Hate Rising: White supremacy's rise in the U.S.

The one source you sited as support on number of actions, just counted antisemitic actions, with no breakdown between right and left, white supremacists or muslim.

It could just as easily be fueled by a rise in Muslim immigration, or far lefties responding to Trump's moving of the US embassy.

The SPLC, an organization known for counting non-white supremacists as white supremacists, last time I looked had the number of white supremacist in this country AT MOST, at 8,000.

So, the real number is probably much lower.

Page 17 and no one has even tried to post a bigger number.

The claim to a "rise" in White Supremacy has not been supported at all.

None of you lefties, with all your motivation to support this bs, has been able to come up with ANYTHING.

Your word play and use of playground semantics does not change the fact that ACTIONS which support white supremacist beliefs are in fact on the rise.

So stop wasting time by asking for something that will remain an obscure number. For good reason.

Do you actually believe that if a "census" was proposed to physically count the actual numbers of avowed white supremacists that those who fit the description would openly partcipate?

Its more to the advantage of those of you who share those beliefs, to quietly express them.

Amongst each other.

But the obvious increase in anonymous, planned and random acts supporting such beliefs are on the rise and denial does not change that fact.

The actions you sited, are not specific to White Supremacist. Antisemitism is found across political and racial lines. There are plenty of lefty and/or nonwhite antisemities in the nation.

I recognize the difficulty of counting white supremacists.

But counting groups that don't want to be counted is done all the time, such as numbers of gang members.

I've often looked for how many white supremacist there are in the US.

The only number I've found is the SPLC, who is not reliable, at 8k, with no hint of how they got that number.

You're the one claiming it is rising, and you can't support your claim.

I stated that ACTIONS which reflect a white supremacist ideology are on the rise. You are futilely attempting to alter what I stated. Furthermore there are SOME white supremacists who view Jews as non white.

So they are are impacted by those very same actions as well.

Yes, you were clear on that, and I did not say otherwise.

And I pointed out that those actions do not JUST reflect white supremacy ideology.

The increase could just as easily come from antisemitic lefties and/or minorities.

AND furthermore, if you cannot support your claim that white supremacy is on the rise, you should not make it.

ACTIONS are a sign of affiliation. Case in point, if I "empathized" with BLM, and in turn espoused the same beliefs that people like you think they have, that would be adequate ammunition in your eyes to group me with them.

You know that.

Antisemitism is not limited to white supremacists.

What part of this are you not getting?

A rise in antisemitism, is not proof of a rise in white supremacists.
Your word play and use of playground semantics does not change the fact that ACTIONS which support white supremacist beliefs are in fact on the rise.

So stop wasting time by asking for something that will remain an obscure number. For good reason.

Do you actually believe that if a "census" was proposed to physically count the actual numbers of avowed white supremacists that those who fit the description would openly partcipate?

Its more to the advantage of those of you who share those beliefs, to quietly express them.

Amongst each other.

But the obvious increase in anonymous, planned and random acts supporting such beliefs are on the rise and denial does not change that fact.

The actions you sited, are not specific to White Supremacist. Antisemitism is found across political and racial lines. There are plenty of lefty and/or nonwhite antisemities in the nation.

I recognize the difficulty of counting white supremacists.

But counting groups that don't want to be counted is done all the time, such as numbers of gang members.

I've often looked for how many white supremacist there are in the US.

The only number I've found is the SPLC, who is not reliable, at 8k, with no hint of how they got that number.

You're the one claiming it is rising, and you can't support your claim.

I stated that ACTIONS which reflect a white supremacist ideology are on the rise. You are futilely attempting to alter what I stated. Furthermore there are SOME white supremacists who view Jews as non white.

So they are are impacted by those very same actions as well.

Yes, you were clear on that, and I did not say otherwise.

And I pointed out that those actions do not JUST reflect white supremacy ideology.

The increase could just as easily come from antisemitic lefties and/or minorities.

AND furthermore, if you cannot support your claim that white supremacy is on the rise, you should not make it.

