Hate Rising: White supremacy's rise in the U.S.

Well if you try what you say, you will find out.

Another civil war is inevitable under the current system. Maybe in my lifetime, maybe not. Whichever side wins will need to eradicate the other, or we’ll be back here again in another 80-100 years. So we’ll just have to wait and see.

Another civil war doesn't have to happen. You white supremacists live under a pretense which is based on delusions of grandeur. This is what has you talking about a civil war like whites are all going to fight for your perceived cause and cleanse America of all non whites. That kind of delusion will end you.
Another civil war doesn't have to happen. You white supremacists live under a pretense which is based on delusions of grandeur. This is what has you talking about a civil war like whites are all going to fight for your perceived cause and cleanse America of all non whites. That kind of delusion will end you.

Another civil war doesn't have to happen. You white supremacists live under a pretense which is based on delusions of grandeur. This is what has you talking about a civil war like whites are all going to fight for your perceived cause and cleanse America of all non whites. That kind of delusion will end you.

It doesn’t have to happen but it will, because the two sides in this country have no common ground to work from.

If you’re Right than it would be better to die, and take some of you with me, than to continue to live in what this nation now is and is becoming.
When a group of people become so abused, derided and made the butt of humiliation, abuse and attack the way that Whites have in the last several decades it’s natural for that group to bind together against the rest of Society.

I find this lie laughable.

Yep. I had to pick myself up off the floor after my laugh attack.

And yes. They are on the rise. Furthermore, if you consider this board to be a microcosm of society, all you need to do is read some of backward ignorance posted in this very forum by extreme right wing loons and ""Trumpers".

So, how many more are there now? Cause no lib so far has been able to give any answer on that.

This has nothing to do with so called "Libs".

So let's not politicize what the news is.
Facts are facts.

Of course no one can assign an exact "specific number" to how many more "individuals" there were than last year or the year before that.

Acts of hate, and hate crimes are measured by the number of incidents that occur year over year.

And incidents are on the rise, as are the number of active hate groups that are currently in existence.

You have access to a computer, so google it.

Anti-Semitic Incidents Fuel 17% Rise in Hate Crimes, FBI Says

Actually counting numbers of people is something people do all the time.

And if libs are going to make a claim like "white supremacy is on the rise", then they should be able to back it up.

A rise in hate crimes does not support that claim. Especially as it is driven primarily by a rise in antisemitic violence, which is just as likely to be left based or from Muslim or other minority (not right) actors.

If you lefties can't support your panic mongering, then you should not be dong it.

Indeed, as you admit you can't back it up, and on page 14 no one has even tried,

Let's just consider this stupid claim refuted.

No. The only thing that is stupid is denial of the fact that "incidents" involving acts of hate by people who lean towards "white supremacist" ideology actilually not happening.

I don't know if you've been in a coma or living under a rock.

Obviously, American society has gone through a process of evolution that has driven white supremacist beliefs underground. But the beliefs never went away, they have just quietly continued to exist becaise of a more politically correct society,.

On the surface.

So yes, people are in fact "counted" for the sake of measuring population growth or decline.

But you know good and well that there are no head counts of individual white supremacists taken, simply because of the fact that it is more prudent for your cause to fly under the radar in terns of your actual numbers, which makes it far easier to stay in existence, however, the rise of ACTIONS that support the "beliefs" are obviously there.

This has nothing to do with so called liberals, or those on the left or the extreme right.

Anyone who is awake knows that.
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I find this lie laughable.

Yep. I had to pick myself up off the floor after my laugh attack.

And yes. They are on the rise. Furthermore, if you consider this board to be a microcosm of society, all you need to do is read some of backward ignorance posted in this very forum by extreme right wing loons and ""Trumpers".

So, how many more are there now? Cause no lib so far has been able to give any answer on that.

This has nothing to do with so called "Libs".

So let's not politicize what the news is.
Facts are facts.

Of course no one can assign an exact "specific number" to how many more "individuals" there were than last year or the year before that.

Acts of hate, and hate crimes are measured by the number of incidents that occur year over year.

And incidents are on the rise, as are the number of active hate groups that are currently in existence.

You have access to a computer, so google it.

Anti-Semitic Incidents Fuel 17% Rise in Hate Crimes, FBI Says

Actually counting numbers of people is something people do all the time.

And if libs are going to make a claim like "white supremacy is on the rise", then they should be able to back it up.

A rise in hate crimes does not support that claim. Especially as it is driven primarily by a rise in antisemitic violence, which is just as likely to be left based or from Muslim or other minority (not right) actors.

If you lefties can't support your panic mongering, then you should not be dong it.

Indeed, as you admit you can't back it up, and on page 14 no one has even tried,

Let's just consider this stupid claim refuted.

