Hate Crimes on Jews and Asians by Blacks Skyrocketing, Democrats Silent

It looks like Democrats have taken over for Charlie Manson and trying to ignite a race war.

Democrats silent?
I didn't see the repigs bellowing from the roof tops. Trump sucked up to th e m big time. Tell him.
Shitforbrains, the attacks on minorities has spiked under the dementia patient who was installed.
Meanwhile ONLY Republicans are calling for action.

Biden, Harris, Pelosi all silently applaud the violence.
You're FOS.
May 18 2021
The House on Tuesday passed a modest measure aimed at combating a surge in hate crimes directed at Asian Americans amid the coronavirus pandemic, its final step before being signed into law.

The bill, which would create a Justice Department position focusing on anti-Asian hate crimes and provide resources to beef up state and local reporting, was backed by every Democratic lawmaker who voted. It now heads to President Joe Biden for his final approval; he has pledged to sign the legislation.

And Rep. Grace Meng (D-N.Y.), the bill’s chief House sponsor, said the bill’s passage would show Congress has "the Asian American community's back" and is "making clear that an attack on the Asian American community is an attack on all of us." Meng had introduced a version of the bill in the last Congress, but it failed to advance in either chamber.

Yeah, the last Trumptard congress killed it.

MORONS? This bill will do nothing to stop the attacks on asians and jews........as the dems insist on releasing violent criminals (especially black as everything the dems do now including releasing criminals is race based) more and more attacks on innocent people will occur. If the dems actually were trying to stop the attacks--they wouldn't be releasing criminals and instead would be insuring that any attacks on anyone, would see the criminals locked up longer...but nope the dems want to release these attackers and would be attackers.
The bill would make penalties stiffer.
Eventually people would get the word of 20 years behind bars just for an attack, isn't worth it.
Well, may not Q NUTS, they're the dumbest of the dumb, who cares they all need to be locked up.
The laws aren't being applied equally........the dems are now saying that the laws of criminality don't apply to black people as they do other races so instead of being prosecuted for crimes and left in prison to rot in prison for a crime, if you are black, you will be more likely released and have your sentence cut based on color quotas instead of your crime. Releasing criminals will result in higher crime.
It looks like Democrats have taken over for Charlie Manson and trying to ignite a race war.

Democrats are doing NOTHING???? They passed an anti-hate crimes against Asians act, for starters.

After 4 years of Trump ignoring hate crimes, and attacking the Chinese for everything, including covid, you've got a LOT of gall to lay the Asian and Jewish hate crimes at the feet of Democrats. Trump fuelled the hate, every day of his administration.

Trump wouldn't even admit hate crimes exist, and Republicans actually voted against the hate crimes bill.

Once again you provide an example of why conservatives are so stupid.
If hate is a crime then why arent all democrats in prison?

Because Democrats aren't the haters. You're the one who is expressing hatred on Democrats. That's how hate works. Hate destroys the haters. That's why everyone is leaving the Republican Party. They're sick of the hate.

Democrats hate everyone that doesn’t buy into their agenda. Period. Try to discuss any political topic with an average Democrat and see what happens once there is a disagreement. They have been sociallly engineered through indoctrination to lash out and assume that anyone that disagrees with them must have some sort of hate running through their veins. That is the way you successfully engineer(indoctrinate) folks to think one way. You dont want them to think any ideological differences through by actually looking into the facts, you want them to make quick assumptions and skip any investigation. God forbid, actually thinking the Democratic policies through, without making assumptions about someone’s motives, may reveal that their teachings have been mistaken all along. They can’t have that.

In summation, Democrats are merely sheep that don’t think things through because they have been taught, since grade school, soon to be pre-school, NOT to do so.
It looks like Democrats have taken over for Charlie Manson and trying to ignite a race war.

Democrats silent?
I didn't see the repigs bellowing from the roof tops. Trump sucked up to th e m big time. Tell him.
Shitforbrains, the attacks on minorities has spiked under the dementia patient who was installed.
Meanwhile ONLY Republicans are calling for action.

Biden, Harris, Pelosi all silently applaud the violence.

IMHO, Mr. Biden, Ms. Harris, and Ms. Pelosi do NOT "applaud" the violence against Asians (mostly) by young people of a certain ethnicity.