ACTIONS are a sign of affiliation. Case in point, if I "empathized" with BLM, and in turn espoused the same beliefs that people like you think they have, that would be adequate ammunition in your eyes to group me with them.

You know that.

Antisemitism is not limited to white supremacists.

What part of this are you not getting?

A rise in antisemitism, is not proof of a rise in white supremacists.

And who are the ones that typically target Jews for their hatred?

"Very Good People"?

It is you that doesn't get it.
The actions you sited, are not specific to White Supremacist. Antisemitism is found across political and racial lines. There are plenty of lefty and/or nonwhite antisemities in the nation.

I recognize the difficulty of counting white supremacists.

But counting groups that don't want to be counted is done all the time, such as numbers of gang members.

I've often looked for how many white supremacist there are in the US.

The only number I've found is the SPLC, who is not reliable, at 8k, with no hint of how they got that number.

You're the one claiming it is rising, and you can't support your claim.

I stated that ACTIONS which reflect a white supremacist ideology are on the rise. You are futilely attempting to alter what I stated. Furthermore there are SOME white supremacists who view Jews as non white.

So they are are impacted by those very same actions as well.

Yes, you were clear on that, and I did not say otherwise.

And I pointed out that those actions do not JUST reflect white supremacy ideology.

The increase could just as easily come from antisemitic lefties and/or minorities.

AND furthermore, if you cannot support your claim that white supremacy is on the rise, you should not make it.

ACTIONS are a sign of affiliation. Case in point, if I "empathized" with BLM, and in turn espoused the same beliefs that people like you think they have, that would be adequate ammunition in your eyes to group me with them.

You know that.

Antisemitism is not limited to white supremacists.

What part of this are you not getting?

A rise in antisemitism, is not proof of a rise in white supremacists.

And who are the ones that typically target Jews for their hatred?

"Very Good People"?

It is you that doesn't get it.

1. Trump specifically stated that he was NOT referring to White Supremacists when he said that. By lying like you just did, you only demonstrate that you are a liar.

2. Plenty of people are antisemitic and target Jews, such as various lefties, blacks, muslims, black muslims, and of course, white supremacists.

3. You are LYING.
Another mirage for fools to chase.....and then complain black people's lot in life never improves
I stated that ACTIONS which reflect a white supremacist ideology are on the rise. You are futilely attempting to alter what I stated. Furthermore there are SOME white supremacists who view Jews as non white.

So they are are impacted by those very same actions as well.

Yes, you were clear on that, and I did not say otherwise.

And I pointed out that those actions do not JUST reflect white supremacy ideology.

The increase could just as easily come from antisemitic lefties and/or minorities.

AND furthermore, if you cannot support your claim that white supremacy is on the rise, you should not make it.

ACTIONS are a sign of affiliation. Case in point, if I "empathized" with BLM, and in turn espoused the same beliefs that people like you think they have, that would be adequate ammunition in your eyes to group me with them.

You know that.

Antisemitism is not limited to white supremacists.

What part of this are you not getting?

A rise in antisemitism, is not proof of a rise in white supremacists.

And who are the ones that typically target Jews for their hatred?

"Very Good People"?

It is you that doesn't get it.

1. Trump specifically stated that he was NOT referring to White Supremacists when he said that. By lying like you just did, you only demonstrate that you are a liar.

2. Plenty of people are antisemitic and target Jews, such as various lefties, blacks, muslims, black muslims, and of course, white supremacists.

3. You are LYING.

I have no reason to lie or disort the truth as you are doing.

Trump is a non issue, but since you often parrot his mysogenistic, hateful rhetoric. I used his fake sentiments as an example.

Your rabid insistence that I am lying, shines a revealing and unfavorable light upon you.

The vast majority of hate crimes against Jews are by white supremacists who are the spawn of Nazi's.....aka... "white supremacists."

If that fact offends your sensibilities, that is not my problem.
Last edited:
Yes, you were clear on that, and I did not say otherwise.