No. The only thing that is stupid is denial of the dact that "incidents" involving acts of hate by people who lean towards "white supremacist" ideology actilually not happening.

I don't know if you've been in a coma or living under a rock.

Obviously, American society has gone through a process of evolution that has driven white supremacist beliefs underground. But the beliefs never went away, they have just quietly continued to exist becaise of a more politically correct society,.

On the surface.

So yes, people are in fact "counted" for the sake of measuring population growth or decline.

But you know good and well that there are no head counts of individual white supremacists taken, simply because of the fact that it is more prudent for your cause to fly under the radar in terns of your actual numbers, which makes it far easier to stay in existence, however, the rise of ACTIONS that support the "beliefs" are obviously there.

This has nothing to do with so called liberals, or those on the left or the extreme right.

Anyone who is awake knows that.

The one source you sited as support on number of actions, just counted antisemitic actions, with no breakdown between right and left, white supremacists or muslim.

It could just as easily be fueled by a rise in Muslim immigration, or far lefties responding to Trump's moving of the US embassy.

The SPLC, an organization known for counting non-white supremacists as white supremacists, last time I looked had the number of white supremacist in this country AT MOST, at 8,000.

So, the real number is probably much lower.

Page 17 and no one has even tried to post a bigger number.

The claim to a "rise" in White Supremacy has not been supported at all.

None of you lefties, with all your motivation to support this bs, has been able to come up with ANYTHING.
" The Boat Is Full Why Do They Need More "

* Immigrant Origins Already Represent A Disproportionate Number Of The Global Population *
Bad acting requites people stop the bad behavior. Slavery was just a result of that bad behavior. The behavior has not changed.
Biting the hand that feeds you is bad behavior and the over paid sports actors will figure that out .

Hillary Clinton Says Europe Must ‘Get a Handle’ on Migration to Thwart Populism
“I admire the very generous and compassionate approaches that were taken particularly by leaders like Angela Merkel, but I think it is fair to say Europe has done its part, and must send a very clear message — ‘we are not going to be able to continue provide refuge and support’ — because if we don’t deal with the migration issue it will continue to roil the body politic,” she said.

Key findings about U.S. immigrants
The U.S. foreign-born population reached a record 43.7 million in 2016. Since 1965, when U.S. immigration laws replaced a national quota system, the number of immigrants living in the U.S. has more than quadrupled.

Yep. I had to pick myself up off the floor after my laugh attack.

And yes. They are on the rise. Furthermore, if you consider this board to be a microcosm of society, all you need to do is read some of backward ignorance posted in this very forum by extreme right wing loons and ""Trumpers".

So, how many more are there now? Cause no lib so far has been able to give any answer on that.

This has nothing to do with so called "Libs".

So let's not politicize what the news is.
Facts are facts.

Of course no one can assign an exact "specific number" to how many more "individuals" there were than last year or the year before that.

Acts of hate, and hate crimes are measured by the number of incidents that occur year over year.

And incidents are on the rise, as are the number of active hate groups that are currently in existence.

You have access to a computer, so google it.

Anti-Semitic Incidents Fuel 17% Rise in Hate Crimes, FBI Says

Actually counting numbers of people is something people do all the time.

And if libs are going to make a claim like "white supremacy is on the rise", then they should be able to back it up.

A rise in hate crimes does not support that claim. Especially as it is driven primarily by a rise in antisemitic violence, which is just as likely to be left based or from Muslim or other minority (not right) actors.

If you lefties can't support your panic mongering, then you should not be dong it.

Indeed, as you admit you can't back it up, and on page 14 no one has even tried,

Let's just consider this stupid claim refuted.

No. The only thing that is stupid is denial of the dact that "incidents" involving acts of hate by people who lean towards "white supremacist" ideology actilually not happening.

I don't know if you've been in a coma or living under a rock.

Obviously, American society has gone through a process of evolution that has driven white supremacist beliefs underground. But the beliefs never went away, they have just quietly continued to exist becaise of a more politically correct society,.

On the surface.

So yes, people are in fact "counted" for the sake of measuring population growth or decline.

But you know good and well that there are no head counts of individual white supremacists taken, simply because of the fact that it is more prudent for your cause to fly under the radar in terns of your actual numbers, which makes it far easier to stay in existence, however, the rise of ACTIONS that support the "beliefs" are obviously there.

This has nothing to do with so called liberals, or those on the left or the extreme right.

Anyone who is awake knows that.

The one source you sited as support on number of actions, just counted antisemitic actions, with no breakdown between right and left, white supremacists or muslim.

It could just as easily be fueled by a rise in Muslim immigration, or far lefties responding to Trump's moving of the US embassy.

The SPLC, an organization known for counting non-white supremacists as white supremacists, last time I looked had the number of white supremacist in this country AT MOST, at 8,000.

