Hate crime=thought crime?

A murder rate ten times that of other industrial democracies,

Oh yeah? Excuse me if I refuse to believe you. If you would have said 10.18279 more than other nations then it would have been more believable. Can you come up with an exact number? The likelyhood of it being an exact perfect 10 times is outrageously unlikely.
Because we are still paying for the consequences.

When the FSR established the Second Amendment, it was with the expectation that proper gentlemen would have guns to put down potential slave revolts.

Today, we live with the insanity of gun culture- A murder rate ten times that of other industrial democracies, militarized police, some areas being unlivable because of the crime.

By golly. You are right. It is ten times or more than some countries.
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Oh yeah? Excuse me if I refuse to believe you. If you would have said 10.18279 more than other nations then it would have been more believable. Can you come up with an exact number? The likelyhood of it being an exact perfect 10 times is outrageously unlikely.

I've provided exact numbers in the past... for what little good it does me.

By golly. You are right. It is ten times or more than some countries.
And why are you surprised.

Now, Guns aren't the only factor. How they approach problems like drugs (treating it as a medical problem instead of a criminal one) and mental illness (they actually have programs unlike America just letting them live on the street.)
We have a high murder rate.

Countries that ban guns have low murder rates.

This isn't complicated.

And it's not just guns.

The gun laws in the UK did not lower their murder rate from what it was before all those laws were passed.

Our murder rate is about the same as it was in 1950 despite the thousands of gun laws we have passed.

CA has the strictest gun laws in the country but they have murder rate 5 times that of NH which has very lax gun laws.

Only simplistic idiots like you think it's only guns.
How did such an vague and subjective catagory as (taa-daa) "HATE" end up as a modifier or category when it can't be proven substantially in a court of law? How? Nobody asked for it, and it makes ZERO sense legally, it's subjective as hell but seems to be a tool to target political opponents or rivals. We have to end this entire "hate crime" broad brush idiocy. End it.
Because the Blacks always play the Victim card. I saw today six black thugs trying to steal a pregnant womans bike. So-Called "Black Leaders" are calling HER racist for not giving it up. I say she is lucky to be alive. Those jungle jumpers KILL.
It's mostly guns.

Uh, calling CA's gun laws strict is kind of like bragging about being the leper with the most fingers.
No it's mostly people

People kill people
People have always killed people
People will always kill people
No it's mostly people

People kill people
People have always killed people
People will always kill people
Yet oddly, they don't kill nearly as many in countries with sensible gun laws.

Funny how that works.

Why? Who defines what "HATE" is? Or isn't? YOU? Hmm,The democrats, people that use it to stop criticism and vilify political opponents? THAT is what is happening! This is absurd. End the hate crime/speech category. End IT NOW.
To the loons misgendering is a hate crime.
Yet oddly, they don't kill nearly as many in countries with sensible gun laws.

Funny how that works.

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It has nothing to do with gun laws and everything to do with culture.

Our murder rate was higher than the UK even before the passed all their draconian gun laws and FYI the UK murder rate never dropped below what it was before they passed all those gun laws.

Gun laws do not lower murder rates.

never have never will.
It has nothing to do with gun laws and everything to do with culture.
Nope. It's the guns. Quit race blaming... when you guys talk about "culture", we all know what you REALLY mean.
Our murder rate was higher than the UK even before the passed all their draconian gun laws and FYI the UK murder rate never dropped below what it was before they passed all those gun laws.
gun laws were pretty strict in the UK before they passed those laws... which is why they had a low murder rate to start with.
How did such an vague and subjective catagory as (taa-daa) "HATE" end up as a modifier or category when it can't be proven substantially in a court of law? How? Nobody asked for it, and it makes ZERO sense legally, it's subjective as hell but seems to be a tool to target political opponents or rivals. We have to end this entire "hate crime" broad brush idiocy. End it.
First of all....a hate crime must be proven.

Second of all...is "intent" a thought crime?
How did such an vague and subjective catagory as (taa-daa) "HATE" end up as a modifier or category when it can't be proven substantially in a court of law? How? Nobody asked for it, and it makes ZERO sense legally, it's subjective as hell but seems to be a tool to target political opponents or rivals. We have to end this entire "hate crime" broad brush idiocy. End it.
The term "hate crime" is misleading. There is no penalty for thoughts or emotions. In US criminal law, there is, in some states, an extra 5 years which a jury can add to a sentence for a violent crime.
Nope. It's the guns. Quit race blaming... when you guys talk about "culture", we all know what you REALLY mean.

gun laws were pretty strict in the UK before they passed those laws... which is why they had a low murder rate to start with.
Nope it's the people. It's always the people.

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