And I pointed out that those actions do not JUST reflect white supremacy ideology.

The increase could just as easily come from antisemitic lefties and/or minorities.

AND furthermore, if you cannot support your claim that white supremacy is on the rise, you should not make it.

ACTIONS are a sign of affiliation. Case in point, if I "empathized" with BLM, and in turn espoused the same beliefs that people like you think they have, that would be adequate ammunition in your eyes to group me with them.

You know that.

Antisemitism is not limited to white supremacists.

What part of this are you not getting?

A rise in antisemitism, is not proof of a rise in white supremacists.

And who are the ones that typically target Jews for their hatred?

"Very Good People"?

It is you that doesn't get it.

1. Trump specifically stated that he was NOT referring to White Supremacists when he said that. By lying like you just did, you only demonstrate that you are a liar.

2. Plenty of people are antisemitic and target Jews, such as various lefties, blacks, muslims, black muslims, and of course, white supremacists.

3. You are LYING.

I have no reason to lie or disort the truth as you are doing.

Your rabid insistence that I am lying, shines a revealing light upon you.

The vast majority of hate crimes against Jews are by white supremacists who are the spawn of Nazi's.....aka... "white supremacists."

If that fact offends your sensibilities, that is not my problem.

1. When you used the "very fine people" quote of the President to pretend that was support of white supremacy, that showed that you are a liar.

2. Support your claim that the "vast majority" of hate crimes against Jews are by white supremacists. Because even according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, white supremacists are such a tiny number of people, I don't see how that is likely.

3. Because if you can't do that, we are on page 21 and no liberal can tell how many more white supremacist there supposedly are.

ANd it is past time to consider that bullshit refuted.
ACTIONS are a sign of affiliation. Case in point, if I "empathized" with BLM, and in turn espoused the same beliefs that people like you think they have, that would be adequate ammunition in your eyes to group me with them.

You know that.

Antisemitism is not limited to white supremacists.

What part of this are you not getting?

A rise in antisemitism, is not proof of a rise in white supremacists.

And who are the ones that typically target Jews for their hatred?

"Very Good People"?

It is you that doesn't get it.

1. Trump specifically stated that he was NOT referring to White Supremacists when he said that. By lying like you just did, you only demonstrate that you are a liar.

2. Plenty of people are antisemitic and target Jews, such as various lefties, blacks, muslims, black muslims, and of course, white supremacists.

3. You are LYING.

I have no reason to lie or disort the truth as you are doing.

Your rabid insistence that I am lying, shines a revealing light upon you.

The vast majority of hate crimes against Jews are by white supremacists who are the spawn of Nazi's.....aka... "white supremacists."

If that fact offends your sensibilities, that is not my problem.

1. When you used the "very fine people" quote of the President to pretend that was support of white supremacy, that showed that you are a liar.

2. Support your claim that the "vast majority" of hate crimes against Jews are by white supremacists. Because even according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, white supremacists are such a tiny number of people, I don't see how that is likely.

3. Because if you can't do that, we are on page 21 and no liberal can tell how many more white supremacist there supposedly are.

ANd it is past time to consider that bullshit refuted.

I stated VERY CLEARLY, after you had the nerve to imply that white supremacists target Jews no more than other groups, that your assertion was not true by any definition.

That is indefensible.


You are reaching into a realm of utter nonsense, which is making you look like a misinformed ass.


I am not wasting another word on your nonsense.
Antisemitism is not limited to white supremacists.

What part of this are you not getting?

A rise in antisemitism, is not proof of a rise in white supremacists.

And who are the ones that typically target Jews for their hatred?

"Very Good People"?

It is you that doesn't get it.

1. Trump specifically stated that he was NOT referring to White Supremacists when he said that. By lying like you just did, you only demonstrate that you are a liar.

2. Plenty of people are antisemitic and target Jews, such as various lefties, blacks, muslims, black muslims, and of course, white supremacists.

3. You are LYING.

I have no reason to lie or disort the truth as you are doing.

Your rabid insistence that I am lying, shines a revealing light upon you.

