Hate-filled House sues members of Trump administration over 'sham' border-emergency declaration

Should illegal aliens' children to have more rights than taxpayer kids?

  • Get rid of that border and leave Congress spending alone.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Support President Trump who supports fixing the border the right way.

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • Support socialism at all costs.

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  • Do not vote for socialists ever again.

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • No opinion.

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Quote - So you hate everybody here and everyone can eat a worm except you, hm? lol That's your right, bub, but it's not going to be President Trump's wrong, because in the end, he does do the right thing, and he takes advice from accountants and lawyers who are versed in doing the right thing. Quote

Did I say I hate everybody here or did you. Please stop projecting

Trump University recently won a recent case because many believe that it was a sham

Trump doesn't always do the right thing

there are just those who believe that he always does

I am not one of them as all I can do is look at the results
Link please. Show the case number, date of trial, Trump's conviction, and date he enters jail on the count you mentioned.
Federal always over rides state law in most all cases, and especially in an emergency or crisis.
Only what is allowed by law.
Moonie, this Socialist Party Democrat-domineered Congress expect everybody to fall in line with their assorted paranoias, all of which scream out how much they hate this nation, how much they hate its constitution, and how much they hate their own law so that they now can force the Attorney General Release The Mueller Report.
Democrats want to break their own law by forcing the Mueller Report's release

Where did you receive your orders to oppose the Mueller report's release? What are you afraid of?

Why should I be afraid? President Trump has not colluded. And the Democrats have their head up their butts with the nation looking on in horror at the Criminal Democrats in the Communist/socialist wannabe Democrat Party:

Then support the report’s release, snowflake

I don't support the report's release because the Democrats will weaponize any innocent verdict to be an indictment for anything else their ninnyhammer lawyers care to pretend is a felony (again).

Haven't you learned so much as one thing about the extent your lying, cheating Democrat Party went to in order to take the government away from the people's choice, who clearly won the American presidency?

The reason you haven't learned one thing is because you don't feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel like it. You put nothing on hard evidence that there was no wrongdoing on the part of Schiff, who deserves life in prison for his part in falsely framing President Trump with colluding. If we don't put him behind bars as he deserves, your party will continue to undress anybody they don't like passing in the hall.

It's no skin off their backs. The people they got to do their bidding are laughing all the way to the bank for their lawyer services, to deposit $40 million bucks that we the taxpayers were forced to pay for this lie.

Your people knew it was a lie, they weaponized it to look like a lie, and then they stormed around for 2 years doing as much damage to the reputations as they could to put fear of their hatefulness in anybody who needs to have faith in the government.

You heard it here, the pendulum is on collision course with the evil of the Democrat Party.
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Voting for Democrats should end big time by the majority of voters, and especially after all the bullcrap that has happened. No giving in should be the thinking behind the moderates, independents, and the core conservatives. Leave the few crazies behind by voting the nations conservative conscious in an attempt to move forward not backwards, and that should be the new deal and/or thinking after all that has transpired going forward.
You are right: It should, but long before the next election, voters are up against the slickest false scenario machine in the world, the moonbatty Democrat lying society. All day long they :blahblah:! Like Feinstein, Schumer, Pelosi, and Schiff, they think that procuring the end justifies any means necessary, and they con rich people to fund it.

That will happen when the American people see how perilous it is when a Partisan like Hillary Clinton or Nancy Pelosi calls them to call in favors by bringing their arrogant decisions to the public's attention in an acceptable way to mask their socialist-takeover agenda from voters.

