Hate Mosque mocks the poor

Learn to read you fucking cretin.

Mumin Khan, co-founder and CEO of the Abdullah Quilliam Society, said: “What is important about this mosque is that it started with charity. Abdullah Quilliam opened this mosque in 1899 and he started feeding the neighbourhood’s poor people.
Good for them. So what though. Are they publicly denouncing terrorism and extremism? If they are not, then in my book, their charity work is little more than a smoke screen.
Their actions speak louder than words.

It really upsets you that they dont conform to your narrow stereotype doesnt it ?
No it does not. I couldn't care any less what religion they subscribe to. As they subscribe to Islam, I would expect them to openly denounce those who are using the religion to kill innocent people. Does that upset you? Do you even know if they do or do not denounce such actions? More to the point, do you care? Do you care if they agree with the extremists using the religion as a reason to commit genocide? Or are you just fine with it, as long as they feed a few poor people?
Your whole post is nonsense. Many terrorist acts have been committed by Christians and I have never felt a personal need to condemn any of them. Why ? It was nothing to do with me.

As it happens Muslims in the UK have been very vocal in condemning atrocities. And so have Muslims in the US and around the world.

Muslims condemn Ohio attack

This is a good link.

Muslims Condemning Things

Arab and Muslim leaders condemn 'vile terrorist attack' in Nice

25,000 Muslims just came together to condemn extremism

Muslims Speak Out Against Terrorist Attacks in Paris

Its easy to find these links if you actually have an interest in doing so.
Nonsense? It's nonsense to inquire as to whether or not a group has denounced horrible acts in the name of the larger group they are a part of? What planet do you live on? It's great that they are doing charitable work, I applaud that. I merely was inquiring about a larger issue and their stance on it. If you do not know, then say it. Don't come at me with some crap about other groups.That's the nonsense. It has nothing to do with this one mosque.
Now, do you know, or even care, what their stance is on extremism, and terrorism? Or is it just not a factor for you? I take a much broader view of things than to simply say, "oh, well they feed the poor, they must be good." That's nonsense. That's putting your blinders on and running down the highway. It's not only nonsense, it's dangerous.
a fine experiment. Stand around a muslim neighborhood on Friday-----lingering around the mosques with a COLLECTION BOX---for AID TO THE STARVING PEOPLE HAITI. Make sure you have your crucifix necklace on-------or you could do AID FOR THE ORPHANS OF NEPAL
Muzzies have a long ways to go to catch the Christians in charity

Both religions, as well as Judaism are very big on charity. Charity is a cornerstone in all those faiths.

remadan is time TO GIVE charity-----when I go shopping in the area where the south east Asians are-------tattered women sit on the side walk and beg. Try this-----get dressed tattered, put a cross necklace on, and hold a sign informing the people passing of your
six hungry kids-----find a mosque in front of which to sit..........let me know how much you collect
Learn to read you fucking cretin.

Mumin Khan, co-founder and CEO of the Abdullah Quilliam Society, said: “What is important about this mosque is that it started with charity. Abdullah Quilliam opened this mosque in 1899 and he started feeding the neighbourhood’s poor people.
Good for them. So what though. Are they publicly denouncing terrorism and extremism? If they are not, then in my book, their charity work is little more than a smoke screen.

Why do they need to? Don't you think it's more important that they focus on their mission? Isn't that what really matters?
In the narrow scheme of things, yes, that is what matters. In the larger picture, it really does not. Would it make any difference to you if you found out that the Nazi's did a lot of charitable work during Hitler's reign? Would that change anything for you? Would that make the death camps any less horrific to you? Or is it simply that you would overlook the bad things the group did, because a few did some good?

Except that comparison Islam to the Nazi's is a false comparison. Islam is a world wide religion - who's practices vary around the world. It's stated tenents include charity, compassion, justice and peace and are broadly practiced by the faith. The fact that there are extremists who are anything but doesn't change that. The Nazi's were never anything other than a narrow racist/nationalist ideology. Their ideology had no tenents beyond racial/nationalistic eugenics.
The christian religion is much larger, and dominant in more countries. I think we hear a lot more about it because we're focused on our own culture and religion. We pay little attention to others. Do you honestly look to see what they do for outreach?