The vast majority of hate crimes against Jews are by white supremacists who are the spawn of Nazi's.....aka... "white supremacists."

If that fact offends your sensibilities, that is not my problem.

1. When you used the "very fine people" quote of the President to pretend that was support of white supremacy, that showed that you are a liar.

2. Support your claim that the "vast majority" of hate crimes against Jews are by white supremacists. Because even according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, white supremacists are such a tiny number of people, I don't see how that is likely.

3. Because if you can't do that, we are on page 21 and no liberal can tell how many more white supremacist there supposedly are.

ANd it is past time to consider that bullshit refuted.

I stated VERY CLEARLY, after you had the nerve to imply that white supremacists target Jews no more than other groups, that your assertion was not true by any definition.

That is indefensible.


You are reaching into a realm of utter nonsense, which is making you look like a misinformed ass.


I am not wasting another word on your nonsense.

I'm well aware that white supremacists are generally antisemitic, and nothing I said minimized that in any way.

But they are not the sole source of antisemitic violence.

Thus, any rise in antisemitic violence cannot just be assumed to be from the white supremacists.

You lefties have made a claim in this thread. I am just asking you to support it.

You are one of two lefties to have even tried, which puts you ahead of most.

But you have failed.

This lib claim has been refuted.
And who are the ones that typically target Jews for their hatred?

"Very Good People"?

It is you that doesn't get it.

1. Trump specifically stated that he was NOT referring to White Supremacists when he said that. By lying like you just did, you only demonstrate that you are a liar.

2. Plenty of people are antisemitic and target Jews, such as various lefties, blacks, muslims, black muslims, and of course, white supremacists.

3. You are LYING.

I have no reason to lie or disort the truth as you are doing.

Your rabid insistence that I am lying, shines a revealing light upon you.

The vast majority of hate crimes against Jews are by white supremacists who are the spawn of Nazi's.....aka... "white supremacists."

If that fact offends your sensibilities, that is not my problem.

1. When you used the "very fine people" quote of the President to pretend that was support of white supremacy, that showed that you are a liar.

2. Support your claim that the "vast majority" of hate crimes against Jews are by white supremacists. Because even according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, white supremacists are such a tiny number of people, I don't see how that is likely.

3. Because if you can't do that, we are on page 21 and no liberal can tell how many more white supremacist there supposedly are.

ANd it is past time to consider that bullshit refuted.

I stated VERY CLEARLY, after you had the nerve to imply that white supremacists target Jews no more than other groups, that your assertion was not true by any definition.

That is indefensible.


You are reaching into a realm of utter nonsense, which is making you look like a misinformed ass.


I am not wasting another word on your nonsense.

I'm well aware that white supremacists are generally antisemitic, and nothing I said minimized that in any way.

But they are not the sole source of antisemitic violence.

Thus, any rise in antisemitic violence cannot just be assumed to be from the white supremacists.

You lefties have made a claim in this thread. I am just asking you to support it.

You are one of two lefties to have even tried, which puts you ahead of most.

But you have failed.

This lib claim has been refuted.

I'm not committed to "left or right". But if it serves your agenda to label me that way, have at it.

I have already made points. Which you seem to have dismissed.

I never stated that "antisemitism" is confined to only white supremacists. I actually said in a similar way, what you just repeated....."White Supremacists are generally antisemitic".

Of course they are not the sole contributors. But they are the majority.

Thank you for finally making some sense.
Last edited:
1. Trump specifically stated that he was NOT referring to White Supremacists when he said that. By lying like you just did, you only demonstrate that you are a liar.

2. Plenty of people are antisemitic and target Jews, such as various lefties, blacks, muslims, black muslims, and of course, white supremacists.

3. You are LYING.

I have no reason to lie or disort the truth as you are doing.

Your rabid insistence that I am lying, shines a revealing light upon you.

The vast majority of hate crimes against Jews are by white supremacists who are the spawn of Nazi's.....aka... "white supremacists."

