday abruptly abandoned his nomination fight for Tom Daschle and a second major appointee who failed to pay all their taxes, telling NBC News: "I screwed up."

"I’ve got to own up to my mistake. Ultimately, it's important for this administration to send a message that there aren't two sets of rules — you know, one for prominent people and one for ordinary folks who have to pay their taxes," Obama said on NBC’s "Nightly News with Brian Williams."

On the BP oil spill:

"President Obama may have decried finger-pointing today, but he also did a fair amount of it himself. Not only at the three companies, but at previous administrations.

Here's what he said today when he turned the finger at the federal government:

"For too long, for a decade or more, there has been a cozy relationship between the oil companies and the federal agency that permits them to drill. It seems as if permits were too often issued based on little more than assurances of safety from the oil companies."

Angry Obama Seeks to Deflect Blame for Gulf Oil Spill Crisis

Good example - point taken on that one.

On the 2010 Democrats loss of the Senate:

"Obama said the relentless pursuit of his domestic policies — and a failure to adequately explain their virtues — had left Americans with a “feeling of remoteness and detachment” from the flurry of government actions in Washington. "

Obama blames Senate loss on failure to communicate fully with Americans

He took responsibility there. Not sure why you are using that as an example.

"Over the last two years, we've made progress but clearly too many Americans haven't felt that progress yet. They told us that yesterday," he said. "As president, I take responsibility for that."

President Obama today said he would take "direct responsibility" for his party's devastating losses in Tuesday's midterm elections.

"It underscores for me that I've got to do a better job," he told a news conference from the East Room at the White House.

Not addressing each of them, because it's not really about Obama but there are several clear examples of him taking responsibility.

Can you provide the same for Trump?

How about all of his cabinet members who were confirmed that owed back taxes? Almost All of them did.
Last edited:
Feel free to name one action he took to PURPOSEFULLY deny WWII veterans the one chance in their lives to see THEIR memorial. You fucking asshole. THAT is what obummer, the whiney assed asshole did. Give us an example of trump doing anything similar you fucking partisan piece of shit.

Oh, please and you're not a partisan piece of shit? So no I have to give just one example that fits your tiny, minute criteria? I can't reference ALL the other shit the useless bag of wind has or hasn't done?

No. I think Reagan should have been tossed in prison for his dealings with Iran. How about you come up with a single example where Trump intentionally fucked over thousands of veterans out of spite.

The government shut down caused TONS of veterans and active duty military to no get their GI Bill money for school on time, and some had to drop out of school for a semester or were forced to buy all their books and stuff out of pocket until they got reimbursed. He could have stopped that. Not to mention the military members that working without pay during the shut down. All over him demanding funding for his wall. He held them hostage.

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