Here is an interesting article, on a conference where they are discussing that very thing - charities working with people of other faiths: Religious charities debate how to work with people of other faiths - Christian Aid

I just looked through the book that the city gives out to people in need. I don't see any Muslim organizations listed. Maybe they do it behind the scenes but they are not listed and I've never seen them at what we call feedings. On Saturdays our parish allows anyone to use the parking lot to set up and on the norm there are between 10-15 organizations there, never a Muslim one in the seven years I've been involved.

I don't know how those things work - for example how the city decides what to include. It also might depend on populations.

Could be, I don't know how they determine who is included. I know they contact us now and then to get counts on the numbers we are feeding and helping. Invariably it's about the same time they are applying for grants

I did look up Dearborn MI, which has a significant muslim population - just "charities" and under "religion" they listed some Muslim ones: Volunteer, Review, Donate to Religion Nonprofits, Charities in Dearborn, MI

I'm just going on what I've seen. If there are Muslim organizations doing the work more power to them. It's an endless battle helping the less fortunate

I agree - I have enormous respect for the churches and organizations out there trying to make a difference :)
Learn to read you fucking cretin.

Mumin Khan, co-founder and CEO of the Abdullah Quilliam Society, said: “What is important about this mosque is that it started with charity. Abdullah Quilliam opened this mosque in 1899 and he started feeding the neighbourhood’s poor people.
Good for them. So what though. Are they publicly denouncing terrorism and extremism? If they are not, then in my book, their charity work is little more than a smoke screen.
Their actions speak louder than words.

It really upsets you that they dont conform to your narrow stereotype doesnt it ?
No it does not. I couldn't care any less what religion they subscribe to. As they subscribe to Islam, I would expect them to openly denounce those who are using the religion to kill innocent people. Does that upset you? Do you even know if they do or do not denounce such actions? More to the point, do you care? Do you care if they agree with the extremists using the religion as a reason to commit genocide? Or are you just fine with it, as long as they feed a few poor people?
Your whole post is nonsense. Many terrorist acts have been committed by Christians and I have never felt a personal need to condemn any of them. Why ? It was nothing to do with me.

As it happens Muslims in the UK have been very vocal in condemning atrocities. And so have Muslims in the US and around the world.

Muslims condemn Ohio attack

This is a good link.

Muslims Condemning Things

Arab and Muslim leaders condemn 'vile terrorist attack' in Nice

25,000 Muslims just came together to condemn extremism

Muslims Speak Out Against Terrorist Attacks in Paris

Its easy to find these links if you actually have an interest in doing so.
Nonsense? It's nonsense to inquire as to whether or not a group has denounced horrible acts in the name of the larger group they are a part of? What planet do you live on? It's great that they are doing charitable work, I applaud that. I merely was inquiring about a larger issue and their stance on it. If you do not know, then say it. Don't come at me with some crap about other groups.That's the nonsense. It has nothing to do with this one mosque.
Now, do you know, or even care, what their stance is on extremism, and terrorism? Or is it just not a factor for you? I take a much broader view of things than to simply say, "oh, well they feed the poor, they must be good." That's nonsense. That's putting your blinders on and running down the highway. It's not only nonsense, it's dangerous.
Well you make the link between these Scousers who are helping the poor in a pretty shitty area of Liverpool and the crazy who drove the truck in Nice.

I cant see it myself.
Reds and Blues team up with England's oldest mosque to help city food banks

Takes your breath away.

This Mosque which has been there since 1899 is now collecting food for the poor in the area. Even worse they have united the fans of Everton and Liverpool .

Cynical bastards. Why are they doing this when they should be busy being offended by Christmas ?

So it took them 117 years and the threat of being deported before they integrated. You dont need to say anymore as your link spells it out
Learn to read you fucking cretin.

Mumin Khan, co-founder and CEO of the Abdullah Quilliam Society, said: “What is important about this mosque is that it started with charity. Abdullah Quilliam opened this mosque in 1899 and he started feeding the neighbourhood’s poor people.

Which just so happened to be muslims, as this was a muslim area. The same all over the country when mosques appeared in only muslim areas. You dont see a mosque in any affluent areas do you
Good for them. So what though. Are they publicly denouncing terrorism and extremism? If they are not, then in my book, their charity work is little more than a smoke screen.
Their actions speak louder than words.