If that fact offends your sensibilities, that is not my problem.

1. When you used the "very fine people" quote of the President to pretend that was support of white supremacy, that showed that you are a liar.

2. Support your claim that the "vast majority" of hate crimes against Jews are by white supremacists. Because even according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, white supremacists are such a tiny number of people, I don't see how that is likely.

3. Because if you can't do that, we are on page 21 and no liberal can tell how many more white supremacist there supposedly are.

ANd it is past time to consider that bullshit refuted.

I stated VERY CLEARLY, after you had the nerve to imply that white supremacists target Jews no more than other groups, that your assertion was not true by any definition.

That is indefensible.


You are reaching into a realm of utter nonsense, which is making you look like a misinformed ass.


I am not wasting another word on your nonsense.

I'm well aware that white supremacists are generally antisemitic, and nothing I said minimized that in any way.

But they are not the sole source of antisemitic violence.

Thus, any rise in antisemitic violence cannot just be assumed to be from the white supremacists.

You lefties have made a claim in this thread. I am just asking you to support it.

You are one of two lefties to have even tried, which puts you ahead of most.

But you have failed.

This lib claim has been refuted.

I'm not committed to "left or right". But if it serves your agenda to label me that way, have at it.

I have already made points. Which you seem to have dismissed.

I never stated that "antisemitism" is confined to only white supremacists. I actually said in a similar way, what you just repeated....."White Supremacists are generally antisemitic".

Of course they are not the sole contributors. But they are the majority.

Thank you for finally making some sense.

1. I don't know that they are the majority. Where did you get that information?

2. Now, show that the increase in violence is from white supremacist antisemites, instead of muslim or lefties ones.
I have no reason to lie or disort the truth as you are doing.

Your rabid insistence that I am lying, shines a revealing light upon you.

The vast majority of hate crimes against Jews are by white supremacists who are the spawn of Nazi's.....aka... "white supremacists."

If that fact offends your sensibilities, that is not my problem.

1. When you used the "very fine people" quote of the President to pretend that was support of white supremacy, that showed that you are a liar.

2. Support your claim that the "vast majority" of hate crimes against Jews are by white supremacists. Because even according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, white supremacists are such a tiny number of people, I don't see how that is likely.

3. Because if you can't do that, we are on page 21 and no liberal can tell how many more white supremacist there supposedly are.

ANd it is past time to consider that bullshit refuted.

I stated VERY CLEARLY, after you had the nerve to imply that white supremacists target Jews no more than other groups, that your assertion was not true by any definition.

That is indefensible.


You are reaching into a realm of utter nonsense, which is making you look like a misinformed ass.


I am not wasting another word on your nonsense.

I'm well aware that white supremacists are generally antisemitic, and nothing I said minimized that in any way.

But they are not the sole source of antisemitic violence.

Thus, any rise in antisemitic violence cannot just be assumed to be from the white supremacists.

You lefties have made a claim in this thread. I am just asking you to support it.

You are one of two lefties to have even tried, which puts you ahead of most.

But you have failed.

This lib claim has been refuted.

I'm not committed to "left or right". But if it serves your agenda to label me that way, have at it.

I have already made points. Which you seem to have dismissed.

I never stated that "antisemitism" is confined to only white supremacists. I actually said in a similar way, what you just repeated....."White Supremacists are generally antisemitic".

Of course they are not the sole contributors. But they are the majority.

Thank you for finally making some sense.

1. I don't know that they are the majority. Where did you get that information?

2. Now, show that the increase in violence is from white supremacist antisemites, instead of muslim or lefties ones.
So you admit white supremacists are righties?
1. When you used the "very fine people" quote of the President to pretend that was support of white supremacy, that showed that you are a liar.

2. Support your claim that the "vast majority" of hate crimes against Jews are by white supremacists. Because even according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, white supremacists are such a tiny number of people, I don't see how that is likely.

3. Because if you can't do that, we are on page 21 and no liberal can tell how many more white supremacist there supposedly are.

ANd it is past time to consider that bullshit refuted.

