'Hate Speech' Is Anything You Don't Want To Hear


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'Political Correctness', a fascist-created term / movement that has infected this country like a cancer, has spawned an offspring just as destructive, if not more, to our freedoms and liberty, one that directly opposes our Constitutional Right to Free Speech: 'Hate Speech'.

'Hate Speech' takes 'Political Correctness' up a notch'. 'Hate Speech' is like the 'enforcer' behind 'Political Correctness'. One can be criticized for being 'Politically Incorrect', but there are those who want to 'criminalize' 'Hate Speech'. 'Hate Speech' has been elevated by some to the level of the 'N*-word' - 'YOU JUST CAN'T USE IT!'

'Hate Speech' is nothing more than saying something someone else does not want to hear. It is saying something that might 'offend' someone, and the Left is using it to strip Americans of their Right to Free Speech:

"Nearly three-fourths (71%) of Americans believe that political correctness has done more to silence important discussions our society needs to have."

A perfect example of this is the terrorist attack that occurred yesterday. The Left and the Media don't want Americans to mention / point out that the terrorist was an Islamic Extremist radicalized MUSLIM. Despite no one declaring that all Muslims are terrorists or support terrorism, the Left does not even want Americans to discuss the fact that there is a small minority of Muslims who are extremists, who are threats, and who are a danger to this country.

A serious discussion needs to be had in this country as the threat of such attacks continue to grow...but if you try to have one, the Left attacks you for being a racist, an 'Islam-a-phobe'. They try to silence you. President Obama and his administration was so determined to silence those discussions after a terrorist, given a visa and allowed to enter this country, murdered 7 Americans in California that he sent out his US Attorney General who then THREATENED American citizens with JUDICIAL PUNISHMENT if they discussed the attacks and Muslim / Islamic Extremism - if they 'engaged in 'hate speech' about Islam / Muslims'. Once again, the discussions we NEEDED to have were silenced.

Instead, after the attack yesterday, the Mayor of NY pulled out his Liberal Talking-Point sheet and went down it point-by-point.
- This was horrible.
- We will not let this destroy us.
- We will go on.
- We will recover.
- All Muslims are not evil.

Yeah, we KNOW all of that already...but when are we going to have the REAL discussions about the REAL problem and how to REALLY address it.

I do not want to make this entire thread about what happened yesterday. Again, I want to address 'Hate Speech'.

"58% of Americans believe the political climate today prevents them from saying things they believe."

That is SERIOUS.

OVER half of the country believes the political climate in this country today IS SILENCING their Constitutionally-Protected Freedom of Speech, that it is being suppressed. AND THE EVIDENCE SUPPORTS THEIR BELIEF:

- Thugs, many hired by the DNC Presidential Candidate's campaign, physically attacked opposition supporters at the opposition's own rallies, beating and bloodying supporters.

- Electoral College Voters' lives were threatened for voting the way they were going to vote

- Calls for assassinations on the left for opposing their opinions and ideology turned into an actual assassination attempt

- As mentioned, the President of the United States sent out his AG to silence American voices

- Leftist Extremist Antifa admittedly used violence to strip Americans of their Constitutional Right to Free Speech

- Berkeley Students rioted, looted, burned, and used violence to strip Americans of their right to Free Speech

.....and then they accused those on the right who they were attacking and silencing of being a 'Nazi'.

It is this VIOLENCE and INTOLERANCE from the Left that has made over half of Americans feel they can no longer fully exercise their Constitutional Freedom of Speech in this country.

The State of Free Speech and Tolerance in America
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"Most Americans (59%) think people should be allowed to express unpopular opinions in public, even those deeply offensive to other people."

'Deeply Offensive' is like 'Hate Speech' in that it is not defined or judged by some universal measurement. It is subjective.

Declaring an ''Islamic Extremist' was responsible for the terrorist attack yesterday' may be agreed upon by 89% (thrown out number) of Americans yet found to be 'Deeply Offensive' by 7%. To deny Americans of their Constitutional Right of Free Speech because a MINORITY finds something 'Deeply Offensive' is a direct threat to, not to mention a violation of, our Constitutional Rights.

The American people have many Rights in this country - the Right NOT to be offended is NOT one of them.

"Forty percent (40%) think government should prevent hate speech in public."

Think about that for a second.

40% of Americans believe the US government - the same government who illegally spied on citizens, reporters, the media, the US Senate, and the USSC, the same govt that illegally used the IRS to target citizens, the same govt that has elevated itself above both the Constitution and Rule of Law - should be given the power to STIP AMERICANS OF THEIR CONSITUTIONAL RIGHT OF FREE SPEECH!