The Press is only too happy to posture these losers as winners in return for salacious stories Hillary collects from a cooperative FBI system which she started exploiting when her husband was President, and she teamed up with the War Room to destroy his enemies. She loved the power of making innocent people squirm, and she abhorred making cookies and being a role model for traditional women. She decided unilaterally that the best way to raise a child was letting the village do it and not the two parents who gave the child life. Her role model was Machiavelli and her ideal was to create in people the Bolsheviks' ideal in using apparatchiks to do the mundane task of forcing her will on the population, along with grease and promises for the press to support her socialist agendas.
One of the groups in this country is the main culprits behind it all, and they have used the other groups age old gripes in order to attack without the victim's being able to know exactly who and where the attacks are coming from.
Only what is allowed by law.
Moonie, this Socialist Party Democrat-domineered Congress expect everybody to fall in line with their assorted paranoias, all of which scream out how much they hate this nation, how much they hate its constitution, and how much they hate their own law so that they now can force the Attorney General Release The Mueller Report.
Democrats want to break their own law by forcing the Mueller Report's release

Where did you receive your orders to oppose the Mueller report's release? What are you afraid of?

Why should I be afraid? President Trump has not colluded. And the Democrats have their head up their butts with the nation looking on in horror at the Criminal Democrats in the Communist/socialist wannabe Democrat Party:

Then support the report’s release, snowflake

I don't support the report's release because the Democrats will weaponize any innocent verdict to be an indictment for anything else their ninnyhammer lawyers care to pretend is a felony (again).

Haven't you learned so much as one thing about the extent your lying, cheating Democrat Party went to in order to take the government away from the people's choice, who clearly won the American presidency?

The reason you haven't learned on thing is because you don't feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel like it. You put nothing on hard evidence that there was no wrongdoing on the part of Schiff, who deserves life in prison for his part in falsely framing President Trump with colluding. If we don't put him behind bars as he deserves, your party will continue to undress anybody they don't like passing in the hall.

It's no skin off their backs. The people they got to do their bidding are laughing all the way to the bank for their lawyer services, to deposit $40 million bucks that we the taxpayers were forced to pay for this lie.

Your people knew it was a lie, they weaponized it to look like a lie, and then they stormed around for 2 years doing as much damage to the reputations as they could to put fear of their hatefulness in anybody who needs to have faith in the government.

You heard it here, the pendulum is on collision course with the evil of the Democrat Party.

The report’s getting released. So enjoy, snowflake.
Suing is the weenie's way out
See “Donald Trump’s entire career”
Why are we worried about Trump's past career, when we should only be concerned with the job that he's doing for us right now. The past is the past, but a current president's actions is all this nation should be concerned with. The time to be concerned about a person's past is before he is voted into office. The Demon-crats are making complete fools of themselves going after the president's past. All he has to do is to do his job for the American people as the president, and that's all that can be expected of him.

Attacking this Presidents past at this point is nothing but pure political theater, and group Agenda pushing.
Moonie, this Socialist Party Democrat-domineered Congress expect everybody to fall in line with their assorted paranoias, all of which scream out how much they hate this nation, how much they hate its constitution, and how much they hate their own law so that they now can force the Attorney General Release The Mueller Report.
Democrats want to break their own law by forcing the Mueller Report's release

Where did you receive your orders to oppose the Mueller report's release? What are you afraid of?

Why should I be afraid? President Trump has not colluded. And the Democrats have their head up their butts with the nation looking on in horror at the Criminal Democrats in the Communist/socialist wannabe Democrat Party:

Then support the report’s release, snowflake

I don't support the report's release because the Democrats will weaponize any innocent verdict to be an indictment for anything else their ninnyhammer lawyers care to pretend is a felony (again).

Haven't you learned so much as one thing about the extent your lying, cheating Democrat Party went to in order to take the government away from the people's choice, who clearly won the American presidency?

The reason you haven't learned on thing is because you don't feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel like it. You put nothing on hard evidence that there was no wrongdoing on the part of Schiff, who deserves life in prison for his part in falsely framing President Trump with colluding. If we don't put him behind bars as he deserves, your party will continue to undress anybody they don't like passing in the hall.

It's no skin off their backs. The people they got to do their bidding are laughing all the way to the bank for their lawyer services, to deposit $40 million bucks that we the taxpayers were forced to pay for this lie.