So, the real number is probably much lower.

Page 17 and no one has even tried to post a bigger number.

The claim to a "rise" in White Supremacy has not been supported at all.

None of you lefties, with all your motivation to support this bs, has been able to come up with ANYTHING.

Your word play and use of playground semantics does not change the fact that ACTIONS which support white supremacist beliefs are in fact on the rise.

So stop wasting time by asking for something that will remain an obscure number. For good reason.

Do you actually believe that if a "census" was proposed to physically count the actual numbers of avowed white supremacists that those who fit the description would openly partcipate?

Its more to the advantage of those of you who share those beliefs, to quietly express them.

Amongst each other.

But the obvious increase in anonymous, planned and random acts supporting such beliefs are on the rise and denial does not change that fact.
Relax. There is no "Rise in White Supremacy". The Media, and the Left want to push this anti Trump narrative for political gain. There is absolutely NO EVIDENCE of this. What is happening is people are getting sick of anti White Racism from the LEFT, and there is an anti Political Correctness movement pushing back against this TYRANNY. It is Americans being Americans.
So, how many more are there now? Cause no lib so far has been able to give any answer on that.

This has nothing to do with so called "Libs".

So let's not politicize what the news is.
Facts are facts.

Of course no one can assign an exact "specific number" to how many more "individuals" there were than last year or the year before that.

Acts of hate, and hate crimes are measured by the number of incidents that occur year over year.

And incidents are on the rise, as are the number of active hate groups that are currently in existence.

You have access to a computer, so google it.

Anti-Semitic Incidents Fuel 17% Rise in Hate Crimes, FBI Says

Actually counting numbers of people is something people do all the time.

And if libs are going to make a claim like "white supremacy is on the rise", then they should be able to back it up.

A rise in hate crimes does not support that claim. Especially as it is driven primarily by a rise in antisemitic violence, which is just as likely to be left based or from Muslim or other minority (not right) actors.

If you lefties can't support your panic mongering, then you should not be dong it.

Indeed, as you admit you can't back it up, and on page 14 no one has even tried,

Let's just consider this stupid claim refuted.

No. The only thing that is stupid is denial of the dact that "incidents" involving acts of hate by people who lean towards "white supremacist" ideology actilually not happening.

I don't know if you've been in a coma or living under a rock.

Obviously, American society has gone through a process of evolution that has driven white supremacist beliefs underground. But the beliefs never went away, they have just quietly continued to exist becaise of a more politically correct society,.

On the surface.

So yes, people are in fact "counted" for the sake of measuring population growth or decline.

But you know good and well that there are no head counts of individual white supremacists taken, simply because of the fact that it is more prudent for your cause to fly under the radar in terns of your actual numbers, which makes it far easier to stay in existence, however, the rise of ACTIONS that support the "beliefs" are obviously there.

This has nothing to do with so called liberals, or those on the left or the extreme right.

Anyone who is awake knows that.

The one source you sited as support on number of actions, just counted antisemitic actions, with no breakdown between right and left, white supremacists or muslim.

It could just as easily be fueled by a rise in Muslim immigration, or far lefties responding to Trump's moving of the US embassy.

The SPLC, an organization known for counting non-white supremacists as white supremacists, last time I looked had the number of white supremacist in this country AT MOST, at 8,000.

So, the real number is probably much lower.

Page 17 and no one has even tried to post a bigger number.

The claim to a "rise" in White Supremacy has not been supported at all.

None of you lefties, with all your motivation to support this bs, has been able to come up with ANYTHING.

Your word play and use of playground semantics does not change the fact that ACTIONS which support white supremacist beliefs are in fact on the rise.

So stop wasting time by asking for something that will remain an obscure number. For good reason.

Do you actually believe that if a "census" was proposed to physically count the actual numbers of avowed white supremacists that those who fit the description would openly partcipate?

Its more to the advantage of those of you who share those beliefs, to quietly express them.

Amongst each other.

But the obvious increase in anonymous, planned and random acts supporting such beliefs are on the rise and denial does not change that fact.

The actions you sited, are not specific to White Supremacist. Antisemitism is found across political and racial lines. There are plenty of lefty and/or nonwhite antisemities in the nation.

I recognize the difficulty of counting white supremacists.

But counting groups that don't want to be counted is done all the time, such as numbers of gang members.

I've often looked for how many white supremacist there are in the US.

The only number I've found is the SPLC, who is not reliable, at 8k, with no hint of how they got that number.

You're the one claiming it is rising, and you can't support your claim.
They've always been rising.

It's just that it's been politically incorrect to look into it.

Previous attempts to look into the danger of rising white supremacy in the US has been shut down, we're talking in the last 10-20 years, I believe multiple times.