But they do not speak out forcibly because they are acutely embarrassed by the senseless violence committed by that group whom they very much like and have promised to help.

I like to believe that the vast majority of ordinary Dems also abhor the violence, but they feel that it would only benefit Republicans (whom they abhor) if they spoke out, so they don't.
Silence is consent.
Democrats hate everyone that doesn’t buy into their agenda. Period. Try to discuss any political topic with an average Democrat and see what happens once there is a disagreement. They have been sociallly engineered through indoctrination to lash out and assume that anyone that disagrees with them must have some sort of hate running through their veins. That is the way you successfully engineer(indoctrinate) folks to think one way. You dont want them to think any ideological differences through by actually looking into the facts, you want them to make quick assumptions and skip any investigation. God forbid, actually thinking the Democratic policies through, without making assumptions about someone’s motives, may reveal that their teachings have been mistaken all along. They can’t have that.

In summation, Democrats are merely sheep that don’t think things through because they have been taught, since grade school, soon to be pre-school, NOT to do so.

What is worse is that PM/DSA Democrat and their complicit FBI making claims that it's "White Supremacist Racism", while Black hate crime far surpasses other racial aspects by their attacks upon Asians, Latino's, and Whites. Time aftere time they are caught, whether it's their 'Knock out Games', or straight out attacks.
What is worse is that PM/DSA Democrat and their complicit FBI making claims that it's "White Supremacist Racism", while Black hate crime far surpasses other racial aspects by their attacks upon Asians, Latino's, and Whites. Time aftere time they are caught, whether it's their 'Knock out Games', or straight out attacks.

Like all commies, Democrats will have to resort to mass murders to maintain order and stay in power. It's the only possible outcome when your entire agenda relies solely on racist hate propaganda and you're trying to pander to a dozen violent hate groups for votes. The wars between the various gangs will be more than the faggot academics who generated them can handle.
Like all commies, Democrats will have to resort to mass murders to maintain order and stay in power. It's the only possible outcome when your entire agenda relies solely on racist hate propaganda and you're trying to pander to a dozen violent hate groups for votes. The wars between the various gangs will be more than the faggot academics who generated them can handle.
We won't have to resort to any murdering.
Trumptards will eventually kill themselves, either by COVID or overdosing on the horse dewormer.
Like all commies, Democrats will have to resort to mass murders to maintain order and stay in power. It's the only possible outcome when your entire agenda relies solely on racist hate propaganda and you're trying to pander to a dozen violent hate groups for votes. The wars between the various gangs will be more than the faggot academics who generated them can handle.

What mass murders are you talking about?

Hitler put any one with an education in concentration camps like clergy, lawyers, doctors, professors.. you know, faggot academics.
The laws aren't being applied equally........the dems are now saying that the laws of criminality don't apply to black people as they do other races so instead of being prosecuted for crimes and left in prison to rot in prison for a crime, if you are black, you will be more likely released and have your sentence cut based on color quotas instead of your crime. Releasing criminals will result in higher crime.

Name the Democrat who said laws don't apply to black people. Are you trying to stir up prejudice and fear?
You won't have to, but that is what democrats have always enjoyed doing.
Sure, if republicans insist on killing themselves, at this point in time, I don't have any sympathy.
The only issue is them killing others, using up the valuable resources of hospitals, doctors, nurses and EMT's because they are stupid.

At least republicans won't spread lice and scabies.
Shitforbrains, the attacks on minorities has spiked under the dementia patient who was installed.
Meanwhile ONLY Republicans are calling for action.

Biden, Harris, Pelosi all silently applaud the violence.

You didn’t even notice any of this was happening when Trump was president. Violence against Jews spike 500% the first year after he was inaugurated and you said nothing. Not one word.

Throughout the Donald Trump presidency, violence against Jews increased in every year. And you didn’t even notice. Donald Trump said it wasn’t even happening and you agreed with him.

Now with a Democrat in the White House you’re noticing that hate crimes climbed under Donald Trump.

Nice of you to wake up after your four year nap.
Shitforbrains, the attacks on minorities has spiked under the dementia patient who was installed.
Meanwhile ONLY Republicans are calling for action.

Biden, Harris, Pelosi all silently applaud the violence.

The data is from 2020.

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