Those who seek to silence Americans, to strip them of their right of Free speech - by any means: terrorist attacks, threat of judicial punishment by US AGs, 'Political Correctness', 'Hate Speech', etc... - is an even bigger threat to this nation than terrorists who attack and kill our citizens:

Terrorists seek to take our lives and change our way of life.

Those who seek to strip us of our Constitutionally protected Rights seek to take away our FREEDOM!
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Sure, there's no real definition of "hate speech".

It's entirely up for situational interpretation, and entirely the realm of the PC zealots for political advantage.
yep. but i thought "anything you don't want to hear" worked well. i do believe far too many people use it as an excuse to "get away with" telling someone to shut up when there is really no recourse or reason to do it other than you don't like it.
Sure, there's no real definition of "hate speech". It's entirely up for situational interpretation, and entirely the realm of the PC zealots for political advantage.
yep. but i thought "anything you don't want to hear" worked well. i do believe far too many people use it as an excuse to "get away with" telling someone to shut up when there is really no recourse or reason to do it other than you don't like it.
At its foundation, PC is about controlling the speech of others.
At its foundation, PC is about controlling the speech of others.
Agreed. IMO, 'Hate Speech' goes farther. It isn't about 'controlling' the speech of others - it is about SHUTTING IT DOWN / SILENCING IT.
'Political Correctness', a fascist-created term / movement that has infected this country like a cancer, has spawned an offspring just as destructive, if not more, to our freedoms and liberty, one that directly opposes our Constitutional Right to Free Speech: 'Hate Speech'.

Of course, I remember when "Political Correctness" was called by it's original name, "Just having good manners'. or "not being a racist jerk", but never mind.

"Nearly three-fourths (71%) of Americans believe that political correctness has done more to silence important discussions our society needs to have."

99% of Americans will agree to a statement if you word it just the right way. So why not get down to cases of the 'important' speech you think is being stifled by "Political Correctness", as if the words if spoken would summon Dread C'Thulhu from his resting place if ever allowed to be said.

Oh, wait. There aren't any. You guys say whatever ignorant, racist and stupid shit you want, and then you get upset when you get dirty looks and no one takes you seriously.

A perfect example of this is the terrorist attack that occurred yesterday. The Left and the Media don't want Americans to mention / point out that the terrorist was an Islamic Extremist radicalized MUSLIM. Despite no one declaring that all Muslims are terrorists or support terrorism, the Left does not even want Americans to discuss the fact that there is a small minority of Muslims who are extremists, who are threats, and who are a danger to this country.

Well, mostly, because they aren't a danger to the country. The country is still here every day even after the worst attack.

I think the reason why people say these things is because the first reaction of Billy-Bob and Cleetus to an incident like this is go out and beat up a Sikh because they are too piss-ignorant to know the difference between a Sikh and a Muslim, other than they are both "ragheads".

"Forty percent (40%) think government should prevent hate speech in public."

again, goes back to my point that you'll always find someone to agree to something if you word the question the right way.

I do find it funny to watch you and Mac"I'm totally not a bigot from"1958 absolutely shit yourselves over a Muslim running some folks down with a truck, but weren't half as upset a couple weeks ago when some gun nut shot 60 people going to a concert.
Sure, there's no real definition of "hate speech".

It's entirely up for situational interpretation, and entirely the realm of the PC zealots for political advantage.
you're correct. it is all some snowflake with a disease. the supreme court has said it isn't bad.
the backlash is only loading up. the right moved back far enough to give them more than reasonable room to do ... whatever. but at this point when we start taking down history due to faux rage, it's over.

Are we taking down history, or just putting it in it's proper perspective?

I'm still waiting for one of you guys to tell me why Nathan Bedford Forrest - Slave Trader, War Criminal and Founder of the Klan - deserves a huge statue in the middle of a city mostly inhabited by African Americans.

Oh, um, er, "History"... er... "Southern Pride"

Really, guy? Really?
'Political Correctness', a fascist-created term / movement that has infected this country like a cancer, has spawned an offspring just as destructive, if not more, to our freedoms and liberty, one that directly opposes our Constitutional Right to Free Speech: 'Hate Speech'.

Of course, I remember when "Political Correctness" was called by it's original name, "Just having good manners'. or "not being a racist jerk", but never mind.

"Nearly three-fourths (71%) of Americans believe that political correctness has done more to silence important discussions our society needs to have."

99% of Americans will agree to a statement if you word it just the right way. So why not get down to cases of the 'important' speech you think is being stifled by "Political Correctness", as if the words if spoken would summon Dread C'Thulhu from his resting place if ever allowed to be said.