It's about time they come clean with this epidemic.

Aw, bullshit. White Supremacy is no more rising in this country than is the Flat Earth Society or the Heaven's Gate Cult.

Anyone who contends that the Triple K or Nazi Party is in "ascendancy", I challenge to them to think how many of their acquaintances and friends are actually members. Very few people even know someone into "white supremacy", much less belong themselves.

I challenge you to be able to tell who is a member of anything just by looking at them.
Well if you try what you say, you will find out.

Another civil war is inevitable under the current system. Maybe in my lifetime, maybe not. Whichever side wins will need to eradicate the other, or we’ll be back here again in another 80-100 years. So we’ll just have to wait and see.

Another civil war doesn't have to happen. You white supremacists live under a pretense which is based on delusions of grandeur. This is what has you talking about a civil war like whites are all going to fight for your perceived cause and cleanse America of all non whites. That kind of delusion will end you.

Conservatives crave violence.
They've always been rising.

It's just that it's been politically incorrect to look into it.

Previous attempts to look into the danger of rising white supremacy in the US has been shut down, we're talking in the last 10-20 years, I believe multiple times.

It's about time they come clean with this epidemic.

Aw, bullshit. White Supremacy is no more rising in this country than is the Flat Earth Society or the Heaven's Gate Cult.

Anyone who contends that the Triple K or Nazi Party is in "ascendancy", I challenge to them to think how many of their acquaintances and friends are actually members. Very few people even know someone into "white supremacy", much less belong themselves.

I challenge you to be able to tell who is a member of anything just by looking at them.

If someone is wearing a Nazi Uniform, and it isn't Halloween and they aren't a WWII reenactor, I think we can assume they might be a nazi.
They've always been rising.

It's just that it's been politically incorrect to look into it.

Previous attempts to look into the danger of rising white supremacy in the US has been shut down, we're talking in the last 10-20 years, I believe multiple times.

It's about time they come clean with this epidemic.

Aw, bullshit. White Supremacy is no more rising in this country than is the Flat Earth Society or the Heaven's Gate Cult.

Anyone who contends that the Triple K or Nazi Party is in "ascendancy", I challenge to them to think how many of their acquaintances and friends are actually members. Very few people even know someone into "white supremacy", much less belong themselves.

I challenge you to be able to tell who is a member of anything just by looking at them.

He is asking you to think of the people you KNOW, not ones you just see.
They've always been rising.

It's just that it's been politically incorrect to look into it.

Previous attempts to look into the danger of rising white supremacy in the US has been shut down, we're talking in the last 10-20 years, I believe multiple times.

It's about time they come clean with this epidemic.

Aw, bullshit. White Supremacy is no more rising in this country than is the Flat Earth Society or the Heaven's Gate Cult.

Anyone who contends that the Triple K or Nazi Party is in "ascendancy", I challenge to them to think how many of their acquaintances and friends are actually members. Very few people even know someone into "white supremacy", much less belong themselves.

I challenge you to be able to tell who is a member of anything just by looking at them.

If someone is wearing a Nazi Uniform, and it isn't Halloween and they aren't a WWII reenactor, I think we can assume they might be a nazi.

Meet Samuel Woodward:

Screen Shot 2018-11-26 at 8.53.29 AM.png

Does he look like a Nazi?

Here is another picture of Sam…

Screen Shot 2018-11-26 at 8.54.45 AM.png

Sam is there on the left with 2 of his Atomwaffen buddies.

You have zero idea who is a nazi, protestant, gay, a barber, Jewish, astronaut, Communist, NASCAR fan, pinochle master, diabetic just by looking at them.
Conservatives crave violence.

Yet LEFTIST Antifa, and Black Lives Matter are the only groups being violent.
During the "Unite The Right" rally in Charlottesville, VA a couple years back, who was responsible for mowing down an innocent protester on purpose, an AntiFacist member, a #BlackLivesMatter member, or some other member?

Looking forward to your response.
Conservatives crave violence.

Yet LEFTIST Antifa, and Black Lives Matter are the only groups being violent.
During the "Unite The Right" rally in Charlottesville, VA a couple years back, who was responsible for mowing down an innocent protester on purpose, an AntiFacist member, a #BlackLivesMatter member, or some other member?

Looking forward to your response.

The young man who mowed down the protester in Charlottesville was not a member of any neonazi or klan outfit. He was staying in his mum's Ohio basement, and apparently watched enough CNN to think that something big was happening in Charlottesville and made the trip.

Mr. Fields was a dupe for the liberal hype that there was a big klan thingie going on a few hours away so he made the trip. CNN and the Fake News media are partly responsible for the death of the broad in Charlottesville.
Oh Goody! Yet another Racist Race Baiting thread by a Racist Race Baiting Race Baiter.

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