It really upsets you that they dont conform to your narrow stereotype doesnt it ?
No it does not. I couldn't care any less what religion they subscribe to. As they subscribe to Islam, I would expect them to openly denounce those who are using the religion to kill innocent people. Does that upset you? Do you even know if they do or do not denounce such actions? More to the point, do you care? Do you care if they agree with the extremists using the religion as a reason to commit genocide? Or are you just fine with it, as long as they feed a few poor people?
Your whole post is nonsense. Many terrorist acts have been committed by Christians and I have never felt a personal need to condemn any of them. Why ? It was nothing to do with me.

As it happens Muslims in the UK have been very vocal in condemning atrocities. And so have Muslims in the US and around the world.

Muslims condemn Ohio attack

This is a good link.

Muslims Condemning Things

Arab and Muslim leaders condemn 'vile terrorist attack' in Nice

25,000 Muslims just came together to condemn extremism

Muslims Speak Out Against Terrorist Attacks in Paris

Its easy to find these links if you actually have an interest in doing so.
Nonsense? It's nonsense to inquire as to whether or not a group has denounced horrible acts in the name of the larger group they are a part of? What planet do you live on? It's great that they are doing charitable work, I applaud that. I merely was inquiring about a larger issue and their stance on it. If you do not know, then say it. Don't come at me with some crap about other groups.That's the nonsense. It has nothing to do with this one mosque.
Now, do you know, or even care, what their stance is on extremism, and terrorism? Or is it just not a factor for you? I take a much broader view of things than to simply say, "oh, well they feed the poor, they must be good." That's nonsense. That's putting your blinders on and running down the highway. It's not only nonsense, it's dangerous.
Well you make the link between these Scousers who are helping the poor in a pretty shitty area of Liverpool and the crazy who drove the truck in Nice.

I cant see it myself.

The link is the teachings of islam and mo'mad the mad. You know the koran that commands " KILL THE UNBELIEVERS "
Learn to read you fucking cretin.

Mumin Khan, co-founder and CEO of the Abdullah Quilliam Society, said: “What is important about this mosque is that it started with charity. Abdullah Quilliam opened this mosque in 1899 and he started feeding the neighbourhood’s poor people.
Good for them. So what though. Are they publicly denouncing terrorism and extremism? If they are not, then in my book, their charity work is little more than a smoke screen.

Why do they need to? Don't you think it's more important that they focus on their mission? Isn't that what really matters?
In the narrow scheme of things, yes, that is what matters. In the larger picture, it really does not. Would it make any difference to you if you found out that the Nazi's did a lot of charitable work during Hitler's reign? Would that change anything for you? Would that make the death camps any less horrific to you? Or is it simply that you would overlook the bad things the group did, because a few did some good?

Except that comparison Islam to the Nazi's is a false comparison. Islam is a world wide religion - who's practices vary around the world. It's stated tenents include charity, compassion, justice and peace and are broadly practiced by the faith. The fact that there are extremists who are anything but doesn't change that. The Nazi's were never anything other than a narrow racist/nationalist ideology. Their ideology had no tenents beyond racial/nationalistic eugenics.

Denying the proven links between islam and nazism again. The tenets of the nazis also include charity, compassion, justice and peace so does this make them angels.
Your definition of the nazis is identical to the definition of muslims a narrow racist/nationalist ideology, just read the koran in its abrogated form and see that they have no tenets beyond racial/nationalistic eugenics.

Learn to read you fucking cretin.

Mumin Khan, co-founder and CEO of the Abdullah Quilliam Society, said: “What is important about this mosque is that it started with charity. Abdullah Quilliam opened this mosque in 1899 and he started feeding the neighbourhood’s poor people.

Which just so happened to be muslims, as this was a muslim area. The same all over the country when mosques appeared in only muslim areas. You dont see a mosque in any affluent areas do you
Have you ever been to Kensington ? lol.
Learn to read you fucking cretin.

Mumin Khan, co-founder and CEO of the Abdullah Quilliam Society, said: “What is important about this mosque is that it started with charity. Abdullah Quilliam opened this mosque in 1899 and he started feeding the neighbourhood’s poor people.
Good for them. So what though. Are they publicly denouncing terrorism and extremism? If they are not, then in my book, their charity work is little more than a smoke screen.