Your people knew it was a lie, they weaponized it to look like a lie, and then they stormed around for 2 years doing as much damage to the reputations as they could to put fear of their hatefulness in anybody who needs to have faith in the government.

You heard it here, the pendulum is on collision course with the evil of the Democrat Party.

The report’s getting released. So enjoy, snowflake.

You'll get what the Attorney General decides that you will get, sweetie. As for your loser partners who are headed for the courts on conspiracy charges to be filed they gonna get they naughty butts whupped: :whip:
Moonie, this Socialist Party Democrat-domineered Congress expect everybody to fall in line with their assorted paranoias, all of which scream out how much they hate this nation, how much they hate its constitution, and how much they hate their own law so that they now can force the Attorney General Release The Mueller Report.
Democrats want to break their own law by forcing the Mueller Report's release

Where did you receive your orders to oppose the Mueller report's release? What are you afraid of?

Why should I be afraid? President Trump has not colluded. And the Democrats have their head up their butts with the nation looking on in horror at the Criminal Democrats in the Communist/socialist wannabe Democrat Party:

Then support the report’s release, snowflake

I don't support the report's release because the Democrats will weaponize any innocent verdict to be an indictment for anything else their ninnyhammer lawyers care to pretend is a felony (again).

Haven't you learned so much as one thing about the extent your lying, cheating Democrat Party went to in order to take the government away from the people's choice, who clearly won the American presidency?

The reason you haven't learned on thing is because you don't feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel like it. You put nothing on hard evidence that there was no wrongdoing on the part of Schiff, who deserves life in prison for his part in falsely framing President Trump with colluding. If we don't put him behind bars as he deserves, your party will continue to undress anybody they don't like passing in the hall.

It's no skin off their backs. The people they got to do their bidding are laughing all the way to the bank for their lawyer services, to deposit $40 million bucks that we the taxpayers were forced to pay for this lie.

Your people knew it was a lie, they weaponized it to look like a lie, and then they stormed around for 2 years doing as much damage to the reputations as they could to put fear of their hatefulness in anybody who needs to have faith in the government.

You heard it here, the pendulum is on collision course with the evil of the Democrat Party.

The report’s getting released. So enjoy, snowflake.

Don't cry when it doesn't take Trump down.
Where did you receive your orders to oppose the Mueller report's release? What are you afraid of?
Why should I be afraid? President Trump has not colluded. And the Democrats have their head up their butts with the nation looking on in horror at the Criminal Democrats in the Communist/socialist wannabe Democrat Party:

Then support the report’s release, snowflake

I don't support the report's release because the Democrats will weaponize any innocent verdict to be an indictment for anything else their ninnyhammer lawyers care to pretend is a felony (again).

Haven't you learned so much as one thing about the extent your lying, cheating Democrat Party went to in order to take the government away from the people's choice, who clearly won the American presidency?

The reason you haven't learned on thing is because you don't feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel like it. You put nothing on hard evidence that there was no wrongdoing on the part of Schiff, who deserves life in prison for his part in falsely framing President Trump with colluding. If we don't put him behind bars as he deserves, your party will continue to undress anybody they don't like passing in the hall.

It's no skin off their backs. The people they got to do their bidding are laughing all the way to the bank for their lawyer services, to deposit $40 million bucks that we the taxpayers were forced to pay for this lie.

Your people knew it was a lie, they weaponized it to look like a lie, and then they stormed around for 2 years doing as much damage to the reputations as they could to put fear of their hatefulness in anybody who needs to have faith in the government.

You heard it here, the pendulum is on collision course with the evil of the Democrat Party.

The report’s getting released. So enjoy, snowflake.

Don't cry when it doesn't take Trump down.