I stated VERY CLEARLY, after you had the nerve to imply that white supremacists target Jews no more than other groups, that your assertion was not true by any definition.

That is indefensible.


You are reaching into a realm of utter nonsense, which is making you look like a misinformed ass.


I am not wasting another word on your nonsense.

I'm well aware that white supremacists are generally antisemitic, and nothing I said minimized that in any way.

But they are not the sole source of antisemitic violence.

Thus, any rise in antisemitic violence cannot just be assumed to be from the white supremacists.

You lefties have made a claim in this thread. I am just asking you to support it.

You are one of two lefties to have even tried, which puts you ahead of most.

But you have failed.

This lib claim has been refuted.

I'm not committed to "left or right". But if it serves your agenda to label me that way, have at it.

I have already made points. Which you seem to have dismissed.

I never stated that "antisemitism" is confined to only white supremacists. I actually said in a similar way, what you just repeated....."White Supremacists are generally antisemitic".

Of course they are not the sole contributors. But they are the majority.

Thank you for finally making some sense.

1. I don't know that they are the majority. Where did you get that information?

2. Now, show that the increase in violence is from white supremacist antisemites, instead of muslim or lefties ones.
So you admit white supremacists are righties?

I dont' know enough about their general policy positions to have an opinion on their politics.

I don't spend much time on such a tiny group.
I stated VERY CLEARLY, after you had the nerve to imply that white supremacists target Jews no more than other groups, that your assertion was not true by any definition.

That is indefensible.


You are reaching into a realm of utter nonsense, which is making you look like a misinformed ass.


I am not wasting another word on your nonsense.

I'm well aware that white supremacists are generally antisemitic, and nothing I said minimized that in any way.

But they are not the sole source of antisemitic violence.

Thus, any rise in antisemitic violence cannot just be assumed to be from the white supremacists.

You lefties have made a claim in this thread. I am just asking you to support it.

You are one of two lefties to have even tried, which puts you ahead of most.

But you have failed.

This lib claim has been refuted.

I'm not committed to "left or right". But if it serves your agenda to label me that way, have at it.

I have already made points. Which you seem to have dismissed.

I never stated that "antisemitism" is confined to only white supremacists. I actually said in a similar way, what you just repeated....."White Supremacists are generally antisemitic".

Of course they are not the sole contributors. But they are the majority.

Thank you for finally making some sense.

1. I don't know that they are the majority. Where did you get that information?

2. Now, show that the increase in violence is from white supremacist antisemites, instead of muslim or lefties ones.
So you admit white supremacists are righties?

I dont' know enough about their general policy positions to have an opinion on their politics.

I don't spend much time on such a tiny group.
Youre lying. You obviously knew enough to exclude them from lefties and muslims. :rolleyes:
I'm well aware that white supremacists are generally antisemitic, and nothing I said minimized that in any way.

But they are not the sole source of antisemitic violence.

Thus, any rise in antisemitic violence cannot just be assumed to be from the white supremacists.

You lefties have made a claim in this thread. I am just asking you to support it.

You are one of two lefties to have even tried, which puts you ahead of most.

But you have failed.

This lib claim has been refuted.

I'm not committed to "left or right". But if it serves your agenda to label me that way, have at it.

I have already made points. Which you seem to have dismissed.

I never stated that "antisemitism" is confined to only white supremacists. I actually said in a similar way, what you just repeated....."White Supremacists are generally antisemitic".

Of course they are not the sole contributors. But they are the majority.

Thank you for finally making some sense.

1. I don't know that they are the majority. Where did you get that information?

2. Now, show that the increase in violence is from white supremacist antisemites, instead of muslim or lefties ones.
So you admit white supremacists are righties?

I dont' know enough about their general policy positions to have an opinion on their politics.

I don't spend much time on such a tiny group.
Youre lying. You obviously knew enough to exclude them from lefties and muslims. :rolleyes:

I know about lefties, and muslims enough to know they deserve to be discussed as distinct groups.
I'm not committed to "left or right". But if it serves your agenda to label me that way, have at it.

