Hate Speech In Germany

You got me. I have never even visited Europe.

I had/have a friend who lives in France. He told me years ago, whole neighborhoods in Paris were becoming impassable for women in western garb. And back in the day, Detroit had a sizable Arab population that was no picnic to cope with either.

But Tech_Esq, how is this different from other culture clashes? Surely by the time these immigrant families have had grandchildren, assimilation has largely occurred.

No disrespect, but I think your friend has been packing some weird stuff in his hookah. There isn't a single neighborhood in Paris like that.
I like to talk with myself.

The only one who will agree with you. :razz:

Do you answer yourself as well? :razz: :clap2:


Europe has a grand eye on Turkey. Germany knows and understands their problems and I don't think they are looking myopically at simple economics as ek would think.

He's got another think coming.

You know nothing, just posting Israeli propaganda videos.

Trojans were regarded nobles in medieval times and they were regarded the incarnation of people with fighting spirit, while the Greeks were regarded as perfidious who could only battle the Trojans with tricks (Trojan Horse). Hector was one of the Nine Worthies in medieval culture
Nine Worthies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In medieval culture the nobles of the German tribes regarded Franco of Troy as their founding-father.
During the 2nd Crusade German regiments marched to the Holy Lands through land-route, this included also Anatolia.
The Germans were decimated in Anatolia and as the Germans admired the fighting spirit of the local tribes, they regarded these Turkish tribes also as ancestors from Trojans as only other descandants of Trojans could defeat Trojans (German psyche of that time).
So it is recorded in the chronics of the Germans of that time.

Year 1493 printed 'Welschede World Chronicle' which is an important document for German printing-art of those times.
It tells the story of Franco of Troy and Turco of Troy who were regarded founding-father of the Germans and Turks:
(Picture comes from Wikipedia)

After this crusade, the next hostile encounter was during the 2nd siege of Vienna, where some German Princedomes supported the Habsburgs in defending the city.
All Ottoman soldiers who were captured by Germans were taken to the German City of Hannover and after they died, they were buried to Islamic practices by German Christians. These graves today still are under protection of Germany's historical heritage.

During the Prussian reign, Germans and Turks developed into "Comrades in War".
It led to Ottomans joining Germany in WW1.

The only excemption where Germany and Turkey did not have diplomatical relations was between the time during the treaty of Mudros in 1918 (Post-WW1) and the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923 (Founding of Turkey).

In 2nd world-war Turkey stayed neutral, but opened its door for Germans whose passports were invalidated by the Nazis:
Exil in der Türkei 1933?1945 ? Wikipedia

There is much more history and depth in the relations, but coming to 'modern world', in 1961 Germany and Turkey signed a diplomatical-agreement for Turkish immigration into the German economy, the agreement was to import about 825.000 Turks for the German economy.

Ropey said:
Germany knows and understands their problems
If Germany regards Turks (65% of Muslims in Germany) as a problem, both countries will find a solution.
And as I said earlier, Muslims in Germany won't get pushed around. We are not Tunisia or Algeria who let their people getting pushed around in France or Netherlands.

Angela Merkel is a bit bitchy, she does not really respect history and continuity in State relations between both countries, but others in Germany do.
With the exception of Merkel, Germany was always ruled by leaders in modern times, who sympathized with Turkey.
Germany doesn't consist only of Merkel, and in next election she will be gone and replaced by SPD-Green government.
Those are exceptional friends of Turkey, and the current low-speed in EU accession talks will again speed up.

I also said, that I don't care what happens in France with their Muslim population, as their Muslims come from N.African colonies. Or UK with Muslims from the Indian colonies. All those Muslims live with an inferiority complex within the nations of their colonial masters.
In Germany it is different.
Or like No. 147 of all-time Greatest Germans says:
Peter Scholl-Latour - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The talk of the inferiority complex of the Muslims does not count for the Turks.
Schweizerzeit aktuell
I'm laughing. No more. No propaganda. Just funny...

I know you can't see funny well, but there it is....
We have seen who posted propaganda.
Your video or my post. Readers should decide for themselves.

I´ve heard last week that Thilo Sarrazin has made 2,6 Million Dollars with his book. He´s just another firebug, touching dumb prejudices to make a quick dollar. Like every conspiration theory, it´s just a business.
And as I said earlier, Muslims in Germany won't get pushed around. We are not Tunisia or Algeria who let their people getting pushed around in France or Netherlands.

I also said, that I don't care what happens in France with their Muslim population, as their Muslims come from N.African colonies. Or UK with Muslims from the Indian colonies. All those Muslims live with an inferiority complex within the nations of their colonial masters.
In Germany it is different.

Over half of Turks living in Germany feel like unwanted guests. The survey was released ahead of the German Islam Conference on Thursday, March 13, where the thorny topic of integration tops the agenda.

Integration takes a few blows

It's thought-provoking that thousands of people in Germany feel better represented by Erdogan than by German politicians, commented Armin Laschet, integration minister in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

A series of events in recent weeks have stoked tension over integration in Germany. In early February, nine Turkish immigrants lost their lives when an apartment building in the south-western city of Ludwigshafen caught fire. The blaze was initially thought to be a case of arson, but authorities later said this suspicion was inaccurate.