Oh, wait. There aren't any. You guys say whatever ignorant, racist and stupid shit you want, and then you get upset when you get dirty looks and no one takes you seriously.

A perfect example of this is the terrorist attack that occurred yesterday. The Left and the Media don't want Americans to mention / point out that the terrorist was an Islamic Extremist radicalized MUSLIM. Despite no one declaring that all Muslims are terrorists or support terrorism, the Left does not even want Americans to discuss the fact that there is a small minority of Muslims who are extremists, who are threats, and who are a danger to this country.

Well, mostly, because they aren't a danger to the country. The country is still here every day even after the worst attack.

I think the reason why people say these things is because the first reaction of Billy-Bob and Cleetus to an incident like this is go out and beat up a Sikh because they are too piss-ignorant to know the difference between a Sikh and a Muslim, other than they are both "ragheads".

"Forty percent (40%) think government should prevent hate speech in public."

again, goes back to my point that you'll always find someone to agree to something if you word the question the right way.

I do find it funny to watch you and Mac"I'm totally not a bigot from"1958 absolutely shit yourselves over a Muslim running some folks down with a truck, but weren't half as upset a couple weeks ago when some gun nut shot 60 people going to a concert.
Thank you for that opinion from the MINORITY, who seek to manipulate and control people's speech.
the backlash is only loading up. the right moved back far enough to give them more than reasonable room to do ... whatever. but at this point when we start taking down history due to faux rage, it's over.

Are we taking down history, or just putting it in it's proper perspective?

I'm still waiting for one of you guys to tell me why Nathan Bedford Forrest - Slave Trader, War Criminal and Founder of the Klan - deserves a huge statue in the middle of a city mostly inhabited by African Americans.

Oh, um, er, "History"... er... "Southern Pride"

Really, guy? Really?
A 'statue' is not Freedom of Speech.

'History' is not 'speech' - it is a record of what occurred in the past.

Although not 'speech', it IS something Leftists seek to either re-write or outlaw / ban altogether because they are 'Deeply Offended' by it.

Again, Americans have many Rights in this country - the Right NOT to be offended is NOT one of them ... and those who claimed to be offended do NOT have the right to strip others of their Rights simply because they claim to be 'Deeply Offended' by something.
the backlash is only loading up. the right moved back far enough to give them more than reasonable room to do ... whatever. but at this point when we start taking down history due to faux rage, it's over.

Are we taking down history, or just putting it in it's proper perspective?

I'm still waiting for one of you guys to tell me why Nathan Bedford Forrest - Slave Trader, War Criminal and Founder of the Klan - deserves a huge statue in the middle of a city mostly inhabited by African Americans.

Oh, um, er, "History"... er... "Southern Pride"

Really, guy? Really?
taking down history.
Thank you for that opinion from the MINORITY, who seek to manipulate and control people's speech.

Except no one is actually doing that.... other than giving you dirty looks when you say something stupid and racist.

I guess if you can be that easily intimidated, that can be a problem.
well sure they are trying. It happens in universities all the time now. It is only recently the right is finally pushing back. so take your snowflakes and melt away.
Except no one is actually doing that....
REALLY? Liberals attack Christianity, Christian values, etc all the time....but begin discussing the beliefs of Islam, questioning what is being taught, or even draw a picture of Muhammad and the left attacks. As I pointed out, Obama sent out Lynch after the Ca terrorist attack to silence any discussion about Islam and Islamic Extremism. History / Evidence does not support your claim.
Thank you for that opinion from the MINORITY, who seek to manipulate and control people's speech.

Except no one is actually doing that.... other than giving you dirty looks when you say something stupid and racist.

I guess if you can be that easily intimidated, that can be a problem.
/----/ Joe, are you that misinformed?
Protestors watch a bonefire on Sproul Plaza during a rally against the scheduled speaking appearance by Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos on the University of California at Berkeley campus on Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2017, in Berkeley, Calif. The event was canceled out of safety concerns after protesters hurled smoke bombs, broke windows and started a bonfire. (AP Photo/Ben Margot) (Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.)
Thank you for that opinion from the MINORITY, who seek to manipulate and control people's speech.

Except no one is actually doing that.... other than giving you dirty looks when you say something stupid and racist.

I guess if you can be that easily intimidated, that can be a problem.
/----/ Joe, are you that misinformed?
Protestors watch a bonefire on Sproul Plaza during a rally against the scheduled speaking appearance by Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos on the University of California at Berkeley campus on Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2017, in Berkeley, Calif. The event was canceled out of safety concerns after protesters hurled smoke bombs, broke windows and started a bonfire. (AP Photo/Ben Margot) (Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.)
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This was a great example of the Left successfully using violence to shut down Free Speech.

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