I have already made points. Which you seem to have dismissed.

I never stated that "antisemitism" is confined to only white supremacists. I actually said in a similar way, what you just repeated....."White Supremacists are generally antisemitic".

Of course they are not the sole contributors. But they are the majority.

Thank you for finally making some sense.

1. I don't know that they are the majority. Where did you get that information?

2. Now, show that the increase in violence is from white supremacist antisemites, instead of muslim or lefties ones.
So you admit white supremacists are righties?

I dont' know enough about their general policy positions to have an opinion on their politics.

I don't spend much time on such a tiny group.
Youre lying. You obviously knew enough to exclude them from lefties and muslims. :rolleyes:

I know about lefties, and muslims enough to know they deserve to be discussed as distinct groups.
You obviously knew enough to not place white supremacists in the same group. :rolleyes:
I have no reason to lie or disort the truth as you are doing.

Your rabid insistence that I am lying, shines a revealing light upon you.

The vast majority of hate crimes against Jews are by white supremacists who are the spawn of Nazi's.....aka... "white supremacists."

If that fact offends your sensibilities, that is not my problem.

1. When you used the "very fine people" quote of the President to pretend that was support of white supremacy, that showed that you are a liar.

2. Support your claim that the "vast majority" of hate crimes against Jews are by white supremacists. Because even according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, white supremacists are such a tiny number of people, I don't see how that is likely.

3. Because if you can't do that, we are on page 21 and no liberal can tell how many more white supremacist there supposedly are.

ANd it is past time to consider that bullshit refuted.

I stated VERY CLEARLY, after you had the nerve to imply that white supremacists target Jews no more than other groups, that your assertion was not true by any definition.

That is indefensible.


You are reaching into a realm of utter nonsense, which is making you look like a misinformed ass.


I am not wasting another word on your nonsense.

I'm well aware that white supremacists are generally antisemitic, and nothing I said minimized that in any way.

But they are not the sole source of antisemitic violence.

Thus, any rise in antisemitic violence cannot just be assumed to be from the white supremacists.

You lefties have made a claim in this thread. I am just asking you to support it.

You are one of two lefties to have even tried, which puts you ahead of most.

But you have failed.

This lib claim has been refuted.

I'm not committed to "left or right". But if it serves your agenda to label me that way, have at it.

I have already made points. Which you seem to have dismissed.

I never stated that "antisemitism" is confined to only white supremacists. I actually said in a similar way, what you just repeated....."White Supremacists are generally antisemitic".

Of course they are not the sole contributors. But they are the majority.

Thank you for finally making some sense.

1. I don't know that they are the majority. Where did you get that information?

2. Now, show that the increase in violence is from white supremacist antisemites, instead of muslim or lefties ones.

Are you serious!? I don't work for you. Look up the facts, Correll.

They are out there in abundance. I'm not doing any research for you.

And truth be told, you already know that. But you are now deflecting the very facts that you know to be true.

Otherwise, you never would have stated that "White Supremacists usually hate Jews".

You're reaching, yet you're missing.

You are an intelligent man. And I give you that, because that, is true.

But right now, you are not making any sense.

At all.

Use your logic. And Google the facts.
1. When you used the "very fine people" quote of the President to pretend that was support of white supremacy, that showed that you are a liar.

2. Support your claim that the "vast majority" of hate crimes against Jews are by white supremacists. Because even according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, white supremacists are such a tiny number of people, I don't see how that is likely.

3. Because if you can't do that, we are on page 21 and no liberal can tell how many more white supremacist there supposedly are.

ANd it is past time to consider that bullshit refuted.

I stated VERY CLEARLY, after you had the nerve to imply that white supremacists target Jews no more than other groups, that your assertion was not true by any definition.

That is indefensible.


You are reaching into a realm of utter nonsense, which is making you look like a misinformed ass.


I am not wasting another word on your nonsense.

I'm well aware that white supremacists are generally antisemitic, and nothing I said minimized that in any way.