Hesse's incumbent state premier, Roland Koch, also ruffled feathers earlier this year with an anti-immigrant campaign ahead of parliamentary elections. In particular, he advocated deporting non-German juvenile delinquents.



Erdogan irked some with his thoughts on integration

Low Rates of German-Turkish Marriages Impedes Turkish Integration


Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan called on his compatriots living in Germany not to give up their ethnicity. Chancellor Angela Merkel struck back by stressing the importance of integration.

Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan said:
"Assimilation is tantamount to a crime against humanity,"


More Quotes by Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan

The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers...

Educating future generations

But conservative leaders, such as Bavarian premier Guenther Beckstein, were alarmed by the Turkish prime minister's remarks. Beckstein called them "nationalistic" and "highly displeasing."

Erdogans words are heard around the world. Germany is under a demand from Turkish Muslims.

Let's see what happens with this demand shall we. You quote a poll of 400 respondents and clearly polled for this purpose.

But that's not the reality.

That's the PR reality.
Turkey is to be monitored closely, and its ability to control aspects of other countries cultures needs to be watched for and impeded if or when such things occur as is happening with Germany at the moment. And the Turks in Germany now know this.

A 400 respondent poll notwithstanding.

Peoples like Merkel and Erdogan are temporary.
Like you shout into the forest, so the echo shouts back.
There is competition between Merkel and Erdogan who represents German-Turks, so far Erdogan is winning.
He does this because Turks living abroad will get Seats in Turkish Parliament in the 2015 elections and can already participate in Turkish referendums.

Friendship between Germany and Turkey has passed the test of time.
We aren't going to cut that relationship, just because Merkel isn't doing this much on the EU track pro Turkey.
Everything is temporary. Of course you are not going to cut the relationship. Just that the unhealthiness of Erdogan and a higher ideological thrust into Germany does not help and Germany is now watchful of something it had not considered as highly before.

I am just saying that Turkey needs to be watched closely and that any interactive connection between Islamic parties bear swift addressing.

Possibly it is just a simple rhetoric, but I say it bears fundamental examinations.

To believe that this event is just a bit of economic fliff flaff is surprising and I say greatly minimized.

Turkey needs to be watched closely and it is attaching connection between the Islamic proposals and Germany's inclusion by assimilation is seen to be under attack.

But you say that's not there at all and it is a simple economic evaluation?

Then I posted some funny "stuff" because your "stuff" is even funnier.

That's all.
Turkey is to be monitored closely (...)

Do as you wish, if you imply something like containing, then my answer is:
First contain Iran who dances around your nose for 30 years.

We are talking in a thread about Turkey and Germany.

See if you can contain that aspect.

Containing Turkey? Not at all.

Keeping in mind that an attempt to create an Islamic connection of control between Turkey and Germany's Muslim Turks is to be watched by nations worldwide.

That's all.
Everything is temporary. Of course you are not going to cut the relationship. Just that the unhealthiness of Erdogan and a higher ideological thrust into Germany does not help and Germany is now watchful of something it had not considered as highly before.

I am just saying that Turkey needs to be watched closely and that any interactive connection between Islamic parties bear swift addressing.

Possibly it is just a simple rhetoric, but I say it bears fundamental examinations.

To believe that this event is just a bit of economic fliff flaff is surprising and I say greatly minimized.

Turkey needs to be watched closely and it is attaching connection between the Islamic proposals and Germany's inclusion by assimilation is seen to be under attack.

But you say that's not there at all and it is a simple economic evaluation?

Then I posted some funny "stuff" because your "stuff" is even funnier.

That's all.

No, it is not Turkey which is going to be watched closely.
It is Turkey who will watch what is happening with Turks abroad and to a lesser degree general Muslims.
That as well. And as it should.

But don't you think it will be two way?
We are talking in a thread about Turkey and Germany.

See if you can contain that aspect.

Containing Turkey? Not at all.

Keeping in mind that an attempt to create an Islamic connection of control between Turkey and Germany's Muslim Turks is to be watched by nations worldwide.

That's all.

What do you actually mean by saying religious control?
You should know, that Turkey already controls German-Turks in the religious sphere through DITIB, which is subsidiary of Turkey's Directorate for Religious Affairs.
DITIB is Germany's biggest Muslim organization and runs the most mosques in Germany. The Imams in those mosques are public servants on the paycheck of Turkish State.

Not because we want to control the German-Turks religiously, but they are Muslims and are eligible to receive proper religious service and assistance from an educated Imam for the problems they have in society.

It is not Turkey's fault, that Germany didn't educate its own Imams.
But Germany is finally correcting that error and has established faculties in Universities to raise its own Imams.
It will actually be a financial relief for Turkey, if Germany overtakes this responsibility of training and paying Imams.
ekrem said:
Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan said:
"Assimilation is tantamount to a crime against humanity,"
TThe mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers...

Erdogan is clear.
Erdogan is clear.

what´s clear is that i live side by side with turkish people without having problems. I do so my entire life.

Until you don't.

Ekrem says, don't worry about that. You don't need to watch us. But we will be watching you.

No, it is not Turkey which is going to be watched closely.
It is Turkey who will watch what is happening with Turks abroad and to a lesser degree general Muslims.

And Erdogan is clear. He will be watched.

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