Why do they need to? Don't you think it's more important that they focus on their mission? Isn't that what really matters?
In the narrow scheme of things, yes, that is what matters. In the larger picture, it really does not. Would it make any difference to you if you found out that the Nazi's did a lot of charitable work during Hitler's reign? Would that change anything for you? Would that make the death camps any less horrific to you? Or is it simply that you would overlook the bad things the group did, because a few did some good?

Except that comparison Islam to the Nazi's is a false comparison. Islam is a world wide religion - who's practices vary around the world. It's stated tenents include charity, compassion, justice and peace and are broadly practiced by the faith. The fact that there are extremists who are anything but doesn't change that. The Nazi's were never anything other than a narrow racist/nationalist ideology. Their ideology had no tenents beyond racial/nationalistic eugenics.

Denying the proven links between islam and nazism again. The tenets of the nazis also include charity, compassion, justice and peace so does this make them angels.
Your definition of the nazis is identical to the definition of muslims a narrow racist/nationalist ideology, just read the koran in its abrogated form and see that they have no tenets beyond racial/nationalistic eugenics.


I knew that this story would freak you out. Your Muslim friends will be shaking their heads in sorrow.
Learn to read you fucking cretin.

Mumin Khan, co-founder and CEO of the Abdullah Quilliam Society, said: “What is important about this mosque is that it started with charity. Abdullah Quilliam opened this mosque in 1899 and he started feeding the neighbourhood’s poor people.

Which just so happened to be muslims, as this was a muslim area. The same all over the country when mosques appeared in only muslim areas. You dont see a mosque in any affluent areas do you
Have you ever been to Kensington ? lol.

Yes and parts of it are far from affluent, Have you seen the migrant camps set up and threatening the unwary. And how is it it took 116 years to start the integration and not the segregation.
Good for them. So what though. Are they publicly denouncing terrorism and extremism? If they are not, then in my book, their charity work is little more than a smoke screen.

Why do they need to? Don't you think it's more important that they focus on their mission? Isn't that what really matters?
In the narrow scheme of things, yes, that is what matters. In the larger picture, it really does not. Would it make any difference to you if you found out that the Nazi's did a lot of charitable work during Hitler's reign? Would that change anything for you? Would that make the death camps any less horrific to you? Or is it simply that you would overlook the bad things the group did, because a few did some good?

Except that comparison Islam to the Nazi's is a false comparison. Islam is a world wide religion - who's practices vary around the world. It's stated tenents include charity, compassion, justice and peace and are broadly practiced by the faith. The fact that there are extremists who are anything but doesn't change that. The Nazi's were never anything other than a narrow racist/nationalist ideology. Their ideology had no tenents beyond racial/nationalistic eugenics.

Denying the proven links between islam and nazism again. The tenets of the nazis also include charity, compassion, justice and peace so does this make them angels.
Your definition of the nazis is identical to the definition of muslims a narrow racist/nationalist ideology, just read the koran in its abrogated form and see that they have no tenets beyond racial/nationalistic eugenics.


I knew that this story would freak you out. Your Muslim friends will be shaking their heads in sorrow.

I knew the truth would have you defending islamonazi violence, terrorism and child rape. Dont you believe the koran calls on ALL MUSLIMS to " KILL THE UNBELIEVERS " then ?
A religious community with a Mosque that's been around for over 115 years is collecting food for the poor for the first time?

Sure, they provide butcher knives to the poor Muslims in England as well as gasoline, matches, and trip wires.
All mosques are dens of hate.

Yea, but other than that they are OK.

You have to admit, all they have to do is kill off all the infidels and they will all live in peace, just like they do in the Middle East with their Muslim brothers
Yea, but other than that they are OK.

You have to admit, all they have to do is kill off all the infidels and they will all live in peace, just like they do in the Middle East with their Muslim brothers

I almost agreed, but then I recall the sunni-shia wars, the Afghan/Pakistani tribal /ethnic wars...

Ya know...

I'm pretty confident that my perspective is correct. It's a violent cult of slavery, conquest and death.


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