But they are not the sole source of antisemitic violence.

Thus, any rise in antisemitic violence cannot just be assumed to be from the white supremacists.

You lefties have made a claim in this thread. I am just asking you to support it.

You are one of two lefties to have even tried, which puts you ahead of most.

But you have failed.

This lib claim has been refuted.

I'm not committed to "left or right". But if it serves your agenda to label me that way, have at it.

I have already made points. Which you seem to have dismissed.

I never stated that "antisemitism" is confined to only white supremacists. I actually said in a similar way, what you just repeated....."White Supremacists are generally antisemitic".

Of course they are not the sole contributors. But they are the majority.

Thank you for finally making some sense.

1. I don't know that they are the majority. Where did you get that information?

2. Now, show that the increase in violence is from white supremacist antisemites, instead of muslim or lefties ones.

Are you serious!? I don't work for you. Look up the facts, Correll.

They are out there in abundance. I'm not doing any research for you.

And truth be told, you already know that. But you are now deflecting the very facts that you know to be true.

Otherwise, you never would have stated that "White Supremacists usually hate Jews".

You're reaching, yet you're missing.

You are an intelligent man. And I give you that, because that, is true.

But right now, you are not making any sense.

At all.

Use your logic. And Google the facts.

No problem. YOu admit that you cannot support your panic and hate and race mongering.

That supports the conclusion I have reached.

The OP, ie "hate rising" has been refuted.

White supremacy remains a tiny and irrelevant fringe.

Anyone else want to try?
I stated VERY CLEARLY, after you had the nerve to imply that white supremacists target Jews no more than other groups, that your assertion was not true by any definition.

That is indefensible.


You are reaching into a realm of utter nonsense, which is making you look like a misinformed ass.


I am not wasting another word on your nonsense.

I'm well aware that white supremacists are generally antisemitic, and nothing I said minimized that in any way.

But they are not the sole source of antisemitic violence.

Thus, any rise in antisemitic violence cannot just be assumed to be from the white supremacists.

You lefties have made a claim in this thread. I am just asking you to support it.

You are one of two lefties to have even tried, which puts you ahead of most.

But you have failed.

This lib claim has been refuted.

I'm not committed to "left or right". But if it serves your agenda to label me that way, have at it.

I have already made points. Which you seem to have dismissed.

I never stated that "antisemitism" is confined to only white supremacists. I actually said in a similar way, what you just repeated....."White Supremacists are generally antisemitic".

Of course they are not the sole contributors. But they are the majority.

Thank you for finally making some sense.

1. I don't know that they are the majority. Where did you get that information?

2. Now, show that the increase in violence is from white supremacist antisemites, instead of muslim or lefties ones.

Are you serious!? I don't work for you. Look up the facts, Correll.

They are out there in abundance. I'm not doing any research for you.

And truth be told, you already know that. But you are now deflecting the very facts that you know to be true.

Otherwise, you never would have stated that "White Supremacists usually hate Jews".

You're reaching, yet you're missing.

You are an intelligent man. And I give you that, because that, is true.

But right now, you are not making any sense.

At all.

Use your logic. And Google the facts.

No problem. YOu admit that you cannot support your panic and hate and race mongering.

That supports the conclusion I have reached.

The OP, ie "hate rising" has been refuted.

White supremacy remains a tiny and irrelevant fringe.

Anyone else want to try?

What i will admit, which is becoming more apparent is that you have serious issue with comprehenion. I have no reason for panic and no time to hate anyone

And as far as "race" goes, this is a "race relations" forum when I last checke. Or have you overlooked that fact as well?

As usual, you rely on a couple of buzzwords for effect and try to disguise them as a factual argument.

"Race mongering and Race baiting" just to name a couple.

In this thread, you have presented no kind of credible evidence to really refute anything, in spite of information showing a spike in "ACTS" that are consistent with white supremacist ideology being provided as examples.

Your "opinion," is your version of the truth. And it does not count as being fact.
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