Invest in paper products. Like tissues 'n stuff. Fog-free glasses lenses would be good investments, too.
State laws are state laws and the feds will not override or change them.
Federal always over rides state law in most all cases, and especially in an emergency or crisis.
Only what is allowed by law.
Moonie, this Socialist Party Democrat-domineered Congress expect everybody to fall in line with their assorted paranoias, all of which scream out how much they hate this nation, how much they hate its constitution, and how much they hate their own law so that they now can force the Attorney General Release The Mueller Report.
Democrats want to break their own law by forcing the Mueller Report's release

Just follow the groups/money to see who is behind it all.... This nation should be fed up finally with the bullcrap.
Quote - So you hate everybody here and everyone can eat a worm except you, hm? lol That's your right, bub, but it's not going to be President Trump's wrong, because in the end, he does do the right thing, and he takes advice from accountants and lawyers who are versed in doing the right thing. Quote

Did I say I hate everybody here or did you. Please stop projecting

Trump University recently won a recent case because many believe that it was a sham

Trump doesn't always do the right thing

there are just those who believe that he always does

I am not one of them as all I can do is look at the results
Link please. Show the case number, date of trial, Trump's conviction, and date he enters jail on the count you mentioned.

He was sued and there was a settlement. He paid up. There was no conviction or jail time in this case

it just shows that people were lied too and lost money on a scam that he put his name on
“Should illegal aliens' children to have more rights than taxpayer kids?”

FFS – conservatives are as ignorant as they are bigoted and hateful.

There’s no such thing as ‘more rights.’

Given this level of stupidity it’s no wonder the likes of Trump got elected.
Nancy Pelosi has gone mad. They got caught with their pants down on the Trump-is-a-traitor collusion lie, and now, they are suing Trump's administration over his border emergency. Should we allow Congress to bail on taxpayer children who are shoved aside to teach illegal border-crossing children as state laws require which demand equal results at the end of the sixth grade when crossing children get here in the 4th grade? Why did we elect a socialist Congress who is so myopic to border states? It doesn't make good sense.

House sues members of Trump administration over 'sham' border-emergency declaration

How are we going to fix our schools on the border? What say you?
The only hate is coming from the right – this thread is further proof of that.

Trump's ‘emergency’ declaration is in fact a sham – baseless and devoid of merit.

And the lawsuit is perfectly warranted and appropriate given Trump’s contempt for the Constitution and separation of powers doctrine.

‘“Having lost the political fight over funds to construct the wall, the Administration took the extraordinary step of announcing that it would nevertheless spend up to $8.1 billion on wall construction. In doing so, the Administration flouted fundamental separation-of-powers principles and usurped for itself legislative power specifically vested by the Constitution in Congress,” the lawsuit reads. “Even the monarchs of England long ago lost the power to raise and spend money without the approval of Parliament.”’

House Files Lawsuit Against Trump Administration Over Border Wall Funding
Nancy Pelosi has gone mad. They got caught with their pants down on the Trump-is-a-traitor collusion lie, and now, they are suing Trump's administration over his border emergency. Should we allow Congress to bail on taxpayer children who are shoved aside to teach illegal border-crossing children as state laws require which demand equal results at the end of the sixth grade when crossing children get here in the 4th grade? Why did we elect a socialist Congress who is so myopic to border states? It doesn't make good sense.

House sues members of Trump administration over 'sham' border-emergency declaration

How are we going to fix our schools on the border? What say you?
The only hate is coming from the right – this thread is further proof of that.

Trump's ‘emergency’ declaration is in fact a sham – baseless and devoid of merit.

And the lawsuit is perfectly warranted and appropriate given Trump’s contempt for the Constitution and separation of powers doctrine.

‘“Having lost the political fight over funds to construct the wall, the Administration took the extraordinary step of announcing that it would nevertheless spend up to $8.1 billion on wall construction. In doing so, the Administration flouted fundamental separation-of-powers principles and usurped for itself legislative power specifically vested by the Constitution in Congress,” the lawsuit reads. “Even the monarchs of England long ago lost the power to raise and spend money without the approval of Parliament.”’

House Files Lawsuit Against Trump Administration Over Border Wall Funding
The emergency is real, so you are the ignorant one here.

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